This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 155: migratory waves

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Vine tribe, high mountains in the northwest.

"Boss, these transplanted wax trees are growing very well, and they should be able to put wax worms on them in two years."

In the new wax grove near the Vine tribe, Ophiopogon looked at the hundreds of lush wax saplings with a smile on his face.

After the successful attempt to transplant wax tree seedlings last year, Jiang Xuan deliberately took a group of people to the site of the Yanyang tribe this spring, and dug back almost all those small wax trees, there were hundreds of them in total.

Except for a few saplings whose roots were dug up, most of the wax saplings were transplanted and survived, and a large number of leaves grew.

Wax trees grow very fast, it only takes two years for them to grow a lot taller, and then they are ready for wax worms.

In this way, insect wax can be produced in the territory of the Veng tribe, and there is no need to venture to the site of the Yanyang tribe, and there is no need to worry about the insect wax being destroyed or picked in advance.

Jiang Xuan stood on a stone and pointed to the surrounding mountains: "We can plant all these mountains with wax trees in the future, and our wax wax will be too much to use up!"

Listening to Jiang Xuan's rhetoric, Ophiopogon said excitedly, "I really hope that day will come soon!"

"That day will come, work!"

Jiang Xuan jumped off the stone, and he was full of confidence in the future of the Vine tribe.

Jiang Xuan and Ophiopogon took stone hoes to shovel out all the weeds in the wax forest, which is conducive to the growth of wax tree seedlings.

When these wax trees grow lush and leafy, there is no need to weed so much trouble, they will block the sun by themselves, so that the weeds under the trees will not grow.


Just when they were about to finish weeding, the dumplings suddenly flew back from a distance and landed outside the wax forest, calling Jiang Xuan a few times in a low voice.

"problem occurs!"

Jiang Xuan gets along with Tangyuan day and night, and has some understanding of the different sounds of Tangyuan.

Ophiopogon hurriedly asked, "Boss, what happened?"

"I don't know, don't weed first, come with me."

Jiang Xuan hurried to the side of the dumplings, Ophiopogon carrying the hoe, and hurriedly followed.


Tangyuan stretched out a wing and motioned Jiang Xuan to go up.

Jiang Xuan climbed directly onto the back of the dumplings, and then let Ophiopogon go up too.


Tangyuan directly flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

"Boss, where are the dumplings taking us?"

"We'll find out later."

Jiang Xuan knew that something must have happened, otherwise the dumplings would not have made such an abnormal behavior.

You know, Tangyuan's intelligence is not low, but it can't speak.

The dumplings flew all the way to the northwest. After flying for about ten minutes, they stopped flying forward, but lowered their altitude slightly and hovered in the air.

Jiang Xuan looked at the ground, and after only a while, he understood what was going on.

"Migrating tribes!"

On the ground, through the sparse forest, it is obvious that a large group of people are walking forward. Among the group of people, there is an unusually tall beast, exuding a terrifying aura, which is obviously their totem god.

"Boss, look, there are also over there." Ophiopogon pointed to the distance.

Jiang Xuan looked in the direction pointed by Ophiopogon again, and saw another tribe, also migrating in the direction of the Southern Wilderness, with a large number of people.

Jiang Xuan's face became serious: "Tangyuan, continue to fly forward."

The dumplings flew forward, and along the way, Jiang Xuan saw more tribes, and they were all moving towards the Southern Wilderness.

The more tribes he saw, the more Jiang Xuan's heart sank.

So many tribes, once all flooded into the Southern Wilderness, will have an inestimable impact.

With so many tribes, how many forests must be occupied to feed them?

Can the tribes who originally lived in the Southern Wild Forest allow them to occupy their own territory?

Anyway, the Vine tribe absolutely cannot tolerate other tribes occupying the territory they have finally established.

Since it cannot be tolerated, it can only be fought.

It is foreseeable that in the future, if you want to survive in the Southern Wilderness, the competition will be fierce and difficult.

"Go, go back!"

Jiang Xuan rode the dumplings for a while, and then stopped moving forward, because it was meaningless.

A great migration wave has swept over.

The vine tribe must prepare early. If it can withstand the tide, the vine tribe will be even stronger.

If they can't stand it, they will either follow the current and migrate further south, or they will simply be wiped out.

The dumplings circled in the sky for half a circle, and then flew in the direction of the Vine tribe.

Along the way, Jiang Xuan frowned, looking at the scenery passing by on the ground and the migrating tribes.

Seeing that Jiang Xuan was in a bad mood, Mai Dong wisely closed his mouth, but his eyes were very worried.

After returning to the tribe, Jiang Xuan immediately summoned all the important personnel and told them what he had seen.

In the bamboo house, Jiang Xuan said solemnly: "When the Jackal Tribe appeared, I knew that day would come sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly."

"We must be ready to fight other tribes at any time!"

"Starting tomorrow, the two hunting teams will take turns to hunt, and the tribe must have enough warriors to guard it at all times."

"Yes, chief."

Uncaria and Loach agreed one after another.

"Nan Xing, I will add thirty soldiers to the guard team. Keep the dark post farther away and focus on the movement in the west. Once you find a tribe migrating over, you will immediately warn the tribe."


Nan Xing nodded solemnly, feeling the heavy pressure, but he didn't say much.

Jiang Xuan said to Chi Shao again: "Witch, I will send two people over to help you. During this time, you will work hard to make more healing medicines. In case of a fight with other tribes, many people will be injured."

