This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come

Chapter 145 I don't want to

"The injury has healed long ago, don't bother Junior Sister to worry about it."

Zhao Tiantian replied, holding his sword, turned and left.

Song Na looked at Zhao Tiantian's back. This holy son has always been her strong enemy.

It can be said that the future suzerain of the Good Fortune Sect must be born from the Saint Son and Saint Daughter, just like raising Gu, countless people compete for the position of the Saint Son and Saint Daughter, and the position of the Saint Son and Saint Daughter is not the end, only becoming the suzerain of the Good Fortune Sect is the end .

She thought about this riot in the Void Mountain later, and it seemed that it was caused by the four Void tribes she had killed, but she didn't dare to tell anyone about it.

Otherwise, it is hard to guarantee that someone will have the idea of ​​catching her and dedicating it to the existence of Wuwu Mountain for atonement.

But, for some reason, these days, she always thinks of that mysterious figure outside the Void Mountain.

Although he has been chewed to pieces...

On Fangcun Mountain, inside Samsung Cave.

Yang Shou was sitting cross-legged, following the slaughter of the creatures of the heaven and earth by the nihilistic race, destroying one race after another, with the death of the creatures, a lot of rich energy filled the world, waiting for him to absorb.

These energies are obtained from the world and perish in the world. If Yang Shou doesn't absorb it at this time, it won't be long before it will gradually dissipate and return to the purest spiritual power.

"The more powerful the creature dies, the more energy it brings, but there is a huge problem."

Yang Shou looked anxiously in the Three Star Cave, and found that these energies would not actively gather towards him.

He needs to take the initiative to collect.

But as the God of Creation, how could he do such a thing himself?

Yang Shou pondered for a moment, then called Qing Qiong, who was immersed in cultivating the orifice acupoints, over.

Then he took out a scroll and handed it to him.

"This treasure is called Mountains and Rivers Map, and it can contain everything in the world. Now that the nihilistic race is rioting and countless creatures are dying, you go down the mountain and hold the Mountains and Rivers Map to store the energy left in the world, as well as the dead heroic spirits. Afterwards, bring it back to me."

Qing Qiong took the map of mountains and rivers respectfully, as soon as he touched the map of mountains and rivers, he felt as if he was grasping a living world, unfolding it...

Immediately, his eyes widened, and the admiration for the teacher in his heart suddenly reached the point where it cannot be added.

A whole world has been included in the map of mountains and rivers. Perhaps these methods are compared to the legendary Taoist ancestor?

In the picture of mountains and rivers, a civilization that is completely different from the prehistoric world evolves in it. Those two-dimensional villains live in an orderly manner in the picture, just like the real world.

"Your second senior sister is about to give birth to wisdom. After this catastrophe is over, you bring her back."

Qing Qiong nodded, entrusting such a treasure to him shows how much the teacher trusts him.

"Teacher, don't worry, Qing Qiong will definitely live up to her mission, bring back the person and energy that should be tribulated, and will definitely protect the safety of the second senior sister."

Qing Qiong patted his chest and said, very confidently assured.

Yang Shou took a deep look at him, nodded and said: "You have made some achievements in the practice of acupoints, but don't be too careless. There is always someone stronger than you in the world. If anything happens, you can unfold the map of mountains and rivers. It can help you Against the enemy."

The map of mountains and rivers is the most condensed treasure of the Raiz Fu culture, which contains all the essence of the rune world. Yang Shou later discovered several important functions of it after in-depth research.

One is storage. Of course, it is not a physical object. It can only store energy and other things. Second, the map of mountains and rivers can be enlarged and shrunk as you like, but the space inside remains unchanged. Record the breath of life remaining in the world, and rune culture, so that they are reborn in the map of mountains and rivers.

This is also what Yang Shou said about the catastrophe. At present, countless creatures of the three races that have been completely destroyed can be included in the mountain and river map, and... the mountain and river map will gradually grow after absorbing energy. The range is constantly expanding to accommodate more rune culture creatures.

It's a bit like the meaning of the list of gods, all dead creatures will be reborn here. ...

Outside Fangcun Mountain, Qing Qiong, who received Yang Shoushou's order, stepped out of the illusion formation, turned around... and was suddenly dazed.

There was nothing behind him, and Fangcunshan disappeared in front of his eyes as if it didn't exist.

He went back the same way, but no matter what, he tried all kinds of methods, but he still couldn't climb Fangcun Mountain again.

Taking a deep breath, Qing Qiong remembered what the teacher said before he went down the mountain.

"Fangcun Mountain was set up as a formation for the teacher. Once you step out, you can't come back. This catastrophe is over, bring your second senior sister back, and shout Fangcun Mountain at Lingtai, Slanting Moon and Three Star Cave Cross here, and you can return."

The master's supernatural power once again refreshed Qing Qiong's cognition, bowed to Fangcun Mountain in the void, Qing Qiong turned around, followed the attack route of the Nihility Clan, and headed straight for the Supreme City.

Wherever he passed, corpses littered the field, and countless creatures turned into mummies, with distorted faces and extremely painful looks.

Qing Qiong walked all the way, holding a map of mountains and rivers, absorbing the remaining energy in the world.

The map of mountains and rivers exudes a faint light in his hands, and the aura of runes forms an automatic field, which transfers all the auras of all living things that pass through to the map of mountains and rivers.

