This is not a weird story

Chapter 386 Malice


Wei An turned on the speakerphone of the phone so that Pei Na could also hear Wen Qiong's words.

"Well, Xiao Lin told me that he suddenly felt this way starting from this morning." Wen Qiong said: "He said that sometimes it is very strong and sometimes very weak, but he can always feel it."

Wei An knew that Lin Rui had special sensing ability. This kind of sensing ability was unparalleled. I am afraid it would be difficult to find such a powerful one in the entire ghost story.

Lin Rui said that there was, and there should be no mistake. That is, there really was some kind of malice in the ghost story about Death's options, but he couldn't determine where it came from.

"Xiao Lin just said that I should be careful. If it doesn't work, I can leave the ghost story temporarily, so I came out." Wen Qiong continued.

"Who is still inside now?" Wei An asked.

Wen Qiong said: "Xiao Lin, Su Ya, and Professor Xiong. Well, there are other staff who are following Su Ya. The General Administration of your unit has sent a new group of people to protect Su Ya today. The previous people have quit the ghost talk to rest. "

"Xiao Linrui said that he could feel malice. How long ago did he say this?" Wei An asked again.


Wei An said: "Mom, you may want to return to the options of death and pay attention to Su Ya or Professor Xiong, especially Su Ya. There may be dangers in this, so you should be careful."

Although Lin Rui can enter the Death God's option through the travel spell from the Jiuyuan Building's Ghost Story, there are currently too many investigators and staff on the Death God's Ghost Story, and Lin Rui's appearance will inevitably expose him to these people.

Among these people, Wei An cannot trust them all, so the best way is not to show up in Lin Rui's body.

The embodied Kobayashi Rui has been testing whether he can leave Kaidan and go to the real world. His range of activities has always been in the office and the hole in the wall. Even if he is seen by others, he can disband his body directly on the spot and return to it later. Just restore it, it won't have much impact.

So if there is really any malicious intent in the strange story, Wen Qiong is the only person Wei An can trust to investigate and take precautions.

After hanging up the phone, Pei Na asked: "Lin Rui can feel the malice. Is there any sign of the collapse of the strange talk over there? Or is it being targeted by some powerful weirdo, such as the God of Death himself?"

"It doesn't look like it." Wei An shook his head, "That's just a dead ghost story that has been abandoned. A weird person with the level of the God of Death won't care about this."

He still remembered that when he met Zhi in the city of Guwa, the big fat man said that he was also working for someone, and that person liked cosplay. For example, he would sometimes dress up like the God of Death.

Maybe this Death God's Choice Kaidan was just a fun point for this guy to dress up as a Death God, and it collapsed. A cosplayer's Death Scythe can chase him to death and chop him to death. It is currently impossible to fight against this level of weirdness.

"Don't tell my mother about our current situation yet. We'll find a way to find my father first," Wei An said.

Weird story, Death's choice.

Wen Qiong, wearing a cloth mask on her head, appeared in the corridor of the apartment building again, and she quickly entered Wei An's office.

The latest traveling spell is still painted on the floor of the office, and next to the traveling spell, the familiar figure of Xiao Linrui is sitting there, pondering in silence.

Wen Qiong found that the little boy liked to think very much. As long as he was not moving, he would always sit and think like this.

But what Wen Qiong didn't know was that while the embodied weirdness was thinking, it meant that his real body, Lin Rui, was also thinking in the building at the moment.

Thinking about how to leave Kaitan with a weird identity and appear in the human world, or whether I can travel between the two worlds through some kind of carrier.

Wen Qiong did not disturb Xiao Linrui, but after taking a look, she quietly retreated out, then came to the outside of Professor Xiong's newly established laboratory, knocked on the door, and walked in.

She and Professor Xiong have become familiar with each other during this time. Currently, there are four people in Professor Xiong's team that studies spells. The other assistants and students are all people who cannot enter the ghost story.

Some people can come in occasionally, but Professor Xiong is obviously not satisfied with this three-day fishing and two-day drying method, so currently there are only three other assistants who can stably enter the ghost story to help him research spells.

The human skin charm was enough for them to study for a while. During this time, Wen Qiong could even see that Xiong Shihai's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

After a few words of conversation, Xiong Shihai quickly got back to work. Seeing that there was nothing else going on here, Wen Qiong immediately left the office.

Soon he came to the first floor and stood at the gate looking at the white mist all over the sky. Wen Qiong still remembered that Su Ya's current fishing spot was getting farther and farther away. It was almost a block away from here, about five buildings away. distance between.

Sometimes Su Ya would not return to her original apartment, because every time she left, the distance she had to walk back in the fog would be twice as long as before. If she walked a few more times, the distance would become longer and longer.

Standing on the edge of the fog for a moment, a meat cleaver appeared in Wen Qiong's hand, and a violent momentum suddenly swept away, surrounding Wen Qiong.

The woman who looked soft and frail just now was now enveloped in a bloody, violent, and sadistic aura.

Taking one step forward, Wen Qiong's figure disappeared into the mist.

Apartment Building No. 8.

In reality, the lower three floors of the building here are rented to private companies, and only the fourth floor and above are occupied. Su Ya is fishing here with the staff who protect her.

The fishing location is on the rooftop of apartment building No. 8.

Everything except about three meters above the rooftop is covered by thick fog. Standing here feels like you are deep in a dream.

Su Ya stood behind a half-person-high wall on the left side of the rooftop, putting the fishing rod in her hand into the thick fog outside the building. Behind her, there was a seat that could be used for half-lying, and a portable folding small square table. , there is drinking water and food on the table, as well as some gadgets to pass the time.

Every position behind him was occupied by staff, including the investigators, a total of six people.

There were four men and two women, including three investigators and three staff members.

Su Ya is not familiar with this group of people, because they were replaced by the Central City General Administration just now, so Su Ya has been concentrating on fishing and rarely talks.

Not far from her feet, there were four or five fished props piled up, including weapons and some special metals. Next to the props was a dead black bat.

This thing looks like a bat, but in fact it is not. Its head is like a wild boar, and its scarlet tongue sticks out of its mouth for about two meters. It is already drooping on the ground and has not moved for a long time.

This was a strange fish that Su Ya accidentally caught just now. It was not too strong and was quickly killed by the people who were guarding her.

But at this time, there was another sound in the mist. It was a very gentle breathing sound, like an old man hiding in the mist.

"Miss Su Ya, I think we should change our fishing location." A female investigator standing behind Su Ya frowned slightly and said, "The things caught fishing in this place are very weird, but there are not many props."

Another staff member also said: "This place is somewhat similar to that in Building 6. I also suggest changing to another place."

Su Ya grabbed the fishing rod with both hands, looking slightly flustered, and replied: "Something grabbed the fishing line and I can't take it back."

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