This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 1004 No one is allowed to leave today without the Emperor’s nod.

boom! ! !

The five-color divine light shines in the void, and the terrifying energy turns into five-color torrents, forcibly opening up a square of real world in the void.

The world derived from the five elements was extremely real. Due to insufficient destiny, it could not survive forever. Lu Bei captured it in the palm of his hand with one hand and extracted all the power of world destruction to hit Jilong City.

The golden light dragon energy surged, and nine golden dragons came out to intercept the power of the Law of Destruction and were undefeated against it.

The unity of heaven and man may be a dead end. Lu Bei has no clue whether the current Tiandao is Tiandao itself, the Great Heavenly Lord who borrowed the shell of Tiandao to go public, or the product of the fusion of Tiandao and Great Heavenly Lord.

But the unity of heaven and man is so delicious. He originally had the same magic power as Ji Longcheng. After he performed the unity of heaven and man, his magic power was endless. With the power of heaven blessing it, any single A would have the power to destroy the world. able.

In comparison, Ji Longcheng had to use his ultimate move to compete.

Such a powerful unity of heaven and man has gone beyond the ordinary understandable concept, and is infinitely close to the unity of heaven and man enshrined in the Abandonment Sutra.

The Sutra of Abandonment himself does not understand this way and hates it very much. The reason why he can perform the most powerful unity of heaven and man in the world is due to his body of the Great God.

In other words, Lu Bei is getting closer and closer to the Great Heavenly Lord.

The end of the Emperor of Heaven is the Great Heavenly Lord, and Lu Bei's past and future are also the Great Heavenly Lord. Brother Bang is as stable as a mountain, and he calls out Brother Bei for his righteousness after seeing the Sutra.


Boom! !

Golden light shines in the void, Ji Longcheng's eyebrows are indifferent, holding the Zhuxian sword to fight against the Emperor of Heaven.

Ji Longcheng had reached the realm of immortality with the Zhuxian Sword. He turned down his palm and waved away the fire, water and wind with his sword, forming a murderous formation and surrounding Lu Bei with four portals.

After cultivating the Zhuxian Sword to its peak, one can obtain the ultimate magical power - the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

This formation is so murderous that the great god of the monster clan created it to fight against the fairyland. Because the power is so amazing, not only the immortals and gods, but also demons and demons will die if they fall into this formation.

Ji Longcheng set up a large formation and stood up with a sword. The golden dragon swallowed the sky and the earth. The millions of feet of golden light condensed into a solid body. The edgeless sword blade exuded a hint of chill. It strangled down one after another, one after another, one after another.

Lu Bei stood in the middle of the formation, with starlight bursting out all over his body, and it was impossible to injure him even if his sword energy was extinguished.

No matter how much sword light there is, his star light will counterattack a hundred times or a thousand times. In terms of great magical power, the Zhuxian Sword Formation will eventually be ranked below the Star Lord.

Lu Bei pointed out, and the scorching and domineering true fire of the sun swept down overwhelmingly, breaking through the Zhuxian Sword Formation. At the moment, the golden flames gathered and turned into a three-legged golden crow.

The sun is high in the sky and the stars are misty. This is the destiny of Kunpeng + Golden Crow.

The four demon gods have combined skills and are very powerful. A single demon god cannot defeat the Great Heavenly Lord. When the four demon gods gather together, the Great Heavenly Lord must hold the Heavenly Book to compete.

As Lu Bei's cultivation became stronger, his vision became higher and higher. Although he had not seen it with his own eyes, but based on his own deduction, he could fully imagine the scene of the confrontation between the four demon gods and the Great Heavenly Lord.

The four demon gods have the upper hand, but they are no match for the Great Heavenly Lord...

This is the result of the deduction.

Lu Bei lacked the bloodline of Zhulong and the intuitive understanding of the Great Heavenly Lord. The rendering template suffered from missing materials. He could only see the beginning and the end, but could not deduce the middle process.

Not important, at least not yet.

Ji Longcheng is not the Great Heavenly Lord, far from it. He is far behind the Master of Ten Thousand Daos, and even worse than the Abandonment Sutra and Zhonggong Huangdi. The three divine birds are going all out, plus the magical power of the unity of heaven and man, this battle will be Jilong City will definitely be defeated.

