This is not a weird story

Chapter 565 Mysterious Cave

After the slender hair that almost killed the kid fell to the ground, the boy's cry started to sound.

The third hair ball approached Wei'an. When it was about five meters away, the hair ball exploded with a bang, and a large amount of broken hair wrapped in it flew into the sky with the spreading energy.

Most of the broken hair was thrown into the air, and some of it formed a black network of broken hair in the direction facing Wei An, one by one intertwined.

The next second, the broken hair and intertwined black network in the air rushed towards Wei An overwhelmingly.

The tips of the broken hair in the air were all facing Wei An, like sharp weapons, but the black network seemed to cover his entire body, preventing Wei An from slipping away.

Seeing the black net arriving first, Wei An only had time to take a step back, took out the tattered blue steel umbrella, opened it and threw it out without even thinking about taking it back.

The steel-framed umbrella rotated violently after being opened, and was first covered by a black net.

The trend of high-speed rotation was immediately reduced by the black net, but it still made a churning sound, and sporadic black net intersections were forcibly sawed open by the steel umbrella.

The two were stuck together. Although it didn't last long, it temporarily blocked the progress of the black network.

The fine rain soon fell on Wei An's head.

Wei An freed his hand and danced the halberd and ax above his head twice, emitting a large amount of black light.

Fortunately, he now has a complete set of suits, and he has learned many fighting moves from Pei Na's fighting teaching, which means that Wei An has quite a lot of coping skills.

The emitted black light immediately shredded the fine rain in the sky and turned into black dust, which was no longer lethal.

At this time, the steel frame umbrella had been crushed by the black net, leaving only a steel frame. The umbrella surface was completely hollowed out, and even the steel frame was severely deformed.

Under the pressure of the black network, they retreated step by step.

Finally, all the skeletons of the blue steel-framed umbrella were instantly wrapped in the black net, twisted into a twist, and fell to the ground.

The black net spread out again and continued to cover Wei An.

Wei An had already freed his hand at this time, and he struck the black net with another blow. Coupled with the physical attack and the invasion of black light, a ripple swept out.

There was a buzzing sound, and the black network was immediately cut off.

But there was a click in the next second, and Wei An was shocked and looked down at the place where the sound came from.

He saw that a very obvious irregular crack had appeared on the surface of the black Guards Medal he had just worn on his chest!

"Cracked!" Wei An was shocked.

He never expected that this medal that played a key role would suddenly crack. How long had they been fighting? It's certainly far from the point where it can crack.

So there is only one possibility.

Wei An looked up at Yu Zhen.

"As expected, as expected, this woman is deliberately using this damaged medal to delay my stay! It's even possible that the medal was damaged by her in advance."

At this time, Wei An took several steps back, getting closer and closer to the blood-red mist.

The trickster boy was extremely anxious, but because he was almost killed by Yuzhen just now, he did not dare to remind him anymore.

Yuzhen seemed to be smiling, but she couldn't see clearly due to the hair covering her body.

With a wave of her hand, the last ball of fur completely wrapped her body, then jumped into the air and crashed into Wei An.

While it was still in the middle of the process, the fur ball expanded slightly, and it seemed that it could deform and explode at any time, or form another black net, or it could maintain its spherical shape and attack Wei An.

But after the medal cracked, Wei An found that his ability to master the suit was rapidly declining. The halberd and ax in his hand instantly became much heavier, and he could clearly feel that the power of the suit was also rapidly decreasing.

"My lord, run!"

The Liar Boy also noticed that Wei An seemed to be running out of energy, so he couldn't help shouting loudly again, and at the same time, he was prepared to dive into the bloody mist in the next second.

If Wei An really died here, if he got into the mist again, it wouldn't be considered a violation of Wei An's instructions just now.

It can be seen from this that this guy really has no rebellious intentions towards Wei An so far.

Of course, if Wei An could no longer protect himself and could only lose his life, the boy would feel sorry for him just like he did to the owner of his ancient house before, but he would not think about revenge.

Wei An kept the halberd and ax in his hand emitting the maximum black light, and after taking three steps back again, the ball of hair attacked.

With a roar, the halberd and ax whose black light had been greatly reduced in power was swallowed up, and Wei An's entire body was also enveloped in it.

Yuzhen let out a sharp laugh at this time, which made the boy tremble.

She quickly approached in the air, stepped into the rolling ball of fur that had swallowed Wei An, and then the fur ball rushed towards the boy again.

The boy was startled and it was too late to jump into the mist. Only his head got in, but most of his body was still outside the mist.

The boy seemed to know that he was about to be touched by the fur ball. He tugged on two braids in anxiety, and his speed increased sharply. At this critical moment, he squeezed most of his body into the blood mist.

The fur ball behind him came in an instant, biting the boy's right foot which was still outside the blood mist, and quickly wrapped it up.

But the boy was anxious and jumped directly into the blood mist, taking the ball of hair into the blood mist.

Just after entering the blood mist, the originally anxious boy felt that the foot bitten by the fur ball suddenly felt light, and the pain disappeared, as if something behind him had released him again.

He immediately looked back and saw an extremely strange scene.

I saw a black hole actually appearing on the ground of blood mist. The edge of the black hole was irregular in shape. It seemed to be completely illusory and not real.

And less than half of the fur ball that was chasing him had fallen into this strange black hole that suddenly appeared.

The coverage area of ​​this black hole is only on the blood mist side, and is not the coverage area of ​​the "teacher's last wish" ghost story.

This means that black holes may not be able to enter other ghost stories, but can only appear in the foggy gaps between ghost stories.

Although the furball tried its best to break free from the black hole, it apparently created a suction force after falling in.

I saw the top layer of broken hair split, and Yuzhen’s head appeared. I wanted to directly float the hair ball from above without being sucked into the cave on the ground, but the next second, including Yuzhen, The entire ball of hair sank in, and the strange hole immediately grew and recovered, leaving no trace behind.

Mao Qiu disappeared, including Yu Zhen and Wei An, who also followed Mao Qiu into the hole.

The kid with a weird face stared at this scene in horror. He couldn't figure out what was going on. Why would a hole appear in the gap between the weird tales and the weird tales? It would also directly swallow the weird things and then disappear!

Wei An had said before that he would wait for him to enter the ancient mansion with him, but now Wei An was also missing, and his life or death was uncertain.

The sly boy felt the fear in his body.

Well, there is.

He stood there, letting the blood mist surround him, and did not dare to move.

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