This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 227: fish scale fruit

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In the crocodile tribe trading area, Jiang Xuan wandered around with great interest.

The scale of the trading area is not very large, and there are not many goods in it, but it is still relatively fresh to Jiang Xuan.

He saw someone setting pottery, so he walked over to see it.

"Want a clay pot?"

The stall owner was a young warrior with scars on his face and arms, looking quite scary.

Jiang Xuan squatted down and looked at the clay pot.

The workmanship of the pots is very rough, neither round nor well fired, far worse than the pots of the rattan tribe.

Jiang Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't need it for the time being."

The young soldier glanced at Jiang Xuan with contempt, and then stopped paying attention to him, apparently thinking that Jiang Xuan could not bring out the equivalent of goods to trade.

Jiang Xuan was too lazy to explain, so he stood up and walked to other places.

He saw a lot of strange things in other stalls, such as unknown animal horns, relatively hard-to-find herbs, fruits of magical plants, etc.

There are also common goods, such as animal skins, animal teeth, stone, food, etc.

The trading area is not large, and Jiang Xuan finished shopping after a while, but he did not trade a single item.

Because he didn't find the goods he wanted.

To put it bluntly, unless you are lucky, it is difficult to encounter anything good in the trading area on the periphery of such a large tribe.

Just when Jiang Xuan wanted to look elsewhere, suddenly, there was a commotion from the front gate.

People in the trading area ran over there one after another, and Jiang Xuan followed the crowd.

After Jiang Xuan walked over, he saw that dozens of crocodile tribe warriors had been surrounded by the fence, and everyone's faces were very anxious.

In the center of the crowd, a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old boy knelt on the ground with his hands around his neck, opened his mouth wide, and made a "ho ho" sound from his mouth.

"Go find the witch, go find the witch!"

Those soldiers were in a hurry, and one of them ran into the tribe in a hurry.

However, the crocodile tribe was too big, and by the time he found Wu, it might be too late.


The follow-up content is repeated and will be updated tomorrow morning.



Not long after Jiang Xuan landed, he heard a strange sound of water on the river.

He looked at the river and saw twelve soldiers armed with weapons, marching fast on the waves.

"Drifting on the water with light power?"

Jiang Xuan thought it was incredible. The warriors of the Crocodile tribe still have such magical abilities?

However, when these warriors got closer, Jiang Xuan found himself thinking too much.

At the foot of every soldier, there is a big crocodile, and it is the crocodile that carries them underwater.

"That makes more sense."

Being carried across the water by a crocodile is obviously more acceptable than walking on the waves.

Soon, the twelve big crocodiles swam to the shore, and the twelve soldiers jumped easily, jumped to the shore, and walked towards Jiang Xuan.

They first looked at the huge and oppressive dumplings before looking at Jiang Xuan.

Those warriors saw the five warrior lines on Jiang Xuan's face at a glance, and the terrible pressure brought by the dumplings made these crocodile tribe warriors pay more attention to Jiang Xuan.

The leading warrior asked, "Which tribe are you from?"

Jiang Xuan replied, "I'm from the Vine tribe."

"Vine tribe?"

The leading soldier thought about it carefully and found that he had never heard of the name of this tribe.

However, he did not despise it. After all, a tribe that could give birth to five-color warriors and raise a vicious bird would definitely not be too weak.

"Friends of the Vine tribe, welcome to the crocodile tribe's territory. You can move freely around the territory, but be careful not to violate the rules of our crocodile tribe, or you will bring disaster to yourself."

The leading warrior pointed at the dumplings again and said, "In addition, our crocodile doesn't like it, so it can only stay here, or go elsewhere, and cannot enter the territory of the crocodile tribe."

Crocodiles are the overlords in the water, and their fighting power is very strong. They have a natural advantage over fish, aquatic animals, water birds, including humans and other animals.

However, when faced with glutinous rice balls, these crocodiles have little advantage, and may even be reduced to food.

Jiang Xuandao: "Tangyuan can't enter your tribe's territory, so how can I get there?"

The place where they landed was a sandbar, about 500 meters away from the territory of the Crocodile Tribe, so Jiang Xuan couldn't swim there, right? How dangerous.

The leading soldier thought for a while and felt that what Jiang Xuan said made sense, so he reluctantly said: "I can send you there."