If you lose, die!

A fierce light bloomed in Lu Bei's eyes. He didn't know how long the Sutra of Abandonment could hold back the underworld. It was very likely that it wouldn't be delayed at all. He didn't have much time left, so he had to fight quickly.

Buzz buzz————

Yin and yang change, clearness rises and turbidity falls, the void is divided into two colors, and all tangible and intangible things are destroyed.

Ji Longcheng's body stagnated, and a human emperor's dharma image appeared behind him, carrying the sword of kingship and splitting the chaos of yin and yang.

If the sword enters the mud, it will be difficult to cut.

In the state of the unity of heaven and man in Lu Bei, all aspects are a little higher than Ji Longcheng. Don't underestimate this little bit, which directly affects the strength of both parties' ability to master the laws. The way of heaven opened a back door for Lu Bei, and the fate of the great god Kunpeng suppressed all attributes. It was another concept to always be one step stronger than the opponent.

Ji Longcheng frowned and swayed into a three-headed and six-armed figure. The six arms held four treasures, namely the Demon-Slaying Platform, the Immortal-Slaying Sword, the Demon-Conquering Cauldron, and the Soul-Dancing Flag.

The Demon-Slaying Platform slays demons, slays demons and gods, and everything goes smoothly;

The sword to kill immortals kills immortals, the immortals kill gods, and all attacks are invincible;

Use the Demon-Conquering Cauldron to conquer the demons, and the Demon-Conquering Cauldron, and you will be invincible;

The soul-swaying banner destroys ghosts, the soul-swaying banner traps evil spirits, and is invincible.

Coupled with the golden dragon seal of the first generation Ji Emperor, the first generation human emperor, and the ancestor dragon of the human race to suppress luck, the five treasures correspond to monsters, immortals, demons, ghosts, and humans, and everything under the law of heaven is included in them.

In the concept of heaven at this time, the existence of demons is very rare, so the Demon-Conquering Cauldron is the least powerful. The Golden Dragon Seal is the most powerful treasure in Jilongcheng's life cultivation, so the Golden Dragon Seal is the most powerful.

The five treasures are mainly composed of the Golden Dragon Seal, with demons, immortals, demons and ghosts arranged in four directions, placed according to the four spirits and five images, setting off the human Dao as the first and supreme one under the Dao of Heaven.

The mighty golden light penetrated the void, tearing apart the solid space barrier like an inflatable toy. The extremely powerful aura erupted with Jilong City as the center, overflowing the void torrent, blowing away the shadow of the sun constructed by the true fire of the sun, and suppressing the stars to flicker. dark.

"not bad!"

Emperor Lu Tian made a comment, the golden and red light around his body skyrocketed, he took nine steps, and his fist shook the world.

Nine white lotuses bloomed, indicating the only destiny and the supreme creation. The three divine birds and their great magical powers were used together. The four demon gods combined their efforts and were only short of the candle dragon jumping out of all things to transcend eternity.

It's almost a gap, but it is enough to deal with Ji Longcheng. If there is any shortcoming, it can be made up for by the unity of heaven and man. Anyway, the four demon gods and the Great Heavenly Lord are originally colleagues, and the unity of heaven and man is also at the same level. Great supernatural power.

Even stronger!


The momentum collided, the wills competed, and under the violent impact, the world was turned upside down, the yin and yang were reversed, the earth, fire, water, and wind rotated endlessly, and all the complex visions were like the creation of the world.

The three-headed and six-armed Ji Longcheng flew out upside down, and his figure disappeared into the shadow of the Human Emperor's Dharma. His mouth, nose, ears, and eyes were bleeding, adding a certain amount of evil energy to his cold face.

Lu Bei took three steps back, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the condensed form of the Human Emperor. A fierce light bloomed in his eyes, and a pure white shadow stood up behind him.

The Dharma of the Emperor of Heaven!

The Emperor of Heaven is dressed in plain white, with fluttering robes and otherworldly robes. There are thousands of rays of light and a thousand auspicious colors all over his body. His clothes are transformed into thousands of prophecies, and the heavenly talismans are looming on the lapels and cuffs of his clothes.

