This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 122: Unbearable

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The next day, the people of the crow tribe were tired, repaired their houses, went out hunting, and worked hard for the tribe to take root here.

They thought that the big turtle was just here to take revenge, and it should not appear in the future.

However, they never imagined that the nightmare had just begun.

At noon, the sun is very strong, and half of the crow tribe is hunting and gathering nearby to supply the terrible food consumption of three thousand people.

However, just as they were cooking, a huge mountain tortoise suddenly appeared in the big swamp and rushed into the residential area at great speed.

"The big turtle is here again!"

The warriors of the crow tribe shouted wildly, and at the same time attacked the turtle **** with spears, short spears, bows and arrows, slings, etc.

However, their attacks were useless against the Turtle God.

"Dumb dumb..."

The crow was so angry that it immediately flew down from the big tree, ready to attack this hateful old mountain tortoise.

However, the ground is full of crow tribesmen. If the crow **** dared to breathe fire, those people would be the first to be burned to death.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Turtle God ignored the Crow God at all. His sense of smell was very sensitive, and he could accurately smell that the room was cooking, and then rushed directly over.

"bang bang bang bang..."

Houses were knocked down, pottery cauldrons that were cooking food were crushed into pieces by the turtle god, and even those who were grilling were not spared.

"Food, our food..."

The leader of the crow tribe, who was chasing after the turtle god, saw this scene, blood rushed to his forehead, and his eyes were red.

Those hungry and sleepy crow tribe warriors are also in the same mood, all of them are frantically attacking the Turtle God, hoping it will stop this behavior.

However, the Turtle God's defense was terrifyingly high, forcibly resisting the attack of a large group of warriors, a large group of crows, and the Crow God, pushing the entire settlement horizontally, destroying the crow tribe's cooking utensils and food.


After doing all this, the Turtle God roared happily, and then quickly ran into the big swamp.


The water splashed in the big swamp, and the Turtle God dived into the water, and soon disappeared without a trace, and even the Raven God couldn't track where it went.

"Dumb dumb..."

The Crow God watched helplessly as the Turtle God disappeared, and he was so angry that his seven orifices smoked and flew over the Great Swamp.

The Crow God is not stupid, it also thought of flying directly into the big swamp like the Turtle God and attacking the clansmen of the Mountain Turtle Tribe.

But it was simply unable to determine where the Turtle God had gone.

What if it just flew away and the Turtle God went ashore and wiped out the entire crow tribe? Even if it also wiped out the Mountain Turtle Tribe, it would be at best a loss for both sides, and the Crow Tribe had more clansmen.

To deal with a tribe, the totem **** must be solved first, otherwise it will be a nightmare.

What's more terrifying is that a totem **** you can't kill at all, like a turtle god, is a nightmare within a nightmare.

The Raven God would rather fight the terrifying Jackal God than fight this old turtle with a perverted defense.

Therefore, the Crow God flew around and ate a few water beasts to vent his anger, but he could only fly back to the tree helplessly.

The crow tribe, on the other hand, had to face the collapsed houses, the food they could no longer eat, and the fear of not knowing when the old turtle would come back.

This kind of torture can make people crazy.

The crow tribe witch was busy treating the injured tribesmen and soothing the emotions of the tribesmen.

The leader of the crow tribe reluctantly went to take the soldiers to find food. As long as they could eat, they would bring them back and let the tribesmen barely fill their stomachs.

When he returned from hunting, looking at the pitiful prey, he couldn't help but find the crow tribe witch, saying: "Witch, that big tortoise comes from time to time, this place can't live anymore, or we...let's find another one. place."

After hearing this sentence, the nearby soldiers also nodded their heads one after another. This kind of day when they can't eat enough, can't sleep, and are always scared, every moment is a torment.

However, the crow tribe witch said: "The crow **** will definitely find a way to deal with that big turtle, everyone will be patient."

This place is very good, the nearby threats have been almost cleaned up by the Mountain Turtle Tribe, and the water source is also sufficient. It is an ideal place to live. The Crow Tribe witch doesn't want to give up, and the Crow God doesn't want to give up.

The leader of the crow tribe was disappointed, but he had no choice but to hope that the crow **** could really deal with the big tortoise.

In this way, the day passed in a hurry, until the sun went down, the big tortoise did not appear again, and everyone in the crow tribe felt a little relieved.

After dark, the crow tribesmen, who finally found some food, cooked again.

But because Tao Ding was gone, whether it was wild vegetables or animal meat, they could only eat it by roasting it.

The aroma of the food gradually filled the air, and the hungry crow tribe couldn't wait to eat.

However, at this moment, the nightmare came again.


In the big swamp, the familiar sound of water sounded, and a huge mountain tortoise rushed over quickly.

"The big turtle is here again!"

The grief-stricken crow tribe warrior roared angrily, and then charged towards the Turtle God with weapons.

"Dumb dumb..."

The Crow God responded very quickly this time. After hearing the sound of the water, he immediately flew down with a group of crows, frantically attacking the giant tortoise with his claws and beaks.

However, the Turtle God is covered with a thick protective cover that all attacks cannot penetrate.


The turtle **** moved forward like a tank, and once again crushed all the food collected by the crow tribe into pieces, and mixed it with the soil and gravel.

Not only that, but it also opened its mouth and ate several warriors of the crow tribe from time to time.

