This is not a weird story

Chapter 138 The last wish is fulfilled

After seeing the hand reaching in from the door, Team Leader He was so frightened that he immediately screamed.

However, Wei An did not retreat any further. Instead, he stood at the door and watched as the door was slowly pushed open by Si Sanniang.

Si Sanniang was still the same as before, with her limbs slightly flexed and her body standing straight at the door.

Team Leader He had already slipped under his desk again and did not dare to show his face again.

After seeing Wei An, Si Sanniang slowly opened her mouth to him, stretched out her hands and rushed towards him.

Wei An did not dodge, but was prepared in advance. He grabbed Si Sanniang's arm and was knocked down on the sofa by the force of the forward thrust. He stretched out his right foot and slammed into the opponent's chest.

At the same time, Wei An said: "Is it your cousin? You don't want to entrust the two children to your cousin's family to raise them?"

As soon as these words came out, Si Sanniang, who had been extremely fierce just now, suddenly stopped and stopped attacking Wei An. Instead, she withdrew her hands and stood upright in front of the sofa again.

"Huh, that must be the reason!" Wei An let out a long sigh.

Judging from Si Sanniang's reaction now, it seems that she hates her cousin's family, and this cousin's family happens to be in the frivolous business, and there should be a lot of money for incense candles and paper in the family.

Sitting upright on the sofa, Wei An straightened his messy clothes and made sure his hair was not messed up. At this time, Si Sanniang no longer attacked him, indicating that the reason for the existence of this corpse-guarding soul had been found.

What makes Wei An wonder now is why Si Sanniang has so much hatred for her cousin's family. Didn't this cousin's family take care of her children after she died of a sudden illness?

Thinking of this, Wei An's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he blurted out to Si Sanniang and asked: "Is your death an accident? Is it related to your cousin?"

Si Sanniang's corpse-guarding soul, like the other corpse-guarding souls, could not speak and had no other expressions. However, after hearing Wei An's words, she took a step back.

This shows that she doesn't want to hurt Wei An now, because Wei An is right, or at least the meaning is close to the truth.

At first, everyone including everyone in the crematorium was thinking that, if not an accident, Si Sanniang's sudden death was at least related to her ex-husband, the gambler.

No one would have thought that the person Si Sanniang actually hated the most in her heart was not her ex-husband, but her cousin's family.

It is unknown what the story is, but if the corpse-shou soul appears with a strong last wish, there can be no mistake.

However, the certificate of sudden illness given by the hospital should not be false. Unless the family is very clever, it is impossible to bribe people in the hospital to issue false certificates, not to mention that her cousin's family is just doing business.

This is worth investigating.

But Si Sanniang did have a sudden illness, rather than being directly killed by someone. However, it seems that it is most likely that her illness was indirectly caused by something. Even if she got a sudden illness due to anger, it may not be Because her ex-husband is from her cousin’s family.

While analyzing, Wei An continued to ask: "Did your cousin indirectly kill you, and adopting your child was not her original intention?"

Si Sanniang retreated again, already to the door of the office. When she passed the paper money for incense candles that had just been burned, she stepped hard again.

Wei An felt that his analysis was accurate, so he said to Team Leader He who was lying behind the desk with only one head sticking out to observe: "Report it to the Sheriff. It is most convenient and quick for the Sheriff to investigate this matter." , call cousin Si Sanniang’s family to the Public Security Bureau for questioning, I believe we will get the answer soon.”

At this time, Si Sanniang was still retreating, and soon she had retreated to the turning corridor outside the office.

Team Leader He hesitated for a while, but Wei An urged him again before taking out his cell phone and dialing the Sheriff's number.

After the call was connected, Wei An was worried that he could not explain clearly, so he took the phone over and explained it. However, he only said that the crematorium had become suspicious after finding something wrong with the body, and did not say that they had seen Si Sanniang. The corpse-guarding soul.

