This is not a weird story

Chapter 535 Fake Death

According to Shen Lu, when she was working in the organization, due to the key reasons of her position, she was able to inadvertently retain a special corpse left by Zongzi, and even Zongzi himself did not realize it.

Later, in order to escape from the organization, Shen Lu used this corpse to fake her own death in a strange story, and destroyed the corpse's identifiable identity features, so she was able to escape.

No matter how true Shen Lu's words were, at least it made Wei An and Pei Na have doubts in their minds at the same time.

Because the eldest son's special characteristics are so similar to the Ying Xi they met before, to become the eldest son in the organization, he must have been a human before and was transformed after death in the human world. Then he can only live in the world of ghost stories and cannot return to human beings. world.

This was the case with Ying Xi at that time. This woman who almost killed Wei An and was also Pei Na's colleague did not expect that after everyone thought she died in the underground palace, it might actually be a fake death.

If they hadn't met Shen Lu, none of them would have believed that Ying Xi might still be alive.

Since the eldest son can fake death and survive by relying on their own advantages, then the eldest son...

Wei An immediately asked: "Does the clan leader in the organization have any special means to fake his death? Just like the clan leader did."

Shen Lu thought about it seriously, shook her head and said: "As far as I know, this method is only available to the eldest son, because they are very special. Although their rank in the organization seems to be lower than that of the eldest son, they are actually cultivated by the eldest son. Object."

After a pause, Shen Lu continued: "However, there is no 100% guarantee that all the clan leaders will not have any means of feigning death or protecting themselves. This is because they all have at least one extremely powerful weapon or armor, which was given by the clan father. These special The equipment may have special self-protection functions.”

At this time, Wei An and Pei Na looked at each other again. What they both thought at the same time was that Wei An had opened the seventeen-node star chain through the Suppressing Nail.

After activating most of the nodes, this weapon is now extremely powerful. Wei An only told Pei Na the general situation, but he has not had a chance to test it himself.

When he first obtained this weapon, Wei An had doubts in his heart. Although he had used the Suppressing Nail to suppress it, after hearing Shen Lu talk about it, he still felt a little hesitant about using this weapon.

However, if the patriarch Wang Zhenhai really had any hidden methods, he did not expect that Wei An would use the Suppressing Nail to activate the star chain.

So as long as you pay attention to it when using it, Wei An shouldn't think it's a big problem.

But this time Shen Lu's words reminded both him and Pei Na not to look down on anyone above the eldest son.

After asking Shen Lu carefully about Zongzi's fake death escape, the two asked her to talk about the ghost story plot analysis work she was responsible for before.

Wei An has a deep understanding of this work. If Shen Lu is telling lies or describing something unprofessional, he can tell it immediately.

After some exchanges, it turned out that Shen Lu had a deep understanding of the plot of Ghost Story, or it could be said that this was her professional knowledge.

Although the Clan Father Organization does not have Viana's perverted plot editor, they have obviously been studying and interfering with the plot of the ghost story for a long time.

People in this organization have also discovered that by interfering with the plot and making it not follow the normal direction, they can destroy the original rules to the greatest extent, and thereby master and even control these rules to achieve their own goals.

However, they will not easily destroy a strange story with complete rules. They will only change the strange story after full analysis and precise testing.

Currently, what can be changed is low-level ghost stories. It is also impossible to control the rules of slightly stronger ghost stories. According to Shen Lu's description, it may even cause the backlash of the rules of ghost stories.

Her position will also summarize and classify some common plots so that people in the organization can solve strange stories as quickly as possible and collect more equipment and resources for the organization.

Now it seems that Shen Lu is indeed doing this job, and her analysis of the ghost story plot is also relatively professional. Moreover, through talking with her, Wei An has some deep understanding of his plot editor.

For example, as long as one direction is changed, the plot of Kaitan will develop on its own, rather than stagnating after being forced to change. It is as if you have activated the "spectator mode" at a certain time. Although the characters who interact with you will They will temporarily forget themselves, but they will still continue to advance the plot, but they may replace themselves with other characters in their minds, instead of just stopping like a bug.

It's like if a person with extremely powerful abilities wants to attack him, and turns on the "bystander mode" to escape when he knows that he is outmatched, at this time, the person's target of attack is still there, but it is not necessarily him, but instead and other characters known only to himself.

The plot editor can ensure that after this function is turned on, the entire plot will not be scattered and become confusing.

Therefore, Wei An is increasingly looking forward to the subsequent opening of the editor's functions.

He had even vaguely guessed what kind of functions it would have.

After confirming that Shen Lu was not hiding anything from them, Pei Na also quietly told Wei An her opinion, because she could probably tell that Shen Lu actually admired her clan father very much.

She was really framed and had no choice but to leave the organization, and now she suddenly met the young clan father, Lin Rui. This made Shen Lu overjoyed, and she immediately transferred her worship of her clan father to the obviously young and powerful one. On Lin Rui.

In this way, the credibility of the information conveyed by Shen Lu is still very high.

After asking Shen Lu in detail about her knowledge of her clan father, the two parties left the hotel and went their separate ways.

Currently, Shen Lu is worried that she might be recognized by someone from the organization last time, so she doesn't dare to go out for the time being. She even wants to hide in the strange building with Lin Rui, but Lin Rui doesn't get Wei An's consent. , Dare not bring people from the real world in without authorization.

Moreover, there is a cursed corpse handle in the passage. If the cursed corpse does not know Shen Lu, once this woman passes by, her whole body will be covered with mushrooms and she will be infected by the curse.

And now Wei An has not agreed to let Shen Lu enter the building to talk about ghosts. He still needs to observe further for a while.

In the car leaving the hotel, Pei Na asked: "What do you think of this girl Shen Lu?"

Wei An said: "Most of what she said just now should be true, but we can't believe it all. As for her relationship with Lin Rui, we may have to check it for Lin Rui to prevent him from being deceived by others who are not very experienced in the world."

"I can ask Aunt Wen to come and check for him with me in this regard, no problem." Pei Na nodded.

"As for the sect leader Wang Zhenhai and the suspected sect son Ying Xi..." Wei An said solemnly: "The worst possibility is that these two people were not dead last time, but were pretending to be dead with fake corpses, but we can't find out at all. .”

They also asked Shen Lu just now, but Shen Lu didn't know how many eldest sons there were in the organization, although the number was not very large, and she couldn't know the specific identity of each eldest son. This was not information that she could know at her level at that time. .

Likewise, she doesn't know the clan leader Wang Zhenhai. In fact, there are many clan leaders whose identities are very secret.

However, after some discussion, the three of them all knew that they must investigate Lin Rui's situation as soon as possible, otherwise this kid will be in danger all the time.

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