This is not a weird story

Chapter 148 Invisibility and weirdness? (Please subscribe!)

After suddenly seeing the mission suddenly issued by Guitan, Chen Fang and Pei Na were both startled and felt very baffled.

Since the two of them entered this strange story for so long, there has been no movement. No matter how they fumbled, the strange story mission was not triggered, but now after the two of them took a rest, the mission information came.

Just now, Chen Fang and Pei Na had searched all corners of the library. Because they had enough time, they searched more carefully than Wei An and Jiang Jialiang. They even removed every book they thought was suspicious from the bookshelf. Pulled it out and read through them one by one.

It is precisely because of this that Pei Na found a special item "Wordless Book". This was her first item in Kaitan, so there was no need to exchange it with energy points.

The cover of this wordless book only has patterns and no text. When you open it, the contents inside are all white paper without a single ink dot.

The weight of the book is very light, so light that you can't feel anything in it when you hold it in your hand. It is also very thin, so thin that there are only ten pieces of paper inside.

However, Chen Fang thought that this book still needed a special pen, because they had tried it before and couldn't leave any words on the book with ordinary pens.

At present, the only function of this book for Pei Na is to serve as a shield, because the two of them have tried and cannot damage this wordless book with any tools.

Chen Fang was pretty successful here. She found a glass paperweight. Paperweights are usually used to hold down the pages that tend to turn automatically when reading paper books.

This paperweight is shaped like a glass bar. It is completely transparent and about the thickness of two fingers. It is heavy in the hand, but it is a yellow prop that can be used both offensively and defensively.

When the mission information about the strange story came, the two women happened to be taking a rest and studying the wordless book that Pei Na had obtained.

"It's strange. Now that the mission prompts are here, we haven't received the basic information about Guaitan!" Chen Fang said in surprise.

Pei Na also knew that after entering the ghost story, the basic information about the ghost story would be released first, but so far, not only have they not received it, but they almost thought that they had not entered the ghost story at all.

Now the basic information has not come, but the mission prompt has appeared, so I have to say it is very strange.

"That is to say, from now on, other than the two of us, weird things will start to appear in this library?" Pei Na asked.

Chen Fang nodded, took the glass paperweight in his hand, and said to Pei Na: "Your wordless book should still be missing a pen, but now it can also be used as a block. Be careful!"

"The computer area on the second floor is closed and the environment is relatively safe. Let's go back there first." Pei Na suggested.

The two of them were on the third floor now, and they immediately walked cautiously to the second floor.

"Brother An, what should we do now?" Jiang Jialiang asked softly.

"Do you have any weapons now?" Wei An asked.

"Yes." Jiang Jialiang took out a black dagger from his inventory, "I redeemed this in the third mission."

"Okay." Wei An nodded, "We have searched the entire library building just now. There is nothing special. Moreover, those areas are too open and it will be very dangerous when you go out. We are now guarding the computer area on the second floor. , this place is relatively safe.”

After a pause, he added: "Remember, the Solitaire mission says that this is an inexplicable weirdness, and there may be some special abilities that we cannot understand, so if something unusual happens, we must notify each other as soon as possible. The other party. It would be best if you can strike in advance!"

"Okay, Brother An, I'll stand guard here at the door. You can take a rest first." Jiang Jialiang nodded.

Wei An also took out his bloody hammer and held it in his hand.

At the same time, he felt a little regretful. It was a pity that Chen Fang could not enter the ghost story, otherwise he could have returned the Tang Dao to her. Otherwise, if the next ghost story came and she did not have a self-defense weapon, this woman's life might be in danger.

The two stopped talking, and the whole library was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Time passed slowly in this silence.

However, the Solitaire mission said that they must persist for an hour, which means that Wei An and others will not have too much time to rest, and soon they will encounter the so-called inexplicable weirdness.

Sure enough, a moment later, there was a sudden snap in the computer area.

Wei An, who was sitting back, immediately looked up with a bloody hammer in his hand and saw Jiang Jialiang had stood up and looked towards the entrance of the computer area.

Then Jiang Jialiang looked back at Wei An and lowered his voice: "The registration book at the door suddenly fell to the ground!"

"Don't go there." Wei An said, "Something may have come in."

The two looked around but found nothing.

Jiang Jialiang suddenly took a few steps back, approached Wei An, and said in a scary tone: "I feel like there is something in the computer area, but I can't see anything."

"Is it invisible?" Wei An said to himself, and then said to Jiang Jialiang: "If you find anything wrong, attack first."

As he finished speaking, he suddenly felt the chair in front of the sixth computer move suddenly.

Jiang Jialiang was about to poke the black dagger in his hand. When he felt that nothing had been hit, he immediately struck the air twice quickly.

Then Wei An felt something in front of him. He hesitated and did not dare to reach out. Instead, he picked up the bloody hammer and waved it, but felt nothing.

"Let's go, get out of here first!" Wei An immediately walked out of the computer area, followed closely by Jiang Jialiang.

Just after taking two steps, Wei An's knees made a pop, and a burst of pain hit him. He immediately jumped up on the spot and leaned his back against the wall, motionless.

Jiang Jialiang was startled and quickly followed him, leaning his back against the wall and looking around.

But the two of them didn't see anything, but they felt that there was something around them.

"My knee was attacked." Wei An said softly, "It was like hitting something hard."

"Can I still leave? I'll help you." Jiang Jialiang asked.

"Wait a moment." Wei An said not to move yet.

The two waited for a moment, and Wei An suddenly said: "Let's go!"

Jiang Jialiang immediately supported Wei An, and the two quickly left the computer area.

During this period, Jiang Jialiang was afraid that the invisible monster would attack again, so he waved the black dagger in his hand at the surrounding air several times, but Wei An stopped him.

"Don't attack. Wait until you understand the situation."

Jiang Jialiang asked in surprise: "Why?"

"I always feel like something is wrong." Wei An shook his head and did not say what the reason was.

The moment he left the computer area, Jiang Jialiang glanced behind him. He couldn't see anything, but he instantly felt a creepy feeling and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

The two came to the reading area outside and found a slightly secluded corner. Wei An sat directly on the ground, rolled up his trouser legs and took a look. He saw that the area just around the knee of his left leg was bruised and slightly swollen.

"The kneecaps almost cracked." He breathed a sigh of relief.

This injury was not caused by a bite, but by a direct impact or knock with a heavy object.

But there was nothing at the position where the security guard in the computer area passed by just now. That is to say, there was an invisible object in the air, which prevented him from being discovered at the moment of attacking him.

"Take down the books from the bookshelf, spread them out, and spread them in front of us, more." Wei An ordered Jiang Jialiang.

If the invisible thing were to get close, it would surely step on the neat pages, unless it could fly.

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