This is a Miracle

Chapter 428: Foreign Aid

"It's not that I let her go, but she will definitely go."

The old uncle looked at Bai Luo, his words were very simple and very casual, but what was hidden inside made Bai Luo both helpless and moved.

Adun people are indeed born fearless and courageous, but they are not born loyal people, and the feelings between each other are equally important.

After more than ten years of education, it can be said that the residents of Yaden Village were all brought out by him, and Alea was naturally included among them.

This is the property left by the old uncle for Bai Luo, and each of them is willing to sacrifice for Bai Luo.

That's why the old uncle said, it's not up to him whether Aleia will go or not, but as long as Aleia knows about it, she will never have a second choice besides going.

"I'd better ask her."

Bai Luo still wanted to ask for Alea's opinion, although he had already guessed the result, he still had to ask.

"I would."

Sure enough, Alea gave the answer almost reflexively, without any hesitation at all: "If I can suppress it, I will become the highest miracle creature, Xiao Luo, don't worry, I will never be like Dusk .”

Twilight's desire to destroy is too strong, it has no distinction between friend and foe.

Aleia is different. If she becomes a miracle, it is true that Bai Luo needs her allegiance the most, but she understands people's hearts and knows what Bai Luo likes and what she doesn't like.

This point is difficult for Dusk to do, because her attitude is: I don't want you to think, I want me to think.

Dusk will not harm Bai Luo, it just wants to make Bai Luo stronger so that he can better protect himself.

But Dusk doesn't care about the method, even if it kills all the people Bai Luo is familiar with, it will only think that it is for Bai Luo's good, and it is a pain to make people improve.

"However, I may fail."

Alea's voice was very gentle, as if she didn't care whether she would fail at all: "But it's also a good thing, right, Xiao Luo?"


"If I fail," Alea said with a smile, "it means that there is no one in Arden who can bear that power. Xiao Luo, you can give it up with peace of mind."

Aleia's will is recognized as powerful by Yaden Village,

Even the old uncle and senior sister praised her many times and said that they are not as good as her.

She couldn't even suppress the evil nature of the electronic frontier, so things like this were really too dangerous for Bai Luo.

Rather than being reluctant and reluctant, hesitating, it is better to be more straightforward, cut through the mess quickly, and don't want it if you say no.

The most painful thing about miracles is not getting what you want, and what is even more painful is that you have to give up when you are close at hand. This is the most testing time for a person's inner strength.

Just like old Yaden and old uncle, they are the real strong.

And now, it was Bai Luo's turn.

"you're right."

Bai Luo knows that the highest rank is terrible, he doesn't even dare to use a piece of Twilight now, so what's the point of having more highest rank miracles?

You must know that the highest position is poisonous. Since you are useless, but you have two or three top positions in your hand, wouldn’t it be beneficial for nothing and triple the disadvantages?

One extra day is one extra day of risk.

It is clear at a glance whether such a supreme miracle is good or bad.

"No matter how powerful the power is, if it can't be used by me, it's better not to have it."

Of course, Bai Luo will not let others get it, he will find a way to destroy that miracle, and even find the highest miracle in the future, and then destroy it——If I can't get it, no one else can get it either.

"So it's up to you, Sister Aleia."

Bai Luo believed in the old uncle's judgment. The Arden royal family has gone through three generations and has already thoroughly researched the 'Electronic Frontier'.

As long as the will of the electronic frontier can be replaced by one of our own, then this supreme miracle will likely become a miracle without side effects.


The old uncle looked at the senior sister again: "We are going to break into the core of the electronic frontier this time. It is very dangerous there. I don't want Xiao Luo and the others to take this risk."

"I see."

The senior sister understood the meaning of the old man in seconds: "You want me to find 'foreign aid', right?"


The old uncle said: "We need the best of the best, the ones who are stronger than we imagined."

This kind of combat power, there are not many in the world of miracles, but there are a group of them in the trading house, who are the seven crowned emperors that the senior sister met when she moved forward to play the queen.

"No problem?"

The senior sister asked: "If they make a move, will it be a miracle..."


The old uncle shook his head and said, "That miraculous task is actually still on me. As long as I don't die, they can't get the electronic frontier."

The old uncle is now Bai Luo's miraculous creature, and his mission is naturally also Bai Luo's mission.

"And this task is of a heritage nature, it can be given," the old uncle said to Bai Luo: "I will pass this task on to you Xiao Luo at the right time."

The right time to say it's not yet.

"What is the correct time?"

Bai Luo absolutely believed in the old man, but he somehow had an ominous premonition, as if something bad would happen if he went to Electronic Frontier this time.

"I can't tell you yet," the old uncle patted Bai Luo's shoulder: "You will know when the time comes."


Bai Luo carried out the sequence of actions in his mind.

First of all, they are going to find the electronic frontier, but this process is very difficult. The old uncle needs the senior sister to use the identity of the queen to call a few helpers in the trading house to help them find the way.

And at the critical moment, the old uncle will pass on the task to Bai Luo, and Bai Luo will complete it himself, so as to obtain this miracle and let him recognize the master.

But it's not over yet, after the electronic frontier mission, Bai Luo will fuse it with Alea.

The fusion here is not about bestowing miracles and turning the other person into a person of miracles, because there is no such thing as the highest miracle that the master of miracles cannot use. Once obtained by the master, a contract will be concluded immediately and cannot be bestowed.

So what Bai Luo needs to do is to 'turn' Alea into the Electronic Frontier, turning the Electronic Frontier from a miraculous thing into a miraculous creature.

This is what the old man meant by letting Alea replace the will of the electronic frontier as the new supreme miracle.

"I go first."

The plan has been arranged, and the senior sister immediately left and went to the trading house. At the same time, she also used the queen's power to call the Seven Crown Emperor to the scene.

On Bai Luo's side, he notified the miraculous creatures and miraculous people who acted together this time. As for the miraculous people, Bai Luo didn't plan to bring anyone else except Aleia.

There is no need to see this kind of world for the time being, it is too early for them.

"I will also say goodbye to Qingquan."


Bai Luo was stunned for a moment, and the old uncle quickly added: "We are one, so she doesn't have to go if I go."

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