This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 210: tree man

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In the shipyard, Jiang Xuanzeng sent more than 200 trusted soldiers to work together, just to build more ships.

"Ding, ding, ding..."

Jiang Xuan personally swung the bronze hammer and smashed the nails into the wooden boat. His hand was very steady, and the pyramid-shaped bronze nails were driven into the thick wooden board one by one.

The wooden boat is one of the back roads that Jiang Xuan prepared for the Veng tribe.

However, he did not build wooden boats to cross the river, but when necessary, so that more clansmen could take wooden boats down the river and go to farther places.

To deal with other tribes, you might be able to rely on the natural danger of the Flying Fish River, but to deal with the Black Snake tribe, this natural danger will definitely fail.

Because most snakes can swim, they will cross the river and continue to chase.

Therefore, when he had no choice, Jiang Xuan would let the clansmen escape by boat. Even if the people of the Black Snake tribe pursued, they would not chase too far, because they were still on the way to migrate, and there were many ordinary clansmen who needed protection.

"Boss, Feng Cao wants to see you."

Just as Jiang Xuan was smashing the nail, a soldier hurried in and reported to him.

The shipyard is a secret place. Except for the people who work in the shipyard, as well as Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao, no one else is allowed to enter.

"Okay, I'll go right there."

Jiang Xuan still smashed the last few nails in a hurry, then put down the bronze hammer and walked outside the shipyard.

Feng Cao was anxiously waiting, and when he saw Jiang Xuan come out, he immediately walked over.

"Leader, the Black Snake Tribe has arrived near the Great Swamp."

"So fast?"

Jiang Xuan frowned slightly and said, "How about the mountain turtle tribe?"

"The Mountain Turtle Tribe has entered the Great Swamp and took everything, except for the empty house."

"That's good."

Jiang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they entered the Great Swamp, the Mountain Turtle Tribe would be safe, because they were very familiar with the Great Swamp.

"Boss, I came back at full speed on a big horned deer. Calculate the time. The Black Snake Tribe will be here in two days at most. We have to prepare early."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said: "It is indeed necessary to prepare early, you thorns and vines have worked hard, and continue to keep an eye on the whereabouts of the Black Snake Tribe."


After Feng Cao finished sending the information, he left in a hurry.

Jiang Xuan returned to the tribe's residential area and ordered the trading area to be temporarily closed.

All kinds of grain and other materials are all bagged to ensure that they can be transported in the shortest possible time when the situation is critical.

Captains and weapons workshops work day and night, making more ships and weapons in preparation for war.

Time has passed bit by bit, the time interval for the thorn vines to send back information is getting shorter and shorter, and the footsteps of the Black Snake Tribe are getting closer and closer.

Two days later, the Black Snake Tribe appeared outside the Vine Tribe's territory!

Although the Mountain Turtle Tribe, the Sparrow Tribe and the Unicorn Tribe had received information from the Vine Tribe in advance, they avoided the Black Snake Tribe.

But there are not only these tribes near the Great Swamp, there are many small tribes who don't even know that the Black Snake tribe is here.

These small tribes became the food supply point of the Black Snake tribe without exception, and the end was very miserable.

However, the appetite of the Black Snake tribe doesn't stop there.

Through pressing questions, they learned from the mouths of the small tribes that the most powerful nearby is the Vine tribe, so they directly killed the Vine tribe.


Outside the Thunder Mountain, a black snake the size of a bucket emerged from the bushes, its icy eyes looked at the living creatures moving around, and the bifurcated letter continued to swallow.

Immediately afterwards, more snakes appeared, large and small, of different colors, or crawling on the ground, or shuttling through the trees, this scene really makes the scalp feel numb.



Immediately afterwards, there was a whistling sound of the tribesmen hunting and the sound of dense footsteps in the forest.

The warriors of the Black Snake Tribe have appeared!

They held all kinds of weapons, with a totem pattern made of black snakes painted on their faces, and some people had poisonous snakes wrapped around them, which was very infiltrating.

"Go back quickly!"

In the forest not far away, after seeing this scene, the Vine tribe warrior who was in charge of guarding immediately climbed down from the tree, then got into the hole, and ran back quickly.

When they ran out of the hole, they had come to the outside of the vine wall.

They hurried to the gate again, then passed the gate and returned to the Vine tribe.

Near the gate, Jiang Xuan, Chi Shao and others were already holding their weapons and waiting nervously.

A soldier ran up to Jiang Xuan and said breathlessly, "Head... Chief, here we come."

Jiang Xuan clenched his bronze spear and shouted loudly, "Check the weapon and prepare for battle!"


The two thousand Dodo tribe warriors immediately began to check their weapons, and then waited for the battle.

Jiang Xuan said to Chi Shao again: "Please close the door of Fuji God!"

Chi Shao nodded, closed her eyes and communicated with Fujishen for a moment.

The divine vines on the stone mountain shone with green light, and the vine walls on the four sides of the vine tribe also moved.


I saw that those vines grew rapidly and intertwined with each other, sealing the doors on all sides.

"Go to the post!"

Jiang Xuan walked to the vine wall and climbed up the towering post, followed by Chi Shao.

The outpost is a high platform built by the vine tribe against the vine wall in order to monitor the surrounding enemy.

In order to be able to see the surrounding situation more clearly, Jiang Xuan even ordered the trees around the gate to be cut down to clear an open space.

After ascending the post, Jiang Xuan really saw that in the forest ahead, there was an incomparably huge black snake advancing towards this side.

