This is a Miracle

Chapter 460 Destroyer and Guardian

Sazzag has completely disappeared. Its world does not even have pain and torture, it is complete nothingness.

So being able to feel the world again, even if this world only has severe pain, only depression, and only a sense of suffocation, allows Sazhag to feel the joy of being alive.

Sazag is crazy and twisted. Happiness in its eyes is happiness, and misfortune in its eyes can also be happiness.

It is unity, a symbol of all things becoming one with me!

Matter, energy, spirit, self, wisdom, law, power, civilization, Sazhag wants to unify individuals and groups, eat everyone and everything.

If I had to describe what the purpose of Sazhag is, it would be pleasure, to feel all the joy of existence!

It's like a person. All he can feel are his eyes, ears, mouth, nose and body. But does he really understand the feelings of every cell, such as liver cells, gastrointestinal cells, nerve cells, or a small mitochondria?

It’s not that you don’t feel it, it’s that it’s too small, too small for you to notice or realize.

Sazhag wants humans, the earth, countries, planets, galaxies, and galaxies to all become part of it, and let the universe turn into a small cell in its body, or even a small atom or quark!

It doesn't want great power, nor does it want to destroy everything. What it wants is just that moment.

An explosive torrent of information transmitted from billions of tiny people, tiny bits of dust, to the ‘brain’!

It was like instilling what people on the planet experienced into Sazhag at once.

My brain hurts, my personality is broken, and my consciousness is crazy.

But, extremely pleasant!

It's like sucking sex, making people want to stop.

Yes, Sazzag is like a crazy drug addict. He wants to use the whole world as a powder maker and let him smoke heavily.

But for the residents living in this 'unified' world, Sazzag will not control them, just like you, as a human, will not control the growth of every hair.

What you do is tell the hair to ‘grow’, ‘grow here’, ‘grow here like that’.

But you can’t do something as tedious as counting sand every day.

The same goes for Sazag. If you want to experience the ultimate beauty, then come and listen to its voice. At its banquet, sing and play music, go crazy and have fun together.

"Stupid old feast?!"

Suddenly, Bai Luo realized what the story and concept the Queen said represented. Isn't this the Foolish Old Feast? !

"Sazag is the supreme miracle, the prototype of the Old Feast of Foolishness."

It can even be said that Chiyu Jiuyan is the descendant of Sazhag.

As a parent, Sazag's power far exceeds that of a single supreme miracle. Even if you develop a supreme miracle to the extreme, you cannot defeat it.

Fortunately, the current Sazhag is just a ray of clone that got through the gap, and it is far from the whole thing.

"There are two ways to solve it."

The senior sister said: "The first is to completely eliminate it. Just like steaming the sea dry, rivers and lakes will also dry up soon."

As for the second method, that is to cast a dam, and then use a small piece of wood to intercept the water channel. As long as the door can be blocked, then Sazag will naturally cease to exist.

"How to block the door?"

Bai Luo thought of the Miracle Dragon. She was so powerful, couldn't she do it?

However, the fact is that Miracle Dragon really can't do it.

Although the Miracle Dragon is powerful, she can only destroy the strong ones who are beyond the scope of the Miracle World.

Just like if a mortal offended Bai Luo, the Miracle Dragon could only watch helplessly, there was nothing she could do.

In contrast, Hals was unable to be dealt with by Bai Luo. Although the Miracle Dragon could not attack him directly, it could cut off the torrent and make Hals cease to exist.

But the torrent is a powerful force between "possible" and "impossible". Once the Miracle Dragon intervenes and destroys the "possible", it is called self-impossible.

However, in the process of elimination, the Miracle Dragon will definitely damage things that it cannot destroy, which will lead to very terrible things, because the Miracle Dragon is still too powerful for the Miracle World.

This is also the reason why the Miracle Dragon is unwilling to take action at will. As long as Bai Luo does not encounter a fatal threat, she will not act rashly.

"Sazhag, the Miracle Dragon can be destroyed easily."

But the problem is that the electronic frontier has now opened the door to Sazaga with a torrent. This door is truly part of the world of miracles.

The Dragon of Miracles cannot reach it and can do nothing.

"Do you need me to fight against Sazhag's true form?"

The door cannot be reached, but the Miracle Dragon can find the source of Sazhag: "If you need it, I will kill it now!"

"You're too arrogant, little one."

Sazhag naturally 'heard' the conversation between Miracle Dragon and Bai Luo. He was quite unhappy at this time: "You are somewhat capable, but if you start a war with me on my territory, be prepared to become a part of me." Are you ready, Reptile?"

Sazhag's strength is definitely not weak, and Bai Luo can't estimate the gap between it and the Miracle Dragon.

If it can be beaten, that's fine, but if it's not much different, Bai Luo is really worried about the Miracle Dragon in an away game.

"Or are you planning to become a witch too?"

Hals hates witches because witches are outsiders. They are not bound by the trajectory of fate. They can be said to be bugs and viruses that subvert the world. This is also the reason for the term witch.

In fact, original sin is the greatest evil!

But compared with monsters like Sazag, the witch is not only not evil, but also a little refreshing.

The tentacle monster and the witch, the latter is definitely a cutie.

"A dragon can also become a witch?"

Bai Luo is still a little confused about the existence of 'witches' and doesn't quite understand how many identities they have.

"The witch subverts common sense, just like me and the queen."

Senior sister had nothing to hide in front of Bai Luo. She said, "But I am on your side, Xiao Luo. No, I am yours."

I'm yours!

These four words are the words from the heart of the senior sister and the Queen.

Maybe they will endanger the world and bring endless harm to this world, but everything they do is for Bai Luo.

One of the fundamental reasons why the senior sister is less and less afraid of the queen is that Bai Luo has the power to 'destroy' her.

No matter how powerful the senior sister becomes, as long as Bai Luo wants to destroy her from the bottom of his heart, the witch will die.

The witch cannot be killed, but the king, who is the wedge in the world, can make her disappear.

"That's fine."

Bai Luo didn't care about anything else. He said, "Sazhag, are you afraid of the witch?"

"The witch is a heretic, but she is also the guardian of the world."

But there is a premise here, that is, who does the world belong to? The queen's purpose is almost certain, that is, to make Bai Luo the only king. However, this is not ordinary cruel to others.

Sazhag wants to destroy the world and destabilize the land where Bai Luo is king. Naturally, the witch will become the most powerful guardian and resolutely resist the opponent.

"Tell me how to block the door."

Bai Luo saw that the Miracle Dragon kept squeezing Sazhag to death, but it returned again and again. Bai Luo, knowing that this was not the solution, asked his senior sister: "Do you know what to do?"


The senior sister obviously knew, but she hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

Before the senior sister could speak, the old uncle interrupted: "I know how to block the door, just leave it to me."

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