This is not a weird story

Chapter 477 My incredible luck!

boom! boom! boom!

Violent noises were heard.

It sounded like three gunshots!

The originally peaceful team suddenly began to commotion. Wei An was slightly startled, knowing that what he was most worried about had happened. But since there were gunshots, it meant that Feng Yiren was still persisting.

He did not move rashly, but looked at the blurry and shaking figures in front of him.

Bang bang bang bang...

Gunshots rang out again, only two seconds apart from the first three gunshots.

Beside the well.

Feng Yiren held the gun in both hands, the muzzle of the gun was hot, and he stared at the bucket at his feet in horror and nervousness.

When the scarlet tongue suddenly attacked, he had already taken out the pistol Wei An had given him and pulled the trigger as soon as the tongue appeared.

Others are not good, but when it comes to shooting, this expert who studies the rules of ghost stories can still be good at it, because he usually likes shooting, and sometimes he will ask his colleagues to go to the shooting training range to play a few games after get off work.

His shooting skills were even better than Wei An's. He fired three shots for the first time, and two of them hit the scarlet tongue.

The tongue immediately retracted into the bucket after being hit. Feng Yiren walked closer without saying a word and banged into the bucket again...

This bucket is extremely special and cannot be penetrated by bullets, but all the contents inside are inevitably hit.

There was only one tongue in the bucket, and at the base of the tongue was a shriveled film. The film seemed to be breathing, rising and falling slightly, but it had been shot several times and was obviously about to stop breathing.

It can be seen that this film absorbs the target's flesh and blood through the scarlet tongue, swallows it in, and then digests it.

Although the film is very thin, it is actually extremely flexible and can fit an entire adult into it.

At this moment, some unclearly colored liquid flowed out along the film and the big tongue, and merged into the clear water in the bucket.

The tongue was still struggling feebly at the edge of the bucket, but it looked like it was no longer alive.

No one expected that a hot weapon attack prop would appear in this strange story, and it would also appear on a frail old man who was clearly about to die just now.

This monster was originally quite strong, but it couldn't stand being hit by so many shots at close range, and it quickly became immobile.

The guardian in the darkness finally appeared and walked to Feng Yiren.

He glanced at the bucket, then reached in and pulled out the big tongue and the membrane stomach bag behind it, then threw it into the darkness.

Then the guardian turned to look at Feng Yiren.

It was found that Feng Yiren's hands were empty. The powerful thermal weapon just now was gone, and it seemed that he had hidden it somewhere.

However, the guardian didn't care about this. After confirming that the strange thing just now was killed by Feng Yiren, he stretched out his hand as big as a cattail leaf fan and patted Feng Yiren on the shoulder.

Then he pointed to the darkness in the distance and said in a voice that only Feng Yiren could hear: "Go to the living area, someone will arrange it for you."

Feng Yiren was completely confused and just nodded blankly. He didn't expect that he would enter the villagers' living area just like this. Sure enough, the plan was not as good as it was changed, but in the end, we ended up reaching the same destination through different paths.

Turning to look at Jin Mingfei, Feng Yiren walked into the darkness.

A powerful coercion came from the guardian's body, and the originally turbulent crowd immediately became quiet, and everyone returned to their previous appearance, with their heads lowered and not daring to make any more noise.

However, Wei An already knew that Feng Yiren was fine. He had successfully overcome the difficulty just now by relying on the pistol he gave him, which he should not use except as a last resort.

Jin Mingfei saw all this clearly and was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. At this moment, he was still sweating for Old Feng with lingering fear.

Jin Mingfei had noticed that the guardian did not seem to keep his promise. He did not do anything after collecting Lao Feng's wet coal, and did not appear even after the buckets were fished out. Instead, after Lao Feng killed the strange man, , that guy just showed up.

This shows that the other party is not unable to appear, but that he actively chooses not to stand next to the well.

If Lao Feng's bribery doesn't work, what will happen to me next?

Jin Mingfei's heart was racing, and now he completely lost the confidence he had just now.

After Feng Yiren, it was the next slave's turn, and after this slave, it was Jin Mingfei.

When the slave stepped forward to start salvaging, Jin Mingfei was apprehensive, but like Yuan Cong and Feng Yiren, he repeated his old trick and placed the wet coal at his feet.

After a moment, the guardian who had already entered the darkness stepped out in a few steps, faster than he had ever walked before, and quickly came to Jin Mingfei's side.

He bent down sharply and picked up the wet coals.

Jin Mingfei was afraid that the transaction failed because Feng Yiren didn't explain it clearly, so he immediately said: "I want a meat ball, the kind of meat ball in a well, thank you..."

Before the other word "thank you" was spoken, the guardian who had picked up the wet coal turned back the way he came. Not to mention not looking at him, he even seemed not to notice the person "Jin Mingfei" at all. exist.

Jin Mingfei was stunned on the spot, with his mouth open, staring at the tall black-robed figure in surprise, motionless.

At this moment, he seemed to understand that not only Lao Feng, but even the wet coal he used to trade was swallowed up by this guy who didn't want Bilian!

The result was also obvious. When I went to salvage it later, I didn't even have a fart. The guy was absolutely hiding in the darkness, and not a single hair was exposed!

"Knock on you!"

Jin Mingfei was so angry that he trembled.

He looked back at Wei An and could vaguely see Wei An looking at him, but he couldn't see clearly.

Wei An didn't know what Jin Mingfei was encountering at this moment, but he just hoped in his heart that he wouldn't make any trouble again, but he didn't know that not only did the trouble appear again, but he couldn't even stop it.

The slave in front quickly picked up the bucket, took a look, patted his chest, and left happily.

Jin Mingfei stepped forward and took a look into the darkness. Sure enough, there was nothing there.

He was so angry that he raised his feet slightly and carried the bucket into the well.

At this moment, he was ready. If something strange appeared, he would follow Old Feng's example and directly use the blood spear and his own abilities to kill the opponent. This would also give him the opportunity to enter the villagers' living area.

It's okay to just be weird, but what if we just salvage a bucket of clean water?

Is it possible to use a blood spear to challenge Qing Shui in a live performance?

After thinking about it, he didn't dare to keep his hands idle, and quickly started to shake the handle.

After a while, the bucket came up.

Because Jin Mingfei was worried the whole time and kept checking to see if the guardian from behind would appear. It was not until the bucket came to the wellhead that he realized that too much well water had been fished out this time, making the bucket very heavy.

Taking down the bucket, he also expected something strange to suddenly come out. Jin Mingfei even set up the formation, but saw no movement at the mouth of the bucket.

His heart sank. He leaned over and took a look. He originally thought he would see a bucket of water, but suddenly he felt ecstatic.

"Meat ball! Hahaha, it's a meat ball! I'm so lucky, it's incredible!"

All the nearby slaves stared at the young man in stunned silence, feeling that this idiot must have gone crazy after seeing the salvaged meat ball.

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