This is not a weird story

Chapter 468 It’s alive!

After speculating on the plot, Wei An not only knew that the blood mixture in the meat ball had miraculous healing effects, but also knew that after killing the old woman, she could not stuff her body back into the meat ball.

Because the blood mixture in the meat ball is very powerful and magical, stuffing the corpse back at this time can even revive the old woman again.

Although resurrection will take a certain amount of time, if this old woman is resurrected, she will definitely sound the alarm immediately and cause more trouble.

"Please, bury this body on the spot." Wei An said to Yuan Cong.

As he spoke, he threw Jin Mingfei's blood spear to him. It could be used as a tool to dig the ground faster.

Yuan Cong was stunned, glanced at the old woman's body on the ground, nodded quickly, picked up the blood spear, walked to the upper right corner of the cage where no one was, and started digging a hole in the ground.

This guy seems to be a good helper so far, and he also plays a big role in Wei An's plan.

This was not the first time that Jin Mingfei was injured, so he was quite calm. He sat on the ground and rested. After receiving the blood mixture, the wound began to squirm visibly to the naked eye, stopped bleeding, new cells grew rapidly, and the wound began to gradually close. .

Wei An asked Feng Yiren for a piece of unworn shabby clothes to wrap up the tattered ball of flesh.

Now it seems that this thing is actually a healing elixir. It would be a pity to bury it with the corpse, so it is best to make use of it and keep it with you for the time being.

"This meat ball is now solved." Wei An said to Feng Yiren, who had already breathed a sigh of relief: "Now I have two plans, let's see which one is easier to implement."

Feng Yiren had been caring about Jin Mingfei who was injured because of him. Now he saw that Jin Mingfei's wound was healing quickly, and since the boy was young and in good health, he seemed to be fine, so he felt relieved.

Although he also knew that it was almost impossible for so many people to leave, Wei An's performance just now gave him a big surprise. Although he felt that the difficulty of the next task was not the same as the current one, he couldn't help but feel a rise in his heart. A glimmer of hope.

"You tell me first."

Wei An said: "The first plan is that we still follow the rules of this weird story. After all, you also said that this weird rule is very strong because it is suppressed by the main monster. We will find ways to collect more of these meat balls and then use them The method just now, if it is bad luck, kill them directly, then after such screening, if you don’t believe it, luck will not come. But one drawback of this plan is that we can only leave one by one, and those who stay behind may not be able to carry out this plan. "

"This is inappropriate." Feng Yiren shook his head.

"Then let's take a look at the second plan." Wei An continued: "I'm going to find the rule center of this ghost story, and then break it. Before breaking it, I'll try to see if I can first communicate it with the main ghost story. It’s OK to cut off contact, even temporarily.”

Feng Yiren shook his head directly like a rattle: "This is even more inappropriate. Not only is it inappropriate, it is also very unrealistic and almost impossible to achieve."

He himself is an expert in studying the rules of ghost stories, so he naturally knows how difficult or even impossible it is to break the rules of a ghost story. What's more, this ghost story is just a ghost story, and there is a main ghost story control above it.

Wei An said: "Do you know the strange stories that still exist after the collapse of Biluo City?"

Feng Yiren was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

Because he and other experts had been sent to the camp next to Hengai City to carry out research work before and never returned to the central city, so he had no idea what happened during that time.

When Wei Zhengdong was transferred to the camp, Feng Yiren had already been working there for a long time, and he didn't hear about Wei Zhengdong's advance information about Biluo City.

Wei An continued: "The collapse of the strange story in Biluo City came from the fact that the center of the rules was broken, and then it was directly abandoned by the weird master at the time - the God of Death."

After a pause, he analyzed: "It stands to reason that the God of Death created that ghost story. It cannot easily give up the ghost story until the rule center of the ghost story can no longer operate at all. In other words, it has become an adou that cannot be supported, so it Only then will we give up directly. If we destroy the rule center of this Kaitan so thoroughly that even after the main Kaitan senses it, he has to give up, just like the original Death God did. Does that mean the plan is successful? "

The more Feng Yiren listened, the more horrified he felt. He looked at Wei An up and down and asked: "How did the rule center of the weird story in Biluo City you mentioned be destroyed? Who destroyed it?"

Wei An smiled.

"Is it you?!" Feng Yiren's hair stood on end, "You destroyed the entire ghost story, caused it to collapse, and gave up even the weirdness?"

Then Feng Yiren seemed to be talking to himself: "What's going on with the Central City Administration? Didn't they reuse you? Didn't anyone come out to analyze it with you? How could they ignore such an important investigator? These people... "

At this point, he suddenly realized something and suddenly said: "Oh, the expert team in the bureau has almost been mobilized. That old boy Lao Zheng only focuses on research and is blind to what is going on outside the window. He definitely doesn't know about you."

Wei An said: "That was just the first one I destroyed, and the second one was damaged too badly. It should have completely collapsed and could not be saved."

He was referring to the ghost stories.

"Oh my God!" Feng Yiren couldn't help but exclaim, "You destroyed more than one?!"

Wei An nodded.

It took Feng Yiren a long time to come to his senses, but after thinking carefully, he still said: "But the second plan still cannot succeed. Because you destroyed a single ghost story rule center before, but the ghost story here and the main ghost story are closely related. How do you break the inextricable relationship? Unless you break the main monster talk at the same time."

Wei An said: "We really need to do a good investigation to confirm that this ghost story is just suppressed and coordinated by the rules of the main ghost story. But I guess that even if the second ghost story disappears, the main ghost story will not be affected at all, or only be slightly affected. , just like a real spider web. Once confirmed, we will launch this plan."

Feng Yiren nodded slightly, remembering what Wei An said just now.

As a research expert, this old man seems to like to pick out some words and expressions, and appears to be very stubborn when it comes to his own research field.

He said to Wei An: "One of your statements is wrong. You said that the Biluo City was created by the God of Death. But this is not the case. According to our research, no weirdness can create a weird story. The weird stories come first and the weirdness comes first. Finally, this way was born.”

Wei An was stunned: "There is no weirdness, how can there be weird stories?"

Feng Yiren shook his head: "You understand it wrong. After research by our team, we found that the birth of a ghost story world is that there are rules first, and then various facilities that match the rules appear, and then, weird things appear. Otherwise, you think you are destroying After the rule center was established, since the Death God was able to create that ghost story, why didn’t it just repair the rule center instead of giving up the ghost story in Biluo City?”

After a pause, Feng Yiren continued: "It cannot be said that the God of Death has given up on the weird story, but it should be said that the rules have disappeared and the original weirdness can no longer survive there."

Wei An murmured to himself: "First are the rules, then the weird ones?"

Feng Yiren nodded heavily: "We even think that the rules...may be alive!"

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