After a quick lap, he sneaked into the big swamp without hesitation. While the Crow Tribe was so angry that he vomited blood, there was nothing he could do about it.


The leader of the crow tribe punched a big tree, making a deep hole. The tree swayed and dropped a lot of dead branches and fallen leaves. If the tree was not big enough, he might have been interrupted by his midsection.

However, this is of no use.

The leader of the crow tribe found the witch with red eyes, and said, "Witch, if we stay in this place, our clan will be killed by that big tortoise. Talk to the crow **** and find another place to live."

The crow tribe witch was also very helpless. He closed his eyes and communicated with the equally angry crow god.

Although the anger was burning, the Crow God did not lose his mind, knowing that if he continued to die, the Crow Tribe would suffer heavy losses.

Soon, the crow tribe witch opened his eyes and said, "Crow God agrees, we will leave at dawn."

The leader of the crow tribe breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I will ask the people to prepare."

The tired and hungry crow tribesmen burst into tears when they heard the news of the migration.

In the past, they were afraid of migration, but now, they just want to leave this place quickly and avoid the old turtle.

That night, the hungry crow tribesmen held torches all night and ate almost everything that could be eaten or obtained nearby, and most of them were not roasted, but were eaten raw.

They were really scared by that old turtle.

After barely filling their stomachs, the crow tribe fell asleep quickly in the dilapidated house.

They were starved and sleepy by the torment of the turtle god, and they couldn't bear it any longer.

But they didn't expect that in the middle of the night, the turtle **** came again!

This time, the warriors of the crow tribe no longer tried desperately to find the turtle god, but instead avoided it, because the group of crow clan warriors they liked desperately had already been killed by the turtle god.

Even the Crow God just made a symbolic attack, and then watched the Turtle God go away again.

This night, the clansmen of the crow tribe did not sleep well, and as long as there was a little disturbance, they could be scared to jump out of their sleep.

Especially the sound of water, they already have a psychological shadow on the sound of water.

After finally getting up until dawn, the crow tribe immediately left this nightmarish place with the packed things.

When he left, the Crow God looked back with resentment. He swore that if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely find a way to kill this old mountain tortoise!

When the crow tribe left, the turtle **** who had been hiding in the water appeared again, but it did not go ashore, but continued to wait patiently.

It was not until a day later that the people of the crow tribe were sure that they would not come back, and the turtle **** slowly swam to the middle of the big swamp and picked up the people of the mountain turtle tribe.

When Shan Jia and others set foot on the tribe's territory again, they were very excited.

However, when they saw a large number of collapsed houses and the ground was full of mess, they angrily put the account on the head of the crow tribe.

If they meet the crow tribe again in the future, the two sides will be mortal enemies that will never die!

The Turtle God lay in the center of the tribe again, and the warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe began to rebuild the tribe and were very busy.


As for the crow tribe, they attacked three places, but each time they failed unluckily. Not only did they fail to grab food supplies and territories, but they continued to lose soldiers and supplies.

After leaving the Mountain Turtle Tribe, their population was only over 2,000, and they were all tired and hungry, and their condition was extremely poor.

They followed the swamp and continued south, looking for a more suitable place to live.

At this time, they no longer dream of capturing a small tribe and getting a lot of supplies and territories.

In fact, if it fails a few more times, I am afraid it will be a question whether the crow tribe can continue to survive.

After they had walked along the swamp for a few days, there was finally a place that looked more habitable ahead.

Coincidentally, this place was the place where the Mosquito Tribe chose to live!

The leader of the crow tribe entered the place where the Mosquito tribe once lived. Now this place is overgrown with tall weeds and vines. If you don't look closely, you can't even find the ruins.

Because after the Vine tribe broke the mosquito tribe, most of the houses collapsed. Over time, the wood was emptied by various insects and ants, and it was easy to rot.

"Looks like Tribes used to live here, but they moved."

The crow tribe leader looked around and was quite satisfied with this place.

He also noticed that a nearby mountain had partially collapsed, and there was still a deep hole, but it was nothing.

He would never have thought that the collapsed mountain and the deep pit were left by the Vine God.

After the crow tribe leader finished his inspection, he returned to the clan and found the witch.

"Wu, this place used to be lived by tribes, but it's been away for a long time. I think we can live here, why don't you ask the Crow God?"

The crow tribe witch nodded, and then immediately communicated with the crow god.

After a while, the crow tribe witch opened her eyes and said, "Crow God agrees, let's live here."

The leader of the crow tribe breathed a sigh of relief, and finally no longer had to run around.

"Work, work!"

He immediately directed the warriors to clear weeds, cut down trees, and build houses.

As usual, the Crow God found the tallest tree and chose a suitable branch to stand on, while the other big crows perched on the surrounding trees.

These trees are the future homes of the crows.

The crow tribe lived in this way temporarily. There were more birds and beasts nearby, and the food was abundant. Finally, they no longer had to suffer from hunger and fear.


Southern Wilderness, Vine Tribe.

"Build up the ridge, make it stronger, and don't leak water."

By the creek, Jiang Xuan was directing the planting team to transform a low-lying crop field into a paddy field.

After discovering that crystal rice likes wet soil last year, Jiang Xuan came up with the idea of ​​building a paddy field. This year, it was time to plant red crystal rice, and it was time to try it out.

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