After absorbing the energy, the space inside the Mountain and River Map is also getting bigger and the world is changing, causing the people in the Mountain and River Map to be surprised.

At the University of Runeterra, Catherine stood on the tallest tower, looking into the distance, frowning.

"What happened? The earth is shaking?"

In front of the Rune World University, the three of Yu Ji who were suppressed by the giant pillars of Tongtian also noticed the abnormality, and they all raised their necks with difficulty, and looked into the distance, their eyes were shocked.

After so long, people in this world have discovered that the world they are in now is not the original rune world.

That world is incomparably real, but this like a fabrication, everything is so false, even the three of Yu Ji Li Chen and Fan Kong once doubted the authenticity of their own existence.

"Wouldn't the sentient beings from another world be moved here?"

Li Chen frowned and proposed an idea.

The other two remained silent, as if they didn't want to talk about the subject.

Outside the rune world, a prehistoric battlefield gradually formed, and then all the creatures who died in this catastrophe were copied with their souls, and the rune culture migrated here.

At first, they were all at a loss, obviously they were dead, but in the end... they were reborn after the catastrophe?

Every creature looked at me and I looked at you in a daze, not knowing what was going on.

Gradually, as more familiar prehistoric creatures entered the map of mountains and rivers, these prehistoric creatures began to gather together to explore this strange and familiar world.


Qing Qiong walked all the way, while collecting energy, Supreme City finally ushered in a decisive battle.

In the face of the survival of the race, all the people are soldiers, and all the successful human races have stepped onto the battlefield and joined the ranks of resisting the nihilistic race.

It's a pity that there are too many nihilistic races, and they are good at stealth, especially the two scythes on their backs are natural killers, which can absorb energy to recover from injuries in battle, and once a human race is injured, it is extremely difficult to recover. Under each other, the human race retreated steadily.

From the defense line that was set up a hundred miles away from the Supreme City earlier, it collapsed all the way in less than half a year, and retreated to ten miles away from the Supreme City.

Standing on the highest point of the Supreme City, you can see the dark nihilism, and the storm is about to come.

Dark clouds overwhelmed the city, and the entire human race was shrouded in the crisis of death and destruction.

In the Supreme City, Baili Songyun is convening monks above the human race's alchemy level to hold a mobilization meeting.

As the younger generation, Li Song and Li Xuemei were among them. Li Xuemei was holding the white sable, looking at Baili Chanyun with admiration.

Baili Songyun, after Baili Hongtu and Baili Songming left, took up the fate of the human race alone, and led the human race to resist tenaciously. If it wasn't for him, the human race would not have been able to resist for half a year, and had already been destroyed by the nihilistic race.

On the high platform, Baili Songyun looked at the many monks below, most of them were younger generation, and the older generation had already organized themselves to go to the front line to command the battle.

And he wants to boost morale in the rear, stabilize the morale of the army, and ensure that the base camp does not collapse.

"Human monks!"

As soon as he stood on the high platform, Baili Songyun amplified his voice and shouted, using his spiritual power to amplify his voice continuously so that everyone could see it.

Here, all the young monks who can gather in the Supreme City are gathered, more than 5,000 people above the alchemy level.

In addition to the Supreme City, monks from all over the human race are rushing to the Supreme City to support the Supreme City.

"There is a riot in the Void Mountain, and the Void Clan massacres all living beings. The situation is already fierce. Everyone must be aware of it."

Baili Songyun took a deep breath. In order to let more people see him, he cast a spell and flew up slowly, gradually rising.

"Everyone, someone once advised me that the target of the nihilistic race is not us, we just blocked their way, they can migrate to avoid this disaster, but I refused. Now, let me ask you, my human race has always been upright, and the ancestral land is in the So, do you want to abandon your homeland and start wandering because you have blocked the enemy's way and there is a danger of destruction?"

"If you are willing, then I will tell the monks on the front line to give up this battle. The Spirit Deer Clan and the others have no time to escape, but we humans can escape!"

As soon as this remark came out, the young monks below all fell silent. They raised their heads and stared at the figure in the air. They were silent, but no one answered him.

Baili Chanyun was not in a hurry, he kept his mouth shut and waited for the answers from the young monks below.

In the palace, Zhao Tiantian and Song Na were also watching this scene, they couldn't help but glance at each other, Zhao Tiantian smiled lightly and said, "No one seems to answer him?"

Song Na didn't answer, but just looked at those young monks. For some reason, she was expecting their answers.

Silent, more silent.

In the face of death and destruction, none of the young monks of the human race who had been in peace for a long time answered.

In the crowd, Li Xuemei looked around, then glanced at Li Song, and found that no one was speaking, she couldn't help clenching the hands holding the white sable, and shouted softly: "I don't want to."

The voice was so loud that only Li Song and a few people around her heard it.

Seeing other people's eyes turned, Li Xuemei repeated "I don't want to" again, her voice was louder, as if she was telling the people around that she was not even willing to be a mere woman.

"I do not want to!"

I don't know when, spreading from Li Xuemei's side, more and more people shouted "I don't want to".

From the chaos at the beginning, the sound converged and turned into a torrent, soaring into the sky and shaking in the Supreme City.

"I do not want to!"

"I do not want to!"

"My human race is indomitable, and I will never flee, I don't want to!"

It seems to be roaring, it seems to be roaring, in the face of the survival of the race, the human race in this world once again shouted out their voices with their lives.

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