"That's a big thank you."

Jiang Xuan untied an animal skin bag containing goods from the back of the glutinous rice balls, and then instructed the glutinous rice **** to stay on the sandbar to rest, or to forage nearby, but not far.

Tang Yuan nodded, then took a few steps out, and suddenly fluttered its wings and flew, setting off a gust of wind, and the vegetation on the sandbar fell one after another.

The crocodile tribe warriors watched the dumplings fly away, secretly relieved in their hearts, the pressure the dumplings brought them was too great.

"Let's go, go back."

The leading soldier waved his hand and walked towards the water first.

Jiang Xuan hurried to keep up, he didn't want to swim in the river full of crocodiles.

After coming to the water's edge, a group of big crocodiles have been waiting on the shore for a long time.


After the crocodile tribe warriors came, those big crocodiles entered the water one after another, and then waited in the shallow water.

The leading soldier waded to the largest crocodile, and then stood on the back of the big crocodile.

"Friends of the Vine tribe, sit up and I'll take you there."

Since the other party has spoken, they can't be cowardly at this time, otherwise they will be despised.

Jiang Xuan is a five-color warrior, and he can swim, he doesn't even care about a crocodile.

He calmly carried the animal skin bag and straddled the back of the big crocodile.


The warrior shouted, and the big crocodile's tail swung quickly, leading them to the river.

Crossing the river on a crocodile was a brand new experience for Jiang Xuan, which made him quite excited.


Because Jiang Xuan was sitting on the back of the big crocodile, his legs and waist were completely immersed in the water, and the waves from the river splashed on his face from time to time.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan finally understood why the soldiers of the crocodile tribe stood on the back of the crocodile and crossed the water, because it was not so uncomfortable!

Fortunately, the sandbar is not far from the alluvial plain where the crocodile tribe is located, and the big crocodile swam to the opposite side in a short time.

After the big crocodile swam to the shallow water, Jiang Xuan immediately got off the crocodile's back. At this time, his whole body was wet and he looked a little embarrassed.

"Friends of the Vine tribe, now you can move freely."

After the twelve crocodile tribe warriors sent Jiang Xuan over, they left immediately.

Large tribes like the Crocodile Tribe often have outsiders coming over, or doing deals, or seeking some benefits. The warriors of the Crocodile Tribe have long been accustomed to it.

"This is the territory of the crocodile tribe."

Jiang Xuan looked around curiously. When he set off from the Vine tribe, Jiang Xuan asked the old witch in detail about the situation in the central part of the Southern Wilderness.

The Crocodile Tribe is the large tribe in the central part of the Southern Wilderness that is closer to the north.

In other words, after a long flight, he did come to the middle of the Southern Wilderness, and Jiang Xuan was quite excited by this discovery.

On the way here, he has imagined countless times, what is the middle of the Southern Wilderness like, and how far have those big tribes developed?

Now, he can finally see it for himself.

There were a lot of crocodiles in the water on the river bank, Jiang Xuan didn't stop, and walked forward for a short distance.

When the crocodile tribal warriors are not around, these crocodiles will not be so obedient. If they accidentally anger it, or when the crocodile is hungry, it will take the initiative to attack people.

Although Jiang Xuan is not afraid of crocodiles, in the territory of the crocodile tribe, as long as you kill or injure a crocodile, you will be chased by the whole crocodile tribe.

There is a large area of ​​wetlands on the banks of the river, and the plants in the wetlands have obviously been interfered with by humans.

The lush reeds and aquatic plants are separated by a large clump of tens of meters, and an unknown plant grows in the open space in the middle.

This kind of looks a little strange, it looks a bit like water hyacinth, but it is much larger than water hyacinth, and the leaves are thicker and longer than water hyacinth.

"what's this?"

Jiang Xuan stared at the plant for a while. It was certain that this plant must have been planted by the crocodile tribe, but he didn't know what it was for.

With those big crocodiles around, Jiang Xuan couldn't just pull one out and look at it, so he could only keep going.

After walking through the edge area, Jiang Xuan saw a lot of wooden houses. The quality of these wooden houses was uneven, some were about to collapse, and some were well built.

The people occupying these wooden houses are not members of the crocodile tribe. From the totem patterns on their faces, it can be seen that the personnel are very complicated.

