This is not a weird story

Chapter 410 Am I here early?

Soon other sounds could no longer be heard, but Wei An and Pei Na were alive and breathing, so their extremely subtle breathing could still be heard.

The two of them did not stand still. After being pushed by the mysterious force, Wei An pulled Pei Na to pace back and forth nearby.

He would not leave very far, otherwise Lin Rui, who was rushing over, might miss him again.

Although they couldn't hear anything, Wei An and Pei Na had the same feeling. There was always something wandering around, silently, not far away.

After a moment, a cold feeling suddenly spread to the back of his neck. Wei An's neck shrank and Pei Na said: "Something is touching my neck!"

The two of them immediately took two steps forward. Wei An stretched out his backhand and swung the killing ax out. After a roar, it hit the air and hit nothing.

"I felt it just now." He said softly: "This thing can know where we are, even if we don't speak."

This time, as soon as Wei An finished speaking, he suddenly felt something approaching from his left side, and immediately pulled Pei Na to hide two steps in the other direction.

Pei Na's hand suddenly loosened, a strong force came, and Wei An immediately separated from her.

Wei An was startled and immediately grabbed it in the direction where he had released it, but he didn't catch anything.


He stepped forward again in the direction of releasing his hand, reached out his right hand, and finally grabbed Pei Na's hand and held it tightly.

Wei An could also feel Pei Na holding her tightly, as if she never wanted to let go.

"I'm here."

Pei Na's voice came at the same time.

However, after hearing Pei Na's voice, Wei An was stunned for a moment, did not respond, and did not move again, but maintained this movement.

Because he heard Pei Na's words coming from right in front of him, and his right hand was holding her at the moment, which meant that Pei Na should be standing on his right, not directly in front of him.

It can also be concluded from the direction in which this hand is holding her that Pei Na should not stand in front of her under any circumstances.

But the hand that Wei An was holding at the moment was exactly the same as Pei Na's, with human warmth and the same size as Pei Na's finger joints.

"Weian, where are you? Talk." Pei Na's voice still sounded right in front of her, probably less than two meters apart.

So if the person in front was Pei Na, it would be impossible for her to stretch out her hand so long to catch herself.

And she had become very anxious hearing this voice.

However, Wei An still did not answer, but gently squeezed the palm held by his right hand.

Not long after, the palm also squeezed him gently, but the person holding him remained silent.

Wei An took this hand and slowly took two steps back. You could feel that the man followed him back obediently, without standing still or having any thoughts of resistance.

Although there could be Pei Na in front of him or on his right, Wei An was basically sure of her specific location at this time.

At this moment, a faint sound of walking on tiptoes came from directly in front of Wei An, drifting from left to right, as if he was eagerly looking for him.


Pei Na's anxious voice continued to sound, shouting and moving around.

Suddenly, within a distance of less than half a meter in front of Wei An, Pei Na's voice suddenly sounded, with an unprecedented depth and viciousness: "Why don't you answer me?"

At the same time as these words were spoken, Wei An clearly felt that a pair of eyes were staring at him full of hatred, right in front of him, without blinking.

He barely hesitated, and the killing ax that had been raised high in his hand suddenly slashed down, hitting something in the next second.

Pei Na's voice suddenly screamed: "Wei... Wei'an, are you going to kill me? Why...are you trying to kill me? I finally found it...with great difficulty..."

Before the word "you" could be spoken, Wei An's second ax struck again, and the voice suddenly stopped. It seemed that it hit the other party's head or some important part.

Pulling out the ax, Wei An squeezed the hand he had just grabbed again, and soon the other person squeezed him back, just like before.

The screams not far in front of him gradually became fainter until they disappeared completely.

If the other party was indeed Pei Na, she would have been killed by Wei An's two axes without even thinking about it.

Soon, a faint light came into view on the left front of Wei An. This light was very weak. If it weren't for the darkness here, this faint light would not be visible anyway.

Wei An felt relieved, knowing that it was probably Lin Rui who had arrived.

You must know that if he guessed correctly, this is a dark hell. No light can be brought into the dark hell, unless the object entering the hell itself will glow, and it must be an extremely special species.

Based on these reasons, it seems that only people like Lin Rui who have the special ability to manifest all things can do it.

Although he saw the glimmer of light, Wei An still didn't make a sound, but just stood there, staring at the glimmer of light as it slowly approached.

He believed that even if he didn't remind Lin Rui aloud, with this guy's sensing ability, he would quickly find the right direction and approach.

Sure enough, two or three minutes later, the dim light got closer and closer, and gradually a blurry figure appeared in the dim light. It looked like it was indeed Lin Rui.

Lin Rui was walking very fast at this time. His palms were spread out and turned upwards. An extremely weak yellowish light gathered in the palms of his hands. This light could only allow him to see things within one meter of him. No matter how far away he was, Still can't see anything.

However, as he continued to get closer, Wei An could distinguish Lin Rui's appearance with these yellowish lights, and was sure that he was coming.

The light approached, causing part of the darkness to be dispersed near Wei An.

Wei An immediately turned his head to look at Pei Na, who was holding his hand, and saw that the person standing next to him was indeed Pei Na. He had not chosen wrongly just now, and he had not chopped the wrong target with the killing axe.

However, what happened to Pei Na at this time was still frightening. A pair of pale hands stretched out from behind Pei Na's head and tightly covered her mouth. Although her lips were squirming hard, they could not move. No sound could be made.

When Wei An saw this scene, those pale palms quickly let go of Pei Na's mouth, and retracted from the back of her head, disappearing.

Pei Na said "Wow", finally able to speak, and she immediately turned around.

Wei An also used the faint light to look behind her, but saw nothing, and nothing could be seen in the darkness further away.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Lin Rui asked after approaching.

"It was a near miss." Wei An said: "Thankfully you came here, otherwise I wouldn't have known that Pei Na had been controlled by the thing in the dark."

"Just after I broke up with you, something covered my mouth, and my other hand was completely numb and I couldn't lift it up." Pei Na breathed a sigh of relief and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, you caught me again right away. I knew I couldn’t make a sound, and I was worried that you might mistakenly think you caught something weird and might chop me up.”

Wei An smiled and said: "As long as it belongs to your body, I will never admit it."

Pei Na: "..."

"Ahem, uncle, am I here early?" Lin Rui said.

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