This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 54 Kill! Section Chief Feng greets everyone (Please read and vote)

"Kill!" Peng Gang suddenly stood up, raised the explosion-proof shield, carried it in front of him, and rushed out.

"Fuck, wait for me." Lao Yao turned over and saw Peng Gang, who had rushed out, frozen in place, holding the explosion-proof shield and looking to the right, his eyes almost bulging out, as if he had seen something incredible.

"What's wrong, what's wrong!" Lao Yao asked anxiously, but Peng Gang didn't say anything. He came carefully nearby, suddenly poked his head out, and then he was also stunned.

I saw a pool of blood in the corridor, several corpses were lying here and there, and there were no signs of fighting on the wall except for some scorch marks.

In the remaining firelight, Li Ming was wiping the metal folding knife in his hand.

"Sorry, can I borrow it for a while." Li Ming threw the metal folding knife to Lao Yao, who only had a head exposed.

"No, it's okay..." Lao Yao's throat rolled. He had heard that Li Ming had fought three F-level life forms before and killed them all.

But he only thought that the bounty hunters were not highly developed, their life levels were low, and Li Ming himself was injured.

But this scene really made him feel trembling. How long has it been since the attack, and it has been resolved? Too fierce!

"Thank you." Li Ming took the explosion-proof shield from Peng Gang, folded it up, and stuffed it into his arms.

"Your explosion-proof shield..." Lao Yao hesitated.

"Huh?" Li Ming looked over.

"It has been modified." He said.

"Good eyesight." Li Ming said, picked up the smart terminal to take pictures, "These few, count as mine."

"Definitely count as yours, definitely count as yours." Lao Yao hurriedly agreed, and hesitated again. The clothes on these people did not look like bounty hunters.

But he didn't say it, because Li Ming was now filled with an extremely dangerous aura.

"Tmd, what's going on with the command center, where did the intelligence come from, almost killed us!" He cursed and changed the subject, but saw Li Ming heading towards the stairs.

Just as he was about to catch up, he heard Li Ming's voice, "Don't follow me, I have something to do."

Although his tone was calm, it made Lao Yao feel chilled to the bone.

"I used the aircraft outside first."

Lao Yao twitched his lips, said nothing, and stared at Li Ming disappearing.

"This is against the rules." Peng Gang said in a muffled voice.

"Why didn't you say it just now?" Lao Yao suddenly felt angry.

"I'm afraid he will kill me too if he gets angry."

"Then what are you talking about now!"

"Prove that I have reminded you."

Lao Yao stared, this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he has a lot of ideas.



The bursting dust wind raised billowing black smoke, and in an instant, the crystal glass shattered, the French window exploded, and the dazzling flames continued to expand.

Feng Yue and Lin Yao, who were closest to him, were blown away first, and a blue barrier appeared on their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, a piercing alarm rang throughout the City Guard Building, and the remaining logistics members were all horrified.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The tail flame of the rocket streaked across the sky, accurately bombarding the previous position, and the explosion sounded again.

"All... Guards, the headquarters was attacked... quickly... quickly..."

Intermittent voices came from the aircraft channel. Li Ming picked up the spare headphones and plugged them into his ears. He looked at the location where the black smoke rose.

"City Guard Building, such a big commotion, those bounty hunters are not all a mob." Li Ming murmured to himself.

Driving the aircraft, heading towards the direction of the City Guard Building.


"Who leaked the news, how did they know we were here." Section Chief Wang's face was livid, and he staggered after Qin Xiao and others. Xiao Yu walked into the emergency escape track. His suit was tattered and his expression was equally solemn.

"Fuck, these bounty hunters are simply courting death. They dared to attack the City Guard headquarters." Lin Yaoxian gritted his teeth, his exposed skin full of burn marks, "I must cut them into pieces!"

"Minister, the emergency escape track is locked." Xiao Yu hurriedly turned around and quickly reported that the elevator behind the heavy metal wall was flashing red and could not be opened.

"The emergency escape track is independent of the City Guard's security system. How could it be locked?" Du Cheng was shocked: "Did someone infiltrate them?"

"Minister, high radiation fluctuations were detected inside the building, suspected of nuclear bombs." A panicked voice sounded in the channel, and Qin Xiao, who was frowning, changed his face drastically!

