This is a Miracle

Chapter 275 If you don’t let me down, I will never let you down.

"We haven't lost yet! We haven't lost yet!!"

The defeat of the Qingquan Kingdom was almost a foregone conclusion. It was a one-sided battle, but just when everyone felt that the Qingquan Kingdom had been defeated and was about to cede territory to pay compensation and retreat and compromise, a voice suddenly appeared in the territory.

Saros, the young boy, was shouting.

"If there is still a chance, we still have a chance!"

Saros knew very well that his voice was very small and others spoke softly, so no one cared about his thoughts. However, as a soldier of Qingquan Kingdom, he had the responsibility to speak out his thoughts.

As for the result, it is obvious that no one cares about the irresponsible remarks of an ordinary mortal.

If Saros was a child of Miracle, a true subject of the Marquess of Clear Spring, he would definitely be noticed.

Because the people of Miracle will never betray the monarch. Maybe they are whimsical, but they will definitely not lead the people of Qingquan to death.

As long as Qingquan and his ministers have good judgment, it doesn't hurt to listen to new ideas.

Unfortunately, Saros is not.

He is not a Marquise at all, and even after so many years, almost everyone has been disappointed in him.

No one knew about Saros' talent. He was a living saint-level genius, but because of distrust, no one cared about his suggestions.

There may be some people who have benefited, but most of them will not attribute it to him.

"You said you can fight?"

However, only one person chose to believe in Saros, and that was Qingquan.

In this country, everyone's trust in Saros is not as important as her trust. Obviously, so many years of getting along with each other have given Qingquan enough patience and care for this child who is like a genius.

"If you can fight, you can definitely fight!"

"Although I am not a citizen of miracles and I do not have the power of miracles, I understand and I know how to use this power."

Saros is just a soldier, but he has been learning what it takes to become a general, a true leader.

It was precisely because of the huge difference in strength that Saros learned to change.

‘Since you can’t win with your own strength, learn how to use the masses. ’

Saros said: "I know that we have lost legendary power, but we still have kings and heroes!"

Kings and legends generally do not appear in miracle battles. Their power is too powerful even for the miracle land blessed by kings, and it is easy to cause permanent damage.

Therefore, in the Miracle Battle, there is no need to fight more than heroes.

But this time it was different. Qingquan and the Emperor-Elector made a bet that was higher than heroes. They sent out kings and legends, and the battlefield was not placed in the Miracle Land, but in the infinite planes.

The Infinite Plane is almost endless, and no one has ever known how big it really is.

Kings and legends fought there, and even if they caused damage and destroyed the world, they only lost some land where mortals lived.

These lands are worthless, they cannot breed good people, and no miracles will fall on them.

If it’s gone, it’s gone. Don’t feel bad.

But the result was that Qingquan was defeated, and almost all the legends and kings she had cultivated for hundreds of years fell there.

Fortunately, Qingquan invited other Miracle Lords to serve as observers and supervisors to prevent the elector from doing extreme things.

The emperor-elect was still trying to save his face and did not let them lose their souls.

There is still a chance. As long as they are reincarnated, Qingquan can turn them into his own people many years later.

"The Marquise has lost her legend and her king. She will not fight again. She is already afraid."

Failure after failure completely made Qingquan lose her confidence. She was no match for the Emperor-Elect, nor could she compete with the terrible Lords of Miracles in the Holy Empire.

Forget it, just give in and live with your tail between your legs from now on. There is no need to risk the lives of your people anymore.

"The war will be stopped unilaterally, but only to the victor."

"We losers are weak," Saros said: "As long as we don't get stronger, we will be beaten and fearful every day!"

"They will come back. The war will never end here. Maybe in ten years, maybe in twenty years, by then the lives will be devastated again."

"Only take the initiative and give the enemy a hard slap when he punches him."

Saros grabbed Qingquan's arm excitedly: "Only in this way can we say 'no', instead of like now, no matter what the other party says, we can only say 'yes', only 'yes'!"

If someone else had said this to Qingquan, she would have beaten him up and told him not to talk nonsense in front of her.

However, this man is Saros, the beacon she trusts so much, the man she regards as her savior and hope.

"Taught me."

Even though the other party grabbed her arm and was so rude, Qingquan did not resist. Instead, she made a request like a weak woman.

"Do you believe me?"

"I believe."

"No, I'm not talking about whether you believe me or not, but Qingquan," Saros looked into Qingquan's eyes: "As a Marquis, are you willing to believe me?"

He had already seen it and guessed it.

In the entire Qingquan Kingdom, there is only one identity for the woman in front of her, and that is the Marquise, the supreme ruler of this miraculous country.


The Marquise hesitated for a moment, but thinking of the help Saros had given her over the years, she nodded slightly: "I believe you."


For the first time in his life, he was trusted by such a big man. Saros was really moved: "I know that I am ambitious and cannot become your subject."

"You shouldn't be bound by a contract," Qingquan interrupted: "A hero cannot be locked in a cage, he will die."

The death here is not death in life, but life, destiny, the great deeds and miracles he was supposed to perform. These things will be destroyed because of the existence of the cage.

"You can't become my people. I'm not angry, but happy."

If Saros grovels and surrenders to someone, Qingquan will feel ashamed: "You are a man approved by me, and you will never be conquered by anyone, hero!"


Qingquan's words shocked Saros.

What is a confidant and what is a friend? Qingquan feels that he has been redeemed by Saros, but on the other hand, why doesn't Saros feel lucky and happy to meet someone who truly understands and understands him?

"Feel sorry."

This apology is because I can't become the other person's people.

"But I am your soldier and your subject."

Saros pulled out his sword, knelt on one knee, held up the knight's sword with both hands, and handed it to the Marquis: "But I swear with this sword that you will not let me down in this life, and I will never let you down." Don’t let me down!”

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