Wei An did not expect Lin Rui to close his eyes for so long, thinking that this little guy was just trying his best to control the zombies, monsters and flying knives to deal with Yu Zhen. Unexpectedly, Lin Rui was actually sensing Yu Zhen's existence, and then there was a scene on the scene. now!

However, there is definitely a big gap between the embodied Yuzhen and her real body, but it is enough to be able to stop the opponent now.

And this is Lin Rui's original intention to materialize it.

After seeing someone who was exactly the same as herself, Yuzhen was stunned, causing those fierce attacks to be slowed down by half a beat.

She now knew that the young man standing in the air opposite was extremely powerful, but she never expected that he would have such a terrifying ability to recreate himself.

The surprise and anger in her heart immediately surged. Yuzhen felt that she had been violated like never before, and she did not hesitate to focus a large number of attacks on the fake Yuzhen who had just appeared.

With a crash, both sides started attacking each other with their hair. At a glance, it seemed impossible to tell which one was real and which one was fake. Even the attack methods were exactly the same.

"Uncle, let's leave quickly!" Lin Rui said to Wei An.

Wei An was already prepared and immediately ran in the direction where Wei Zhengdong and Zhang Zuxia left. Lin Rui stopped behind, letting the fake Yu Zhen completely block in front of him.

In fact, this fake Yuzhen had to stand in front of her at this moment, because the crazy woman opposite had already launched an extremely strong attack on her, vowing to tear this person pretending to be her to pieces in front of her eyes, and would not let her leave no matter what!

The hairs are like needles all over the sky, and the weapons formed by the hair on both sides go back and forth, stabbing at the oval-shaped hair ball.

It was impossible to stay in this dark space any longer, because even the blowing wind could cut people's clothes and skin.

Lin Rui and Wei An quickly left the chaotic space. Wei An asked as he ran, "How long can that fake Yuzhen last?"

Lin Rui said: "It should be enough for us to run far away. Because I sensed some strange compositions on the body of this weird hair, and integrated these things into the manifested body. They are This top-level weirdness has a sense of rules, and I just imitated this sense of rules."

"Can you imitate the rules?" Wei An was stunned.

Lin Rui shook his head and said: "It's not a rule. What I imitate is the aura of the rule. It looks like a rule, but problems will soon be exposed after actual application, and the real effect of the rule cannot be achieved."

Wei An nodded.

At this moment, he was already digesting Lin Rui's words: The top weird ones all have the aura of rules.

Doesn't that mean that the main reason why these weirdos can become top-level weirdos is because they are different from other weirdos and have a sense of rules from Kaitan, so they can grow into top-level weirdos.

Rules are becoming more and more mysterious to Wei An.

The operation of Kaidan requires rules. If the rules are broken, Kaitan will collapse and become an abandoned place.

The reason why these top-level weirdos can become top-level is because they have rules. If these rules collapse on them, then these top-level weirdos will immediately lose their strength or even cease to exist.

Thinking about it this way, Wei An realized that his father Wei Zhengdong had locked onto this level of weirdness by sniffing the weird aura. Did he obtain this type of regular aura that could control these weirdness in this way? And he also mastered it, so those weird things didn't dare to get close anymore.

But why these weirdos are afraid of Wei Zhengdong and want to get close to and kill him is a mystery for now.

After having these ideas, Wei An was prepared to figure it out if he had the opportunity in the future.

Soon the two of them saw Wei Zhengdong and Zhang Zuxia who were leaving quickly in front of them. Although Wei Zhengdong was supporting Zhang Zuxia, their movements were not slow.

Lin Rui stretched out his hands and controlled the bodies of Wei Zhengdong and Zhang Zuxia respectively, causing the two people to lift their feet off the ground and float forward.

He turned to look at Wei An.

Wei An understood and nodded immediately: "Just be responsible for controlling them. I can keep up."

Wei Zhengdong and Zhang Zuxia suddenly flew up uncontrollably. They were startled at first, and then turned to see Lin Rui. They knew that Lin Rui allowed them to leave more conveniently and quickly in this way, so they did not struggle.

At this time, Lin Rui was also standing in the air. The three of them were suspended in mid-air and Wei An was running on the ground.

Wei An noticed that Lin Rui was almost exhausted. His ability could not be used up all the time. After manifesting Yu Zhen just now, he spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Lin Rui is still insisting on continuing, so even if he can speed up Zhang Zuxia and Wei Zhengdong, he can no longer take care of Wei An.

The four people moved forward rapidly for half an hour.

Zhang Zuxia suddenly pointed to somewhere on the right and said, "There, that's where I came from, right in front. The front is where Wei An and I separated, and it was also the place where I encountered my first shadow."

At this time, Wei An glanced into the darkness behind him. Although he saw nothing, a vague danger seemed to be approaching.

"Speed ​​up!" Wei An reminded.

I don’t know if the battle between the two Yuzhen in the rear has ended. It would be best if the fake Yuzhen could hold on for a little longer, but we can’t place all our hopes on it.

Lin Rui nodded slightly and gritted his teeth. His eyes were bloodshot, his face was pale, and his hands and feet were trembling slightly, but it looked like he could hold on for a while.

Moreover, Lin Rui also sensed that danger was approaching from behind, getting closer and closer, much faster than them.

"How long?" He asked Zhang Zuxia.

Zhang Zuxia was not sure, but frowned and said: "About seven or eight minutes, maybe five minutes, I don't know the specifics."

Wei An immediately stopped and said to Lin Rui: "Leave me a trace that only I can understand. You guys go ahead. I will find you later!"

Lin Rui and Wei Zhengdong immediately turned to look at him with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Son, don't be stupid! Let's go together!" Wei Zhengdong shouted anxiously, "Otherwise, your mother will never let me go..."

Lin Rui didn't wait for him to finish, nodded to Wei An, and the three of them left quickly.

Wei An turned around and faced the direction where he could clearly feel the approaching danger, and at the same time a large number of familiar rustling sounds sounded.

Not long after, a huge oval-shaped hair ball appeared, which seemed to be even bigger than before.

It's as if this Yuzhen absorbed the fake Yuzhen just now, making her strength even stronger!

"Ah, is there such a consequence?!" Wei An was shocked.

Suddenly, the huge hair ball suddenly banged, and all the outer layer of hair collapsed, revealing the oval-shaped hair ball of its original size.

It turns out that she was just covered by the fake Yuzhen, not absorbed by the other person.

As soon as Yuzhen, whose original size was revealed, saw Wei An, hair all over the sky swept in from all directions, blocking Wei An's retreat.

Wei An didn't even think about running away right away, because he wanted to hold the opponent back for a while so that the others could run further.

Without any hesitation, when so many hairs came to assassinate him, he immediately activated the fear totem. The black cat in his mind let out a shrill meow, which even caused a roar and vibration in his mind.

Fear imagery activated!

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