This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 82 New Student Information Special Training Class

"Alas... This seat is so uncomfortable. We have to stay here for five days. We can only transfer to a better spaceship after we arrive at another star port..." Ji Ya sat next to her and chattered non-stop.

"Yatou, look at the ring around the star, why is it slanted? The last time I went on a trip with my parents, the ring was not like this."

"Ji Ya..." Yang Yu gently pushed her. Ji Ya, who seemed very excited, suddenly pouted and cried, and then hugged Yang Yu tightly: "Yatou, I... I'm so scared..."

Yang Yu patted her gently, his eyes were slightly red, and I don't know what he was thinking.

"Do you want a tissue?" A vaguely familiar voice came from behind the seat.

"No, thank you." Yang Yu said subconsciously, and then his movements were slightly stiff, and he turned his head away blankly, tears bursting out of his eyes.


Xiaoyun Port is located in the Berna Galaxy, compared to the Stel Galaxy where the Silver Gray Star is located.

The Berna star system has two habitable stars and three mineral stars, which is quite prosperous and rich, so it has a large star port.

They will transfer to the large interstellar spacecraft "Tamberon" here, and its various configuration specifications far exceed the Piccolo they are riding.

Xiaoyun Port has twelve track connection channels and a special extended connection cabin that fits with the hatch of the spacecraft.

The hatch composed of four inverted triangular metal sheets opens from the middle and retracts into the wall. Everyone follows the indicator lights and gets off the ship one by one.

After five days of sailing, these young boys and girls have spontaneously divided into small groups, and the people from various schools have become familiar with each other.

Among them, the most prestigious are the seven people from Capital University of Technology, including Li Ming.

There should have been one more person, but they set off early and arrived early.

"I came here before. It seems to have been renovated and has become much more advanced." Zhang Huaiyuan looked quite familiar. They passed through a metal arch, and there were various data on the display screen next to it.

After confirming their identities, the route information of the automatic device was displayed, and a small arrow appeared under their feet, indicating the direction they should go.

Liang Long looked around, and his movements seemed careful and cautious.

"Next time we take the Tamboron, we will basically not stop in the middle. In addition to three meals a day, the things on the ship are incredibly expensive. If you want to buy snacks, you have to buy them in advance." Zhang Huaiyuan vaguely had the intention of taking the lead, and said with a little sarcasm.

"Liang Long, let's go buy together." He seemed to see Liang Long's embarrassment and took the initiative to propose.

"I'm going to buy some nutrient solution." Li Ming said, and Yang Yu immediately said: "I'll go with you."

"Then I'll go too." Ji Ya raised her hand.

"Okay, everyone, stop looking. The two girls have been taken away, and only a few of us are left together." Zhang Huaiyuan spread his hands and said.

"He is really capable." The fat man next to him said enviously.

"You go, I'll wait in the waiting room." The expressionless man with glasses left directly.


"You bought a lot of things."

In the waiting room, Li Ming came back with a few big bags, and Yang Yu and Ji Ya next to him looked a little strange.

Zhang Huaiyuan took the initiative to greet him and asked casually: "Didn't you two buy anything?"

"Oh, we didn't buy anything." Ji Ya explained.

"Li Ming bought a lot." Zhang Huaiyuan asked curiously, and stretched his head to take a look: "All nutrient solution."

"What brand? I heard that a brand was recently exposed to have added excessive cyanamide."

"The brand I often eat is not bad, you..." He said, rummaging through the bag and took a look, his face suddenly froze.

"This... purple metal tube, Tenglong Technology? E-level nutrient solution?" Zhang Huaiyuan's eyesight is indeed good, and he recognized it at a glance.

As soon as this was said, the other people also looked over.

There is no clear regulation on what level of life form must eat what level of nutrient solution, but the high-level nutrient solution contains too many nutrients, and it is not a good thing for low-level life forms to eat it.

Zhang Huaiyuan smiled awkwardly and asked in a low voice: "You, you are already an E-level life form?"

