This is not a weird story

Chapter 106 The Five Emperors’ Money is Damaged (Please subscribe!)

The sound of banging on the door came very suddenly, startling both Wei An and Chen Fang.

Fortunately, Wei An had locked the door before going to bed, but if there were two more knocks from the outside like before, it would definitely still be opened.

Wei An immediately stepped forward and placed the Five Emperors' Money at the door.

The evil-proofing effect came into play, and the dormitory door suddenly fell into silence.

"Who knocked on the door outside?!" Chen Fang saw the woman in the red dress slowly disappearing. She was confused and looked at Wei An in surprise.

Wei An said: "If I guess correctly, the person outside is the boyfriend and girlfriend, or one of them."

"These people, including the third person just now, are all dead?" Chen Fang was somewhat awakened.

"Everyone is dead, whether it is the male and female protagonists, the third party, or the mean-mouthed man and the other roommates, everyone is dead! When I speculated just now, I happened to ignore the identity of the third party... "

In fact, Wei An's speculation just now is basically inseparable from the actual situation.

The only thing he ignored was the identity of the woman in the red dress. When he first saw this woman, especially the woman with that bitchy man, he immediately assumed that the woman in the red dress was the heroine on the bed.

Unexpectedly, after seeing the reaction of the woman in the red dress just now, I realized that she was not at all.

Only two girls appeared in this case. Since this girl is not the heroine, she can only be the third party.

Looking at it this way, Wei An's speculation just now needs to be changed.

The third party is with the mean-mouthed man in the dormitory, and it can be seen that this man actually has that intention for the third party, not for the female protagonist at all, which means that the other roommates may also be targeting the third party. On the body.

Or to guess on the more sinister side, they have fallen in love with both girls.

They have the same goal and may have tasted the benefits, so they help the third party. However, this third party, the woman in the red dress, probably only wants to harm the female protagonist, not the male protagonist.

However, several people in the dormitory, together, drugged both the male and female protagonists. There must have been other offensive behaviors in the process, and they were hammered to death afterward.

There may be another reason for this, that is, Wei An had previously speculated that someone among his roommates was "unable to love", so he turned to hate and killed him. The first suspect was naturally the mean-mouthed man, because this guy played an extremely important role in it.

Wei An was halfway through telling Chen Fang his latest speculation when there was a loud bang on the bedroom door again.

The two of them ignored the analysis for the time being, and Wei An said: "You hold the door first and don't let people from outside come in for the time being. I will think of other ways."

Chen Fang was holding a knife in one hand and standing at the door. Her other hand was unable to use strength because her wrist was broken.

Wei An quickly lifted up all the pillows, sheets, and cotton wadding underneath the beds and searched quickly.

Soon he found several photos inside the pillowcase of one of the pillows. When he took them out, he saw that they were all of a girl. There were even photos of the girl taken after she fell asleep on the bed diagonally opposite.

Wei An didn't know this girl, that is to say, she was not the woman in the red dress just now. She must be the heroine of this incident.

This pillow should belong to the mean-mouthed guy. This guy secretly saved the heroine’s photos and secretly took some other dirty photos.

Then Wei An found a wooden handle under the mattress of the male and female protagonist. At a glance, he knew it was the handle of a hammer, but he couldn't find the metal end.


The door rang again, and although calm was restored, all seven Five Emperors coins were scattered.

Wei An quickly rushed over and arranged the Five Emperors' coins into a seven-star formation again. In the process, he felt that two of the Five Emperors' coins had cracks on their surfaces, indicating that they had just endured a large impact.

Although he knew that doing so might completely destroy the Five Emperors' Money this time, Wei An had no other choice.

He quickly lifted up the mattresses on other beds and even reopened the closet to search, but he never found where the metal part of the hammer was, nor did he find any other more useful clues.

"If there is a male protagonist outside, this guy may be able to kill one or two people when he is killed, but he will never kill everyone. Now that everyone else is dead, does that mean that the male protagonist and the female protagonist After turning into a fierce ghost, he came back to take revenge and killed everyone?" Wei An guessed.

After all, this is a ghost story, anything can happen, and it is not uncommon for ghosts to kill people.


The bedroom door sounded again.

The seven Five Emperors' coins jumped up and split into three instantly. After falling to the ground, they all scattered. The Seven Star Formation had been completely destroyed.

Wei An stood up with the wooden handle of the hammer in his hand and said to Chen Fang, who was waiting at the door: "Unless the other party enters the house and takes action, don't fight, leave it to me."

After Chen Fang's right wrist was broken, she felt heart-wrenching pain at the moment, but she had no choice. Now in the strange talk, she could only resist. If she could leave the strange talk, these injuries would heal on their own, and she would have no worries.

After hearing what Wei An said, she took a step back and held the Tang Dao across her chest.

The next second, the bedroom door was pushed open by a strange force. It was pitch black outside, and even the corridor could not be seen.

Not long after, a white and tender arm stretched out from the darkness and clung to the edge of the door, and then a woman's head popped out of the darkness. Her eyes were blood red, her hair was flying, and her face was ferocious. She stared straight at Chen Fang.

Although this woman looked terrifying, Wei An still recognized her at a glance as the woman he saw in the photo just now, the heroine of this incident.

Chen Fang didn't know how to respond and took a step back.

At this moment, the woman rushed in quickly. She was wearing pajamas and shorts, her whole body was suspended in the air, her mouth was open, revealing her fangs, and her long hair was flying wildly.

Chen Fang struck with the sword, and the woman's figure was flexible and quickly moved aside. After the Tang sword passed by, she turned over and threw herself in front of Chen Fang.

Chen Fang was directly knocked away by an overbearing force. She jumped over two beds and fell to the ground. However, the Tang Dao was still in her hand. She turned around and pressed it firmly against her chest, temporarily blocking the woman.

Wei An quickly stepped forward, took out the ice chisel and stabbed the woman's head twice.


Then he used the scalpel to slash the woman's neck severely, just like he did with the mean-mouthed man.

A stroke of loneliness!

This woman's weird figure is so powerful that weapons below yellow are useless against her. Only weapons above orange can compete with her.

Seeing that Chen Fang could no longer hold on any longer, Wei An threw away his hand and smashed the wooden handle of the hammer against the woman's head.

This time he clearly felt that he had hit something, and saw the woman's body sinking slightly, turning her head to look at him.

Those eyes were full of malice, resentment, and a strong hatred that could not be erased.

Just being stared at by these eyes can make people feel chilled in their hearts.

However, after just glaring at Wei An, the woman did not fight back. Instead, she immediately turned around and continued to attack Chen Fang.

Wei An was stunned. At this moment, he seemed to have caught something. He stopped attacking, but took a step back and said: "The woman you attacked is not a third party. There is another third party, and I can help you find her." !”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Fang felt the pressure in front of him suddenly loosen. The woman with terrifying strength was floating in the air and turned to look at Wei An.

At this moment, Chen Fang's whole body was about to collapse. Not only did her wrists hurt, but all the bones in her body seemed to have fallen apart, and no one was intact.

After the pressure was gone, Chen Fang struggled to sit up, immediately turned to look at the corner of the dormitory, and said, "That's where the third party disappeared from. She was still here just now..."

Wei An stretched out his hand to stop her from continuing, and took over: "She did disappear just now, and she is no longer here now, but I know where she is."

Then he opened "Positioning Role" in the plot editor.

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