This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 175: Frog tribe settled, malachite

Under the protection of the Veng tribe warriors, the frog tribe clansmen took all their belongings and giant frogs and slowly walked towards the direction of the Veng tribe.

Because the frog tribesmen can only rely on walking and walk relatively slowly, the vine tribe warriors can only make their mounts slow down.

On the third day, they were targeted by a tribe that had just migrated from the Western Wilderness.

This is a relatively powerful tribe with about 3,000 people, and the totem **** is a big scorpion.

They planned to loot the warriors of the vine tribe and the tribe of frogs.

"Yi'er, Ei'er..."

Before the scorpion tribe approached, it was discovered by the tangyuan hovering in the sky, and the tangyuan made a continuous, sharp chirping sound.

"No, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Jiang Xuan, who was walking at the front of the team, shouted, and everyone immediately went into a state of alert, looking around nervously.


Crescent Moon, who has grown very tall, let out a low roar, and a faint vine tribe totem pattern appeared on his forehead, obviously ready for battle.


There were dense voices from the surrounding forest, and then, a red scorpion the size of a grinding disc came out first.

Immediately afterwards, countless black or red or brown big scorpions emerged, two large claws opened, and the highly poisonous tail needles hung upside down, looking at the people of the Vine Tribe and Frog Tribe indifferently.


After the big scorpion appeared, thousands of scorpion tribe warriors also appeared.

With hunting whistles in their mouths, and with various weapons in their hands, they surrounded the Vine and Frog tribes.


A huge black scorpion also appeared. Its body was twenty or thirty meters long, and its pincers could easily cut off the tree, exuding terrifying fluctuations of divine power.

It is the totem **** of the scorpion tribe.

Among the scorpion tribe, one person shouted loudly: "Hand over everything, or you will be killed!"


The soldiers of the scorpion tribe all shouted excitedly, and the big scorpions were eager to kill.

"Boss, what should I do?"

Everyone panicked. If it was just the soldiers of the Scorpion tribe, they could still kill them directly by relying on the speed of the cavalry.

But in the face of a tribe's totem god, it is impossible for them to fight.

The clansmen of the frog tribe were even more panicked. Huo Meng even felt a sense of despair. They had come so far in such a big western wasteland. Are they going to be destroyed here today?

Huo Meng also walked to Jiang Xuan's side, and now the only one he could rely on was the Teng tribe.

Compared with other warriors, Jiang Xuan is obviously much calmer.

Because he had long anticipated that such a situation might occur on the road, and asked Shenteng for a life-saving means in advance.

This life-saving means can not only save his own life, but also the lives of everyone accompanying him.

Jiang Xuan raised his right hand high and shouted, "Don't panic, the Fujishen is here!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Xuan's right arm, and saw a green vine wrapped around his arm. It was not conspicuous before, but now it began to bloom with green light.


The vines unscrewed from Jiang Xuan's right arm in a circle, and then rose above the heads of everyone, and became larger and larger, like a green dragon twisting in the air.

At the same time, among the vine tribes far away by the Feiyu River, the divine vines on the stone mountain suddenly burst into a terrifying breath, making all the creatures in the territory feel the fear from their hearts.

There is a mysterious connection across space between the vines on the stone mountain and the vines in the distance.

In the distant forest, the scorpion tribe warriors who were shouting excitedly saw the sudden appearance of the huge vines, realized that things had changed, and stopped shouting.


Even the giant scorpion **** stared at the huge vine and felt a lot of pressure.

"It's the Vine God, the Vine God is protecting us!"

The warriors of the Vine tribe cheered one after another. After seeing the Totem God, the fear in their hearts disappeared, and their state became very excited.

"This is the patron saint of the Vine tribe!"

Huo Meng's mood is also a little excited. The totem **** of the Vine tribe looks very powerful and can definitely protect them.

Just then, the vines in the sky moved.

It tensed up instantly, and then fiercely pulled towards the giant scorpion god.


The speed of the vines is too fast, like a green lightning, when the giant scorpion **** reacts, he has been drawn.

"Crack clap..."

The giant scorpion **** was directly pulled out, breaking several trees, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Fortunately, its shell is hard enough, otherwise it would have been seriously injured.

"Clap clap clap..."

Afterwards, the huge vines twitched wildly, and the large trees broke off at the waist. The big scorpion and the scorpion tribe warriors were pumped and fled in all directions. Where is the prestige just now?


The giant scorpion **** climbed up and suffered such a big loss. It was very angry. The giant claws kept opening and closing, trying to kill all the warriors of the Vine tribe to vent their anger.

However, at this moment, it sensed the direction of the Vine tribe, and a terrible presence locked it.

As long as it dares to kill, that existence will definitely

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Just kill it.

The giant scorpion **** looked at the vines in the air, and then looked at the warriors of the vine tribe. In the end, he held back and did not shoot, but turned and left.

"Retreat, retreat!"

As soon as the giant scorpion **** left, the leader of the scorpion tribe shouted, and those warriors and big scorpions fled in confusion, and they ran clean in a blink of an eye.

The Frog Tribe, who was still desperate just now, suddenly found that all the enemies had withdrawn, and they were at a loss for a while.

The frog tribe witch looked up at the huge vine and muttered to herself: "What a powerful patron saint, maybe, Huo Meng's choice is right..."

Witnessing the power of the totem **** of the Vine tribe, the idea of ​​the witch of the frog tribe finally changed.

After the people of the Scorpion tribe retreated, the huge vine in the sky shrank again, and then wrapped around Jiang Xuan's right arm again.

The eyes of everyone looking at Jiang Xuan became even more awe-inspiring, after all, even the totem **** was hanging on him.

