This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 2: Herbal Healing

This night, Jiang Xuan didn't sleep very well.

From time to time, there are terrifying roars of animals, strange bird calls, and the sounds of various insects, which make people terrified.

Chi Shao was afraid of a beast attacking at night, so she insisted on guarding for most of the night, and only took a nap when it was almost dawn.

The next morning, when Chi Shao woke up, the fire had been extinguished. She took out the charcoal fire that was still smoldering from the embers and relit the fire.

When Chishao started the fire, Jiang Xuan also woke up.

Chi Shao stood up: "I'll find something to eat nearby, you wait for me here."

"be careful."

"rest assured."

Chi Shao went out with a stone knife and a short spear, and quickly walked away.

Jiang Xuan was the only one left in the cave, and there was still a burning flame.

Jiang Xuan raised his hand, he found that he had regained some strength, at least not like yesterday, it was difficult to speak.

He was worried about the condition of the wound, so he gently uncovered the cobwebs and medicinal residues that covered the wound.

The situation was much better than he expected.

The wound has closed, and although there is no scab, there is no sign of inflammation.

This is good news. He hopes that the wound will heal as soon as possible and the ability to move will be restored as soon as possible.

Jiang Xuan bandaged the wound again and lay down at ease.

However, after waiting for a long time, Chi Shao did not come back.

During the waiting time, he began to think involuntarily.

This jungle is so dangerous, what if Chishao has an accident? What if I don't come back?

He was so badly injured that he had no ability to move. If Chi Shao had an accident, he would have to wait to die.


Just when Jiang Xuan thought about it and became more afraid, there were light footsteps outside, and the figure of Chi Shao appeared.

Jiang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief: "You're back."

"I caught a snake and found some herbs, and it took a little longer."

Chishao carried a snake on her shoulders. The snake was huge, as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

The head of the snake has been cut off, the abdomen has been cut open, and the intestines have been cleaned up.

Jiang Xuan sighed again: The women of the primitive tribe are too fierce!

"Today we roast snake meat."

Chishao cut a thicker branch, cut the snake into sections with a stone knife, strung it on the branch, and then inserted the branch on the ground beside the fire. The snake meat was about ten centimeters away from the fire.

Barbecue can't be grilled directly on the flame, it will burn.

Tribal people usually skewer the meat on wooden sticks and place it next to the fire, without direct contact with the flames, and use the overflowing high temperature to slowly cook it.

The only downside is that it takes a long time to bake.

After getting the snake meat, Chishao opened her animal skin bag and took out a handful of freshly picked herbs from it.

Chishao still put those fresh herbs in his mouth and chewed them, and then replaced the old medicine for Jiang Xuan's wound.

Afterwards, she handed Jiang Xuan two more plant rhizomes and let him chew some juice to swallow.

This plant is a healing medicine often used by tribal people, called horse chestnut, and its roots have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.

Jiang Xuan learned from his predecessor's memory that he had taken this drug several times before, and there was no adverse reaction.

Jiang Xuan put the rhizome of the horse chestnut in his mouth and chewed it, and almost spit it out.

Bitter, very bitter, it's a kind of torture to the tongue.

However, this is the primitive era, and there are serious injuries on his body. Even if it is suffering, he can only endure it.

Chi Shao looked at him softly: "It's a little bitter, bear with it, you don't need to eat when the wound heals."

Jiang Xuan nodded, indicating that he would take medicine well.

"By the way, elder sister, how come you know so many herbs?" Jiang Xuan was very curious about this.

"It's all learned from the people in the hunting party."

Chishao explained: "When you go out hunting, people in the hunting party are often injured. If you are injured and left alone, knowing more about herbs can save your life."

"It turned out to be so."

Jiang Xuan suddenly realized, this is the so-called long illness becomes a good doctor.

After Chi Shao finished speaking, she fell silent again, obviously thinking of the tribe and her relatives.

Seeing that she was uncomfortable, Jiang Xuan couldn't ask any more questions.

The snake meat was roasted for about an hour, until it was browned, and the red peony was taken out. Jiang Xuan shared half of it, and he ate half of it himself.

The roasted snake meat didn't have any seasoning, and it didn't contain any oil, but for the two people who were in distress, it was quite good to have meat, and there was nothing to criticize.

In this way, Jiang Xuan lay in this cave for ten days in a row. Chishao would go out every day to find food and herbs. Sometimes it went well, and sometimes it hurt a little.

The tribes of this world are strong and resilient.

Ten days later, Jiang Xuan was able to walk down the ground.

After regaining his mobility, Jiang Xuan couldn't wait to move around in a small area at the entrance of the cave.

He hopes to adapt to this wild and primitive world as soon as possible so that he can deal with all kinds of dangers in the future.

After another five days, Jiang Xuan's injury was no longer serious, and he began to try to arrange some noose traps near the cave to catch small prey.

His trap succeeded, but instead of a bird or a rabbit, he caught a green bug the size of a teacup.

When he walked over, the worm's waist was tied by thin vines, and the bouncing branches pulled it into the air, and the fat worm twisted and turned.

"Is this thing edible?"

Although some experts have been emphasizing that the same volume of worms, the protein content is four times that of beef.

But this thing doesn't look like food, and it's not so easy to accept from the senses.

But this was food, and it was also the first prey that Jiang Xuan caught in this world, and he didn't want to let it go.

Jiang Xuan untied the cane from the branch and returned to the cave with the fat worm, planning to ask Chishao when she came back.

However, just as he was waiting, he suddenly heard the cries of a group of crows.

"Quack quack..."

The harsh crow's cry made Jiang Xuan involuntarily nervous.

Because he learned from the memory left by the original body that it was the crow tribe that destroyed the tribe where Xuan and Chi Shao belonged.

This kind of crow's cry is a nightmare for the original body.

There are more than 3,000 people in the crow tribe, and they raise a large number of crows. These crows can help them reconnaissance in the air, and they can also help them hunt and fight. They are very ferocious.


There was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the cave, Jiang Xuan nervously grabbed a wooden stick and hid in the shadows.

"Xuan, Xuan..."

At this moment, the call of Chishao came from the entrance of the cave, and Jiang Xuan trotted out immediately.

Chi Shao's expression was very nervous, and she urged, "Come on, the crow tribe's hunting team is here, we can't stay here anymore."

"Wait a minute, there's something in the hole."

Jiang Xuan walked quickly into the hole, picked up the worm bound by the rope, found a stone, smashed the worm's head, and then ran out of the hole.

This was the first prey he came to this world. Although it was a bug and it didn't look very tasty, he didn't plan to throw it away.

"Your injury isn't healed yet, I'll carry you with me."

Chi Shao glanced at the worm and couldn't help but carry Jiang Xuan on her back and ran, and soon disappeared into the vast virgin jungle.

Not long after they left, a group of tribesmen dressed in animal skins, with mysterious lines on their faces and crow feathers on their heads soon came to the cave.

Above their heads, there were hundreds of crows circling, "quack", the sound was very harsh and unpleasant.

"Someone has been here before." Someone found a lasso trap and footprints on the ground.

Later, they found the cave. The fire in the cave had not been completely extinguished, and there were some leftover bones on the ground.

"They just left not long ago."

"This is the new hunting ground of our crow tribe. People from outside tribes are not allowed to enter, catch up and kill them!"

"Quack quack..."

The hunting team of the crow tribe, with the crows, immediately searched around.

If Chi Shao and Jiang Xuan were caught up by them, they would definitely be killed without mercy.

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