This is a Miracle

Chapter 497 Yagen Belief

"But I'm not Atian, you can start over."

Before Azales could get angry, the old uncle said: "I hope you will become my child and reunite us in the world of existence."

Uncle Lao is Uncle Lao, and Atian is Atian. They are one person, but they are not the same person.

In the same way, the Silent One is the Silent One, Azales is Azales, and if the Silent One is willing, she will become another person.

Of course, nothing is off limits.

The Silent One is not a living being in itself, and she has no personality, self, or memory. Everything was built by Bai Luo and Uncle Lao using their own knowledge to make her what she is now.

In other words, the silent ones only exist in the cognition of some great people.

She is similar to Queen Isophia. They both need a foundation in reality before they can obtain a physical body and descend.

However, the Queen relied on many cornerstones, more replicas than genuine ones, and the Silent One was herself the daughter of Atian, and now her uncle's child was also being conceived, so she had a direct physical body that she could use.

"Do you think I will agree?"

Facing the silent one, the old man opened his arms and said, "How about a bet?"

"You chop me, if you don't chop me to death, you will be my daughter," the old uncle said, "If I die, then I lose."

"Didn't you say that I'm not worth your life?"

"no the same."

The old uncle didn't bet before because he didn't want to give his life for a stranger, but now it's different. If the Silent One is willing to become his daughter, it will be for the unborn Azales.

For the sake of his children, the old man is willing to take a gamble.

What's more, who is he?


He, Saros, has never lost any bet he has ever made in his life, so it doesn't matter if he has risked his life. He has risked his life so many times in his life that they are countless.


"I don't want to face him. No one is his opponent, and your pride can't do it either."

The Silent One did not swing the knife, because she could not hurt the person in front of her at all. Even if she was reluctant, the Silent One must admit their relationship: "The fight in the world has nothing to do with me, and I have no reason to stop him."

"What's more, this is Yagen's default war."

The old uncle could only understand part of the Silent Man's words. He saw the Silent Man condensing a golden ball of light: "Here is the trajectory of fate. What should have happened. Even if the process has twists and turns, the result, I don't think it is." There will be no changes.”

The golden ball of light floated towards the old uncle and was eventually absorbed by him.

"I see."

The old uncle opened his eyes, and he saw the past and the terrible war: "The source of the destruction of the Yagen Empire is the same as what I thought. Xiao Luo does not yet have the strength to start a war."

"Come down."

The old uncle looked at the silent man: "Give me another chance. Atian doesn't value you, but I am Saros. You can have a new father. I can't make any guarantee for Atian, but I can do it for Saros." Ross guarantees that he will be a good father."

"The world of Yagen is in pieces. Even if I join the war, what will happen?"

"No one worships Yagen anymore."

"Go tell him."

The figure of the Silent One began to disappear: "If this world regains its broken faith, I will be willing to come into the world. There is no other way."

Atian abandoned his newborn daughter, a goddess of wisdom, but she became a silent one because she was not allowed to speak.

Her existence is unknown and whatever happens has nothing to do with it.

Only Yagen took her in and gave her a place. For the Silent One, Yagen was the only faith she served and maintained. No matter how powerful she became, she would always remember this kindness.

This is also the reason why Yagen holds the skeleton gold coin in his hand. The Silent One guards the door between existence and non-existence. Even Yagen cannot skip her and resurrect people directly.

But the silent one can, this is her right, and the tacit understanding between the two is the skull gold coin.

Those who hold gold coins can trade with her to bring people back from non-existence.

Of course, except for Bai Luo, most people did not actually realize their wishes. What they brought back was just a shadow, or in other words, the person in their hearts.

Just like the Resurrection Stone in Harry Potter, the resurrected person is shaped by your cognition, so no matter how you ask the other party, the other party will give you "the answer you want". In this way, it is natural and real.

However, the old uncle cannot copy it, because if it is fake, what Bai Luo can't do, the fake old uncle can't do either.

As a result, the gang was betrayed immediately. This is also the flaw of the silent person's fraud. What is fake will always be fake.


The old uncle also knows about Yagen now, and he has no ill feelings or fear towards her.

First of all, Atian was a student of Yagen, and Aden, the son of Yagen, was entrusted to Atian to be his teacher and teach on his behalf.

Therefore, the old uncle guiding Bai Luo's destiny actually continued from the beginning of Atian and Atun.

No matter from which perspective, Yagen is herself.

In addition, there is no harm in believing in Yagen for the Principality of Adun, because Yagen’s position in this world is the ‘Mother of the World’, in other words, it is the source, origin, Tao, and the ultimate truth of the universe.

This belief itself is harmless to the country, not to mention that Bai Luo is still the son of Ya Gen.

"Old man?"

Bai Luo felt his uncle's call, and he immediately focused his attention.

"I've found an ally."

"So fast?"

Bai Luo was shocked: "You have just set off!"

The old uncle's efficiency put Bai Luo to shame. He just turned his head and the old uncle actually found an ally. Should I say that the old uncle was worthy of being an old uncle?

"Listen to me first."

Old uncle: "The other party has conditions for taking action."

The old uncle told Bai Luo about rebuilding Yagen's faith in the Miracle World. Bai Luo felt that there was no problem with this.

Bai Luo doesn't like religion, he thinks it is something that confuses people and divides the royal power.

But Yagen's belief is fundamentally about consolidating Bai Luo's rights.

Because according to the old uncle, Yagen is the goddess who created the world, and Bai Luo is the son of Yagen. It is explained in the ancient teachings: "When the goddess created the world, she gave birth to the only one who was more powerful than herself." The child, he is the master of this world and the god who protects his mother and the world. ’

The son of Yagen is the king of the world, and everything in existence is his land and his people.

As for what doesn’t exist…

Since it doesn't exist, why bother with it.

"Are you sure this doctrine is not fabricated?"

No matter from which angle you look at it, this doctrine is like a king in the world who came up with it to whitewash himself for the sake of the legitimacy of his rule.

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