After hanging up the phone, Wei An ran outside the yard and looked around, but found that Si Sanniang was no longer there.

Although it was still early in the morning and it was still dark, the sheriff quickly took action after answering the call.

First, they sent people to the crematorium to understand the situation. Then, in order to confirm that the situation was true, they went to Si Sanniang's tomb with the staff of the crematorium, dug up the grave, and opened the coffin for a look.

Si Sanniang still looks the same, and her body is not decayed at all, but the coffin seems to have a small space. It should be that the crematorium is worried that the large area of ​​​​the cemetery will have a bad impact, so it made a smaller coffin, which caused Si Sanniang's death. Sanniang's limbs were squeezed by the coffin, which was exactly the same as the tightened limbs of her corpse-guarding spirit.

The Sheriff was also shocked by the sight of Si Sanniang's body being incorruptible, and began to investigate the matter. At dawn, Si Sanniang's cousin and her family were called to the Public Security Bureau for questioning.

Wei An has been waiting at the crematorium and hasn't gone anywhere. He even squinted on the sofa in the office for a while.

At almost noon, news came from the Public Security Bureau. Si Sanniang's cousin had admitted that Si Sanniang's death was caused by a sudden illness when they had a quarrel. It had nothing to do with Si Sanniang's ex-husband. They haven't seen their ex-husband for a long time.

As for the reason for the quarrel, it was because her cousin coveted the house that Si Sanniang was assigned to after she divorced her ex-husband. She encouraged Si Sanniang to sell the house and move her children to live with their family.

But Si Sanniang is not stupid. She knows that if she really does that, she will definitely not be able to keep the money from selling the house.

The cousin ran to her house every three days, which later turned into a dispute, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

Until that day when Si Sanniang was so angry that she fainted, her cousin did not call an ambulance immediately, but waited for a while before calling.

Si Sanniang missed the best first aid time and died after resuscitation failed. Her cousin's family took the opportunity to adopt a child and planned to transfer the ownership of the house and then find an opportunity to sell it.

And all the blame for this tragedy was focused on Si Sanniang's ex-husband. They would not let this ex-husband get close, because if they found out, they would beat him directly, scaring the unsuspecting guy from showing up at all.

In fact, this ex-husband has completely changed his past and has not gambled for nearly a year, but is actively paying off his gambling debts.

The truth of the matter came to light. According to Wei An's instructions, Si Sanniang's body was transported to the morgue next to the cremator again that afternoon.

But Si Sanniang's corpse-guarding spirit never appeared again.

Si Sanniang's body did not rot and could not be cremated. There was an inexplicable chill in her whole body that made people palpitate. The staff at the crematorium subconsciously took several steps back, not daring to approach her.

Wei An told the corpse the results of the Sheriff's investigation, and then reached out and grabbed Si Sanniang's arm.

The others were startled, not knowing what he was going to do, but retreated again, including Team Leader He.

With a gentle break, Wei An's originally stiff fingers slowly loosened, and Wei An once again found a mutilated piece of playing card in the palm of Si Sanniang's left hand.

He didn't show it to others, but picked it up and put it into his pocket.

Others thought it was the master doing something to the corpse.

"Don't worry, your property will not fall into the hands of your cousin, and the children will not be left in charge of her. They will have a better place to go." Wei An said softly.

When Team Leader He saw Wei An covering the body with white cloth again, he hurriedly asked: "Master, now..."

"The body can be sent for cremation without any further problems," Wei An said.

Everyone nodded, and three people immediately pushed the morgue towards the cremation room.

Team leader He hurriedly approached and said: "Master, your compensation director has approved it, and the procedures have not been completed yet. However, the factory is going to pay you in advance, and we can't keep you waiting for a long time."

Wei An waved his hand, but soon he remembered something and no longer refused, but said to Team Leader He: "Then I'm not polite. By the way, can you give me some more money for the incense candle paper?"

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