This is not a weird story

Chapter 413 Cemetery

Standing in this F-level weird story, Wei An, Pei Na and Lin Rui looked up and found that this was a cemetery.

At first glance, the cemetery occupies a relatively large area, occupying the gentle hilltop in front of us.

The place where the three of them were at this moment was the gate of the cemetery.

Not long after it appeared, the plot editor suddenly lit up slightly in Wei An's mind, and Wei An immediately looked inside.

He soon discovered that the light coming from the "Plot Speculation" button seemed to be telling him that he could use plot speculation in this strange story.

When looking at the "Locate Character" and "Search for Ghost Stories" buttons, they are also active instead of gray, which means they can also be pressed.

Wei An looked at the "Search for Ghost Stories" button and was a little unsure. He didn't know what would happen if he pressed this button in Ghost Stories. In the past, he usually activated it in the human world and then helped him locate the location of certain ghost stories. .

But if you press it in the world of ghost stories, does it mean that you can use it to search for and explore the ghost stories you want to find like Lin Rui did, and the effect is just like Lin Rui using his heaven-defying sensing power.

Try it later.

Wei An was surprised by this scene.

Now when he is experiencing ghost stories, he has not used the identity of a participant or an intruder for a long time, which makes it seem that some of his skills have not grown.

In fact, this growth effect has been going on. Wei An now realizes that as long as he experiences a certain strange story, no matter what form or identity he is in the strange story, he will gain more or less, but this kind of gain is not Then show it to yourself intuitively.

This impact is slow, subtle and far-reaching.

Just like now, it is possible to open the plot editor in any capacity in F-level Kaidan. Although the low rules of Kaitan are one reason, this is more meaningful than increasing the skill level.

But now that Lin Rui is by his side, Wei An doesn't have to waste energy points to speculate on the plot.

"Uncle, let's go in quietly and not get close to the duty room at the gate." Lin Rui said: "I can feel that the old man in the duty room is very powerful. He should be the most powerful in this cemetery, even those sleeping in the cemetery. The dead souls in the ground are no match."

"Then are you sure you can beat him?" Pei Na asked softly.

Lin Rui was stunned for a moment and replied: "I have never used all my strength to deal with a certain monster, so I don't know."

Pei Na was secretly stunned.

"Try to avoid unnecessary conflicts." Wei An said.

He knows very well that if the current ghost story is only F-level, then the gravekeeper will have two situations. One is that his strength is only very powerful compared to the dead souls in the cemetery, and he will definitely be finished after meeting Lin Rui. The second The tombkeeper is very powerful, but it is not easy to disturb him, and if he appears, it will be a dead end for the participants in the ghost story.

The three of them circled the cemetery for a while, and soon found a broken fence entrance and got in from there.

The sky was gray at this time, but it was not night, but the visibility was not very good, because there was also thin mist suspended over the cemetery, but this mist was different from the kind in the gaps between ghost stories.

Three people squatted on the left side of a grave, with the cemetery's fence on the other side.

Lin Rui had sensed it again and said: "The tombs in the cemetery are basically full, but there are passages to the underground under several of the tombs. According to my experience of observing so many strange stories, most of the tasks here are Find the underground passage, and then take away the sustenance of a certain dead soul through this passage."

Wei An smiled and said: "If we have a chance later, we will do the same. Maybe while we find Chen Sen and those guys, we can also complete this strange story mission and earn some energy points."

"Uncle, this is just a random guess on my part." Lin Rui touched the back of his head.

Wei An just talked casually. Now this F-level weird talk is not that important to him.

"Because this is only F-level, the tombkeeper may not appear. Otherwise, if his combat power is incredible, all the participants will be killed or injured once he appears. This weird story will be D-level or C-level." Pei Na analyzed. road.

"Yes." Pei Na's thoughts were the same as Wei An's. He nodded and said, "Lin Rui, please confirm the specific location of Chen Sen and the others, and we will sneak over directly."

After a pause, he added: "The powerful tombkeeper gave me an idea to kill two birds with one stone. After determining the location of Chen Sen and others, you try to lure the tombkeeper over."

The three of them quickly sneaked into the depths of the cemetery. Although they did not know the time at this time, the weak wall lamp hanging on the fence lit up soon after, suggesting that the time in this strange story may be close to night, but The sky was still dim, not completely dark.

There are some strange and strange energy bodies in some places in the cemetery. This is because some dead souls are preparing to move after observing humans entering.

However, they also keenly sensed that these people seemed to be difficult to mess with, so no energy body approached the three of them.

Not long after, an dug grave appeared in front of us not far away.

This tomb should have been idle all the time, with no corpses buried, and even the soil piled on both sides has solidified into blocks over time.

Standing above the tomb and looking over, everything feels normal.

But Lin Rui stretched out his hand and pushed. The originally dug pit sank several meters down again. It was a stone slab that shouldn't belong here.

After the stone slabs receded, a temporary and sturdy staircase was revealed, leading directly to the ground.

At this moment, a dead soul wandering nearby found the opportunity and suddenly approached Pei Na who was standing aside.

The whole body of this dead soul is pitch black, blending into the darkness. Its upper body is human-shaped, and its lower body is like a tail, but you can still see that its legs are actually tied into strips and become extremely slender.

It seems that this is not what it originally looked like, but it was bound by a strange force into this weird appearance.

After the dead soul approached Pei Na, he immediately grabbed her forehead with sharp fingers, trying to insert his fingers directly into Pei Na's forehead to absorb her soul.

However, what its fingers touched was not its forehead, but a book without words. With a swish, the dead soul was directly collected by the book without words, unable to even struggle.

Pei Na closed the book and said to Wei An with a surprised look on her face: "I feel like my strength has increased."

Wei An nodded: "Me too. So it seems that going through those two hells is not a bad thing. As long as we can survive it, it can enhance our abilities."

Turning his head to look at the staircase extending downward, Wei An hesitated, seeming to be measuring something with his eyes.

"Nana, have you noticed that the width of this staircase is almost exactly the same as the red coffin we saw?"

When he saw the red coffin for the second time, Wei An observed it carefully because this coffin was very special. The corpse inside was very tall and strong, so the coffin was also very wide and thick.

Not only are the stairs the same width, but even after the coffin is lifted, the human height plus the height of the coffin can just pass through here.

Pei Na reacted immediately and asked: "Do you suspect that the red coffin and the corpse inside belong to this cemetery and were transported from here by them?"

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