This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 226: Sail, set sail!

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After trading seeds and honeyleaf trees, Jiang Xuan traded a few spider silk clothes with Wu Yu using candles made of insect wax, as well as some other things.

Spider silk clothing is a good thing, Jiang Xuan has already fought many battles wearing spider silk clothing.

With the protection of the spider silk clothing, he was less injured in battle.

After the transaction was completed, Wu Yu took the expedition of the Black Teeth tribe and left the Vine tribe to go to the next tribe.


Twelve huge black-toothed birds took off again and gradually disappeared.

In the trading area, Mallow said enviously: "If only we had such a big bird, we could go far and far."

In the entire vine tribe, only Jiang Xuan has a flying mount, and the other is the giant eagle of the old witch.

As for those giant dragonflies, they are suitable for fighting and not suitable for long-distance flight, not to mention, giant dragonflies can only survive for half a year.

Jiang Xuandao: "Don't worry, as long as you find a suitable big bird, sooner or later, our Teng tribe will also have a flying team."


Mallow is very trusting of Jiang Xuan's words. Since Jiang Xuan said yes, there will be in the future. She firmly believes in this!

Many people in the Veng tribe have an almost blind worship and trust in Jiang Xuan, and the same is true for Mallow.

Jiang Xuan never let them down.

On September 15th, late autumn has arrived, and the hot weather is gradually getting cooler.

The work of the planting team of the Vine Tribe is coming to an end. Except for some vegetables, all the grains are returned to the warehouse.

The work of the breeding team has just begun.

In winter, when snow covers the mountains, finding fodder and other food can be difficult.

Therefore, the breeding team needs to slaughter more than half of the various adult livestock and poultry that have been raised.

Keep smaller, or breeding livestock and poultry, and feed them with fall stockpiles of forage and food.

"Move faster, take out the animal skin and send it to the garment workshop, cut the meat into strips, hang it up and smoke it dry, and take out all the bones. The useful ones are used to make tools, and the useless ones are given to everyone. stew."

Dajiao stood in front of the soldiers of the breeding team, telling them to work and helping them.

The entire breeding area is very busy. They first slaughter livestock and poultry, and then send them to various places in a centralized manner according to the role of different tribes.

For example, the rabbit skin of the long-tailed rabbit is one of the main raw materials for the production of winter animal skins in clothing workshops.

As for animal bones, animal meat, animal teeth, etc., there are also arrangements, and there will be no waste.

This year's breeding results are gratifying. This winter, the Teng tribe people can often eat meat.

This is an amazing achievement.

In addition to the breeding team, other teams are also preparing for the winter.

The hunting team needs to catch more game, the fishing team needs to catch more fish, the engineering team needs to repair the houses of the whole tribe...

Let's all work together to make this winter even better.

On the other side, the shipyard produced the second batch of sailboats.

"Chief, most of the problems found on the first batch of sailboats have been resolved on the second batch of sailboats."

The soldiers of the shipyard introduced Jiang Xuan in detail about the second batch of sailboats.

There are six sailboats in this batch, which is an improved version of the first batch of sailboats.

Many of the problems that arose on the first batch of sailboats were resolved on the second batch of sailboats.

For example, the anchor sometimes gets stuck.

The anchors of the first sailboats had hooks on the left and right. After the anchor was lowered, it was only necessary to move the boat forward a short distance, and the hooks would hook onto rocks or other objects on the bottom of the water.

However, the situation at the bottom of the water is complicated, and no one knows what the anchor will hook.

Sometimes, when the anchor hooks on something that is difficult to untangle, it can't be retracted.

The anchor can't be retracted, and the ship can't move forward.

If the underwater environment is more dangerous or worse, the anchor and the bronze chain connecting the anchor can only be abandoned, and the loss is very large.

When casting the second-generation anchor, the craftsmen fully used their brains and finally decided to add a chain in the middle of the bottom of the anchor.

Many times, the reason why the anchor cannot be pulled out is because the iron hook is stuck, and it is difficult to pull up when the angle is wrong.

"First Clan"

After adding a chain to the bottom of the anchor, once it is stuck, just pull the chain to quickly change the angle of the iron hook to get it out of the stuck place.

The second place to change the sailboat is the sail.

The first batch of sailboats only had one sail, and the requirements for the wind direction were relatively high. Once the wind direction was wrong, the boat could only continue to move forward by relying on the power of the current or paddling.

In order to change this problem, the shipyard adopted Jiang Xuan's suggestion and set up three-sided sails on the second-generation sailboat.

One side is the mainsail, and the left and right side sails.

With three sails, the requirements for wind direction are greatly reduced.

No matter which side the wind blows from, it can achieve the purpose of using the wind to propel the ship forward through the cooperation of more than two sails.

There were also many problems found on the first sailing boats, which were also well resolved.

After listening to the introduction of the shipyard soldiers, Jiang Xuan said with admiration: "Very good, whether it is shipbuilding or doing other things, we need to think more and improve more. Only in this way can we make better things."

"Now that the second batch of boats has been built, let's hand them over to the fishing team. Many of them still row bamboo rafts and canoes. With these boats, it will be easier for them to travel on the river in the future."

