This is not a weird story

Chapter 562 Backlash?

It should be that the sudden appearance of a large number of strange things around caused the flames of the long lamp to burn fiercely.

Now even the wick has changed, from the original small black flower to the head of a rotting old woman. As the head appears, the wick burns harder and harder.

After a moment, the burning green light covered an area of ​​about ten meters around Wei An.

The bloody color that originally enveloped the entire ghost story was suddenly broken open, and a ball of green merged into it.

Although it looks incompatible with the outside world, this green light is extremely rich and its emission is also very stable.

Not only did the monsters within the covered ten-meter range not dare to approach, but even in some areas outside the ten-meter range, these monsters also avoided them one after another, for fear of accidentally touching this restricted area.

Although the monsters evaded quickly, some monsters still came a little closer, and their skin and flesh soon began to rot and dissolve, even their clothes.

And these weird clothes seem to be students in the school, as if no one in the dormitory building in front of them is still alive, and everyone is dead.

Wei An, who was holding a long lamp, couldn't hear any other sounds except the weird sound coming from the wick of the rotting head, as if he was completely isolated by this green light.

"Soul Lamp?!"

At this moment, he seemed to realize that this so-called soul lamp really worked by burning the soul of the rotten old woman.

But how long can this last just by burning the soul of a rotten old woman?

Wei An's thoughts changed, and he grabbed the long lamp and rushed towards a strangely dense but receding area.

Those monsters were already some distance away from here, but when Wei An suddenly accelerated, they were frightened. The two monsters at the front had no time to dodge and were shrouded in the green light.

At this time, their clothes and flesh were no longer melting and rotting, but instead they were wailing in terror. These two monsters were directly vaporized in an instant, and were visibly sucked into the burning rotten skull wick.

After the wick was replenished with new souls, the flame suddenly rose, and the green light spread half a meter outside again.

As a result, a large number of weird people who were originally in a manic mood were frightened and fled, and they no longer dared to stare at Wei An from a distance.

In the blink of an eye, all the manic and strange creatures that originally frightened Wei An were gone. They either returned to the dormitory building and hid, or they ran directly into the depths of the lawn around the dormitory building, and ran away. There was no way to enter the dormitory building because Wei An had already blocked the entrance and exit of the building.

The area inside the building is smaller than outside, so from the moment Wei An stepped on the stairs, there were constant weird things hidden in the building being sucked into the wick because they could not escape the green light.

Wei An sensed the position of the close guard suit through "association tracking" while climbing up the steps, watching the wick head with the long lamp in his hand constantly devouring the hidden weirdness.

After a while, Wei An showed a strange expression and lowered his head to take a closer look at the burning wick.

At this moment, he discovered that the rotten old woman's head had actually grown a bit. Although it didn't look obvious, as it continued to absorb other weirdness, the rotten head had indeed grown larger. This was not an illusion.

As the absorption intensified, the area covered by the green light further increased, making Wei An, who was holding the lamp, also glowing green all over.

Not only is the top of the head green, but even the back is green.

And if someone was observing from behind, they would find that Wei An had no shadow at all at this time, because those green lights seemed to turn around, completely reflecting his back.

At this time, Wei An has arrived on the second floor. He feels that he cannot let the wick head grow without limit. At this moment, it begins to grow after absorbing those souls. This may be a bad sign for him.

It is possible that if you allow it to grow to a certain extent, it will be out of your control.

But the feedback that "associated tracking" gave him came from the third floor, so Wei An did not blow out the long lamp for the time being, but speeded up the stairs and quickly climbed to the third floor.

During this process, several more monsters were sucked into the wick because they could not avoid it, causing the rotten head to grow again.

Wei An quickly glanced at the other end of the corridor, feeling a little surprised because the place where he could feel the suit seemed to be in dormitory 309 last time.

I stayed here with Chen Fang for a long time, but I didn't expect that after wandering around, I didn't realize that an important set of equipment was left here.

Holding a long lamp, he quickly approached dormitory 309. Sure enough, the feedback given to Wei An by "association tracking" came from here.

Almost at the same moment, a shrill scream rang out in dormitory 309, along with the screams of the other two monsters. The female protagonist Weird, who originally belonged to this ghost story, and the two male monsters were instantly sucked in by the approaching green light.

This heroine was obviously much stronger, so the wick that absorbed her soul grew visibly larger at this moment.

Not sure if it was an illusion or something else, Wei An felt that the long lamp was shaking slightly.

He had a feeling that the light would fly out in the next second.

Wei An pushed open the door of dormitory 309 and walked in. With strong uneasiness, Wei An immediately blew on the wick, preparing to blow out the long lamp.

But I found that the wick flame was burning very steadily and motionless.

He remembered that he had used voice control to light the long lamp just now, and immediately spoke.

"Extinguish? The light is extinguished? The wick is extinguished? Turn off the flame? Turn off the flame? Extinguish the flame? Damn it! Oh!"

After some testing, the green glow of the wick was still burning.

In the end, he had no choice but to reach over and hold down the rotting wick of his head, extinguishing it directly.

The green light around him suddenly subsided. Wei An let go of his hand slightly and found that the thing was indeed extinguished.

"It needs voice control to turn it on, but it needs to be turned off manually!"

He now roughly understands how to operate this thing.

However, now this wick has obviously absorbed a lot of souls, making it almost beyond my control. I still need to be careful when using it in the future. Although it seems to be extremely powerful at the moment, I have to be careful not to absorb too much and devour the owner.

Wei An planned not to take it out for the time being, but to let the wick slowly digest the soul absorbed this time, and then take it out when it is hungry next time.

After putting the soul lamp back into the inventory and taking a serious look at it, especially the obviously swollen wick, Wei An turned his attention to dormitory 309.

This time he didn't have to work hard. With the powerful skill of "association tracking", he quickly locked his eyes on a pen holder on the desk in the dormitory.

After pouring out everything in the pen holder, a walnut-sized black medal with edges appeared in front of him.

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