"Yeah." Li Ming nodded. These little guys are too young, and their faces can tell what they are thinking.

This guy named Zhang Huaiyuan has a good family and has been to many places. He is a little arrogant, but he is not a bad person.

Liang Long has some inferiority complex due to family problems.

On the way, he didn't say anything to these little guys.

Everyone looked at each other. E-level life forms, this is too fast.

Especially Zhang Huaiyuan, his family conditions are the best. His genes were completely fixed at the age of sixteen, and after half a year of training, he merged the gene seeds before he was seventeen.

But up to now, the development progress has just exceeded 90%.

"Is the difference in the rate of developing gene seeds between individuals really that big?" He couldn't help but think, and suddenly felt a little discouraged.

"These, they cost a lot of money." Liang Long asked enviously.

"One tube costs ten thousand, and these are twenty tubes." Ji Ya answered quickly.

Except for Zhang Huaiyuan, these little guys couldn't help but feel a little unbelievable.

These star coins are not small, but the more important thing is that they can be freely used by Li Ming at his age.

"The next voyage will be about 20 days. Are you going to exercise on the ship?" Zhang Huaiyuan guessed.

Without strenuous activities, advanced life forms basically do not need nutrient solution to replenish.

"Idle time is idle." Li Ming said casually. He originally wanted to buy some more development potions, but the E-level development potions were too expensive and he couldn't buy a few tubes.

The few people said nothing and looked at each other. This person was too curly.

They were well aware of the pain of developing gene seeds. They were going to relax during the voyage, but they met this king of trouble.

It would be okay if no one signed up, but now that I know it, I will feel a sense of urgency in my heart.

There was a time when I was able to get into the Capital Institute of Technology and I gritted my teeth and persevered.

"Wait a minute, I'll buy some too." Zhang Huaiyuan gritted his teeth.

"I'll go too."

"Wait for me..."

In a short time, everyone was gone.

"Oh, I bought everything anyway. No, I have to go too." Jiya stamped her feet, pulled Yang Yu and ran away again.

Only Li Ming was left, and he sat down with a smile and thought to himself: "The current development progress is 44%. By the time the capital star is released, it should be able to cross the 60% threshold, just in time to learn about "Bear".

[Violent Bear] is an ability that the Purple Lightning Bear can only learn when its gene seed is developed to 60%. It can greatly increase its explosive power through bioelectric current.

It can explode with more than twice the power.

He spent 50,000 star coins to buy a copy of the learning skills for these abilities from the Black Hole Network, which was very cheap.

The people who went to buy nutrient solution came back soon. They sat on both sides of Li Ming and chatted together.

"I heard that this session is different from the past." Zhang Huaiyuan suddenly mentioned a piece of gossip.

"What do you say?" the little fat man Ge Hong asked.

"There will be a special training class this session." Zhang Huaiyuan said mysteriously.

"That's what you're talking about." The little fat man looked disappointed: "Don't you have them in every class? There are four classes, and they enjoy the best resources. It is said that they can also go to other civilizations for exchanges."

"That's a key training class." Zhang Huaiyuan emphasized: "It's different from what I said. It's even better than the key training class. They are all professor-level teachers. It is said that Professor Wu, who we have had dinner with, can also teach."

"He hasn't left the mountain for several years."

"Oh?" Li Ming, who was listless, sat up straight.

Seeing Li Ming's attention, Zhang Huaiyuan became even more excited: "Although ordinary students at Capital Institute of Technology are also elites in all walks of life in Blue Star, they are not worth mentioning at the interstellar level."

"Every year, there are a few in the key training classes who leave the Blue Star Civilization and become real bosses after they return."

"I'm afraid this special training class is even more powerful." Zhang Huaiyuan said with admiration.

"Brother, don't think about it. We may be a relatively powerful group on the Silver Gray Star, but we are nothing in the capital." After hearing this, Ge Hong lost interest at all.

"It doesn't matter if you think about it." Zhang Huaiyuan pointed at Liang Long and said, "Liang Long might be able to get in."

