This is not a weird story

Chapter 507 Instructions for those left behind

Wei An was now alert, even though the "instructions" seemed to say that he needed to stay behind for ten days.

But it doesn't mean that the moment I arrived is the first day. Maybe it is the second day, the third day, or even the last day.

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be the last day, otherwise the level of this strange story will not be C level. If you want to finish this kind of strange story in one day, it is probably more suitable to be an A level.

After pondering for a moment, Wei An glanced at the nearby lobby and found that there was no door at all in this place that was always open.

That is to say, the door to the lobby is damaged, and the door panel has long been missing.

If the eighth situation in the instructions for left-behind persons occurs, you will not be able to close the lobby door at all.

This alone is not enough.

No matter what, I can only pray that this eighth situation of "all ten coffins filled with the deceased" will never happen.

Judging from the current rules, there is no use in killing those weird things in this ghost story. If you don't follow the rules, the mission will still fail.

This has to do with the resilience and analytical abilities of the participants, rather than force.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to start destroying the center of the rules, force will still come in handy, but it will not be used for the time being.

Standing outside the door, Wei An took a deep breath and slowly walked into the lobby where the coffins were placed. He wanted to observe the environment inside at the moment and not let himself be too passive.

When he walked in, the oil lamp that had been burning suddenly shook, as if he felt a draft, and almost went out.

Wei An quickly remained still until he saw that the wick of the oil lamp had stabilized and the flame no longer flickered violently, then he continued walking inside.

When he came to the first coffin with a lid on the left, Wei An found that he could not see the appearance of the body placed inside, and there were no spiritual tablets placed here. The only wooden table in the lobby had only The oil lamp that cannot be extinguished.

Passing by the empty coffins, Wei An took a look inside and saw that these coffins were indeed empty. There was an unpleasant rotten smell inside, not only the smell of corpses, but also rotten wood and other unpleasant smells. the smell.

There were even some rags and rotten clothes in these empty coffins, which should have belonged to the previous corpses and had not been taken away.

When passing the second coffin with a lid, he found that the lid was not completely closed, leaving a gap three fingers wide.

However, the light emitted by the oil lamp was limited. Even if Wei An took a closer look, he could not clearly see the appearance of the corpse lying inside. He did not know whether it was a man or a woman.

He hesitated for a moment and recalled the contents of the "Instructions for Those Left Behind". It did not say that he could not touch the coffin or view the body.

However, he would not deliberately look at the corpse. Instead, he would walk to the other side of the coffin, place his hands on the loose coffin lid, and slowly return it to its original position.

During this process, Wei An always felt like there was a gaze staring at him.

This gaze did not come from elsewhere, but from within the unclosed coffin.

Not sure if it was an illusion or something, a cold feeling arose in his heart, but he ignored it. After quickly closing the coffin lid, he checked the other coffins.

There is also a corpse stored on the other side, and the other coffins are empty.

Wei An quickly frowned because he realized that he had not seen any information about the three corpses. There was nothing here to show the time when the three corpses entered Yizhuang.

If the "Instructions for Those Left Behind" stipulates that each corpse cannot be stored for more than three days, now Wei An has no idea how long these three corpses have been stored.

What if this is the last day?

He feels this is the first unsafe factor at the moment.

After searching around the lobby, I didn't see any useful information, and I didn't see any copper coins, paper money, or white candles.

Among these key props, I only have Five Emperors' Money on me, which can be used as copper coins, but there may also be paper money and white candles stored in other places in Yizhuang.

After all, this is Yizhuang. If they don't even provide these basic props, it would be very unlike Yizhuang.

Wei An quickly walked out of the lobby and walked along the narrow courtyard passage to the back of the lobby.

Not long after, he saw a residence at the end of the dim passage. A lantern was hung on the top of the door of the residence. There was no lantern in the passage, which made it look very dark. If someone stood somewhere in the passage, It's impossible to spot unless you get close.

Now Wei An feels that he has become a little suspicious. This is because Yizhuang is a special place. It is eerie and weird everywhere. If he is not suspicious in this situation, he will appear to be abnormal.

After walking out of the passage and not approaching the room with the lantern on, Wei An turned his head and glanced to the left, and found that there was also a long and narrow courtyard, which was also connected to the left. You could go around to the front of the lobby from that direction.

In other words, the architectural structure of this mansion is extremely simple. Except for the outermost wall, the main buildings are the lobby where the coffin is placed, the residential room behind where I live, and a hut.

The wall and the main building are separated by two long and narrow courtyards.

Standing at the door of the residence room, the light of the lantern above his head was reflected, and Wei An's body was coated with a layer of light yellow by the lantern, giving people a miserable feeling.

He looked back at the entire courtyard and saw nothing unusual. There was dead silence all around, and then he gently pushed the door in front of him.

The door opened, and it was dark after walking in. However, through the light of the lantern outside the door, you could see a table, a stool, and a wooden bed inside.

The bedding on the bed was very thin and the bed board looked very hard.

Wei An did not go over, but looked at the thing on the table, which was a notepad, with a fine brush and a used rough inkstone placed next to it.

In addition, there is a bulging cloth bag not far from the notepad, which seems to contain some things.

Wei An opened the bag first and found that there were indeed a few copper plates, two half-used white candles, and a stack of paper money.

The props turned out to be in his room.

In addition, there is a bundle of incense in this bag.

Wei An picked up the notepad and saw that it was densely packed with records. He turned to the last page with text, which read in small letters: Liu Hongmei, a female corpse, died violently and entered the village for one day. The male corpse was outside the king's house. He died violently and entered the village for one day. The male corpse is old man Xia, who died of illness and entered the village for two days.

Wei An quickly realized that the three corpses recorded here were the time when the three corpses in the lobby arrived at Yizhuang.

However, he didn't know which body was Liu Hongmei, and which one was Wang Yuanwai or Old Man Xia.

It's too late now, and we have to wait until dawn to identify the identities of these three people.

Wei An was about to close the door to the room and lie down on the hard bed all night, but he soon realized a problem.

If it was night now, then he would go out on patrol at a fixed time. The first patrol would be on the third watch, and the second patrol would be on the fifth watch.

But the problem is that I don’t know the time! There are no clocks here.

He lowered his head and glanced at his outfit. Not to mention mobile phones, watches, etc., nothing in the real world could be brought in.

"In the past, people used the moon and stars to tell time at night, but now..."

He raised his head and glanced at the sky. There was no moonlight in this strange story, and even if there was moonlight and stars, he didn't know how to distinguish them.

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