This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 228: 1 rattan will kill you

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During this period of time, I was physically and mentally exhausted, tired, and too lazy to explain it again and again. Those who want to subscribe continue to subscribe, and those who find the author annoying, those who don’t want to subscribe can go and read novels written by other authors.

The reason for doing this is not just for full attendance. If it hadn't been made first and then made up, the update would have been interrupted long ago. During this period of time, it was so busy that it was fuming. In many cases, it was forced to update, just to keep updating.

If I don’t post it before I finish writing it, it may be two or three days a week. I don’t know if this is the result that some readers want to see.


Lu Zhu said with a lonely face: "It's a pity those ice lotus roots in the big swamp."

The ice lotus root of the Otter tribe used to be their most important specialty.

The ice lotus root has a cool and sweet taste. It is the top grade to cool off the heat in summer, and it has some benefits for the strength of warriors.

Just like the magic mushrooms of the Mountain Turtle Tribe, the Rex Tribe once relied on ice lotus root and could trade a lot of materials with other tribes every year, earning a lot of money.

But now, they have migrated to a new place and lost the special product of ice lotus root.

Nepeta asked curiously, "Did you not carry some seeds of ice lotus with you when you migrated?"

Luzhu said bitterly: "I brought it, but the ice lotus root is naturally suitable for the Great Marsh. After I brought it here, it looks very bad and tastes a lot worse."

Nepeta nodded understandingly, because the Veng tribe is also planting some ice lotus root in the deep water pond, but compared to the ice lotus root in the big swamp, the gap is too big.

The first is the appearance, the transplanted ice lotus is no longer crystal clear, and the second is the taste, the entrance is no longer cold, and it does not help the warrior's strength.

That is to say, the transplanted ice lotus has lost its characteristics and is not much better than ordinary lotus roots.

The reason why a specialty product is a specialty product is that it grows in a specific place to obtain the best taste and effect. If it leaves that place, there is no advantage.

Nepeta asked again: "Then how are you doing here?"


Just as Luzhu was about to answer, there was a sudden whistling sound that the tribesmen only made when they were hunting and fighting.

When Lu Zhu's face changed, he picked up his weapon and ran out, not caring about Nepeta at all.

At this time, outside the Rex Tribe, there are thousands of soldiers from the Outer Tribe roaring towards the Rex Tribe.

Soon, the Otter tribe and the tribe that suddenly appeared began to fight, and the fight was very fierce.

In the house, the Vine tribe warriors also held their weapons one after another, and their expressions became tense.

"Boss, what should we do?"

They gathered around Nepeta, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Nepeta frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Go back to the boat first."


The Vine tribe warriors and Nepeta quickly ran outside, and then went to the river bank to board the boat.

Because the warriors from the outer tribe came from the forest and had not yet entered the Otter tribe, their retreat was relatively smooth.

After arriving on the ship, Nepeta finally had time to observe the battle.

It was the ape tribe that attacked the otter tribe.

The ape tribe is also a small tribe nearby, but they are much stronger than the otter tribe, with about 2,000 clan members, and the totem **** is an ape.

This time, when the Otter tribe was attacked, a large number of fierce apes accompanied them.

The otter tribe has a population of about 500 people after the migration. Although the large otter is relatively strong, its number is much smaller than that of the apes.

When the gap in strength is relatively large, the Otter Tribe can't stand it at all.

"Get into the water, get into the water!"

Lu Zhu, the leader of the Rex tribe, shouted loudly,

All the Otter tribesmen fought and retreated.

The house of the Otter tribe is half on the shore and half in the water.

When they withdrew to the side of the house, they immediately jumped into the water from various places without hesitation.


The otter tribesmen and the big otters entered the water one after another, splashing everywhere.

Where large otters live, many caves are usually dug, and most of the entrances to these caves are below the water surface. Except for water beasts, it is difficult for animals that live on the ground for a long time to enter.

In the blink of an eye, the clansmen of the Rex tribe ran clean, and the speed was astounding.

This is one of the reasons why the Otter tribe is not strong, but survives longer than many tribes.

Escape is also a technical job.

"Find them out, find them out!"

Seeing the cooked duck flying, the leader of the ape tribe jumped with anger.

However, the warriors of the ape tribe did not dare to go into the water after all.

They didn't even find the food and various utensils of the Otter tribe, and it was useless even if they demolished the house.

Is it just for nothing?

The leader of the ape tribe was very unwilling. He had expected to grab enough food from the otter tribe to bring back for the winter.

Soon, the leader of the ape tribe was eyeing the Vine tribe fleet on the river.

He didn't know the "boat" as a water vehicle, nor did he know the totem flag of the Teng tribe, but he guessed that there should be food on the boat.

At this time, the Teng tribe fleet had just lifted anchor, and it was too late to leave the river bay and drive to the deep water area.

"Snatch their stuff!"

With an order from the leader of the ape tribe, all the warriors and apes immediately rushed to the Veng tribe fleet at a very fast speed.

"Boss, what should I do?"

The crew on the ship panicked. They didn't expect that they would encounter such a situation on their first voyage.

