This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 184: join forces against the enemy

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In Jiang Xuan's yard, Shan Jia saw the huge dumplings and crescent moon and felt a lot of pressure.

These two are real vicious beasts.

In terms of combat power alone, two mountain armors tied together will definitely not be able to beat them.

"Leader of the mountain armor, come in!"

In the house, Jiang Xuan put the burning firewood under two pottery cauldrons, one was stewed with meat and vegetables, and the other was full of red crystal rice with the shell removed.

Afterwards, he took out a lot of dried fruit and dried meat and placed them on the table, which were very rich.


Shan Jia retracted his gaze from looking at Jiang Xuan's courtyard, walked into the house, and sat on a large stool made of tree stumps.

Jiang Xuan greeted: "You're hungry, come and come, eat some jerky first, and I'll give you a taste of our Veng tribe's delicacies later."

Jiang Xuan stuffed two pieces of jerky into the mountain beetle, but the mountain beetle was not polite, just put a piece in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

The jerky in Jiang Xuan's house was marinated with salt and spices for a day, then hung over the fire, wrapped in a wide leaf, and slowly smoked dry.

It is not only salty and delicious, but also looks clean, unlike other tribes, not only has no salt, but also has a dark appearance, which needs to be washed before eating.

The mountain carp only chewed a few times, and his eyes lit up. While chewing, he praised indistinctly: "Delicious!"

Jiang Xuan said with a smile: "Eat more if it's delicious, it's enough."

The tribal people's teeth are very good. It didn't take long for Shan Jia to eat most of a piece of jerky, then took the pottery bowl handed over by Jiang Xuan and drank a big sip of tea.

There are several bags of "tea" in Jiang Xuan's house, but they are not tea leaves, but the leaves of a kind of herbal medicine.

After the leaves of this herb are dried in the sun, and then soaked in hot water, it will emit a very fragrant smell, and after drinking, there will be a sweet taste.

After Jiang Xuan discovered this feature, he asked Chishao again, and determined that the water in which the leaves were soaked was good for people, so he used it as tea.

After drinking this tea, Shan Jia was full of praise again.

After eating a whole piece of jerky and drinking a large bowl of tea, Shan Jia finally relieved his hunger.

Time to get down to business.

Shan Jia said sternly: "Boss Xuan, I have a very important matter to discuss with you when I come to your Vine tribe this time."

"Leader of the mountain gills, please speak."

Shan Jia organized the language in his mind, and then asked, "Boss Xuan, do you know the Mengniao tribe?"

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "I know, you told me before that the Rex tribe was driven away by the Mengniao tribe."

Shan Jia nodded and said, "That's right, the Mengniao tribe is a medium-sized tribe. As soon as they came, the Otter tribe quickly migrated to other places."

"First Clan"

"But now it's not just the otter tribe. There are several small tribes near the big swamp, all of which have been wiped out by the Mengniao tribe."

"Even the hunting grounds of our Mountain Turtle Tribe were robbed by them. If they hadn't been able to hunt in the Great Swamp, our Mountain Turtle Tribe would have starved to death."

Jiang Xuan's expression became solemn. If the mountain turtle tribe really couldn't survive, they would probably migrate like the otter tribe, or be wiped out by the Mengniao tribe.

This is a situation that the Vine tribe absolutely does not want to see.

Because the Mountain Tortoise Tribe is only about three days away from the Vine Tribe, once the Mountain Tortoise Tribe is gone, with the expansion speed of the Mengniao Tribe, it will soon focus on the Vine Tribe.

A medium-sized tribe with a population of more than 5,000 needs a very broad territory to support it with extremely backward planting and breeding technologies.

What's more, the territory currently occupied by the Mengniao tribe is mostly steep mountains and hills, and the environment is relatively harsh.

They are not like the mountain turtle tribe, who can enter the big swamp for hunting, so they can only continue to expand their territory to support a large number of clansmen.

Jiang Xuan has no doubt that once the Teng tribe is targeted, such a fat piece of meat, the Mengniao tribe will definitely rush to take a bite, or even swallow it whole.

In fact, Jiang Xuan had already noticed the Mengniao tribe.

Because there are many tourists around the Teng tribe, their former tribe was wiped out by the Mengniao tribe.

After the establishment of the intelligence organization Thorn Vine, Fengcao bought a lot of tourists, and obtained a lot of information about the Mengniao tribe from these tourists.

Even if the mountain beetle didn't come today, Jiang Xuan had already raised his vigilance towards the Mengniao tribe.

"You said just now that your hunting grounds were almost taken away by the Mengniao tribe. What about the Mushroom Forest?"

Jiang Xuan keenly thought of the mushroom forest.

When mentioning the Mushroom Forest, Shan Jia's face suddenly became more ugly.

"The Mushroom Forest was also robbed by the Mengniao tribe, but they won't be able to pick the useful mushrooms in it for a while."

"But... when I came, those damned birds were already destroying the Mushroom Forest. If they are allowed to destroy it, it won't be long before the Mushroom Forest will be destroyed."

Having said this, Shan Jia clenched his fists and clenched his teeth.

The Mushroom Forest is the most important resource of the mountain turtle tribe.

With the mushroom forest, the mountain turtle tribe can trade with other tribes with various magical mushrooms in exchange for a large amount of materials.

However, if the Mushroom Forest is lost, the advantages of the Mountain Turtle Tribe will be lost, and in the future, they can only survive by hunting and gathering like other tribes.

