This is not a weird story

Chapter 143 Escape (Second update)

This intersection is relatively large. Wei An was burning paper money on the other side just now, and his back was to this side, so he didn't notice when Jiang Jialiang appeared.

If I hadn't glanced sideways when I left, I wouldn't have noticed this guy.

As Wei An quickly approached, although he could only see his back, he was certain that this person was Jiang Jialiang.

"Jiang Jialiang!" Wei An shouted softly.

The other party was indifferent and just mechanically threw the paper money in his hand into the burning fire. There was also a large bundle of paper money piled next to his feet.

Wei An came to his side, lowered his head and called again: "Jiang Jialiang."

Jiang Jialiang was seen with his head lowered, concentrating on burning the paper money without even raising his head.

Wei An knelt down and looked down, and saw that this guy's face was pale and bloodless, and his eyes were dull, as if he was obsessed with something.

At the same moment, from Wei An's current angle, he could just see the situation behind him.

I saw a lot of people throwing themselves on the ground, some were grabbing things from the ground to eat, and some were holding brand-new banknotes in their hands. These banknotes looked extremely weird, with patterns on them that they had never seen before.

Not only that, a woman wearing a shroud and a pair of old red shoes was standing on the roadside directly opposite her, staring at her silently.

"She didn't snatch those things with the others?!"

Now Wei An has a feeling that this woman appears to keep an eye on her. Now she doesn't care about the snatching over there at all, but is the one closest to her. I am afraid that her behavior has attracted her attention now.

Wei An reached out and grabbed Jiang Jialiang's wrist, and pressed his pulse at the same time. He found that it was still beating, so this guy was not dead, but just trapped here.

But if he directly pulls the other party away now, I am afraid it will be very disadvantageous for Jiang Jialiang himself, because what he is doing has not been finished yet, just like what he did just now.

So Wei An no longer called him, but quickly squatted down, grabbed the paper money at Jiang Jialiang's feet, and helped him start throwing it into the fire crazily.

The fire burned more and more fiercely, getting bigger and bigger, and almost burned Jiang Jialiang's hair. Wei An immediately covered it with a thick layer of paper money.

The flame began to get smaller, but it was still burning, and suddenly only one-third of the paper money beside Jiang Jialiang was left.

"You are just trapped here. You have to guard your heart. Let me remind you that you are an investigator. Your mission is to complete this task and then leave the ghost story smoothly..." Wei An helped burn the paper money while He reminded Jiang Jialiang softly, trying to help him recover.

Jiang Jialiang remained indifferent, but continued to burn paper money.

In a hurry, Wei An looked up and saw that the woman wearing a shroud who was standing opposite actually moved and was walking towards this side step by step.

And Wei An also noticed that this woman walked very fast. Her feet did not completely touch the ground, but she walked on tiptoes. Her whole body seemed to be floating, which was extremely weird.

He grabbed the remaining paper money on the ground and threw it into the fire, causing burning paper scraps to fly out and fly everywhere.

Fortunately, Jiang Jialiang did not light incense candles here. He was simply burning paper money. As long as the paper money was burned, the matter was considered done and he could leave.

"Okay, you can go! Follow me!" Wei An grabbed Jiang Jialiang's wrist and found that the guy's skin was very cold.

If he comes later, I am afraid that he will slowly turn into a dead person and a corpse.

But who would have expected that Jiang Jialiang would not move at all after being pulled, and his body seemed to be filled with lead. Wei An believed that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to pull him.

The woman in the shroud was already about ten meters away from them. Wei An took out the scalpel and used the newly acquired skill "Consciousness Enhancement" for the first time. The idea of ​​​​stimulating this guy to restore his spirit came to his mind. , and then used it on the scalpel in his hand.

He slashed Jiang Jialiang's arm hard.

"Jiang Jialiang, follow me!"

Blood immediately came out of Jiang Jialiang's arm, but because of his physical injury, he suddenly trembled, and the power strengthened by consciousness invaded his body. Just like the pain of the cut, a consciousness stung his nerves at the same time, making Jiang Jialiang have showed signs of recovery.

His eyes began to clear up, and when Wei An pulled him, Jiang Jialiang immediately stood up and ran with him.

But the woman in the shroud had already arrived and reached out her hand to grab Jiang Jialiang's shoulder.

Wei An replaced the scalpel at this time and took the bloody hammer in his hand. When the woman in the shroud grabbed Jiang Jialiang's shoulder, he knocked it down with the hammer.

Now that his task of picking up dragons has been completed, the only variable at present is Jiang Jialiang, but this is also the purpose of Wei An entering the ghost story this time. He cannot ignore it, but must rescue Jiang Jialiang.

So no matter who is blocking him, Wei An will greet the opponent with a bloody hammer.

The hammer hit the back of the woman's hand, and with a snap, the palm was flattened. However, the woman had been dead for a long time, and no blood came out at all.

The woman's other hand immediately stretched out and directly pressed Jiang Jialiang's forehead. Almost at the same time, Wei An picked up the bloody hammer and smashed it against her forearm.

With a click, the forearm was directly broken and bent at an incredible angle. Wei An took the opportunity to drag Jiang Jialiang, who was still recovering from consciousness, and ran towards his car.

Jiang Jialiang's consciousness was recovering at the moment, but he lacked the ability to think. He just followed Wei An and ran with no fear or worry on his face.

Wei An turned his head and glanced, and saw the woman in the shroud following closely behind her, walking on tiptoes, moving very fast, while her broken arm was swinging behind her.

Suddenly, the woman opened her mouth, spit out a breath of stinky breath, and let out a scream in the direction of Wei An and the other two.


The dozens of people who were grabbing food and counting money on the ground suddenly raised their heads and looked in this direction. Then they stopped their actions, stood up, and rushed towards Wei An and Jiang Jialiang.

The dark group of people made no sound from their throats, only the chaotic and dense sound of running. A strong sense of depression came and went straight into Wei An's heart.

Just when the two of them were about to approach the SUV parked on the roadside, the woman in shroud caught up first. She jumped her legs and threw herself on Wei'an's back.

Wei An swung his bloody hammer behind him, but missed the target, and then his body sank. After the woman in the shroud lay on him, it was like a huge mountain was pressing on him, and he could not take another step forward.

Wei An pushed Jiang Jialiang forward and said, "Get in the car first!"

Jiang Jialiang's consciousness had recovered a little at this time. He could understand Wei An's words and react, but he didn't know why.

The next second, Jiang Jialiang opened the door of the SUV and got in awkwardly.

Wei An put away the bloody hammer and took the opportunity to take out the Tang Dao. At this time, severe pain suddenly came from his shoulder. He knew that the woman had embedded her teeth into his flesh without looking.

Wei An grinned, turned the tip of the knife over, and stabbed his own armpit. The feel of the Tang knife made him believe that his knife had penetrated the target.

Then Wei An tried to move forward, turned around suddenly, and at the moment of turning around, he grabbed the hammer in his hand again, and hit the woman in shroud on the head with a bang.

The neck of the woman in the shroud was broken on the spot, and Wei An took the opportunity to pull out the Tang knife that had passed through her body.

Thanks to these two weapons, otherwise Wei An didn't know if he could escape this time.

At this time, a large number of starving ghosts were approaching crazily. Their eyes were wide open, their mouths were open, and their saliva was dripping down to their chins.

Wei An didn't have time to look at the wound on his shoulder. He turned around and was about to get into the driving position of the SUV. He was suddenly startled and seemed to remember something. After opening the car door, he turned back, squatted in front of the woman in shroud who could no longer resist, and pulled her away. The two hands spread hard.

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