This is a Miracle

Chapter 439 God on Earth

"Can't hide!"

The actions of the Moon God are completely locked by Rakshasa. Those who have not experienced the power of living together will never understand how terrifying it is.

Like a poisonous snake, once she focused her attention on Huang Quan's thunder dance, the Rakshasa would draw its sword.

But if your energy is attracted by Rakshasa, the result will be death.

To avoid or not to avoid, to pay attention or not to pay attention, are all problems.

Even if you can multi-task, there is only one person, and there is only one soul, self, and crisis perception.

The Rakshasa's Iai is locked on the Moon God's mind and body, and she can't escape!


Under the thunder storm, the earth trembled, and countless golden arcs danced crazily in the air. A figure burst out from it, and it was the Moon God.

However, compared to the previous casualness and sanctity, the white clothes seemed to be stained with bright red blood.


Luna didn't know where the five sisters and brothers came from, but this blockade-like offensive made her extremely regretful as to why she didn't enter the third awakening state as soon as possible and face them at their peak.

"You underestimated the enemy."

But it doesn't matter, she only suffered some minor injuries now, and she only needs to enter the third sleep. . .


A heartbreaking pain penetrated her chest from behind. Luna's pupils shrank and she looked at the sharp blade in disbelief: "When..."

"You don't even need to awaken in the face of the miracle body. Girl, you are very courageous."

Luna felt very aggrieved inexplicably. She never imagined that the group of people she was dealing with were all miracle entities.

If she had known earlier, just by looking at her immediate retreat when she met Shirley, we would have known that Luna would never confront the Luwei family head-on.

"But unfortunately, the game ends here."

Old Luwei pulled the knife out of Luna God's body, watched the other person slowly fall down, and turned into silver light particles in mid-air and dissipated, and said solemnly: "I have one last message for you."


will be defeated. "

Without Awakening, although the Luwei family has just entered Second Awakening and is capable of performing the equivalent of a king's legalization, it is still very easy to deal with legendary powerhouses with their abilities.

This is not to say that the Miracle Noumenon is not the opponent of the legendary powerhouse, but that the latter can indeed fight against the Erjue Miracle Noumenon.

You can't win, but you won't lose either. At least you can run away when you can't beat.

However, arms are just arms after all, and they must never directly come into contact with the true body of Miracle, such as Shirley's wings, the blades in the hands of Luwei's family, and Xiaobai's fists.

Just like a sword blade at dusk, it is equivalent to hitting you with "infinite" power directly. The damage cannot be described as amazing.

"it's over."

Old Luwei saw clearly and knew what method to use to deal with the soldiers (Sons of Miracles).

It's not that fancy trick, it's about forcing the opponent to fight me hand to hand, and then I win with one blow, and then I take off her clothes!


Lu Wei's family quickly retreated to Bai Luo's side. They moved so fast that although they went back and forth, the actual time they spent was less than 0.1 seconds.

If you don't activate your thinking to speed up, to others, it would be like the moon god himself rushing up and leaning his neck against the sharp blade.

High speed will lead to death, thousands of miles will lead to death!


A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door, Bai Luo secretly said that Lao Luwei is worthy of being a living saint, and he has truly exerted the power of miracles on the blade, without wasting any of it.

"Excuse me, she's just a legend," Gui Ji said, "It was a dereliction of duty on our part to let her get so close and almost offend you."

Luwei's family is still relatively Versailles, and they are obviously capable of three awakenings in an instant.

Although Yue Shen underestimated the enemy, being able to kill him with one strike really opened Bai Luo's eyes. He had never heard of anyone who could defeat the legendary strong man so easily.


One punch knocked the Son of the Sun away, while Di Sui stopped Xingchen Diji to prevent her from interfering with Zu Taichu.

"So fast?"

Bai Luo can sense the situation in the unforgivable room, and Zu Taichu and Di Sui can naturally sense them as well.

However, Bai Luo's actions were too fast, and Di Sui was unable to judge the strength of the Moon God and the Son of the Sun. However, Zu Taichu had the first cause, and he could directly determine the enemy's strength based on the life map.

The Moon Goddess and the Son of the Sun are not much different. They each have their own advantages, but the opponents they are looking for are too inappropriate.

If the Sons of the Sun faced off against the Luwei family, the battle would never be so easy.

"Are you making excuses for yourself?"

Di Sui complained about Zu Taichu, which made the latter helplessly say: "His recovery ability is too strong, and he is much more difficult to deal with than the previous one."

The sun, moon and stars, the three celestial soldiers, the most powerful one is indeed the son of the sun.


The fall of the Moon God put the Son of the Sun and the Star Emperor under tremendous pressure.

The three of them have nothing to do with each other. They were just summoned by the Electronic Frontier as the leaders of the three tribes. The three of them don't even know each other. They can only slightly feel the same origin through the relationship between the three celestial bodies.

But it was because of this that they realized how powerful this group of enemies was.

Facing them, you must be in your strongest state immediately, otherwise, you may be like the Moon God, who underestimated the enemy and was killed instantly.

[Power: God on Earth]

The Son of the Sun's temperament has undergone tremendous changes under the power of invisible miracles. There is no human emotion in his eyes anymore, but he sees everything from a larger pattern and a higher and subtle perspective.

Every move represents the most powerful life form in the world and is the final state that all living beings long for and pray for.

What is God?

God will do what man cannot do!

Man cannot stay young forever, so God can; man cannot live forever, so God can; man may have things he cannot do, but God can do everything; man has limits, but God does not!

God is the greatest yearning of human beings, the ultimate form they dream of.

However, human beings still have some selfish motives, that is, they hope that gods can look similar to humans. It would be best if they would become humans, talk to them, and walk with them.

This is the legendary awakening of the Son of the Sun and his power - a humanoid god walking on earth!

He is the highest desire of all mankind for a human-like god, and is the only answer for God to respond to mankind.

"You are strong, intruder."

The Son of the Sun's character seemed to have changed. He was not angry because he was beaten by Zu Taichu, but was extremely calm: "I feel your power, and I also see the tip of the iceberg of a power more powerful than this. I am not you opponent."

"Yet I had to fight."

As the sound resounded, the Son of the Sun slowly opened his arms, and the entire space seemed to be enveloped by invisible power. Then, an advanced and prosperous metropolis replaced the original world, pulling Emperor Sui and Zu Taichu into it: "Now, I will judge your unjust acts in this city of justice, even if you pay for it with your life."

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