Nuclear bombs! ?

"What do the people below do? Nuclear bombs can be sent in?" Lin Yaoxian's face was ashen.

"The bounty hunters this time are not simple..." Qin Xiao looked solemn, "You can't take the elevator, and the stairs are too slow, so jump out of the window."

Section Chief Wang couldn't help but said, "Jump down? It's more than a thousand meters above the ground. Putting yourself in their field of vision is tantamount to suicide, Minister!"

"Then you just wait to die here." Qin Xiao said to the city guards around him, "You guys retreat from the roof, there are aircraft there."

After that, he turned around and rushed to the window on one side.



The aircraft that took off from the roof of the City Guard Building was blown into pieces, and the fire was dazzling.

"Boss, a few charred corpses fell down, they should be bait." Someone said in the unknown channel.

"Found it, on the west side of the City Guard Building, they jumped down, using the outer wall to relieve the force, and it is estimated that they will land in 45 to 75 seconds."

"Boss, the group of city guards have reacted, and other bounty hunters can block them for a maximum of five minutes. After eight minutes, someone will rush here, and we will be surrounded in twelve minutes."

"Tas, cause some trouble to those old guys, keep an eye on them, and prepare EMP..." The commander in the channel ordered in an orderly manner.


The voice in the channel was not nervous or uneasy, as if everything was planned.



Feng Yue's arm was deeply inserted into the outer wall of the City Guard Building. For E-level life forms, solid concrete is nothing but tofu.

Feng Yue's face was solemn, and suddenly, his head twisted suddenly, bang!

A bullet rubbed his ear and shot on the wall. Although it did not hit him, it almost broke away from the wall of the City Guard Building due to the deviation of body balance.

"Good reaction..."

Feng Yue's ugly face was clearly visible in the scope, and the owner of the sniper rifle pulled the trigger again.

Bang! Bang! Bang-

The black sniper rifle fired continuously.

Lin Yaoxian's shoulders sank and felt the stinging pain. During the fall, he could not dodge many times and was shot.

Several other people were also disturbed and quickly adjusted their postures, only a few hundred meters from the ground.


Sand and stones flew, and large pits were smashed on the ground. Feng Yue spit out a large mouthful of blood with a puff, and then staggered to the ground, the ends of his hair were burnt black, and his whole body was stinging.

He reacted very quickly, gritted his teeth and got up, and quickly rushed into the shadows to avoid sight.

"There is a sniper, on the highest floor of the Jinding Building, the nearest city guard, go and stop him quickly." Qin Xiao landed with him, he was the most relaxed, pressing the headset, his eyes were cold.

"Sniper?" Li Ming's eyes flickered, he landed on the roof of a nearby building, looking at the direction Qin Xiao said.

That was the tallest building near the City Guard Building.

"Good position," Li Ming drove the aircraft and quickly went to the target position.

The viewing position he chose was very close, and he could reach the target position in two or three minutes.


Suddenly, Li Ming's body stiffened, and a bright blue electromagnetic light wave exploded from somewhere, and then expanded rapidly in a semicircle. Wherever it passed, the lights went out and the screen flickered.

The aircraft driven by Li Ming also began to fall uncontrollably, and all the display screens were covered with waves and snowflakes.

"Some kind of interference?"

Li Ming kicked the door of the aircraft open with a "bang", and quickly glanced at the rooftop not far away. He had already estimated the distance between the two.

He grabbed the metal frame with both hands, and four mechanical arms appeared behind him. They all exerted force and suddenly supported it. The aircraft fell at a faster speed, but Li Ming was ejected, and the mechanical arms on his back disappeared at the same time.

Whoosh! The wind whistled in his ears.

Bang! Li Ming landed steadily on the edge of the roof and quickly rushed to the stairs.

"Hey, Tas, the person on the aircraft actually survived." Someone in the channel was surprised, and then teased: "What an amazing jumping ability, could his gene seed be some kind of kangaroo?"

"Don't you have his information?" Tas asked.

"Yes... Li Ming, now an orphan, a citizen of Silver Ash City, joined the city guard not long ago, the development progress is 60%... no threat."

"Be careful..." Tas said in a deep voice: "Rod, my life is in your hands."

"Don't worry, I'm watching." Rod said in a relaxed tone: "It's just a shot."

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