Jiang Xuan is very familiar with this situation, because it is the same outside the vine walls of the Vine Tribe.

These people should come from various tribes, some are simply tourists, some are here to do business, and some are lingering here, looking for a chance.

After Jiang Xuan came over, these people just glanced at him and found that the totem pattern was very unfamiliar, and then they stopped paying attention and did their own things.

Tribes are usually more exclusive, and will not casually greet people from unfamiliar tribes except for the tribes they know.

Jiang Xuan looked at the people of various tribes with great interest, especially the totem lines on their faces.

Tribal totem patterns are often drawn according to the appearance of tribal totem gods, but the first generation of witches in some tribes have the talent for painting, and they draw more like them.

Not long after he walked, he saw the totem patterns of many tribes, birds and beasts, flowers, birds, insects and fish, which were very interesting.

While walking, Jiang Xuan suddenly stopped because he saw a relatively special totem pattern.

The totem pattern is red and depicts an ant with wings.

Red Ant Tribe!

Jiang Xuan never expected that as soon as he stepped into the middle of the Southern Wilderness, he saw a warrior of the red ant tribe.

The warrior of the red ant tribe felt the gaze being watched, so he looked back and saw Jiang Xuan just in time.

He glanced at Jiang Xuan a few times and found that it was a strange tribesman with five warrior patterns on his face, so he turned around and left without much trouble.

Jiang Xuan looked at his back, and didn't take his eyes back until the red ant tribe warrior entered a room.

The red ant tribe is the mortal enemy of the mountain turtle tribe, and the mountain turtle tribe is the friend of the rattan tribe.

This time, Jiang Xuan came to the central part of the Southern Wilderness. One of the purposes was to see how powerful the red ant tribe was and what the old turtle god's remains looked like now.

Jiang Xuan does not want the Teng tribe to stay in the remote area in the northwest of the Southern Wilderness. He hopes that the Teng tribe will settle in this fertile place in the middle of the Southern Wilderness when there is a chance in the future.

But the Vine tribe has no foundation, and if they come directly, it is easy to be targeted by those big tribes, or even jointly targeted.

Therefore, the vine tribe needs allies, and the mountain turtle tribe is a more reliable ally.

As a former large tribe, the Mountain Turtle Tribe must still have some friends in the middle. For example, those large tribes that have lasted for a long time will more or less sell the Mountain Turtle Tribe to save face.

Otherwise, the Mountain Turtle Tribe would not be able to retreat from the encirclement and suppression of the Red Ant Tribe at the beginning, and retain the fire of the tribe's revival.

If the vine tribe can help the mountain turtle tribe defeat the ant tribe and regain its foothold in the middle, then the vine tribe will be more likely to gain a firm foothold here, and other tribes will not be too focused on the vine tribe.

It's a win-win.

Of course, these things can't be rushed. The Vine tribe needs to develop patiently for a period of time before it is possible to compete with the big tribes, and even forcefully squeeze into the middle of the Southern Wilderness and occupy a good place.

Jiang Xuan continued to walk forward, and after exiting the messy outer settlements and temporary houses built by tourists, he saw a very long fence.

The fence is about three meters high and is made of wood to separate the real living area of ​​the crocodile tribe from the outside.

Obviously, all tribes in the outer area can come, but the inner area is not accessible.

Outside the fence, a team of crocodile tribal soldiers patrolled back and forth to prevent people from climbing over the wall and preventing people from making trouble.

Jiang Xuan did not go over to the fence, but continued to stroll outside.

After walking a short distance, he found a trading area and walked over to take a look.

In the trading area outside the Crocodile Tribe, some wooden sheds were built in an open space. People from various tribes can freely trade The trading area is quite lively, and I have seen Jiang Xuan in his previous life. Street market is very similar.

After the people of various tribes came here, some directly put the goods in the place, while others spread a hide on the ground and then placed their own goods.

The way of transaction is to barter, and both parties need to see each other's goods at the same time in order to carry out the transaction.

If the goods provided by one party are not what the other party needs, then the transaction cannot proceed.

After the people of various tribes came here, some directly put the goods in the place, while others spread a hide on the ground and then placed their own goods.

The way of transaction is to barter, and both parties need to see each other's goods at the same time in order to carry out the transaction.

If the goods provided by one party are not what the other party needs, then the transaction cannot proceed.

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