"Me?" Suddenly being noticed, Diplodocus was at a loss and waved his hands hastily: "No, no, I can't, I can't..."

"Brother Li still has hope."

Why did it involve me? Li Ming's face was expressionless.

"The qualifications for election to key training classes are comprehensively assessed from multiple dimensions, including performance, practical ability, and gene development speed." Wang Bing, who wears glasses, said in a calm voice.

Academic performance? I seemed to have no academic performance, Li Ming suddenly realized that he was admitted through a special channel and did not even choose ancillary subjects.

"The selection qualifications for this special training class should be more stringent, and it appeared so suddenly. It should have other purposes. Even Professor Wu was alarmed. I'm afraid it is more unusual. It may not be a good thing to enter."

Wang Bing's logical ability is extremely strong, and his academic performance is said to be the first among several people.

Everyone was chatting and talking about professional choice.

"Li Ming, you didn't choose your major until you entered school. What are you going to choose?" Yang Yu suddenly asked, and several others also looked over.

"Advanced machinery manufacturing and construction." Li Ming spit out four words.


Several people looked at each other, obviously very surprised.

"This is an unpopular major." Zhang Huaiyuan said euphemistically: "Although there is support, it is too complicated."

Wang Bing said bluntly: "This major is complex and extremely tests your hands-on ability. It is a collective major. In the end, there is a high probability that you will become a screw in a certain laboratory."

Li Ming shrugged. Of course he knew, but that was what he wanted. Only in this way could he have an explanation when he came up with many strange things to sell.

He is also looking forward to whether he can magically modify the control of some special gadgets.

There are no such conditions on the Silver Gray Star. When we arrive on the Capital Star, many ideas can be put on the agenda.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, the Tanwei arrived. This time everyone had a separate room. Although it was not big, the overall comfort was greatly improved.

In the room, he took stock of the things he controlled and remembered what Zhang Huaiyuan said.

"Isn't this special training class a reasonable reason to enter Lao Wu's field of vision?" He thought about it, and then suddenly thought: "Could this be Lao Wu's creation? It's not like that..."

He estimated that given Old Wu's character, he was probably secretly fueling the situation, and certainly not taking the initiative.

After pondering for a while, he took out a tube of nutrient solution, drank it down, and then activated [Thunder Body Forging] to start developing gene seeds.

Carrying out various difficult movements, Li Ming's muscle memory gradually became familiar with this set of movements. After a while, he would be able to do it himself even without [Lei Ming Body Training].

After a long time, he lay on the bed, as if he had been fished out of water.

"Come again." He drank another tube of nutrient solution, and fell into a deep sleep after being exhausted again.

This voyage gradually passed in such back-and-forth training.

During this period, Li Ming rarely showed up, and in the end he and others stayed at home. Although they did not have precious equipment balls to assist in training, they each had their own methods, but the efficiency was relatively low.

The most extravagant Zhang Huaiyuan often went to the training room equipped on the ship.

During the period, there was even a joke. Ge Hong stayed in the room for too long. The crew knocked on the door many times but it didn't open. They were scared and thought something was wrong.

After forcibly breaking into the door, they found that the little fat man was too tired and fell asleep unconscious.

When Li Ming's development progress reached 61%, the capital planet finally arrived.


The capital of Blue Star - Jingnan Star, the Blue Star Civilization Government started from this planet.

After experiencing war, integration, turmoil, and development, he finally walked out of the surface and flew out of the galaxy. He wanted to make great plans, and then he came into contact with the Interstellar Alliance.

Compared with the desolate Silver Gray Star, this planet is too prosperous, even though the surface is filled with more than 80% sea water.

But the remaining land still carries more than one billion people. It is said that at its peak, there were more than five billion people living on it.

The entire planet is covered by an air and space shield, with almost no room for smuggling.

Outside Jingnan Star, there are four star ports, each of which has 48 parallel connection channels. A large number of spacecraft are towed and merged into orbit, and many spacecraft are still queuing.

