This is a Miracle

Chapter 442: Enlightening the Myth

"Retreat, Taichu boy!!!"


Zu Taichu was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that someone was grabbing him by the collar, and then flew out with the other person: "Brother Di Sui, are you serious?"

"Fighting him will kill you, give up."

Emperor Sui, the absolute overlord of the Eastern Continent before the dignified Empress Dong, and the man regarded by Zu Taichu as the strongest master of miracles, chose to run away shamelessly.

"Are you kidding me?"

Zu Taichu didn't know how to complain. Did he vote so quickly? It took less than 20 minutes.

"I really can't beat it."

Emperor Sui's shamelessness really shocked Zu Taichu: "Is this guy named Hals that strong?"

"I don't know," Di Sui said, "but sometimes, we have to believe in some ancient myths and legends."

Di Sui had encountered Hals' name during his exploration of the electronic frontier system. If the myths and legends were true, then the man in front of him was not an ordinary person.

One of the three legendary scientists in the Electronic Frontier world, the owner of the Unforgivable Room, symbolizing the bottom line and humanity of scientists.

Anyone who dares to violate the rules he set will be their eternal prison in this black box.

It is no exaggeration to say that Hals single-handedly suppressed all voices of resistance. He alone is synonymous with law in the electronic frontier world.

"That's all the information?"

Zu Taichu: "We have to fight before we talk, right?"

"Where do you want to go?"

Without waiting for Di Sui's reply, a figure jumped over the two of them and stopped directly in front of them.

In mid-air, Di Sui and Hals exchanged several moves. Neither side took advantage, but Di Sui was indeed stopped, and it was difficult to retreat for a while.

"Can you save your face and let us leave?"

Di Sui didn't want to fight Hals. After all, if the opponent was really the Hals he imagined, then this battle would be quite troublesome.

To be honest, Di Sui never thought that he could defeat Hals. The only thing he was confident about was that he could escape from here with Zu Taichu.

As for the price. . .

This is also the reason why Di Sui stayed to talk to Hals.

He wants to minimize the losses, even to zero.

"You're too arrogant, boy."

Hals' eyes narrowed, and a huge sense of oppression enveloped Zu Taichu and Di Sui, especially the former. The first cause was almost constantly ringing the alarm, telling him to stay away from the person in front of him immediately. That was something he absolutely couldn't do now. A worthy opponent.

"How much is your face worth?"

"Don't say that."

Di Sui waved his hand and said with a smile: "Even if my face is worthless, it seems that you were summoned by Electronic Frontier not to deal with us, right?"


Electronic Frontier may not have a self, but it does have a will.

Hals is so powerful that even Emperor Sui is unwilling to fight head-on. You can imagine how strong he is.

"If you were here, I would definitely have to fight you. It is inevitable."

Di Sui: "But you should have a mission now, right?"

"In that case, is it really okay to waste your time on us?"

Really strong people not only rely on strong power, they also use wisdom to get more things for themselves. This is not cleverness, but making the most correct judgment: "Those people outside are the ones you should deal with, right? And , there should be someone there who can make you care."


Hals' eyes became more and more dangerous: "Everyone here must die, and you are no exception."

"What if I said Atian!"

"Even if this name is mentioned," Di Sui said with a smile, "Are you still indifferent?"


Hals was a little surprised. He never thought that he would hear this name in such a place: "Why is such a person here?"

"You have to ask this yourself."

"Talked a lot of nonsense!"

Hals became more and more dissatisfied. He didn't want to waste any more time talking to Di Sui. He looked at Xingchen Diji aside, who immediately looked panicked: "Lord Hals, I..."

"You are not an entity, just a copy."

Hals can see through this because his level of strength is so high that even Electronic Frontier has to use great power to summon it.

In comparison, Star Emperor Ji is only in the legendary realm, and she feels that she is real.

Unfortunately, this is just a personality simulation of Electronic Frontier. Star Emperor Ji's body may have died long ago, and she is just a projection.

"But it doesn't matter. We are all the same and have a mission."

Hals raised his finger and gently touched the center of Star Emperor Ji's eyebrows. The next moment, the woman's eyes became deeper and deeper, and there were even endless dimensions flowing during the period.

"I saw..."

Star Emperor Ji only felt a huge flow of knowledge pouring into her brain. Her realm continued to rise. In just a blink of an eye, she reached the fifth realm that was difficult for ordinary people to reach - the mythical level.

"Go ahead, stop them, and then go over after I deal with the intruders here."

What Hals did was somewhat beyond Di Sui's expectations. He originally thought that the opponent's clones were incompetent, but Hals casually created a miraculous combat power of mythical level. With such power, Di Sui secretly said: 'It's truly worthy of being legendary. character.


Star Emperor Ji already knew about her existence, but she didn't care. In the realm of mythology, the matter of life and death has become unimportant.

If an epic transcends dimensions and becomes one with a certain concept, it becomes a true god in the world of miracles in a true sense.

Then the mythical level is the master who divides the world, is above all things, and is second only to the Lord of Miracles.

If there is no miracle, myth is the pinnacle.

Even though this world already has a ruler named the Lord of Miracles, mythology is still strong.

Because even when faced with the true body of miracles, Shinhwa can resist the five senses and compete with the four senses of miracles. Even when facing the Lord of Miracles with three senses, he can force the opponent to bow his head as a citizen of miracles.

Yes, the mythical son of miracles is already fearless of the three awakened and lower miraculous bodies.

Although it is still unable to harm the main body of the miracle, in terms of pure external release and the instant burst of the power of the miracle, the mythical level is stronger.

Taking the Turtle School Qigong as an example, the blow unleashed by the Lord of the Three Awakenings and Miracles with all his strength cannot compare with the full power of the Myth. Therefore, apart from his immortality, the former cannot protect anyone, nor can he kill anyone in front of the powerful Myth.

"give it to me."

The figure of Star Emperor Ji disappeared from the spot. Apparently, she had gone to Bai Luo's side.

"It seems that the lost history still underestimates you," Di Sui sighed: "What kind of legendary scientist, you are clearly a great philosopher."

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