This is a Miracle

Chapter 454: Is it okay for my ancestor to hit you?

Hals can be said to be quite angry at this time. Even though it is a replica, his character is the same as the original.

It would be annoying for anyone to be called out and go away like this, let alone someone like Hals, who is known as the three mysterious scientists in the electronic frontier world.

"Hey kid, are you kidding me?"

Hals flicked his fingers, and with a 'click' sound, the blade formed by the miraculous power in Shura's hand instantly shattered: "How can you kill me with such a knife, please be serious!"

When he helped Electronic Frontier before, it was out of professional ethics, but when his employer was so insulting, Hals felt extremely stupid if he persisted.

Unfortunately, Electronic Frontier has gained the support of a torrent, and even Hals's incarnation cannot resist its power.

He had to fight.

"I'm in an atheistic state now," Hals said, "Don't think about those powerful myths, they won't work on me, but basic things like swords, guns, swords, halberds, fists, and even stones can hurt me, understand. Yet?"

Electronic Frontier made the substitution because it knew very well that it had no combat experience, so it asked Hals to come.

But isn’t it a bit arrogant?

Even if you don't understand people's hearts, it's simply too much to play with the incarnation of a great and dignified existence and ask him to help you fight!

So Hals surrendered to the enemy, and now he just wants to be killed quickly.

He would rather die and disappear than live and suffer this humiliation.

"Go together!"

Gui Ji, Huang Quan, Rakshasa, and Yaksha, the strongest swordsmen under Bai Luo formed a powerful combination that far exceeded the power of the sniper against Star Emperor Ji.

At this time, they are all in the state of six awakenings. Although they are part of a miraculous body, each of them has a certain degree of exceptional power.

That’s right, the biggest difference between the six senses and the five senses is the exception!

As mentioned before, the essence of the exception is to transcend the absolute protection of miracles, break the original rules of the game, and turn the mechanism of deducting blood bit by bit into a percentage damage.

If the previous trick was to reduce health by 1000 points after hitting it, then now it is to reduce it by 0.1%!

Even though this one-thousandth is very small, what if the other party's life value is hundreds of billions?

Yes, it is such an exaggeration. Even if the life value of the miracle body is not taken into consideration by the protection of infinite power, they are still an invincible behemoth.

If they hadn't faced the ultimate artifacts like Li Guang and Dusk, Ying Muji, Fat Laohan, Di Sui, and the Ancient Emperor, they would have never really killed a few miracle entities in their lives.

but. . .


"It's completely untouchable!"

Yasha was confused. What was going on with the man named Hals in front of him? Five of them fought one against the other and set up various killing patterns, but the other party seemed to be cheating and forced them to lose even a little bit of skin. Didn't rub it.

If the blood is not deducted and you can't touch anyone, it will be useless even if you deduct the blood by percentage.

"This is too much."

Bai Luo was riding Shirley and was getting used to her power, but when Hals fought with the Luwei family, the battle was not even a battle, but a complete teasing.

"What kind of scientist does he think he is? He must be a martial arts master!"

Standing with his hands behind his back, Hals completely neutralized the joint attacks of the five members of Luwei's family with just a few moves and a simple flick of his fingers. His leisurely posture was extremely relaxed.

"I'm a scientist," Hals said, "but I'm also a martial arts master motivated by interest."

As a scientist, Hals has studied swordsmanship, boxing, bodywork, internal strength training, meditation, and knows magic, fairy magic, feng shui, and fortune-telling. Isn't this normal?


Seeing the strength gap between the two sides, Gui Ji immediately asked her younger brothers and sisters to retreat: "This guy doesn't mean what he says. He asked us to use simple single-target attacks, but he..."

"What a despicable man!"

Gui Ji felt ashamed of her innocence, while Huang Quan on the side secretly analyzed: "Any mythical things are ineffective against him.

However, items such as swords can cause harm to him. "

At this moment, Huang Quan seemed to understand something. She shouted to Gui Ji: "His weakness is civilization!"

Civilization is a broad term.

Scientology denies myth, but it admits something else.

Just like Nuwa, science denies that Nuwa can create humans, but recognizes that Nuwa is the leader of the matriarchal society in ancient times. She represents the origin of human civilization. If the power transformed by this recognition serves as the source, Hals Waiting for scientists to be defenseless.

Because they have to acknowledge the achievements of their ancestors. If they deny people like Huang Di, Nuwa, and Jesus, then their respect for Newton and Einstein will become nonsense.

They are both ancestors, and they have also left behind achievements. You cannot say that the former is inferior to the latter just because the former is primitive and ignorant and the technology they left behind is very backward, while the latter is advanced.

If a scientist says something like this, he does not deserve to be called a scientist.

There is no such thing as absolute advancement and ignorance in wisdom. That is the limitation of the times. At least in that barren and primitive period, what they represented was the most advanced science!

"So we only need to transform all the gods in mythology into ancient scientists, seekers of knowledge, and people who created civilization," Huang Quan: "We can break his atheism!"

Yes, there is no God.

Pangu is not a god, Nuwa is not a god, and God is not a god. They are all great people in ancient times, but they are only myths by future generations.

In the face of scientific theory, if you use the myths fabricated by later generations and use the power of later generations to defeat it, it will naturally be ineffective.

On the contrary, if you ignore the processing and exaggeration of later generations, trace back to the source, and find the figure and power that initially led mankind out of confusion and ignorance, it will be invincible!

"You guys stand down and get ready, let's come next!"

Bai Yinuo and Ali left Bai Luo at the same time. They passed the Luwei family at an astonishing speed and went straight to Hals.

This time, Ali did not transform into Pangu's body, but every move she made still contained the power to destroy the world.

Abandoning the Pangu imagined by future generations, he transformed into the real Pangu.

At this moment, your atheism cannot stop Ali’s fist!

Because what she represents now is the ancestor of mankind who faced hardships, ice and snow eras, and countless ferocious prehistoric beasts millions of years ago, but still held crude weapons and measured the world with his hands and bare feet!

Then isn't everyone who would rather die than surrender the source of Pangu's image?

Then everyone, isn’t it the Nuwa who gave birth to one clan after another, the matrilineal source of one civilization after another in the human mind?

Without their greatness, where would you be today's tall buildings?

This is not a myth, this is something you must be grateful for, ancestor!

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