"give it to me."

Chi Shao's expression was much calmer than the others.

"Old Blackstone's side, add ten more people and make more weapons."

"In the clothing workshop, ten more people will be added to produce more clothing and animal skin backpacks as soon as possible."

"The breeding team and the planting team will divide one-third of the staff to the other side of the Flying Fish River to develop planting and breeding. With the natural danger of the Flying Fish River, it will be much safer there than here in the future."

"The fishing team is responsible for building more wooden boats and bamboo rafts. In the event of an accident, we must ensure that all members of the tribe can cross the river quickly."


Under a series of orders from Jiang Xuan, the entire Vine tribe started to speed up, and everyone felt a sense of urgency.

When everyone left, Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao were left in the house.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Vine tribe, high mountains in the northwest.

"Boss, these transplanted wax trees are growing very well, and they should be able to put wax worms on them in two years."

In the new wax grove near the Vine tribe, Ophiopogon looked at the hundreds of lush wax saplings with a smile on his face.

After the successful attempt to transplant wax tree seedlings last year, Jiang Xuan deliberately took a group of people to the site of the Yanyang tribe this spring, and dug back almost all those small wax trees, there were hundreds of them in total.

Except for a few saplings whose roots were dug up, most of the wax saplings were transplanted and survived, and a large number of leaves grew.

Wax trees grow very fast, it only takes two years for them to grow a lot taller, and then they are ready for wax worms.

In this way, insect wax can be produced in the territory of the Veng tribe, and there is no need to venture to the site of the Yanyang tribe, and there is no need to worry about the insect wax being destroyed or picked in advance.

Jiang Xuan stood on a stone and pointed to the surrounding mountains: "We can plant all these mountains with wax trees in the future, and our wax wax will be too much to use up!"

Listening to Jiang Xuan's rhetoric, Ophiopogon said excitedly, "I really hope that day will come soon!"

"The day will come, work!"

Jiang Xuan jumped off the stone, and he was full of confidence in the future of the Vine tribe.

Jiang Xuan and Ophiopogon took stone hoes to shovel out all the weeds in the wax forest, which is conducive to the growth of wax tree seedlings.

When these wax trees grow lush and leafy, there is no need to weed so much trouble, they will block the sun by themselves, so that the weeds under the trees will not grow.


Just when they were about to finish weeding, the dumplings suddenly flew back from a distance and landed outside the wax forest, calling Jiang Xuan a few times in a low voice.

"Fairy Wood"

"problem occurs!"

Jiang Xuan gets along with Tangyuan day and night, and has some understanding of the different sounds of Tangyuan.

Ophiopogon hurriedly asked, "Boss, what happened?"

"I don't know, don't weed first, come with me."

Jiang Xuan hurried to the side of the dumplings, Ophiopogon carrying the hoe, and hurriedly followed.


Tangyuan stretched out a wing and motioned Jiang Xuan to go up.

Jiang Xuan climbed directly onto the back of the dumplings, and then let Ophiopogon go up too.


Tangyuan directly flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

"Boss, where are the dumplings taking us?"

"We'll find out later."

Jiang Xuan knew that something must have happened, otherwise the dumplings would not have made such an abnormal behavior.

You know, Tangyuan's intelligence is not low, but it can't speak.

The dumplings flew all the way to the northwest. After flying for about ten minutes, they stopped flying forward, but lowered their altitude slightly and hovered in the air.

Jiang Xuan looked at the ground, and after only a while, he understood what was going on.

"Migrating tribes!"

On the ground, through the sparse forest, it is obvious that a large group of people are walking forward. Among the group of people, there is an unusually tall beast, exuding a terrifying aura, which is obviously their totem god.

"Boss, look, there are also over there." Ophiopogon pointed to the distance.

Jiang Xuan looked in the direction pointed by Ophiopogon again, and saw that another tribe was also migrating in the direction of the Southern Wilderness, with a large number of people.

Jiang Xuan's face became serious: "Tangyuan, continue to fly forward."

The dumplings flew forward, and along the way, Jiang Xuan saw more tribes, and they were all moving towards the Southern Wilderness.

The more tribes he saw, the more Jiang Xuan's heart sank.

So many tribes, once all flooded into the Southern Wilderness, will have an inestimable impact.

With so many tribes, how many forests must be occupied to feed them?

Can the tribes who originally lived in the Southern Wild Forest allow them to occupy their own territory?

Anyway, the Vine tribe absolutely cannot tolerate other tribes occupying the territory they have finally established.

Since it cannot be tolerated, it can only be fought.

It is foreseeable that in the future, if you want to survive in the Southern Wilderness, the competition will be fierce and difficult.

"Go, go back!"

Jiang Xuan rode the dumplings for a while, and then stopped moving forward, because it was meaningless.

A great migration wave has swept over.

The vine tribe must prepare early. If it can withstand the tide, the vine tribe will be even stronger.

If they can't stand it, they will either follow the current and migrate further south, or they will simply be wiped out.

The dumplings circled in the sky for half a circle, and then flew in the direction of the Vine tribe.

Along the way, Jiang Xuan frowned, looking at the scenery passing by on the ground and the migrating tribes.

Seeing that Jiang Xuan was in a bad mood, Mai Dong wisely closed his mouth, but his eyes were very worried.

After returning to the tribe, Jiang Xuan immediately summoned all the important personnel and told them what he had seen. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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