The only inter-civil star gate in the Blue Star is near the largest Twilight Bell Star Port.

Coming out of the hatch, a wave of heat hits your face, mixed with noise, as if countless voices are ringing in your ears, but you can't hear anything if you listen carefully.

The hall was extremely wide, with elevators that moved up and down and moved parallel to each other. There were finally more non-human species with mixed skin colors, long noses, and one eye. Translators became a common item worn around the neck.

"The hotel we booked is in Jiangzhou. It will take more than half a day to get there from this Luchen Star Port." Zhang Huaiyuan said loudly. If he didn't speak like this, no one would hear him at all.

"Let's go. It's too noisy here." Ge Hong was not used to it. Everyone followed the instructions, walked away quickly, and boarded a hovercraft.

The destination was a popular commercial street, with various interstellar races coming and going, noisy and noisy.

There was a lot of traffic here, the streets were wide, there was a fountain square in the center, and all kinds of shops were on the streets around.

Following the address, everyone came to a hotel with a large area. There was a constant flow of cars in front of the door, and it was not just humans who came and went.

Everyone reported their identity information. As the major schools in Jingnan Star started school, the hotel prices also rose.

The facilities of this hotel are not high-end, but the price is not cheap, up to 1,200 star coins per night, Liang Long's money was paid by Zhang Huaiyuan.

Their room is on the same floor. After putting away the luggage, Ji Ya suggested with obvious excitement: "It has been several years since we last came to Jingnan. Should we go out for a walk?"

Zhang Huaiyuan shook his head: "Ming Ge will definitely not go. If he doesn't go, Yang Yu may not go either. If Yang Yu doesn't go, do you still want to go? If neither of you go, what are we, the grown men, going to walk for?"

Ge Hong took a bag of French fries and ate them non-stop.

"Let's go, it's good to go out for a walk." Li Ming's answer this time was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Surprisingly, I thought Ming Ge would go to the hotel's exercise room." Ge Hong muttered.

"The nutrient solution is finished." Li Ming sighed.


Several people went out, but Wang Bing didn't go. He really had no interest.

Several people went to several large shopping malls. Li Ming's main purpose was not to buy nutrient solution, but to see what good things were sold in Jingnan.

It was not until the afternoon that several people came back with large and small bags.

"Fuck" Zhang Huaiyuan cursed: "You really treat college students as leeks, it was not that expensive when I came last time, and the nutrient solution can be sold at a 20% premium?"

"The Price Bureau doesn't care!"

The two girls also complained, and several people didn't buy too many things because they were too expensive.

Zhang Huaiyuan, who is slightly richer, has a small fortune that is nothing in Jingnan.

Li Ming bought a few tubes of nutrient solution, but not too much. It was indeed too expensive, and he felt unhappy about being ripped off.

What disappointed him was that Jingnan sold a wide variety of items, but the weapons were not much different from those on Silver Gray Star, and were even worse than those on Silver Gray Star.

The control over there was a little lax, and here, anything with a little lethality would not appear on the market.

On the contrary, there were many other things.

He saw a gene radiator in a large shopping mall, which was sold for 500,000 star coins.

Five hundred thousand star coins can buy a small villa in Silver Ash City, of course, this is the price after the price increase.

After putting the things back, everyone went to the restaurant to eat, and ordered a full table, with hot and cold dishes, and colorful drinks.

Zhang Huaiyuan also ordered a few bottles of wine, eating and chatting.

"Ha..." Ge Hong, who was swiping the virtual screen and eating rice, suddenly made a pig cry.

"Nuo Xing is also in our class, and he is our classmate." His eyes were shining, and he didn't even care about eating, his expression was very excited.

"Nuo Xing?" Zhang Huaiyuan seemed to be in high spirits: "Fatty, where did you get the news?"

"It's a discussion group for freshmen. Every year, someone sets up one. Someone above said it." Ge Hong enlarged the virtual screen, showing posts one by one, and conversations sent in real time.