The fishing team of the rattan tribe, after tasting the benefits of sailing, has already disliked bamboo rafts and canoes.

Especially Nepeta, he heard Jiang Xuan tell the story of big rivers, lakes and seas, and those vast waters are very longing.

It is obviously unrealistic to travel by bamboo rafts and canoes, unless you are a natural stone monkey.

If you want to go further along the river, you must have a big boat strong enough to withstand the wind and waves.

"Yes, after our trial sailing, we will deliver it to the fishing team as soon as possible!"

All ships manufactured by shipyards must undergo rigorous inspections and a period of sea trials.

This is also one of the rules made by Jiang Xuan.

The waters are dangerous, especially in this primitive and wild world, where there are countless terrifying giant fish and water beasts.

Although most of the soldiers of the fishing team have learned to swim under the guidance of Jiang Xuan, when the boat is in danger in the wide waters, those who can swim only have a chance to escape.

Therefore, the quality of the boat itself is very important, and it must go through strict inspection and sea trials before it can be used.

In the next five days, the second batch of sailboats of the Veng tribe shuttled back and forth on the river, testing the performance of the sailboats and some problems in various ways.

On the sixth day, the six sailboats that were tested correctly and performed well in sea trials were finally delivered to the fishing team.

When Nepeta boarded the first sailboat with three sails, the whole person was extremely excited.

The six sailboats were larger than the previous ones, each over ten meters in length, and could accommodate more warriors.

Jiang Xuan also boarded the bow and asked Jing Ji, "From today onwards, these six sailboats are the first fleet of the Teng tribe."

Jing Ji looked at Jiang Xuan and said with fiery eyes, "Leader, give the fleet a name!"

Jiang Xuan thought for a while and said, "I didn't think of a particularly good name, why don't I call it the Teng tribe fleet."

"Vine tribe fleet, good name!"

Nepeta was all excited. When a fleet was given the name of a tribe, it represented the glory of the Vine tribe.

After taking the names, Nepeta selected one hundred warriors with the best water and the best ability to control sailboats from the fishing team as the crew of the fleet.

September twenty-three.

The crew of the Teng tribe's fleet all boarded the new ships, and the six new ships were moored in the river bay with their bows close together.

Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao, as well as all the important figures of the Teng tribe, stood on the bow of the largest ship and participated in the ceremony.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Twelve huge black-toothed birds took off again and gradually disappeared.

In the trading area, Mallow said enviously: "If only we had such a big bird, we could go far and far."

In the entire vine tribe, only Jiang Xuan has a flying mount, and the other is the giant eagle of the old witch.

As for those giant dragonflies, they are suitable for fighting and not suitable for long-distance flight, not to mention, giant dragonflies can only survive for half a year.

Jiang Xuandao: "Don't worry, as long as you find a suitable big bird, sooner or later, our Teng tribe will also have a flying team."


Mallow is very trusting of Jiang Xuan's words. Since Jiang Xuan said yes, there will be in the future. She firmly believes in this!

Many people in the Veng tribe have an almost blind worship and trust in Jiang Xuan, and the same is true for Mallow.

Jiang Xuan never let them down.

On September 15th, late autumn has arrived, and the hot weather is gradually getting cooler.

The work of the planting team of the Vine Tribe is coming to an end. Except for some vegetables, all the grains are returned to the warehouse.

The work of the breeding team has just begun.

In winter the mountains are covered in heavy snow, making it difficult to find forage and other food.

Therefore, the breeding team needs to slaughter more than half of the various adult livestock and poultry that have been raised.

Keep smaller, or breeding livestock and poultry, and feed them with fall stockpiles of forage and food.

"Move faster, take out the animal skin and send it to the garment workshop, cut the meat into strips, hang it up and smoke it dry, and take out all the bones. The useful ones are used to make tools, and the useless ones are given to everyone. stew."

Dajiao stood in front of the soldiers of the breeding team, telling them to work and helping them.

The entire breeding area is very busy. They first slaughter livestock and poultry, and then send them to various places in a centralized manner according to the role of different tribes.

For example, the rabbit skin of the long-tailed rabbit is one of the main raw materials for the production of winter animal skins in clothing workshops.

As for animal bones, animal meat, animal teeth, etc., there are also arrangements, and there will be no waste.

This year's breeding results are gratifying. This winter, the Teng tribe people can often eat meat.

This is an amazing achievement.

In addition to the breeding team, other teams are also preparing for the winter.

The hunting team needs to catch more game, the fishing team needs to catch more fish, the engineering team needs to repair the houses of the whole tribe...

Let's all work together to make this winter even better.

On the other side, the shipyard produced the second batch of sailboats.

"Chief, most of the problems found on the first batch of sailboats have been resolved on the second batch of sailboats."

The soldiers of the shipyard introduced Jiang Xuan in detail about the second batch of sailboats.

There are six sailboats in this batch, which is an improved version of the first batch of sailboats.

Many of the problems that arose on the first batch of sailboats were resolved on the second batch of sailboats.

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