This is not a weird story

Chapter 164 This city is full of weird stories! (Please subscribe!)

This abandoned building adopts the structure of a living room and a bedroom, so the room here in Lao Gui is no exception.

Through the medium-level "Detail Capture", Wei An noticed that the window in this bedroom was hung with a very thick curtain. Not only that, the curtain had no pattern and seemed to be the same color as the surrounding walls.

If you don't look carefully when you come in, no one will notice it.

Before he learned the old ghost's true identity, Wei An would not have imagined what role the heavy curtains played here.

But things are different now. After learning that the old ghost is the scavenger woman in the dark night, Wei An has already guessed the purpose of the heavy curtains.

After changing his direction, Wei An quickly got out from under the bed, and at the same time threw out all the weapons and props on his body, including the Five Emperors' Money, the scalpel, and then kept waving the bloody hammer.

Seeing that the scavenger woman simply ignored the damage caused by the first two props, she threw out the King of Hearts, took this opportunity to endure the pain, and stood up holding on to the wooden frame at the end of the bed.

The scavenger woman seemed to notice something strange about the K of Hearts thrown out. She shrank slightly and was not hit by the K of Hearts. The playing card circled in the air and returned to Wei An's hand.

Wei An did not hesitate and immediately threw it out again, saying at the same time: "It seems that the time is almost up, she will appear soon!"

The scavenger woman still dodged the K of Hearts spinning in the air. Wei An's heart sank, but the next second he saw her suddenly reach out and grab the playing card. He took it into his hand and looked at it.

I don't know if grabbing the playing card directly has the same result as being hit by the playing card, but Wei An didn't have time to think about it, and immediately turned around and quickly opened the heavy curtains behind him, revealing the window and the sky outside.

At this time, the sky was dim, and a little white fish belly could be seen on the horizon, but this area was still shrouded in moonlight.

When he turned back again, he saw that the scavenger woman was approaching, and the words that appeared after being hit by a playing card appeared on her forehead.

[The black girl's level of worry about the white girl's upcoming appearance has been randomly increased by 2 times. 】

The next second, the scavenger woman was completely close to Wei An, and grabbed Wei An's arm that he subconsciously raised to block. With a click, the arm fell off, hanging weakly aside.

Wei An grimaced in pain, and the bloody hammer fell to the ground, and he immediately took it back to the inventory.

The woman stretched out her right hand and directly touched Wei An's left chest. With a pop, her five fingers and her palm penetrated his chest and pinched the violently beating heart.

I don’t know if it’s because the other party is too strong, but this time the King of Hearts only boosted her psychological feeling twice as much. For the woman, it just made her a little more panicked about the White Girl’s upcoming appearance. , in fact the effect was not as obvious as when dealing with Ashes and Lying Corpses the previous two times.

Wei An only felt his heart tightening suddenly, as if even his breathing had stopped.

He didn't know if the white girl would appear again, but now he threw the King of Hearts and used detailed capture to open the heavy curtains, revealing the dim sky outside. This was the greatest resistance he could make, because The strength of the woman in front of me is too strong.

Whether it is the white woman or the black woman, they are the masters of this city, whether it is real or illusory.

The only difference is whether someone knows about their existence, but even if they don't know about the existence of black and white women, it will not affect the "daily life and operation" of the city, nor will it affect the omnipresent presence in the city that ordinary people cannot know or understand. Weird stories involved.

After this idea came up, the problem that had been bothering Wei An suddenly made sense.

It even gave Wei An some new ideas about the real world that he had never had before.

Thoughts were racing through my mind, and even the huge pain on my body couldn't stop it.

Now as long as the right hand of the scavenger woman exerts a little force, Wei An's heart will break. He looked pale and held his breath and said: "I found... the answer. This city is real because you... make it look real." , and the city is weird because... you make it weird. This world... is more wonderful than other weird worlds... because of your existence, Black and White Girl."

The fingers holding his heart relaxed slightly, and Wei An breathed a sigh of relief.

He saw the scavenging woman looking at him, her eyes clear and clear, no longer just fierce and ferocious, and the feeling of terror in her body was also fading away crazily.

After regaining his breath, Wei An continued: "My answer is that this city is a ghost story! Even if it is extremely real in my eyes, it cannot change the essence of the ghost story itself."

The scavenger woman had already retracted her hand, letting a large amount of blood flow from Wei An's chest. She pursed her lips and smiled.

The terror she felt just now was no longer found in her.

"I'm very happy to hear your answer." She said: "This proves that my ability has indeed improved, and I have more and more feelings about the construction and operation of this city. I have been working as a scavenger for so long. The author’s identity has helped me in my life experience.”

"You...are back?" After listening to what the other party said, Wei An knew that the white girl was back, and the black girl, the old ghost, had disappeared.

Not only that, the white girl is more powerful than the black girl, otherwise this city would have been in ruins and it would not be as prosperous as it is now.

As long as the white woman appears, the black woman will definitely hide herself as deeply as possible, and will only appear when she waits for her own time.

Looking up at the dim sky outside the window, the scavenger girl nodded and moved her eyes away from the bloody wound on Wei An's chest, "I saw such an exciting scene when I came back, but what you just said has proven my The way is right."

"This weird story of yours... also made me understand... a lot of things." Wei An said.

Then he coughed violently and put all his belongings into his inventory, "I'm leaving now. If I don't leave now..."

The scavenger woman smiled and nodded, "Only when you return to your own world can the rules that conform to your body continue to operate."

Wei An was stunned. All the scenery in front of him quickly disappeared, and text prompts appeared at the same time.

[The hidden mission "Old Ghost's Identity" has been indirectly completed by you. 】

[Hidden mission reward: 500 points. 】

[Intruder, you have successfully completed your final mission and are about to leave...]

Shortly after all the words appeared, the pain in the wounds on Wei An's body instantly eased and faded. His whole body went limp and he sat down, only to find that he was sitting on a chair.

Looking around, I saw that this was the sixth computer in the computer area of ​​the library.

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