This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come

Chapter 154 1.298 billion births and deaths

The physical body was absorbing Doom crazily. However, Yang Shou could perceive that his cell level was too low, and the energy of Doom was too high, which was far beyond what his ordinary cells could absorb. Therefore, the moment the Doom energy entered his body, he... burst.




With every breath, the internal cells of his body are rupturing, dying, and being exploded by the energy of doom, causing various scars to appear on his body surface, and blood is constantly oozing from his crystal clear skin, which is very frightening.

Not only that, his crystal clear skin aged and died in an instant, and the breath of life was rapidly declining and disappearing.

Yang Shou wanted to stop it, but found that it was an irreversible process, hard to stop!

He mobilized the wizard power and rune power in his body, and it was difficult to prevent the physical body from absorbing the doomed energy beyond its own capabilities. Even, he wanted to mobilize the pill fire to stop it, but found that the pill fire in his heart was even weaker. The blood that has endured the breath of doom, its flame is flickering and flickering, trembling.

"No, we can't go on like this!"

Yang Shou frowned tightly, the calamity energy was too high-level, originally according to his expectation, he just used the calamity energy as a training tool to polish his physical body, so that his physical body could take another step forward.

In the end, I didn't expect that my body would be so thirsty for this kind of energy after going through a series of kalpas, cutting tendons and marrow.

This is the instinct of the cell, but his cells are even more powerful, trying to swallow the energy of doom, but it backfired and was directly exploded. ,

If he doesn't stop it, if this continues, the cells in his body will continue to die, and he will sooner or later be afraid of pills.


Just when Yang Shou was about to forcibly shut down the Mountain and River Map to cut off the energy supply of Doom, he discovered his cells. During the destruction, new cells were born.

After the birth of divine consciousness, Yang Shou can see the microcosm inside, and Yang Shou can clearly capture that these new cells... actually carry the energy of doom.

Die from doom, born from doom, partly driven by instinct, in order to devour the energy of doom, change their adaptability, and become less easily destroyed by the energy of doom.

However, these are all in vain, the calamity energy level is too high, these newly born cells are not enough to see, and tens of millions of cells die in one breath.

Death and rebirth, fortunately, Yang Shou himself has two wizard runes and abundant energy, so it is enough to support the continuous rebirth and transformation of the body cells.

"Although there have been some accidents, but if this continues, can create a body that belongs to the Creator God!"

At this time, Yang Shou's blood continued to flow all over his body, his cheeks, pupils, bridge of nose, arms, chest, all over his body, the blood kept dripping.

These bloods were all eliminated by the doomed energy. In the environment of survival of the fittest, only the excellent cells that are more suitable for the doomed energy can survive.

Yang Shou, who was immersed in observing the changes in his physical body, did not realize that he was standing in the void, and his blood fell from the sky above the ruins of Mount Buzhou, and finally dripped down on the ruins of Mount Buzhou, which was submerged by the flood, forming a blood lake.

After the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, a ten thousand zhang high mountain was formed on the spot, which is still the highest peak in the world. The flood can submerge the world, but Buzhou Mountain cannot be submerged.

On the highest peak of Buzhou Mountain, a blood lake quietly formed, exuding a frightening aura of doom, and the entire Buzhou Mountain was gradually shrouded in this bloody aura of doom.

The marine creatures around Mount Buzhou sensed something, and they became agitated, overwhelmed, attracted by the energy of the blood lake, and tried to walk onto land and climb Mount Buzhou.

However, marine life cannot survive on land after all, especially at this time, the entire Buzhou Mountain is shrouded in the bloody aura of doom, which is extremely terrifying. All creatures that touch the bloody aura are assimilated in an instant, and their bodies burst into pieces directly. Forming a blood mist, it began to flow backwards, gathering towards the blood lake strangely.

After realizing the horror of Buzhou Mountain, the marine life held back the desire and mania in its heart, and began to wander around the blood lake, living near Buzhou Mountain.

On Buzhou Mountain, in the vast void, Yang Shou was still expending his own energy to support the continuous regeneration and transformation of the cells in his body, and his face had turned a little pale.

This evolutionary path is too long. Although the doomed energy carried by the cells that have experienced countless deaths and rebirths is getting stronger and stronger, they still cannot swallow these doomed energy smoothly.

The calamity energy formed by the fall of all living beings is far from being absorbed so easily.

"How long will it take to completely complete the transformation?"

Yang Shou frowned. Most of the wizard energy in his body has been consumed. You know, his energy is roughly equivalent to 1.298 billion times the sixth-level energy, and half of it has been consumed...

More than 600 million have been consumed!

But in his feeling, his path of cell transformation has just begun.

"No, my cells have to be born and died 1.298 billion times to complete evolution?"

Yang Shou swallowed, his face a little ugly.

The calamity energy in the mountain and river map is still entering his body, but it only consumes one part in a billion, his cells...

Can't absorb this energy at all.

