This is not a weird story

Chapter 237 He moved!

This time the plot speculates that all 50 energy points injected by Wei An will be exhausted, and a total of 4 plots will appear.

When the plot appeared in his mind, Wei An quickly read it and came to a conclusion.

It seems that the occurrence of those half-dead bodies in the cabin is due to a curse, and the source of the curse is the corpse that was sealed and soaked in formalin in the coffin in the cargo hold.

At the moment the coffin is opened, everyone in the cargo hold will be cursed, but Xue Wanxing and Cai Lu have something in advance that allows them to resist the curse.

Of course, because I have "Jia Yuhan's blessing", I can also block this invisible curse.

However, when Xue Wanxing enters the coffin and cuts off the body's skin, a second curse will be triggered, and this time the curse is obviously stronger and cannot be avoided by everyone, and Wei An's "blessing" can only be in the ghost story. Start once.

But no matter what, Wei An couldn't let them really open the coffin, and the other party would have to cut off the skin from the corpse that had the power of the curse, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Looking at the pistol that Cai Lu raised towards him, Wei An now knew that there were no bullets in the gun, and Cai Lu would even ask Xue Wanxing to help make a few bullets for her later.

Now this woman is deliberately threatening herself with an empty gun.

Wei An immediately raised his hands with a tone of surprise in his mouth: "You actually have a gun! Don't shoot! I will do whatever you want me to do, just don't shoot!"

"Go over there and kneel down, holding your head in your hands." Cai Lu said.

After Wei An walked over and knelt down, holding his head in his hands, she slowly approached with a gun and asked: "Are there any knives in the inventory? Take them all out."

Wei An shook his head: "I don't have a knife."

"What's that?"

"A pot lid."

Wei An took out the pot lid, which was the worst among his props, and placed it at his feet.

"What can this thing do?" Cai Lu asked.

Wei An said: "It's a yellow-level armor."

Cai Lu's eyes were slightly bright. Although this was only a yellow level, at least it was armor and looked very good.

She picked up a rope next to her and was about to tie Wei'an's hands when Wei'an grabbed her hand. At this time, her gun was still pointed at Wei'an.

Cai Lu was shocked and thought to herself, isn't this guy afraid of shooting himself?

But in fact, it was useless for her to pull the trigger. She immediately wanted to break away from Wei An's grasp and hit him on the head with the butt of the gun.

She was faster, and Wei An was faster. He held the bloody hammer in his hand and hit Cai Lu's wrist in the next second. Cai Lu's wrist went numb and the pistol fell to the ground.

Cai Lu immediately grabbed it with her backhand, and her other prop, a black crowbar, appeared in her hand and thrust it into Wei An's head.

Wei An had already taken out a scalpel with his other hand and slashed Cai Lu's wrist. The artery in the wrist was immediately cut open and blood spattered out.

Wei An quickly stood up and took a step back, hitting Cai Lu's shoulder hard with a bloody hammer. There was a click, and it seemed that the bone was broken.

Cai Lu fell to the ground, bleeding profusely, and could no longer move.

At this moment, an unprecedented sense of crisis came. Wei An suddenly dodged away before he could take a closer look. A sharp pain came from his left arm, and his muscles and skin had been scratched by a black scimitar.

The scimitar clicked into place in the wooden box behind him.

Then I saw that the scimitar that was originally firmly fixed on the wooden box suddenly began to shake violently, as if an invisible hand was grabbing its handle and pulling it. With a whoosh, the scimitar flew back and landed on Xue Wanxing's side. in hand.

Xue Wanxing waved his right hand, and the scimitar shot out again.

Wei An had already put the scalpel back in the inventory, and immediately bent down to pick up the pot lid, holding the bloody hammer in his right hand and the pot lid in his left hand.

He raised the pot lid in his hand, and with a pop, the scimitar that flew over for the second time struck the pot lid. The blade sank into the pot lid and almost penetrated.

Then the scimitar began to shake again.


It flew back to Xue Wanxing's hands.

But this time, Wei An immediately hid behind a huge wooden box, no longer exposed to Xue Wanxing's sight, otherwise he would always be regarded as a living target.

As soon as he squatted down, Wei An quickly noticed something was wrong, and almost subconsciously raised his left hand holding the pot lid, bang! My arms instantly felt sore and numb.

The black scimitar hit the pot lid again. After the second impact, the metal lid cracked open, revealing a huge gap.

Wei An didn't expect that this weird scimitar could turn on its own. After Xue Wanxing threw it for the third time, it would go around the big wooden box where he was hiding and still hit the target.

It now seemed that the pot lid armor could no longer withstand the impact of the third scimitar. Just as the black scimitar flew back again, Wei An quickly bypassed the large wooden box.

At this moment, a line of text appeared in front of his eyes.

["Jia Yuhan's Blessing" has been activated by itself, successfully filtering out the curse damage from the corpse. 】

Looking up, he saw that Xue Wanxing did not throw the machete again, but opened the lid of the red coffin. People had already stepped into the coffin, and the sound of water was surging.

He was holding the scimitar in his hand, bending down to cut something.

Wei An knew that he was cutting the skin on the chest of the corpse, and immediately ran over, took out the playing card King of Hearts, and threw it at Xue Wanxing's back.

The spinning effect of the King of Hearts is the same as that of the scimitar, but it will return to the holder's hand after hitting the target.

After hitting Xue Wanxing's back with a bang, the King of Hearts immediately flew back, and a text prompt appeared in front of Wei An's eyes.

[Xue Wanxing’s fear of being cursed by a corpse has been randomly increased by 3 times. 】

Xue Wanxing's body shook violently, his face suddenly showed a worried look, and both the speed and angle of the scimitar in his hand were affected.

Because of the fear in his heart, he straightened up immediately. The piece of skin cut off in his hand was only the size of a palm, not as much as planned.

At this time, Wei An had already taken this opportunity to rush over, stood outside the red coffin, and hit Xue Wanxing with a hammer.

Xue Wanxing raised the scimitar above his head and blocked the bloody hammer with a clang. Sparks appeared between the two.

Xue Wanxing's eyes narrowed and he said in surprise: "Red weapon! You are at the red level..."

"Yeah, except that it can't be thrown, everything else works fine." Wei An said.

As he spoke, he pressed down sharply, and at the same time he said: "Damn it, the body seems to have moved. He is coming to find you. You cut off his skin? You are finished! You are finished!"

Xue Wanxing originally became frightened after being hit by the poker, but when Wei An said this, he grabbed the scimitar in one hand to resist, and grabbed the palm-sized piece of skin with the other hand. He could not look back. At this moment, his heartbeat accelerated, and his whole body was full of pain. Breaking into a cold sweat.

At this moment, his strength leaked out, and he was pressed down again by Wei An's hammer.

Not only that, Xue Wanxing suddenly saw a hint of panic in Wei An's eyes.

What Wei An saw was a scene in the coffin.

The coffin was indeed soaked in a large amount of formalin solution, but it should also be mixed with other drugs. A man wearing only linen short-sleeved shorts was lying quietly in the coffin, half floating in the solution.

This corpse looks ordinary, but the man's appearance is that of Ostland. The bones are relatively thick, and the skin all over the body is white and slightly swollen. It should be due to being soaked for a long time.

When Wei An observed the scene in the coffin and deliberately opened his mouth to disturb Xue Wanxing's mind, he no longer had to pretend to be frightened in his eyes, because at this moment, he saw the body in the coffin really move.

The Osman man has slowly opened his eyes.

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