Nepeta gritted her teeth and said, "Our boat will soon leave the river bank and go to a place where the water is deep. Everyone can stand it."


The follow-up content is repeated, and it will be updated tomorrow morning.


Lu Zhu said with a lonely face: "It's a pity those ice lotus roots in the big swamp."

The ice lotus root of the Otter tribe used to be their most important specialty.

The ice lotus root has a cool and sweet taste. It is the top grade to cool off the heat in summer, and it has some benefits for the strength of warriors.

Just like the magic mushrooms of the Mountain Turtle Tribe, the Rex Tribe once relied on ice lotus root and could trade a lot of materials with other tribes every year, earning a lot of money.

But now, they have migrated to a new place and lost the special product of ice lotus root.

Nepeta asked curiously, "Did you not bring some seeds of ice lotus with you when you migrated?"

Luzhu said bitterly: "I brought it, but the ice lotus root is naturally suitable for the Great Marsh. After I brought it here, it looks very bad and tastes a lot worse."

Nepeta nodded understandingly, because the Veng tribe is also planting some ice lotus root in the deep water pond, but compared with the ice lotus root in the big swamp, the gap is too big.

The first is the appearance, the transplanted ice lotus is no longer crystal clear, and the second is the taste, the entrance is no longer cold, and it does not help the warrior's strength.

That is to say, the transplanted ice lotus has lost its characteristics and is not much better than ordinary lotus roots.

The reason why a specialty product is a specialty product is that it grows in a specific place to obtain the best taste and effect. If it leaves that place, there is no advantage.

Nepeta asked again: "Then how are you doing here?"


Just as Luzhu was about to answer, there was a sudden roar outside when the tribesmen were hunting and fighting.


When Lu Zhu's face changed, he picked up his weapon and ran out, not caring about Nepeta at all.

At this time, outside the Rex Tribe, there are thousands of soldiers from the Outer Tribe roaring towards the Rex Tribe.

Soon, the Otter tribe and the tribe that suddenly appeared began to fight, and the fight was very fierce.

In the house, the Vine tribe warriors also held their weapons one after another, and their expressions became tense.

"Boss, what should we do?"

They gathered around Nepeta, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Nepeta frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Go back to the boat first."


The Vine tribe warriors and Nepeta quickly ran outside, and then went to the river bank to board the boat.

Because the warriors from the outer tribe came from the forest and had not yet entered the Otter tribe, their retreat was relatively smooth.

After arriving on the ship, Nepeta finally had time to observe the battle.

It was the ape tribe that attacked the otter tribe.

The ape tribe is also a small tribe nearby, but they are much stronger than the otter tribe, with about 2,000 clan members, and the totem **** is an ape.

This time, when the Otter tribe was attacked, a large number of fierce apes accompanied them.

The otter tribe has a population of about 500 people after the migration. Although the large otter is relatively strong, its number is much smaller than that of the apes.

When the gap in strength is relatively large, the Otter Tribe can't stand it at all.

"Get into the water, get into the water!"

The leader of the Rex tribe, Lu Zhu, shouted loudly, and all the Rex tribesmen retreated while fighting.

The house of the Otter tribe is half on the shore and half in the water.

When they withdrew to the side of the house, they immediately jumped into the water from various places without hesitation.


The otter tribesmen and the big otters entered the water one after another, splashing everywhere.

Where large otters live, many caves are usually dug, and most of the entrances to these caves are below the water surface. Except for water beasts, it is difficult for animals that live on the ground for a long time to enter.

In the blink of an eye, the clansmen of the Rex tribe ran clean, and the speed was astounding.

This is one of the reasons why the Otter tribe is not but survives longer than many tribes.

Escape is also a technical job.

"Find them out, find them out!"

Seeing the cooked duck flying, the leader of the ape tribe jumped with anger.

However, the warriors of the ape tribe did not dare to go into the water after all.

They didn't even find the food and various utensils of the Otter tribe, and it was useless even if they demolished the house.

Is it just for nothing?

The leader of the ape tribe was very unwilling. He had expected to grab enough food from the otter tribe to bring back for the winter.

Soon, the leader of the ape tribe was eyeing the Vine tribe fleet on the river.

He didn't know the "boat", the water vehicle, nor the totem flag of the Teng tribe, but he guessed that there should be food on the boat.

At this time, the Teng tribe fleet had just lifted anchor, and it was too late to leave the river bay and drive to the deep water area.

"Snatch their stuff!"

With an order from the leader of the ape tribe, all the warriors and apes immediately rushed to the Veng tribe fleet at a very fast speed.

"Boss, what should I do?"

The crew on the ship panicked. They didn't expect that they would encounter such a situation on their first voyage.

Nepeta gritted her teeth and said: "Our boat will soon leave the river bank and go to the deep water, everyone can withstand it."


Lu Zhu said with a lonely face: "It's a pity those ice lotus roots in the big swamp."

The ice lotus root of the Otter tribe used to be their most important specialty.

The ice lotus root has a cool and sweet taste. It is the top grade to cool off the heat in summer, and it has some benefits for the strength of warriors.

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