Therefore, the calamity energy ran around his body, and every time it reached the heart, Pill Fire trembled, fearing that the calamity energy would swallow it up.

"Huh? No, where are the cancer cells in my body?"

Yang Shou closed his eyes tightly, with bright red blood flowing out, but his spiritual consciousness was immersed in his body, and he discovered something that made him ecstatic.


Yang Shou, who usually doesn't utter swear words, couldn't help but say something.

In his perception, the doomed energy is extremely domineering, roaming around his body, he is indifferent to the world, but his cells frantically want to devour it, and instead explode.

During this period, all the cells in his body were baptized from top to bottom, died and reborn. Now after tens of millions of births and deaths, even the cancer cells are extremely tenacious and domineering, and they have disappeared without a trace.

Solve the cancer problem like this?

Yang Shou was a little dazed, but he still accepted the reality. He wanted to solve it with Danhuo, but...

Yang Shou glanced at Pill Fire, who was trembling in front of the calamity energy, and didn't know what to say anymore.

Too cowardly.

At the same time, one can imagine how miraculous the calamity energy that was born in the destruction of the world and the fall of all living beings is.

Even Dao Patriarch Hong Huang failed to grasp this power.

The Dao ancestor controlled spiritual power, but calamity energy was not spiritual power. It was born from all living beings in the world. After absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, if the living beings fall, they will follow the principle of energy conservation and re-scatter in the world.

If no one collects it, it will be restored to its original source, turned into aura, and returned to heaven and earth.

To some extent, it is more advanced than aura, wizard energy, and rune energy!

The calamity energy provided Yang Shou with a completely different path of cultivation.

This is the way of his God of Creation, and no one in the world can practice it except him. From now on, he can absorb the achievements of his civilization and constantly improve his way of God of Creation.

Until he can truly reflect the heavens and worlds, even if the worlds are destroyed, he will not be destroyed!

Of course, the premise is that he can survive the current hurdle.

Yang Shou slowly opened his blood-colored eyes. The black eyes in the blood-red color were extremely deep. He took a deep breath, and various runes appeared on his body surface. They were rune energy, which came from the foundation of the entire civilization of the rune world. .

"The way of a wizard, the way of runes, help me become a god of creation!"

Since the physical cells wanted to devour the energy of calamity, Yang Shou fully supported it. The way of wizards was obviously not enough to support the transformation of cells. Fortunately, he also learned the way of runes.

The birth and death transformation of cells and the upgrading of the physical body are the most difficult steps. If successful, there will be no obstacles for him to absorb the energy of doom in the future.

If not...

Yang Shou could only interrupt the map of mountains and rivers, and forcefully interrupt the whole process before his own energy was exhausted.

Although dangerous, but so far, it is still controllable.

Therefore, Yang Shou didn't worry too much, and silently paid attention to the birth and death transformation of cells.

After another hour, the cells were born and died 100 million times, and the intensity obviously rose to a level, becoming crazier, trying to swallow the energy of doom more and more fiercely.

As a result, the body was exploded again, causing the speed of death to be even faster.

"This cell is really crazy." Yang Shou couldn't help complaining.

An hour passed again, and the wizard energy in Yang Shou's body was exhausted, only the rune energy was left to support it, and the cells... had been born and died more than 700 million times.

The 700 million times of destruction and rebirth did not make them survive longer, but even crazier, resulting in faster and faster extinction.

Finally, before Yang Shou had a trace of rune energy left, these cells finally reached the 1.298 billion guessed by Yang Shou, and then...

At this moment, the color of the world changed, and a real aura of doom emanated from his body. When he raised his hands and feet, his body carried the aura of being invincible and indestructible.

"The body of the Creator, my God, what a great existence this is!"

The Funao, who was protecting the Dharma all the time, couldn't help simulating human emotions, and let out horror.

After the cell completed 1.298 billion times of birth and death, it directly gave it a feeling that the world is vast and boundless, but it is not as good as the body in front of it.

In front of this body, even if it is the carrier of rune civilization, it has a body of level seven, and it is no different from an ant.

The rune brain radiated light, constantly calculating the stalwart of the Creator, but failed to come up with an accurate answer.


Difficult to deduce!

This physical body is far beyond what it can spy on now!

At the same time, Yang Shou no longer sat cross-legged, but stood up. The aura of calamity was colorless, so there was nothing abnormal about his body, but the aura of calamity unintentionally caused the surrounding wind to turn back, as if... dare not too close to him.

In an instant, a vacuum formed around him.

So scary!

Yang Shou was startled by himself and almost suffocated to death.

He was originally a blood man, the moment his cells were completely remodeled, those blood stains were instantly melted and disappeared, as if... he didn't dare to touch his body.

This is blasphemy, blasphemy against the Creator God.

Yang Shou slowly restrained his breath, and the surrounding air gradually tried to get closer.

Yang Shou sensed some of his own body. The power of the wizard had been exhausted, and there was still a trace of rune power left, which could only support him to stand in the void and not fall into the world.

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