This is not a weird story

Chapter 152 Trap (please subscribe!)

Now that they had roughly guessed Wei An's location, Chen Fang and Pei Na decided to go there immediately instead of hiding in the bathroom to defend themselves passively.

"But your current clothes..." Chen Fang asked a little embarrassed.

Pei Na glanced down at herself, "It's okay to be like this now. There are a lot of people wearing this kind of clothes on the beach. Let's wait until we leave Guaitan. There are coats in the car."

"But having said that." Chen Fang looked Pei Na up and down, her eyes full of envy, "Your figure seems to have been carefully crafted. Have any parts of it been plastic surgery?"

"No." Pei Na shook her head, then pursed her lips and smiled: "The light here is not good now. When there is light, you will see scars everywhere on my skin."

"That's okay, it'll be the same even if the lights are off." Chen Fang blinked.

"Hahaha..." Pei Na immediately covered her mouth for fear of laughing out loud.

The two of them quickly left the bathroom, and one after the other slowly came to the reading area in the southwest corner. They lay down next to the bookshelf and looked inside for a long time.

Although there was plenty of moonlight, the place was relatively remote and nothing could be seen. He could only see scattered books everywhere on the ground, and the pages of these books were all open and facing up.

Pei Na whispered: "Those books were opened deliberately. If someone passes by, they will definitely have nowhere to stay and they will definitely step on the pages. This will definitely expose their whereabouts."

After a pause, Pei Na looked around, "I just don't know if stepping on it will trigger some mechanism, such as your Tang Dao suddenly popping out and assassinating us?"

Chen Fang was also looking around, and said with some hesitation: "It's possible, or we can pass through the bookshelf. We are light and can easily pass by climbing on the bookshelf."

Pei Na shook her head, "You have already thought of it. It's impossible for Wei An not to have thought of it. What if what if we climb the bookshelf and wait for a more powerful trap?"

"Hey, this kid..." Chen Fang looked helpless.

Pei Na moved herself to the shadow of the bookshelf, leaned against the bookshelf, and slowly sat on the ground. She thought while saying: "But since he left us a bloody message, he definitely hopes that we can meet. If I were Him, what will I do now?"

Chen Fang also hid herself in the shadows and looked at Pei Na's appearance with interest.

After a moment, she said softly: "Professionals are really different."

Pei Na heard Chen Fang's words and replied: "That's not necessarily true. You see, Wei An is not a professional, but this guy behaves more professionally than me in some places, even a little... uh..."

"Nervous." Chen Fang said: "The sudden emergence of ideas catches people off guard."

"Yes, that's it." Pei Na agreed.

Then she continued to think along the same train of thought for a moment, then her eyes suddenly brightened and she said, "Let's go back to the place where the word in blood appeared just now. There may be some key details that we haven't discovered there."

"Then be careful, maybe the invisible weirdness just now is still lurking over there!" Chen Fang reminded.

The two quickly sneaked back to the front of the large poster, using a tattered reading table as a cover and squatting on the ground to look around in case they were attacked by a sneak attack like just now.

After observing for a while, Pei Na reached out her hand and slowly opened the surface layer of the poster, and found that there were indeed several small blood words behind it.

"Has the bookshelf been moved?" Wei An closed his eyes to rest and asked.

"No." Jiang Jialiang stood ready, his eyes glancing back and forth between the books spread out on the floor and the bookshelf next to him.

After a long time, Wei An suddenly murmured to himself, "The bookshelf may not have been moved, but some people may have moved a lot in their wardrobes so far."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Jialiang asked.

"There are still many strong men who are taking back the little jiojio that is hanging out of the quilt." Wei An said to himself.

Jiang Jialiang looked at him with a depressed look. Perhaps Comrade Jiang would never be able to understand the meaning of Wei An's two sentences in this life.

After all, not everyone can break the fourth wall to understand the protagonist.

"I'm convinced, the bookshelf has not been moved." Jiang Jialiang said firmly.

"Okay, that's almost it." Wei An suddenly clapped his hands and stood up, "Let's go back to the computer area."

"What?" Jiang Jialiang was stunned, "You were injured over there just now. If we go back now, will that weird thing be waiting for us there?"

"I'm afraid it won't wait." Wei An said.

He immediately took the lead and jumped over the books to the computer area. There was no time to pick up the books now.

Arriving at the computer area, Jiang Jialiang immediately discovered that the chair in front of the sixth computer had obviously been moved, because it was far away from the computer keyboard and not as close as before.

"There is a situation." Jiang Jialiang immediately reminded Wei An.

Wei An's eyes lit up and he said to Jiang Jialiang: "Let's see if there are any changes in other places?"

Jiang Jialiang took a mental note when he left, and quickly shook his head: "No, it's just at the computer. Someone must have been here just now."

Wei An first put a chair against the door, then looked close to the computer and saw that the computer's notepad had been opened, with a line of text on it: We have arrived.

He immediately sat down and replied below this line of text: We just arrived.

Jiang Jialiang, who was standing behind him, looked horrified, and immediately saw a new dialogue appear below Wei An's text: Why can't we see you?

Wei An: This is a Solitaire. You must complete this Solitaire task to break this barrier. According to my observation, there is an invisible monster nearby, so be careful.

Pei Na: We encountered it just now, how should we deal with it?

Wei An: If what I expected is correct, after we used this computer to achieve normal communication, we have attracted its attention, but we just don’t know which party it will choose to attack.

Pei Na: Ah! ! !

Wei An: You and Chen Fang, get ready

Before Wei An finished typing this sentence, there was sudden movement at the door of the computer area, and the chair he had placed there just now was lightly pushed by a force.

Because Jiang Jialiang had been watching the conversation between Wei An and Pei Na, he had already begun to be alert to the surroundings. When he heard the noise, he immediately threw the dagger directly in that direction.

After becoming proficient in using their own weapons and props, participants will naturally develop the ability to directly put the weapon back into their inventory within a certain range.

Just like Wei An collecting the thrown Five Emperors' money, this is just the work of a thought.

However, if you are not proficient in using your weapon, or if it exceeds the collection range, you cannot directly collect it into the inventory, just like Jian Hui was unable to take back the metal thorn of his weapon.

Jiang Jialiang's flying black dagger slammed into something, but quickly bounced away.

Wei An was not prepared to let the other party leave this time. He took action almost the next second, throwing the scalpel away as well, and at the same time he bullied himself.

The next second, the scalpel also hit something and quickly bounced to the ground. At this time, Wei An had quickly approached the door of the computer area.

Jiang Jialiang was startled. He felt as if Wei An knew the weird location. He pulled out the bloody hammer and instead of hitting it at the door, he suddenly hit it to his right with his backhand.

Bang, right on target!

A ball of white energy was seen pouring out. When Wei An swung the second hammer again, the target was no longer where it was, as if it had disappeared again.

Wei An immediately said to Jiang Jialiang: "Quickly inform Pei Na and the others that Weird has been injured and may have reached their side!"

Just as Jiang Jialiang was about to sit in front of the sixth computer and type in the notepad to remind Pei Na and Chen Fang, Wei An, who seemed to have relaxed, suddenly turned around again, raised the bloody hammer in his hand high, and dropped it hard.

He saw something explode in the air directly in front of him, and a large amount of white gas spread out. An object broke the invisibility state, fell softly, and lay at Wei An's feet and stopped moving.

And Wei An, who had just deliberately said those words to play hard to get, was holding a bloody hammer and staring at this thing warily.

Jiang Jialiang took a closer look and found that the guy lying on the ground was actually a paper man!

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