This is not a weird story

Chapter 228 Gestures in Photos

"What does this mean?" Wei An also noticed the blurred man in the photo and pointed at the three fingers he stretched out.

Pei Na was a little surprised and said: "Why has it changed? In the photo just now, the man stretched out his scissor hands, and now there is an extra finger."

Wei An was stunned, "Just now?"

"Yes, the ghost is holding out scissor hands, imitating the girl in front of the photo." Pei Na pointed to the girl in the photo who was also showing scissor hands.

"Did it just change?" Wei An wondered.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and pulled Pei Na towards the lounge, while asking: "Do you still remember such a ghost story? A girl and her classmate went to a certain place to travel, and the two of them were in a scenic spot. I took a photo. When the photo was developed, I discovered that there was a woman with disheveled hair standing behind them. The woman made a scissor-hands gesture. At that time, the girl was very angry and secretly cursed these people for not knowing how to avoid them. Instead, he was deliberately causing damage behind the camera."

"I think I've heard of it, but I can't remember the details." Pei Na said, "What happened next?"

"Later, the girl's classmate suddenly died in an accident. After the classmate died, the girl accidentally dug out this photo again, only to find that the posture of the disheveled woman's hands had changed, and it was no longer scissors. , but only extended one index finger." Wei An said.

Pei Na was slightly startled, "In other words, the people in the photo are not actually comparing hands with scissors, but comparing numbers?"

"Yes." Wei An nodded, "The original photo was a group photo of the girl and her classmate. The woman's gesture was the number two. After her classmate died, the woman's gesture also changed to one."

"So the remaining girl is about to die." Pei Na understood.

Wei An looked at the photo in his hand and said, "The situation in this photo is very similar to the story just now."

"Well, the number of living people in that ghost story was decreasing, so the gesture changed from two to one." Pei Na analyzed, "But here it is increasing, so the original number two has become the number three."

Then she seemed to catch something, her expression changed slightly, but she couldn't tell what it was.

Wei An said: "I think the gesture numbers here may be exactly the opposite."

"on the contrary?"

"Yes, for example, the number of the person's hand gesture in the photo just now was two, and now it is three, so there is one more." Wei An analyzed, "During this period, Tony in the rest room happened to die, so I suspect This number represents the dead, which is the number of dead people on this plane now."

When the words fell, the two of them happened to walk to the door of the rest room.

At this time, Huang Xu had been following the two of them, ears straightened, tiptoes slightly, tilting his head, trying to hear clearly what Wei An and Pei Na were saying, but because the two spoke in extremely low voices, they were almost biting. His ears were talking, so he never heard.

Wei An stopped and turned to look at him, "Now that we are going in to rest, do you want to continue investigating the case, or come in and rest together?"

Huang Xu asked: "What were you talking about just now?"

"We said this photo is very important." Wei An handed the photo to him, "The man's hand gesture numbers on it have changed. You can take it and study it carefully. Maybe you will make new discoveries."

"Have the gestures changed?" Huang Xu was startled and quickly took the photo to check.

Taking this opportunity, Wei An and Pei Na entered the lounge, turned around and closed the door, and then Wei An locked the door behind them.

Pei Na said: "Don't we want that photo?"

Wei An replied: "It's okay, he will ask us if he doesn't understand."

Pei Na walked up to the dead Tony. At this time, the man's hands were still handcuffed at the foot of the bed, but his head was buried and his body was tilted and motionless.

Squatting down, Pei Na held the cockscomb's lowered chin and slowly raised his head to take a look. She found that the guy's eyes were closed and his face was ashen, but the cause of death could not be seen.

I checked his body and limbs again, and found no wounds or swelling except for the tattoos all over his body.

Wei An said: "This guy woke up not long after you left. At that time, his body was shaking slightly, but he was confused and couldn't hear me calling him. He looked around and struggled several times, but it seemed that his My eyesight is no longer good and I can no longer see the surrounding scenes, including me.”

"From your description, it sounds like this guy was overdosing on drugs." Pei Na said: "However, it is not ruled out that there are other unknown and strange reasons, such as being subject to a strange curse."

"I feel more like I've been strangely cursed." Wei An agreed. "This guy may have appeared on this plane just to get the lizard blood and cockscomb head. In other words, he may just be A chess piece.”

"Isn't there someone or something weird behind all this?" Pei Na frowned.

"It's possible." Wei An nodded.

Pei Na looked at Wei An seriously, and then sighed: "Since last time, I can be with you every time I enter the ghost story, which saves a lot of trouble. But you can say that I am lucky. My first ghost story was E-level, and this second one went straight up a level and became D-level. Isn’t it said that all newbies start from F-level? Where is F-level? Am I not worthy? "

Wei An suppressed his laughter and said, "Okay, it's all my fault. If you want to blame me for being an African chief, just say it straight away and don't beat around the bush."

Pei Na also laughed, stood up, walked aside and washed her hands, "Just kidding, please quickly analyze the photo just now. After adding Tony, there are now three corpses on the plane." ?”

Wei An nodded, "Yes, Tony is one, and the other one should be the coffin under the cargo hold of the plane he just mentioned. This coffin is definitely not empty, but contains a corpse. This is the second The corpse in the coffin is the great terror mentioned in the mission."

"What about the third one?" Pei Na asked.

"I don't know." Wei An shook his head, "It may be in the cargo hold or somewhere else. If it is in the cargo hold, Xue Wanxing may have been found by now."

"Xue Waxing entered the cargo hold so quickly?" Pei Na was surprised.

Wei An said: "Not long after the strange story started, he disappeared. These Liangcheng investigators know more about the inside story than we do. This guy will never disappear for so long without any reason, so I suspect that his purpose is very clear. Entered the aircraft cargo hold."

After a pause, Wei An added: "We may still have to split up now. I'll go to the cargo hold to feel out the situation, and at least find out the specific location of the coffin first. You go find where the third body is. If you find it, what will happen next?" So we can get the body here and handcuff it with Tony. Then lock up that naughty kid from 46C and find a way not to cause conflict with his parents. If you can't handle it, wait until I come back and handle it together."

Pei Na nodded, "There are walkie-talkies over there in the studio. Let's each take one for easy communication."

The two opened the door to the lounge and found that Huang Xu was no longer outside. This guy had gotten the weird photo and must have gone to find Cai Lu. He might also be studying the weird photo at the moment.

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