Jiang Xuan did not expect a vine to have such terrifying power.

He realized that after devouring the totem gods of several small tribes and the massive sacrifices of flesh and blood, the strength of Shenteng was unfathomable, far exceeding the totem gods of ordinary small tribes.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan felt more confident.

"Keep going!"

Jiang Xuan took the lead in riding the crescent moon and walked forward, and the warriors of the rattan tribe and the clansmen of the frog tribe hurriedly followed, leaving only a forest that had been devastated by the vines.

The **** vine, which was far away in the vine tribe, also fell silent again, the rays of light were all restrained, and the mist shrouded Shishan.

In the follow-up journey, Jiang Xuan and others did not encounter any danger. Ten days later, they successfully brought the clansmen of the Frog Tribe outside the tall vine wall of the Vine Tribe.

Returning to the territory of the Vine Tribe, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Next is the question of relocating the frog tribe.

According to the previous agreement, the Frog Tribe could choose a place to live in the forest to the south of the Vine Tribe.

Of course, this place of residence cannot be too far from the Vine tribe, otherwise it will be difficult to get the protection of the Vine tribe.

Huo Meng and Frog Tribe Witch walked for two days in the forest south of the Vine Tribe, and finally decided to settle in the lower reaches of the Flying Fish River, next to the Veng Tribe's territory.

After choosing the location, the tribe of the frog tribe immediately began to build houses.

Because the frog tribe is the first affiliated tribe of the rattan tribe, Jiang Xuan is more concerned about it.

So a group of soldiers with construction experience were sent over to help them cut down trees and build houses, so that they could settle down early.

At the same time, Chishao also went to the new residence of the frog tribe, and painted the totem pattern of the rattan tribe with mineral pigments in several conspicuous places outside their residence.

The purpose of these totem patterns is to announce to other tribes that the Frog Tribe is under the protection of the Vine Tribe. If you want to do something to the Frog Tribe, it is best to first consider whether you can withstand the anger of the Vine Tribe.

Soon, with the help of the Vine tribe, the frog tribe settled in their new settlement.

There are more prey and various edible plants near the new settlement, and the population of the frog tribe is relatively small, so they no longer have to go hungry.

Not only that, but they can also go to the Vine Tribe's trading area to get what they need through trading.

Soon, the tribesmen of the frog tribe no longer resisted becoming an affiliated tribe, because after their tribe migrated over, they obtained tangible benefits.

The giant frogs of the frog tribe have also regained an environment suitable for their survival. As long as everything develops normally, with the reproductive ability of giant frogs, within two years, the frog tribe will once again have a large number of giant frogs that can help hunting and fighting.


In March, the weather is getting warmer, the plants in the forest are growing like crazy, and all kinds of animals have entered the breeding season.

Whether it is the clansmen of various tribes or the tourists, there is no need to worry about starvation to death.

On March 5th, a tourist wrapped a special item with some vines and leaves and walked into the trading area of ​​the vine tribe.

He went straight to the shop where grain and salt were traded, looked around carefully, and put the things on the table made of giant wood.

Mallow is in charge of the grain and salt shop. After a period of hard work, she has become more capable.

Mallow looked at the tightly wrapped things on the table and acted calmer, because she had experienced this kind of thing a lot.

Tourists are less timid and do not have much self-defense ability.

So every time they find some items that can be used for trading, they will be wrapped tightly like this, so as not to be seen and robbed.

According to Jiang Xuan's request, Mallow asked politely, "Hello, can you open it and see what's inside?"

The tourist nodded nervously, looked outside again, made sure no one came in, and then opened the vines and leaves that wrapped the items layer by layer, revealing a stone about the size of a palm, with beautiful green spots in circles. .

These green circular markings are very similar to the patterns on the tail feathers of some birds, very beautiful.

"How much animal meat can be exchanged for this stone?" The visitor looked at Mallow with anticipation.

Mallow picked up this stone and observed it carefully for a while, only to think it was very beautiful, but I had never seen it before, so it is not easy to estimate it.

It happened that at this time, Jiang Xuan visited the trading area, Mallow hurried to the door and invited Jiang Xuan in.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xuan entered the door, first

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ I looked at the tourist, and then looked at the mallow.

Mallow said: "Boss, there is a beautiful stone here. This tourist wants to exchange it for animal meat, but I have never seen this kind of stone before, and I don't know if it is useful."

"Oh? Let me see."

Jiang Xuan walked to the table, and under the nervous gaze of the tourist, he picked up the beautiful green stone.

He just glanced at it and couldn't look away.

"Huh? This is... malachite!"

Jiang Xuan was taken aback. He turned the stone over and over several times, feeling a little excited.

"Yes, this is malachite!"

In the previous life, Jiang Xuan bought a relatively large malachite pendant, and for this reason, he also learned a lot about malachite.

The color of malachite resembles the green spots on peacock feathers, so it is called malachite.

Malachite is highly The reason is that its color and pattern are relatively special, and it is not easy to be mistaken.

In the world of Jiang Xuan's previous life, malachite was mostly sold as an ornamental gem.

But Jiang Xuan was not excited because of this.

In fact, the texture of malachite is relatively brittle, and it is not suitable for stone tools, but only as decorations.

Among the primitive tribes, the stones that can be used as stone tools are good stones, and the stones that can only be used for decoration are not of high value.

Jiang Xuan is excited because malachite is actually a type of copper ore, and it is often associated with other copper ore!

In other words, as long as the origin of this piece of malachite is found, there is a high probability that other copper ores can also be found.

Jiang Xuan has long wanted to make copper utensils, but no copper ore has been found.

In the current situation, there is nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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