This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 119: Are you the crow tribe?

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After the crow tribe left the rattan tribe, they walked a long way to the northwest and found that the environment was dry and desolate, so they went southwest again.

The crow tribe has no interest in the Western Wilderness. They hope to occupy a territory rich in materials in the Southern Wilderness and continue to grow the tribe.

Today, the crow tribe has more than 3,000 people. As long as their population exceeds 5,000, it will become a medium-sized tribe, not a small tribe.

At the same time, after the population exceeded 5,000, because of the sharp increase in the power of belief, the giant crow also had the opportunity to break through and become a medium-sized tribal totem god.

This is the crow tribe's dream.

As for becoming a big tribe with a population of over 10,000, the dream is too far away, and they haven't dared to think about it yet.

After they had gone southwest for two days, the crows in front of them suddenly came back to report and found that there were people from other tribes ahead.

The leader of the crow tribe licked his lips and said, "I've finally met another tribe. Let's check it out to see how big this tribe is and how many people there are."


Among the crow tribe, more than a dozen soldiers who were in charge of inquiring about the news left the team and followed a few big crows to the front.

When they walked to the forest ahead, the crows found a large number of jackals, and the warriors of the jackal tribe.

This forest is the place where the Jackal Tribe chose to live after careful selection.

They will build houses in this forest and settle for a few years.

If the resources near this forest can no longer meet their needs in the future, they will migrate to other places.

When they reached the outskirts of the forest, the warriors of the crow tribe did not dare to move forward, and could only climb up the tree to observe.

But those big crows can continue to explore the forest by taking advantage of flying.

"Dumb dumb..."

Several crows flew into the forest and remembered the situation on the ground. After returning, they could tell the witch of the crow tribe what they saw through a special communication method.

However, not long after the crows flew into the forest, they encountered the leader of the jackal tribe.

The leader of the Jackal Tribe was talking about life with the women in the tribe in a simple house. After hearing the crow's cry, he immediately thought of the boy riding the giant eagle before, and his anger rose.

He pushed the woman away, picked up a primitive bow, and walked outside angrily, seeing the crows flying overhead.

"I hate crows!"

The leader of the Jackal Tribe drew a bow and an arrow, and then shot an arrow at one of the big crows.

As a tribal leader, his fighting power is very strong, and his archery skills are not weak.

I just heard a screaming scream from a flying crow, the belly was shot through by an arrow, and it fluttered its wings and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the remaining crows screamed and ran for their lives.

The jackal god, who was sleeping in the middle of the tribe, was awakened by the cries of these big crows. It also thought of the kid who called himself "the crow tribe" and suddenly became furious.


The Jackal God turned into a black shadow, jumped up, killed a big crow like lightning, then landed on the ground, and devoured it bitterly.

The remaining few big crows also fell one after another amid the intensive archery of the jackal tribe warriors, and not even a single one escaped.

The leader of the Jackal Tribe ordered: "Pulling and roasting these crows for me, eat meat!"

After speaking, the leader of the Jackal Tribe felt a sigh of anger, turned back to the house, and continued to discuss the true meaning of life with the women of the tribe.

The warriors of the Jackal Tribe ran over immediately, picked up the big crows that had been hit by arrows, and after simple and rough plucking, they strung them together with wooden sticks and roasted them on a fire.

In fact, crow meat is not delicious, and it is far worse than the meat of other birds.

But the people of the Jackal Tribe had a deep resentment for the boy who rode the giant eagle, so they hated the house and the black, and when they roasted the big crow, they felt a kind of revenge-like pleasure, and even thought that the meat of the big crow was very fragrant.

Outside the forest, the fighters of the Jackal Tribe who were in charge of the path-finding waited for a long time, but they did not see the big crow coming back, and even heard the screaming of the big crow.

They suddenly understood that most of the crows who were exploring the road were shot and killed by people from this strange tribe.

"Go back and report the witch and the leader!"

The soldier in charge of exploring the path quickly ran back with anger.

The big crow is sacred to the crow tribe, and it is also a close hunting and fighting partner. How can they not be angry when the big crow is shot?

Soon after, both the leader of the crow tribe and the witch learned the news that the pathfinder crow had been shot.

Previously, when they were in the Veng tribe, they had already lost more than a hundred big crows, and their hearts had long been full of anger.

Now, a few more were shot and killed, and the people of the crow tribe were suddenly furious.

"I want to see, which small tribe ate the guts of the giant tooth tiger and dared to kill our divine crow!"

"Go, kill them!"

More than a thousand warriors of the crow tribe followed the leader to take revenge, and the crow **** and the big crows also went together.

The Crow God was slapped by Shenteng, just when he thought about it and became more angry, and now this kind of thing happened, how could it be indifferent?

Soon, more than a thousand warriors of the crow tribe, as well as a large black crow, rushed towards the forest where the jackal tribe was located.

With such a big battle, it is naturally impossible to hide the Jackal Tribe.


After the Jackal God found a powerful breath approaching, he immediately raised his head and howled.

For a time, all the warriors of the entire jackal tribe took their weapons and rode on tall jackals to prepare to defend against the enemy.

"Dumb dumb..."

The Crow God flew in the just saw the Jackal God who just came out of the forest.

Both sides felt the other's surging divine power fluctuations, and did not dare to act directly for a while.

At this time, the leader of the jackal tribe rushed out, and he shouted to the crow tribe: "Which tribe are you from, and dare to break into the territory of our jackal tribe?"

The leader of the crow tribe stepped forward and shouted, "We belong to the crow clan..."

The leader of the crow tribe did not finish a sentence, the leader of the jackal tribe heard the words "crow tribe", and his anger reached a peak in an instant.

"Just call it the crow tribe, right? Call me!"

The leader of the Jackal Tribe roared, and rode the tall jackal to charge forward, and the thousands of wolf cavalry behind him also charged at the same time.

The leader of the crow tribe was stunned, shouldn't they be the ones who should be angry?

But since the other party has already rushed over, they can't admit it.

The leader of the crow tribe also rushed over with thousands of warriors and countless crows, and a battle broke out between the two sides in an instant.

It stands to reason that the jackal cavalry of the jackal tribe actually has a great advantage over the infantry of the crow tribe.

However, the crow tribe is not only the warriors of the ground, but also a large number of large crows.

These fierce crows were constantly attacking in the sky, which made the jackal cavalry unable to launch an effective charge. They had to deal with the crows on their heads and the attacks from the crow tribe warriors in front at the same time.

The Jackal God and the Crow God also fought. The strength of the two sides was relatively close, and the Jackal God was very resentful to the "Crow Tribe", and the fight was extremely fierce.

They never thought that it was Jiang Xuan, the leader of the Vine tribe, who provoked the hatred and anger between the two sides.

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