"Nuo Xing debuted at the age of sixteen. Calculating her age, she is indeed about the same age." Wang Bing speculated: "Her family background is very powerful, and there is no shortage of various resources. It is normal for her to enter the Polytechnic University."

"Heh heh heh..." Ge Hong chuckled: "It would be great if I could be assigned to the same class as Nuo Xing."

Li Ming vaguely felt that the name was familiar, but he didn't care. He picked up the live seven-star octopus on the plate and stuffed it into his mouth. It tasted very sweet.

Yang Yu poked him under the table and said in an incomprehensible tone: "No Xing, you idol."

"My idol?" Li Ming was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered that the poster opposite the original owner's bed seemed to be named Nuo Xing.

"Oh." Li Ming didn't have any special reaction.

"I remember, Yang Yu, did you tell me that Li Ming's idol is Nuo Xing." Jiya said suddenly.

Her voice was not low, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. Yang Yu pinched Jiya's thigh severely under the table.

Others looked at Li Ming with strange expressions. They had no contact with the previous Li Ming, only the current Li Ming.

I just feel that he has a calm personality and is far more mature than their peers.

In particular, they have served as city guards and performed many tasks. This mature and steady character is almost engraved in their hearts.

Now it was suddenly said that this Nuo Xing was also Li Ming's idol, which immediately made everyone feel unspeakable astonishment.

"Brother Ming, I didn't expect that we are still in the same camp." Ge Hong suddenly came up to him excitedly, and then was pulled back by Zhang Huaiyuan.

"Who hasn't had their youth?" Li Ming said casually, very calmly. seem to be about the same as us.

Zhang Huaiyuan seems to be older than you.

Everyone looked at each other, Ji Ya pouted and kneaded the big white legs that Yang Yu had pinched, "Brother Ming, then according to what you mean, you don't have any fans of her now."

"Yeah." Li Ming nodded, Ji Ya curled her lips and stretched out her long legs. Yang Yu didn't dare to raise her head as if she was guilty, and kneaded it for her.

"The discussion in the special training class was very lively, and even the people who might be selected were listed." Zhang Huaiyuan mentioned another thing.

"Wow, they are all E-level life forms, and the lowest evaluation is level 5. It's too scary." Ge Hong was stunned: "The genes are finalized at the age of sixteen, and you have to train for at least another six months, and you can still find the requirements for fusion gene seeds. ”

"In one and a half years, or even less, they can become E-class life forms?"

"Brother Ming, isn't it the same?" the silent Liang Long suddenly said.

"That's right." Ge Hong suddenly reacted and was happy again: "Then these guys are not that powerful. Look at Qi Xing. His father is the deacon of the Privy Council, and he is now an E-level life form."

"If Brother Ming and his identities were reversed, they might both be D-class life forms now."

Ge Hong said as if joking.

However, Zhang Huaiyuan, Liang Long, Wang Bing and other deep-thinking people all glanced at Li Ming and quickly looked away, feeling even more surprised in their hearts.

It is not surprising that a person of Qi Xing's background became an E-level life form in a short period of time.

But what about Li Ming? Born in Silver Gray City, he didn't even complete compulsory education, but he became an E-class life form in a short period of time.

Level three development potential, is it really that great?

"Maybe Brother Ming can also enter the special training class." Ge Hong added.

Zhang Huaiyuan teased for a while and said in surprise: "Why are there so many E-class life forms? More than fifty. It says that there should be no more than ten people in the special training class."

No more than ten?

Everyone was silent. There was basically no hope for F-class life forms. Even for E-class life forms, there was only a one-fifth chance.

In fact, taking into account the difference in development progress, the possibility is even lower.

"Fuck, this guy actually has level four development potential, higher than Brother Ming." Ge Hong yelled again, and then was shocked:

"Isn't it right? The fourth-level development potential does not even reach the threshold of the special training class. In the overall ranking, it is even at the bottom among E-level life forms?"

Thousands of days per day, the sun is coming up, please vote

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