This is not a weird story

Chapter 158 Day and Night (Please subscribe!)

When the scavenger woman suddenly asked this question, Wei An didn't understand it. It wasn't until he thought about the meaning of the entire sentence in his mind that he finally understood it.

He immediately took a step back subconsciously, then looked carefully at the woman in front of him, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you... two people? Twins?"

Then Wei An himself shook his head in denial: "No, you can't be twins in this situation."

The scavenger woman laughed, showing her yellow teeth, "You'd better not see her again, because you might not be so lucky next time."

"The person who chased away that lanky shadow for us, wasn't you?" Wei An still couldn't believe it.

The woman shook her head: "I am me, she is her."

"But I feel that she and you are the same person." Wei An said: "Do you live at No. 66 Shangyi Road..."

"Don't go there!" The woman quickly interrupted him and issued a warning, her expression solemn, "Especially at night."

When he heard this last sentence, Wei An's heart skipped a beat, and he seemed to understand everything at this moment.

The two stopped communicating, and the scavenger woman continued to look for garbage on the street. Her behavior was no different from that of a real beggar. When she was thirsty, she would look for some unfinished mineral water or drinks. Water bottle, drink the water inside, and then throw the empty bottle into the trash can.

Wei An noticed that although this woman was dressed like a scavenger, she did not pick up garbage, and she had no intention of selling the less valuable garbage.

When they are hungry, women will rummage through the trash cans, find some uneaten takeaways, and sweep them away.

She still had a huge appetite. Wei An calculated that she had eaten more than twenty lunch boxes during this period, and two or three lunch boxes even had more than half of the food left.

During this period, the woman seemed not to want to communicate with Wei An anymore.

As an intruder, Wei An's inability to leave Kaitan seems to have little to do with her, or maybe it's because she doesn't know how to let Wei An out, so she doesn't want to take care of him.

Wei An saw this woman walking through the streets and alleys of the city, eating and drinking, seemingly without any purpose.

Several times Wei An wanted to pry out more information from her, but her mood seemed to become a little unstable. She would either ignore Wei An or stare directly at Wei An, but she didn't say.

But one thing was good, Wei An found that the ashes, lying corpses, etc. were no longer close to him.

He once saw a passerby lighting a cigarette with a lighter next to him, but nothing strange happened. He also saw several beggars dressed like scavenger women lying on the street, but those people were also not affected. Possessed by a lying corpse.

One of the issues caught Wei An's attention, and that was what happened at the clinic in the morning. Until now, no sheriff had come to him.

It stands to reason that if this world is real enough, he must have been found by the Sheriff by now and brought to the station for detailed interrogation.

There may be two reasons for the current result. The first is that this world is still false. Although it is real enough in some aspects, it still lacks the inextricable network of connections in the real world.

The second reason is because there are monsters appearing here. This is always a world of ghost stories, and monsters are the boss here. Therefore, any events caused by them will not cause a chain reaction. Humans here will automatically ignore the events. Or replace the weird event with other normal events.

During this period, Wei An only ate one meal, and he never felt like going to the toilet. Of course, there was another thing. So far, his sleep time was very little, which was almost negligible.

As dusk falls, the woman who is wandering around the city no longer wanders aimlessly, but speeds up her pace along the street.

Wei An did not communicate with her anymore, but kept a distance and followed her.

The scavenger woman no longer looked for food from the trash can. She just kept walking and passed through countless streets and alleys. At this time, Wei An's leg pain began to attack again.

In fact, he had already applied medicine twice during this period and took medicine on time. However, because he had been walking and stopping, and sometimes the scavenging woman would sit for a long time, Wei An could also take the opportunity to rest and bear the pain. Live.

But now the woman never stopped, but kept walking, and Wei An could only keep up, causing the leg injury to become more and more painful.

The SUV was still parked at the commercial plaza, and there was definitely no time to go back and drive it. Wei An could only grit his teeth and follow the scavenging woman.

After walking for more than half an hour, dusk had passed and the sky was about to turn into darkness. Wei An was suddenly stunned and turned around to look around as if he had some realization.

This place felt very familiar to him. He had been there before. From here, he kept walking along this not-too-wide road and he would soon reach the abandoned building he had been to before.

"No. 66 Shangyi Road?"

At this time, Wei An finally proved what he had just guessed.

When the scavenger woman warned him not to go to the abandoned building at night, his doubts suddenly opened up, and he speculated that this woman might be a strange person who could change her mentality according to time.

For example, during the day, she will behave like a normal person, with almost no difference. She will not hurt anyone, let alone make people feel scary. You can even talk to her like a normal person.

But once night comes, this woman's temperament will change drastically. Just after entering the second half of the day, Wei An can clearly feel that her mood is changing. She no longer likes to communicate, and she will show her impatience. .

So there is a reason why I live in this abandoned building at night.

Wei An suspected that the scavengers during the day represented "goodness", while the scavengers after dark symbolized "evil".

She is kind-hearted and will hide in this deserted abandoned building when night falls to avoid seeing other people in order to prevent indiscriminate harm to innocent people.

Only after dawn does she go out again, wandering around the city as a scavenger, looking for a kind of comfort and happiness that others cannot understand.

Now even though he was far away from the scavenging woman, Wei An could still detect that the figure in the distance was emitting an uncontrollable heart palpitating feeling.

This feeling is exactly the same as the panic and heart palpitations when I first saw the scavenging woman.

Wei An had no choice but to slow down, not daring to follow so closely.

Anyway, now he knew where the other person was going, so he no longer had to worry about losing him. In addition, his legs hurt badly. After walking for a while, Wei An simply stopped, sat on the curb on the street, and rubbed his legs gently. leg.

It was completely dark at this time, and based on the speed at which the woman was walking, Wei An estimated that she had already arrived at the abandoned building.

When the street lights are on, the brightness is very poor. Only the area near the street lights can be seen, and the distance between street lights is also far.

Wei An found that the first half of this street was occupied, but when he arrived at the second half, there were no lights on or any movement in these houses, which were obviously vacant.

This place is where the scavenging woman looks for a place to stay during the day. It seems that there are very few people there, so she lets her night self live here.

Wei An rested for a moment, then continued to walk to his destination, looked up at the abandoned three-story building in front of him, fixed his eyes on one of the closed doors on the third floor, and quickly moved away.

He no longer dared to speak or make any other noise.

Before finding the answer, Wei An planned to temporarily hide in this building to get closer to the scavenging woman to avoid being chased by those weird ones.

Don't think about it anymore. Now that the woman has just returned home, she probably hasn't changed completely, so after hiding inside first, even if she finds something, she may not pay attention to it.

As long as he doesn't hang out on the third floor and make her angry.

With this thought in mind, Wei An approached the abandoned building, walked to the door of the first room on the first floor, pushed it gently, and found that it didn't move at all.

Today is the last day of the month. If you still have votes, you can vote quickly.

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