Looking at the broken flesh ball in front of him, although Wei An was prepared, he still felt surprised.

Staring straight at the chubby little face exposed from the meat ball, this face is very white, so white that it doesn't look like a normal human being. In fact, it is not a normal human being.

It's a baby that hatched itself from a flesh ball.

The baby was white and fat, without a trace of blood, but the fat on his body was layered like Michelin. He stared at Wei An with a pair of eyes open.

The moment he saw Wei An, the baby's eyes turned into crescent moons and he smiled happily.

Wei An did not reach out to take him out, but just stared at the baby, because he knew that although this little guy looked harmless, he might bite him when he touched it.

The other slaves in the cage looked at this scene in surprise. Many people were speculating that this baby seemed to prove that Wei An was a lucky one!

Not long after, the patrolling guardian approached and quickly opened the wooden door and walked in. He lowered his head and saw the baby. Without saying a word, his clothes moved and he took the meat ball and the baby inside away.

Then he motioned for Wei An to follow him.

The two left the wooden cage area one after the other.

At this moment, Wei An knew that he could not implement his previous plan. That "Jia Yuhan's blessing" really helped him a lot. It not only allowed him to have a meat ball, but also directly made him a lucky person.

Blessings are either useful or useless, and since they work, it must be for the better.

Wei An had nothing to say.

Even if the teammates in the living area are not there, the plan will still be implemented, but it may be more difficult.

Now Wei An is just curious. Now that he has become the lucky one, who will the guardian take him to see?

Or just take yourself to the exit under the high wall and let him leave on his own.

But if he still wants to enter the living area, he can still meet up with others and continue to complete the plan.

After leaving the wooden cage area, when passing the corner along the high wall, the guardian did not lead the way in, but kept walking forward, and soon reached the small square.

At this time, the last salvage work had already ended, and there was no one in the square except for the tall guardian standing five or six meters away from the well.

Wei An followed the guardian in front and quickly arrived in front of the well guardian. The guardian shook his robe and pushed the meat ball and the baby inside in front of the well guardian.

The well guardian lowered his head and then looked at Wei An who was following behind.

At this time, the sky was almost bright, and Wei An could see clearly that the guardian of the well was almost half a head taller than the guardian who led him, and he was also a bit burlier.

The guardian who led the way spoke to him in an obviously low tone and his voice was not loud. He could not hear clearly what the two parties were communicating.

After a moment of exchange, the well guardian nodded slightly, and the guardian who led the way pointed to the other end of the small square to Wei An.

Only then did Wei An see that there was a door under the high wall, but it was still closed.

But after the guardian pointed at the closed door, the door opened with a crack, requiring people to go over and open it themselves.

Although the guardian didn't say anything, Wei An already knew his intention, which was to let him leave.

As a rare lucky person, Wei An can indeed leave smoothly at this moment.

Unlike the previous speculation, he did not enter the villagers' living area.

Seeing that Wei An did not move, the well guardian also pointed to the slightly opened door and told him that he could leave through that door.

Wei An nodded.

He couldn't still stand here at this time, otherwise it would arouse the other party's suspicion.

But at the same time, he was also thinking that after he became a lucky person, it was not the people living in the living area who could decide whether he should stay or go, but the guardian beside the well who had been supervising their salvage.

Could it be that the guardians in the living area or those guarding the ancestral hall do not have as much power as the guardian of the well?

Thinking of this, something seemed to open up in Wei An's heart, and some of the previous doubts suddenly became clear at this moment.

The next second, he walked towards the ajar door, but when he passed by the well, he turned sharply and jumped up quickly. The guardian of the well seemed to have noticed something and immediately followed him, stretching out a long and strong He grabbed his arm, but still couldn't catch him.

Wei An's figure disappeared at the mouth of the well, and he fell down.

He could feel the darkness above his head. The two guardians were lying at the mouth of the well looking at him as he jumped down. However, no one chased him down. It seemed that they would not come in. Although it was difficult for the guardian to come down with his tall figure. But it's not impossible to squeeze in.

With a pop, Wei An fell into the cold well water.

He didn't expect that the water in the well would be bone-chillingly cold. The moment he entered the water, even the depths of his body's bones were soaked with coldness.

The space inside the well water is not as narrow as imagined, and it feels like the space becomes larger as you go down.

However, the light here is very dim, and you can hardly see the surrounding environment clearly after falling down.

Wei An directly put Liu Gui's eyeballs on, and the surrounding scenery was filtered into a layer of gray by the eyeballs. Although there was no color, he could still see clearly.

He immediately dived into the water and looked elsewhere.

You can see that the space under the well is indeed much wider, and even if you go downstream for a while, it will feel even wider.

However, the water is not as clear as it looked when salvaged at night. Instead, it is filled with floating objects. Not only that, but not far away, you can see a round meat ball floating in the water.

A little further on, something suddenly turned over and made a splash. It felt like a fish.

But Wei An knew very well that it was not, but a monster lurking in the water.

He didn't hesitate, and immediately radiated the fear from his body, filling his whole body, and then swam to other places.

As long as the guardians from above don't come down to hunt him down, Wei An will have no worries for the time being.

The well guardian just now seemed to have a very high status here, which had exceeded Wei An's previous assessment of him. Even the guardian had the final say on who to let go.

Therefore, with such a status as a guardian, the well he protects will never be as simple as it seems on the surface.

After spreading the fear, a splashing sound soon came from the nearby water, which was caused by some strange things swimming away from Wei An.

Those who want to stay away from him are naturally weak and are scared away by fear. As for those strange and silent creatures, they will not be easily scared away by perceived fear, and will most likely attack Wei An.

In Wei'an's hand, he held a halberd ax composed of a bloody hammer and a killing axe. After the synthesis, the weapon's power was greatly increased. Even if it did not attack monsters, it would intimidate the enemy because of the large amount of blood smell on it.

Now he has to hurry up and find the exit to see if the center of the rules of the strange story is under this well, so it is best to scare those weird things away without wasting time.

Sure enough, with the halberd ax and Wei An's own fearful aura, except for the unhatched meat balls, other sentient monsters began to move away from him, and some even ran very fast.

Not long after Wei An swam out holding his breath, he heard something falling in the water below the wellhead behind him. He turned around and saw that it was a black thing. He didn't know what it was.

At this moment, the black thing spread out in the water with a splash, and it turned out to be six arms!

The middle connection between these arms is a mass of bloody flesh. When the six arms are connected together, it looks like a deformed version of the octopus, stretching out in all directions, looking horrible and disgusting.

After stretching out, the six palms moved quickly in the water and chased in Wei'an's direction.

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