This is not a weird story

Chapter 471 Change of plan

When Wei An read through the three conjectured plots, he felt very surprised. There were two points that eluded him.

The first one is when Yuan Cong salvaged something in the bucket. He didn't know if it was a meat ball or something strange. Then a guardian would take the initiative to approach the well and look down.

It was probably this look that made the thing in Yuan Cong's bucket leave again.

And this thing also happened to me. When it was my turn to salvage, I could feel something entering the bucket, and even the intensity when stirring the handle was different.

But the guardian took the initiative to check again, and the contents of his bucket immediately returned to the well.

Then why did the guardian do this? Is it just out of curiosity?

He turned his attention to Yuan Cong, who was salvaging the bucket at the moment. Although this guy wanted to leave with him and the others, he might have some secrets hidden in him.

Otherwise, how to explain why all the first group of participants who came in with him died, and why he was the only one who still survived tenaciously? There may be some reason for this.

The second point that Wei An questioned was Chen Yao.

As Jin Mingfei said, Chen Yao is now completely different from their character identities, although Chen Yao himself did not say it clearly, not even in the plot speculation just now.

This gives Wei An even more reason to suspect that his mission may be completely different from that of his fellow participants, or even the opposite.

If, as a guardian, Chen Yao's ghost story mission were reversed, not only would it not be helpful to their plan, but it would actually be a secret hindrance.

This is the time to test Chen Yao's state of mind. If from a personal perspective, he would act purely for his own benefit, he would definitely carry out his mission, and even make it impossible for Wei An and others to leave again.

Wei An didn't dare to bet. He really wanted to think of these investigators as great and noble, but everyone had selfish motives. If Chen Yao was really like this, he had to guard against it.

Therefore, he will not let what happened in the third plot speculation happen, that is, Wei An will not go to the corner of the wall to meet Chen Yao.

Of course, if he doesn't go, he can let Jin Mingfei, Feng Yiren and Yuan Cong go.

In fact, Wei An did not tell Yuan Cong in advance that they would meet up with Chen Yao at the corner of the wall after salvage, but Yuan Cong was extremely smart and guessed that they might make some moves, so he waited in front and did not immediately Return to the cage.

Anyway, there are no guardians guarding the walk back to the cage after the salvage. The plot speculation has made it clear that Yuan Cong will be waiting for them in front, and Wei An no longer worries about this.

Based on this speculation, he soon had a new plan.

The next development was as expected. Yuan Cong found that he seemed to have salvaged something in the bucket, his face changed slightly, and then the guardian in the darkness suddenly appeared and took a look into the well.

Yuan Cong continued to salvage.

At this time, Wei An paid close attention to the changes in Yuan Cong's expression, and saw that this guy was obviously no longer as panicked as when he found something in the bucket just now after seeing the guardian appear.

After the salvage was completed, Yuan Cong patted his butt and left quickly.

After it was Jin Mingfei's turn to finish salvage and leave, Wei An stepped forward. At this time, he found that the guardian had not hidden in the darkness, but was standing not far from the well.

Wei An quickly picked up the bucket from the well. Just as he had guessed, he found that something had climbed into the bucket and was shaking, and there was obviously an extra object.

At this time, Feng Yiren, who was next in line, also heard it. The guardian made another move, approaching the well and looking down.

Wei An immediately felt the handle shake slightly, and the contents of the bucket jumped out of the bucket and returned to the well water.

"This guardian seems to be deliberately chasing away things that enter my bucket? Whether it is weird or meat balls." Wei An secretly speculated.

It seems that the guardian just approached the well in order to drive away the contents of Yuan Cong's bucket.

While guessing, he fished out the bucket. There was only a clear water in the bucket. Wei An threw the bucket down again and left quickly.

However, he stopped after leaving the small square. Not long after, Jin Mingfei in front saw that Wei An had not followed, so he quickly turned back.

Wei An waved to him, and after Jin Mingfei approached, he whispered: "You will be responsible for meeting Chen Yao later, I am going to explore other places."

"Is it dangerous for you to go alone? Do you want me to accompany you?" Jin Mingfei asked worriedly.

Wei An shook his head.

Jin Mingfei seemed to have remembered something and said softly: "I discovered that Yuan Cong may be not far in front of me. He didn't actually go very far after he left just now."

"It's okay. Let him and Feng Yiren wait at the corner later, and then go in and meet Chen Yao," Wei An said.

Not long after he finished speaking, a figure approached from the direction where Jin Ming flew, and he must have been Yuan Cong.

"Remember." Wei An didn't want to be discovered by him.

After saying a word, he immediately turned on the "spectator mode".

Jin Mingfei was slightly startled. He felt as if he was talking to someone just now, but he suddenly couldn't remember the specific person at this moment. He only remembered that he wanted to find the guardian Chen Yao.

Wei An's memory in his mind was temporarily suppressed at this time, which was the effect of the plot editor.

Yuan Cong, who came closer, only remembered Jin Mingfei and Feng Yiren, and the same was true for Feng Yiren.

The three people quickly joined together and without thinking much, came to the corner of the wall.

Jin Mingfei said to Yuan Cong and Feng Yiren: "Wait for me here."

After saying that, he turned around and walked around the corner.

It stands to reason that there was originally a guardian here all year round, but he is not here at the moment.

Shortly after Jin Mingfei arrived, a tall figure walked out of the darkness, it was Chen Yao.

When Chen Yao saw Jin Mingfei arriving, although he felt a little strange, he felt it was natural. The face hidden in the darkness under the hood showed slight surprise, and then he approached Jin Mingfei.

Jin Mingfei said: "Captain Chen, how did you become the bloody guardian?"

Chen Yao waved his hand: "I don't know the reason. It looked like this after entering this ghost story. Remember, if you want to leave the ghost story, you must first get a meat ball. As for what is inside the meat ball, you don't care. If you are lucky, you will be the best. Okay, but if misfortune hatches, you just need to be prepared and kill it with thunder the moment the misfortune appears, it will also attract the attention of the guardians, and they will invite you to the villagers' living area."

"Is there a way to leave from the villagers' living area?" Jin Mingfei asked.

Chen Yaodao: "I'm not sure yet, but there is an ancestral hall there that I can't enter. It may be the key to the whole strange story. I have to go in and find out. After you enter the living area, we can work together to investigate."

"Okay." Jin Mingfei nodded, "Is there any way to get a meat ball as soon as possible?"

Chen Yaodao: "Buy the guardian at the well."

As he spoke, he handed Jin Mingfei something wrapped in a small cloth.

Jin Mingfei did not open the cloth to check, but immediately put it away.

Then the two separated and left. Jin Mingfei returned to the corner of the wall, while Chen Yao walked toward the villagers' living area.

Wei An stood aside and saw clearly the meeting between the two.

He guessed that the cloth package that Chen Yao handed to Jin Mingfei contained the "wet coal" that the guardian liked to eat.

After the two of them went their separate ways, he immediately followed Chen Yao to the living area.

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