This is a Miracle

Chapter 424 Do you remember

"She lied to us."

When Nohayak said this again, he was very calm, as if he was not talking about himself at all: "That was not a war of aggression at all. The war of resistance she said was a complete scam."

When the Queen invited Noha, she made it clear that they were going to help in the war.

"She said that the world of Ellebergen originally belonged to her, but those hateful invaders took what belonged to her."

The Oravan people were pure in nature. They really believed what the Queen said and believed that the world of Ellebergen was owned by the Queen alone. Therefore, as invaders, they directly declared war on the major camps in Ellebergen at that time.

Here, Nohayak got two things wrong.

The first thing is that the Queen is not righteous, and as the foreign aid invited by the Queen, they are not the righteous party either.

Although it is ridiculous to talk about justice and evil, it is a fact that the teacher comes from the unknown.

Especially when the Oravans had no intention of actively invading others, they did something tantamount to aggression, which made Nohayak feel deceived and betrayed.

"She became a liar and deceived everyone."

Nohayak lowered his head and closed his eyes, as if recalling the past that made him extremely painful and regretful: "I made a wrong decision, fought a wrong war, and caused my compatriots to suffer great consequences. Disaster."

This is the second thing. The Oravan people misestimated the strength of the ‘Ellebergen invaders’ that the Queen called them.

"I thought we were strong enough to handle any situation."

"But the result is," Nohayak shook his head and sighed: "Our opponent was beyond imagination, and we lost."

The queen's terror and insidiousness were once again placed in front of the old uncle. He didn't know who Nohayak was. Maybe the heroic spirits knew, but he must be a great big shot.

However, such a person was still plotted by the Queen and almost lost everything.

"The Battle of Ellebergen, this is what I want to tell you."

"Then what?"

The old uncle knew that Nohayak could not hear his voice, but he still asked: "What does it have to do with us?"

"The Queen will not give up.


Nohayak said: "She will definitely continue that plan, so the second battle of Ellebergen will be a matter of time."

Second time, the Battle of Ellebergen. . .

The old uncle frowned deeply. He didn't expect that the message Noha sent through the torrent was something like this.

"The Battle of Ellebergen, can you tell me the detailed process?"

The old uncle felt that since Nohayak would come to inform him, he must have come with important information. However, what he didn't expect was that Nohayak showed a look of regret: "I'm sorry, about Ellebergen." I don’t know the specifics.”


The old uncle was stunned. He felt that there was ambiguity in Nohayak's words.

As a person who participated in the Battle of Ellebergen, how could he not know what happened that year? This is simply unreasonable.

"I really don't know."

Nohayak said: "Those who participated in that war have almost forgotten what it was like, and even if they remember it, it is probably wrong."

"Why is this happening?"


Nohayak's words coincided with the old uncle's question. He said: "Everyone's memory is biased, including mine."

"Someone has such a powerful power that can change everyone's memory?"

"Maybe you are thinking, how could someone so powerful be able to do such a thing," Nohayak shook his head and said, "No, that's not the case. The person who modified my memory was myself. In the past of me."

Nohayak had experienced the Erebogen War, but for some unknown reason, after returning from that war, he took the initiative to seal his memory.

Not only that, Noha in the past also left a message to him in the present: 'Never explore this past. Once it is revealed, there will be no benefit, only terrible disaster. ’

"This is my warning to me."

Nohayak said: "That memory cannot be retrieved. Once someone knows about it, disaster will strike."


Nohayak said: "I did not blindly listen to my past self. I chose to trust, but I also kept a hand."

"Maybe this is me. The one who knows me best is myself," Nohayak said. "The past me left me such an aphorism. He knew very well that I would not explore too much, but I would still search for it. I believe in myself because if I leave a clue to my future self, I will do the same.”

"So, following the existing traces, I began to investigate, and then peeled off the cocoons to find the answer."

Next, Nohayak told the old uncle all the information he had investigated. In the process, the wisdom displayed by the other party was terrifying even for the old uncle who had already been imparted knowledge by Hongliu.

"did you find it?"

"It's impossible to say for sure because the last piece is missing."

"What fragment?"

The old uncle looked at Nohayak, and he also felt strange. It was obvious that the other party was just an influence, but the two felt each other across endless time, space and dimensions.

"one question."

Nohayak said: "If I am not wrong in my calculation, the queen will definitely meet you, she will find you and find him."


"Your king," Nohayak: "King of the Adonites."

The old uncle subconsciously thought that the king Nohayak was talking about was Bai Luo, because no one else could call himself the King of Adun except him.

"If you meet the Queen," Nohayak said, "I hope you will ask her a question."


Before Nohayak could tell the question, the old man had already made a guess: ‘Ask her if she remembers the Battle of Ellebergen? ’

"Ask her if she remembers the Battle of Ellebergen!"

Sure enough, just as the old uncle predicted, Nohayak got a clue, and the answer to that clue had a high probability to have nothing to do with the queen.

Even what they now understand and know about the Battle of Ellebergen, including what the heroic spirits know, may be false and have been modified.

This also means that the evil, terrible, and wrong queen depicted in this history is probably not a villain.

Nohayak came up with an almost impossible answer to the reason why an evil queen appeared. However, this answer became the only possibility after eliminating all possibilities: "She did not deceive us. The reason why I think so is that the memories and the past that I know come from protection.”

In other words, if even the Queen's own memory has changed and she does not remember the Battle of Ellebergen.

Nohayak can draw a new conclusion: 'In order to protect that period of history from being discovered, the queen sacrificed herself and became the devil that everyone shouted at. ’

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