This black snake is not crawling against the ground, but floating above the tree canopy. From a distance, it looks like a black snake crawling above a green curtain, which is very conspicuous.

"This should be the totem **** of the Black Snake Tribe, so powerful!"

Jiang Xuan looked at the huge black snake and felt enormous pressure. After all, this is the totem **** of the big tribe!

"The Vine God will protect us."

Chi Shao's expression was also a little nervous, but she trusted Shenteng more than Jiang Xuan, and believed that Shenteng could protect the Veng tribe as safe as before.


In the virgin forest, countless snakes are still moving in the direction of the Vine tribe.

But at a certain moment, the big snake that was crawling in front suddenly stopped, its scarlet tongue swallowed a few times, its body stiffened, and it felt an extremely unpleasant smell.

That's the smell of snake repellent herbs!

The big snake no longer moved forward. It crawled on the spot twice, with its eyes fixed on the front, but it refused to continue to crawl forward.

The same is true for other snakes. When they noticed that there were a lot of snake-repellent herbs in front of them, they also stopped and swam in place, but did not move forward.

The Black Snake Tribe warriors who rushed at the front also stopped one after another. The abnormal performance of those snakes made them dare not move forward easily.

"what happened?"

The leader of the snake tribe saw that the charging team had stopped, so he rode a large snake to the front of the team and asked the soldiers.

A soldier replied: "Boss, there may be danger ahead, and all the snakes dare not go forward."

The leader of the Snake Tribe glanced at the snakes that were circling in place, sniffed the unpleasant smell in the air, and said with an ugly face: "It's snake repellent herbs, a lot of snake repellent herbs."

The leader of the Snake Tribe was very depressed, because it was the first time they had encountered this situation, and the attack on other small tribes had been smooth before.

The soldier next to him asked, "Leader, what should we do now?"

The leader of the snake tribe said: "Wait for the snake **** and the witch to come."


The snake tribe warriors could only stay in place, waiting for the snake gods and witches from behind to come.

It didn't take long for the huge snake **** to swim to the front. When it smelled the smell of the snake-repellent herbs, it also stopped abruptly and stopped crawling forward.


Above the stone mountain, the divine vines bloomed with a terrifying divine light, and more than a hundred giant dragonflies flew up one after another, circling the stone mountain constantly, with a great momentum.

The vast green divine light enveloped the entire Vine Tribe and covered the snake-repelling herbs around the Vine Tribe.

A miraculous scene occurred.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

I saw the crazy growth of those snake repellent herbs, and many snake repellent herbs even grew as tall as trees.

Not only that, when these snake-repellent herbs grow tall, they will form flower buds together, and then bloom all kinds of flowers.

When all the snake repellents bloomed together, the smell that was repellent to snakes suddenly became dozens or hundreds of times stronger, and even the warriors in the Vine tribe felt pungent.


The big snakes swallowed a few letters, and then the snakes' faces turned green, and they all fled behind.

The warriors of the Black Snake Tribe couldn't stand it either and kept retreating.

Even the huge black snake felt uncomfortable as if it had eaten a sulphur stone. It turned around and ran back for a while, then turned to stare at the divine vine on the stone mountain.

"It's disgusting to plant so many snake repellents!"

On the ground, the witch of the Black Snake Tribe was so angry that he almost cursed.

The current situation is as if someone saw a plate of exquisite dishes on a table not far away, but the plate was covered with flies.

"Wu, what should I do now?"

The leader of the Black Snake Tribe also felt disgusted, but he was really unwilling to let this tribe go like this.

The Black Snake Witch looked up at the huge snake body twisting in the sky, and said, "Don't worry, the snake **** is powerful, there will definitely be a way."

The leader of the Black Snake Tribe nodded, there is no doubt that the powerful mother of the snake **** can't solve the problem, it does not mean that the snake **** can't solve it.

Over the forest, the **** snake swam constantly, staring at the direction of Shishan, and at the same time trying to hold its breath, not to smell that disgusting smell.

It stared at Shenteng for a while, then decided to try it out.


The **** snake spewed a black poisonous mist in the direction of the Vine Tribe. Wherever the poisonous mist passed, all the plants and trees withered instantly.


Above the stone mountain, the divine vines became more and more dazzling. Under the shroud of divine light, every leaf and flower of those snake-repelling herbs was shining brightly, and the poisonous mist could not hurt them at all!

In fact, many repellent herbs can not only repel snakes, but also detoxify snake venom. Coupled with the protection of the vine god, they can survive under the poisonous mist of the snake god.

Seeing that the poisonous fog was ineffective, the **** snake twisted its body, its long tail stood up, and then smashed hard in the direction of the Vine tribe.


The huge snake tail smashed down to the ground, and the big trees in the forest were smashed into pieces, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

However just when the snake tail was about to hit the snake repellent herbs, countless vines suddenly intertwined into a large net, blocking the snake repellent herbs.

The hard snake tail collided with the soft vine net, but failed to smash the tough vine net, and the snake tail could only be retracted.

Two unsuccessful attempts, the black snake was also angry, just when it was about to go wild, suddenly, the divine vine on the stone mountain gradually floated up, and exuded an extremely terrifying aura.


Above the sky, dark clouds suddenly covered the sky, and the sound of thunder rolled.

The black serpent looked at the sky and then at the divine vine above the stone mountain. Tong Kong shrank sharply and did not dare to attack any more.

Because of that divine vine, it seems to be going through a calamity!

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