Jiang Xuan asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

Shan Jia looked at Jiang Xuan and said with a serious face: "When we came, our witch said that the Mountain Turtle Tribe can join forces with the Vine Tribe to destroy this damned Meng Bird Tribe!"

"Destroy the Mengniao tribe?" Jiang Xuan looked at the mountain armor in surprise.

"That's right, just like when we joined forces to destroy the crow tribe and the jackal tribe."

"The Mengniao tribe is a medium-sized tribe, much stronger than the crow tribe and the jackal tribe."

Shan Jia asked tentatively, "Boss Xuan, isn't your Vine tribe also a medium-sized tribe?"

"No, no, leader of the mountain armor, you look down on us too much."

Jiang Xuan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Our Teng tribe is a small tribe, and it is still far from a medium-sized tribe."

"Boss Xuan, don't lie to me. The Turtle God said that your Vine God is no weaker than that Mengniao. If you want me to say, even the Mengniao tribe is not as strong as you."

Shan Jia has a look on your face that I've seen through a long time ago, and obviously felt that Jiang Xuan was too modest.

"Leader of the mountain armor, our Vine God may indeed be stronger, but our Vine Tribe has only been established a few years ago. There are not many warriors in the tribe, and the gap with the medium-sized tribe is too big."

Jiang Xuan has said so, and the mountain armor cannot force the name of "medium-sized tribe" on the head of the Veng tribe.

He said helplessly: "Boss Xuan, no matter whether your Teng tribe is a medium-sized tribe or not, I hope you can think about it carefully about attacking the Mengniao tribe. The sooner you get rid of this scourge, the better."

At this time, the food in the two pottery cauldrons in the fire pond was almost cooked, and the aroma of the food came.

Jiang Xuandao: "Come here, leader of the mountain armor, let's fill our stomachs first. Today, I specially cooked red crystal rice. You can't eat this kind of good food anywhere else!"

Although Shan Jia was in a hurry, Jiang Xuan said so, so he could only bear his temper and eat with Jiang Xuan first.

Jiang Xuan first removed the firewood from the pottery cauldron, then took out the pottery pot, filled two pots of meat and vegetables, took out two large pottery bowls, and put a bowl of red crystal rice for himself and Shanjia.

After the red crystal rice the size of red dates is cooked, the grains are full and exudes an attractive aroma.

Jiang Xuan sympathetically gave Shan Jia a pair of kuaizi and a spoon, while he only took a pair of kuaizi for himself.

"Leader of the mountain armor, don't be polite, eat."

After speaking, Jiang Xuan picked up the kuaizi, sandwiched a few pieces of meat, put it on top of the red crystal rice, and ate it with the red crystal rice, which was very fragrant.

Although Shan Jia was not in a good mood, the food that Jiang Xuan cooked was indeed tempting. He also followed Jiang Xuan's example and picked up the fast food.

"Leader of the mountain gills, use a spoon, a spoon is easy to scoop."

Under Jiang Xuan's reminder, Shan Jia gave up the fast food and scooped up the meat and rice with a spoon, which was really much easier.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


In the house, Jiang Xuan put the burning firewood under two pottery cauldrons, one was stewed with meat and vegetables, and the other was full of red crystal rice with the shell removed.

Afterwards, he took out a lot of dried fruit and dried meat and placed them on the table, which were very rich.


Shan Jia retracted his gaze from looking at Jiang Xuan's courtyard, walked into the house, and sat on a large stool made of tree stumps.

Jiang Xuan greeted: "You're hungry, come and come, eat some jerky first, and then I'll give you a taste of our Vine tribe's Jiang Xuan stuffed two pieces of jerky into the mountain gill, The mountain beetle was not polite, he directly put a piece in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

The jerky in Jiang Xuan's house was marinated with salt and spices for a day, then hung over the fire, wrapped in a wide leaf, and slowly smoked dry.

It is not only salty and delicious, but also looks clean, unlike other tribes, not only has no salt, but also has a dark appearance, which needs to be washed before eating.

The mountain carp only chewed a few times, and his eyes lit up. While chewing, he praised indistinctly: "Delicious!"

Jiang Xuan said with a smile: "Eat more if it's delicious, it's enough."

The tribal people's teeth are very good. It didn't take long for Shan Jia to eat most of a piece of jerky, then took the pottery bowl handed over by Jiang Xuan and drank a big sip of tea.

There are several bags of "tea" in Jiang Xuan's house, but they are not tea leaves, but the leaves of a kind of herbal medicine.

After the leaves of this herb are dried in the sun, and then soaked in hot water, it will emit a very fragrant smell, and after drinking, there will be a sweet taste.

After Jiang Xuan discovered this feature, he asked Chishao again, and determined that the water in which the leaves were soaked was good for people, so he used it as tea.

After drinking this tea, Shan Jia was full of praise again.

After eating a whole piece of jerky and drinking a large bowl of tea, Shan Jia finally relieved his hunger.

Time to get down to business.

Shan Jia said sternly: "Boss Xuan, I have a very important matter to discuss with you when I come to your Vine tribe this time."

"Leader of the mountain gills, please speak."

Shan Jia organized the language in his mind, and then asked, "Boss Xuan, do you know the Mengniao tribe?"

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "I know, you told me before that the Rex tribe was driven away by the Mengniao tribe." (To be continued)

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