This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come

Chapter 572 Handover to myself [Those who have subscribed do not need to subscribe to this chapter]

What is it like to be hacked by a six or seven-year-old child with a wooden knife?

Yang Shou reacted very quickly at that moment, picked up the mouse cage held by his right hand, and slammed it into the blade that was shining with silver light.


The mouse cage was split into two halves in an instant. It is conceivable that what Yang Shou saw was not his hallucination.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at the two innocent children, he couldn't help frowning and asked.

He didn't believe that he returned to the earth, and the whole earth became his enemy.

Madness kills itself.

Just take a courier...

Yang Shou looked at the long queue in front of him, the mouse cage was broken and all the mice had escaped.

If there is any danger, he has nothing to resist.

This time, the process of picking up the couriers was very careful, and Yang Shou finally moved all the couriers home with trepidation.

In the eyes of the people around, the big knife of those two children was just a wooden knife.

Only Yang Shou knew that the so-called wooden knife could really kill people.

"Finally back!"

After carrying back three large boxes of food, Yang Shou, who was already hungry, couldn't stand up completely.

Already hungry for two days, Yang Shou didn't pass out, and his physical fitness is already good.

"This 100-meter road..."

Yang Shou recalled the difficult journey of the 100-meter journey, and various dangers followed one after another.

Either it was a high-altitude parabola, a fruit knife landed from nowhere, and almost stuck in his sky cap.

Or it was a big hole dug in the ground, and a layer of plastic sheeting was simply pasted on it.

Fortunately, Yang Shou was vigilant all the way, did not dare to slack off, and responded promptly when encountering any problematic situations, so he did not get caught.

The most frightening thing was that some perverts fled to their vicinity.

A group of people with guns rushed over at that time and almost shot him as a pervert.

Who made him look so suspicious.

Yang Shou had sharp eyesight and quick hands at that time, and immediately raised his hands to express his surrender, thus escaped the catastrophe.

He believed that as long as he made any unusual movements, those people would definitely kill him on the spot in order to maintain peace and order.

"Oh, it's not easy to live..."

Yang Shou shook his head and started to unpack the package.

Now he has not eaten for more than two days, and his chest is hungry.

He bought three big boxes of express delivery, which contained all kinds of food and drinking water, and he didn't buy any extra things.

"With the pissing nature of this time, I'm afraid the express delivery will not be so simple."

When he was about to take it apart, Yang Shou felt that it was better for him to make a complete preparation.

After expending a little effort, he moved the courier to the deserted backyard. Yang Shoucai took a bamboo pole and opened the courier from a long distance away.

When the courier was completely disassembled, Yang Shou was going to be stupid.

"This... what is this countdown?"

Yang Shou swallowed, the food and drinking water he bought turned into pitch-black instruments emitting beeping sounds.

Yang Shou's scalp was numb, he turned and ran.

Along the way, Yang Shou stumbled and stumbled, but Yang Shou didn't turn his head.

On the other side of the wall, Aunt Zhao looked at her with concern.

"Yang Shou, what happened to your family? I heard that some perverts have escaped to our neighborhood, you must be careful..."

Aunt Zhao came over after hearing the sound, but she was also stunned when she saw such an explosive scene.

Resolutely took out the collection and chose to report the crime...

"Aunt Zhao, please don't report..."

The weak Yang Shou tried to stop it, but Aunt Zhao didn't listen to his explanation at all.

Even if Yang Shou explained that he wanted to remodel the backyard and was practicing his arms to smash the wall, she would not believe it.


after an hour.

In the detention center.

Yang Shou looked at the staff who came to interrogate him, and fell into deep thought.

What made him get to where he is today step by step.

Make him unable to turn back...

"Tell me, did perverts enter your house?"

The person who was in charge of interrogating him was not an ordinary staff member. Everyone was fully equipped and stared at him with a weapon.

The leading one, with a high position, is full of dignity.

Yang Shou is trying to organize his words, how to tell a lie.

Especially in this temporary interrogation center, he was afraid that this group of people would go off and shoot himself into a sieve.

