This is not a weird story

Chapter 438 Understand the case

The place Wei An rushed to was a new building that had just been built. Some residents had moved in, but most of the residents had not moved in yet.

Some of them are being renovated, and the family where the weird incident occurred has been moving in for a month, so it is considered the first group of people to move in.

When Wei An arrived, Zhang Shiqing and Yao Meishan were standing at the door talking. Other members of the task force were walking around inside and outside the house, while Dai Bin was taking pictures inside the house with a camera.

If there were strange things happening in this family's house, they couldn't still be walking around and moving around in it.

This scene made Wei An a little puzzled.

After seeing him arrive, Zhang Shiqing waved to him and said: "Wei An, come here. This is the fourth case we handled after you left. The second and third cases in front were solved through the story of the ghost talk. We have solved all the cracks, but this case is a bit tricky, and it doesn’t feel like a weird story.”

"Perhaps the plot of this strange story is not a regular plot." Yao Meishan said the conclusion she had just speculated.

"Why do you say that?" Wei An asked.

As he asked, he stood at the door and glanced into the living room.

Because this is a new home, both the furniture and decorations are very new. There is even a faint smell of newly decorated wood. Dai Bin is seen taking photos inside a bedroom door with a camera.

However, Wei An's angle could not see the scene in the bedroom for the time being.

Zhang Shiqing said: "Four of the five members of the family in this house died, all from unknown causes. Only a six-year-old boy survived."

As he said that, he pointed to another small bedroom next to where Dai Bin was standing, "He's in there."

Wei An was surprised and said: "If you didn't pick up this child, why is he still at the crime scene?"

Yao Meishan shrugged and said: "We want to send him away too! But the child cannot leave. Once he walks out of the living room door, his body will soon twitch, foam at the mouth and fall into coma. No matter how he is rescued, it will not work. He must return home, and then All symptoms will disappear instantly and become normal.”

"Can't leave?" Wei An frowned and asked, "What about...the other four people who died? Their bodies..."

Zhang Shiqing knew what he was thinking, interrupted and replied: "That's right, the bodies of the other four adults could not be transported out, and they were still lying in the bedroom, because once someone touched their bodies, they would immediately emit... There is an extremely strong stench that makes you feel dizzy and confused. Even the gas mask cannot stop it. It seems to be a kind of mental pollution. But as long as you don't touch the corpse, you won't have these abnormalities. shape."

"That means the forensic doctor can't examine it and doesn't know the cause of death of these people?" Wei An looked into the room.

Zhang Shiqing said: "Actually, this is not the scary part of this case. The scary thing is that after night falls, all of us have to hide because the corpses will move abnormally."

"Huh?" Wei An was surprised, "What if we don't hide it?"

"When I didn't realize that this was a strange case, the Public Security Bureau received the police and came. At that time, several police officers did not leave. Then they disappeared and have not been found now." Yao Meishan said.

"Later, after we took over, we asked all the sheriffs to leave." Zhang Shiqing added: "Then we made several rules. The first was not to touch the body, and the second was not to try to take away the only survivor in the house. , and the third one is that you have to hide after dark.”

At this time, Dai Bin took the camera and walked out of the corridor from the living room. He heard their conversation and said to Wei An: "We speculated on this strange story and found that it has no plot at all. The direction of everything is very confusing. We don't know how to complete it." OK."

"At present, we speculate that the little boy may be a participant, and we latecomers can no longer join in this weird story." Zhang Shiqing said.

"In short, this strange story is definitely not a regular plot." Yao Meishan once again expressed her previous thoughts.

"Maybe there is no plot at all, it's just like... well, a game." Dai Bin said: "You also know that some of the ghost stories we entered are simply games."

"Games will also have rules, and if there are rules, there will be necessary plots." Wei An said: "What did the little boy say?"

"We all call him Ah Hui." Zhang Shiqing said: "He said that after he got up from sleep, he saw his parents, grandparents, and grandparents lying on the ground unable to get up. He couldn't wake them up, so he called the sheriff. "

"At first, his parents and grandparents fell in their respective bedrooms, but after one night, these corpses all moved strangely. They were all lying together in his parents' bedroom, and they were lying in a weird shape," Dai Bin said. : "Like...a flower."

"I'll go in and take a look." Wei An walked towards the living room door.

Yao Meishan seemed to want to say something more, but felt like she was holding back.

However, she quickly glanced at Zhang Shiqing, the team leader standing next to her, and saw that Zhang Shiqing shook his head slightly, so he said nothing.

Dai Bin seemed to know what they were thinking at this moment and did not speak.

Vian walked through the living room and the others followed him into the room.

Standing at the door of the master bedroom, the lighting conditions in this room are very good. The curtains are open, so you can see clearly without turning on the lights.

But the lights were still on in all the rooms in the house, so that every corner could be seen.

Wei An's eyes narrowed, and the scene in the master bedroom was indeed extremely strange.

I saw four corpses in a circle, with their heads close together and their feet facing outside, just like Dai Bin said, like a blooming flower.

The master bedroom is relatively large, so it's not too crowded if four people lie down like this.

"So at night, they come alive and move around?" Wei An asked.

"It's not necessarily all of them. There is only one corpse that may have happened." Zhang Shiqing said: "But we must hide it at that time and not let the corpse be discovered."

There is something in Zhang Shiqing's words, that is to say, there is currently no way to deal with this kind of corpse in the real world, so they can only try not to let the other party discover it. At least this is one of the rules they have mastered so far.

Wei An suddenly realized something and turned to look at the three people: "Is there something you didn't tell me? For example, you don't have to worry about being discovered by the corpse before you come in. But after you come in here, you will already be stared at by the corpse. listed what they were looking for.”

Yao Meishan and Dai Bin looked a little embarrassed. Zhang Shiqing coughed and explained: "It's true... uh, I forgot to tell you. But think about it, even if you knew, you would still come in to investigate the case without hesitation. This is what we are. It’s your responsibility.”

Wei An nodded: "That's what I say, but it doesn't necessarily mean there will be no hesitation."

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