"Don't take chances! This pervert is extremely vicious. If you protect him, more people will die because of him in the future. Can you afford this responsibility!"

He slapped the table hard, and the interrogator's face was full of frost, wanting to give Yang Shou a bad blow.

This is also one of the trial techniques. First break through the suspect's psychological defense, and then interrogate step by step.


Yang Shou completely ignored his interrogation, paused, and explained: "I don't know what the situation is. I bought three boxes of food."

Yang Shou decided to provide his mobile phone shopping records, but...

When the interrogator saw his mobile shopping records, his face was covered with black lines.

Yang Shou fell into silence again.

Especially this group of people, after seeing Yang Shou's online shopping records, couldn't help but clenched their guns tightly and became nervous.

It made Yang Shou's scalp go numb, he was really afraid that this group of people would shoot at him.

"Am I so perverted? Also, who is this pervert?"

Right now, the suspicion has been completely drawn towards him.

"Yang Shou, I'm sorry, according to various evidences, your suspicion is very serious, so I can only ask you to cooperate with our investigation."

The interrogator Shen Sheng made the final judgment.

three days later.

Major criminals run prisons.

Yang Shou looked at the bars, a little speechless.

He has only been back for a few days, and he has already fallen to this end.

No matter how cautious he was, he was almost shot to death by random gunfire.

"I feel like the whole world is against me!"

This is Yang Shou's judgment.

Even during the detention period, Yang Shou would let the prison staff test the poison in advance for the meals provided.

They have professional equipment and do not need to use mice at all.

There was no way, the prison did not dare not ignore the request of Yang Shou, a major suspect with a tendency to destroy.

Because Yang Shou said... that he had mastered a major secret, and someone wanted to kill him to silence him.

With the protection of the prison, Yang Shou can finally have a good meal.

Although every time it was tested for poison, the prison... concluded that it was highly poisonous, even ten elephants could be poisoned to death immediately, the kind that died suddenly on the spot!

In this regard, the prison investigated the production process of Yang Shou's meals, from the details, seasonings, ingredients, utensils...

Checked one by one, but found nothing.

Even if it's the food in the same pot, other people's food is not poisonous at all, but Yang Shou's food must be extremely poisonous!

"There is a ghost in the prison!"

In the end, the warden made the most accurate judgment.

Then began a secret investigation, this investigation really uncovered some insiders of external forces.

It's just that the person who poisoned him has never been found.

In order to eat, Yang Shou can only... grab food from other people's mouths every time.

That's right, from the mouth of the inmate, Yang Shou immediately snatched him the moment he was about to eat it.

Because he was afraid that the food would become highly poisonous over time.

"Actually... it's not bad to stay in prison?"

During the tribulation period, Yang Shou was trying his best to adjust his mentality.

Since opening up the world in the past, he has always been aloof and has never gone deep into the world of mortals.

Now that he is in the world of mortals, he realizes that people's hearts are unpredictable, which is of great benefit to his practice.

It's just that the good times didn't last long. Yang Shoucai stayed in this prison for a week before being forcibly transferred.

For this, Yang Shou expressed his apologies, although he had already warned them that they must not eat what he had eaten.

But the other party did not believe in evil.

In addition, a series of strange phenomena appeared near this prison far from the city center.

"Transfer! It must be transferred immediately! Transfer to a higher-level prison, our small prison cannot accommodate this great god!"

The warden repeatedly expressed his position at the superior meeting, and finally sent Yang Shou away like a plague god.

On the way to transfer the escort, the car Yang Shou was in... had a tire blowout three times,

At the gate of this prison, Yang Shou was filled with emotion.

"It's not easy..."

Yang Shou let out a soft sigh, looked at this decent-looking high-level prison, and raised his feet to go in for refuge.

"Stop! Ordinary people are forbidden to enter this place!"

At the door, a group of people held guns, stared at Yang Shou, and shouted in a low voice.

Faced with this kind of situation, Yang Shou was already used to it, and raised his hand, for fear that the other party might misunderstand something.

"Well... do you have someone to take over, please let me know, just say that Yang Shou is here."

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