Looking at the face of the Emperor of Heaven, it appears as a chaotic yin and yang appearance, with countless changes, making it impossible to directly understand the true appearance.

This Heavenly Emperor's Dharma is the result of Lu Beiji's lifetime insights. It was forged with the help of the Heavenly Emperor's Great Seal and the Heavenly Book of Heaven. Because of its great ambition, it is the key to breaking the situation. Therefore, the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma is currently only an outline, and it is far from turning the imaginary into reality. and.

He himself believed that the possibility of the Dharma being real was extremely slim.

But even if it was just a shadow, it still brought endless pressure to Ji Longcheng. Every time he took a step forward, the Emperor would suppress him, and with every blow, the Emperor would respond with a more powerful expression.

Until now, he had not gained the upper hand even once. He knew clearly that the Emperor's attack was on the heart, and wanted to severely damage his Taoist heart and will with a huge disparity, but he still couldn't help but feel discouraged.

Although Ji Longcheng was not facing the Master of Ten Thousand Ways like Huang Di and Yun Zuoyu in the middle palace at this time, Lu Bei was also helpless when faced with the Abandonment Sutra. He had no choice but to do anything. The other party was stronger than him in every field.

In a war, if confidence is unbalanced, defeat is certain.

Ji Longcheng knew this very well and was in a dangerous situation, surrounded by dangers, so he simply used his strongest magical power.

But seeing a golden light flash in his eyes, the human race's golden dragon of luck roared out. The million-foot-long golden dragon was almost substantial, holding up the human emperor's Dharma.

Ji Longcheng raised his six arms to hold up the sky, and the five treasures of the Demon-Slaying Platform, the Immortal-Slaying Sword, the Demon-Conquering Cauldron, the Soul-Dangting Banner, and the Golden Dragon Seal were connected with each other. With the human emperor's Dharma as the carrier, he gave birth to a powerful thing comparable to the innate spiritual treasure. A powerful magic weapon.

A picture scroll covering the sky slowly unfolds. The picture has five directions, with all the ways in the world in the center, and all things in the world are integrated into one. It is called - the Picture of Common People Asking Questions.

The imperial hegemony that Ji Chang regards as his life is not even a little bit worse than that of his ancestors. Ji Chang thinks about a single humanity, while Ji Longcheng thinks about ten thousand people, and the pattern is determined.

"God, do you want to continue?"

"Why not? Wouldn't it be beautiful to see blood flowing across the river!"

Lu Bei's figure faded, the Emperor of Heaven stepped into shadow, his chaotic face opened with two streaks of white light. Between his words, the surrounding earth, fire, water and wind refined the world. After one word, the world was destroyed and collapsed.

"There is still a long time in the future. There is no need for you and me to rush to determine the winner. There are others in this big chess game. Don't let them take the upper hand." Human Emperor Fa Xiang replied.

"The Human Emperor thinks too much..."

The hands of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma form the yin and yang. In the center of the clasped hands, the tai chi yin and yang slowly swirl, giving birth to the terrifying fluctuations of creation and destruction.

"There is no victory or defeat today, only life and death!"

"Live alone, you die, that's all!!!"

The yin and yang pushed open and stretched to the end of the void in an instant. Purple thunder and punishment fell, and the entire void was shrouded in a terrifying aura.

The surging energy is intertwined with infinite laws, and it is unpredictable. It has exceeded the limit that the heavenly law can bear.

Lu Bei's attack was Wang Zha's, and he didn't give Ji Longcheng any time to parry. The latter relied on Cang Sheng Dao Tu's defense to barely protect himself from defeat.

If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it. At the moment when the yin and yang are reversed, the light of the five elements turns into a beam, penetrates directly into the human emperor's Dharma, and shoots at the front door of Jilong City.

The black eyes exploded, and blood flowed freely.

Ji Longcheng's expression did not change, and a golden light appeared on his face, suppressing the five-color divine light that was running around.

He was shocked to realize that the time and place were not in his hands, and he completely understood what Lu Bei was thinking.

He thought it was a warm-up battle, but Lu Bei entered with a life-or-death mentality. He had no intention of having a protracted battle. Conferring gods is conferring gods, and the battle between the human emperor and the heavenly emperor does not need to be at the end.

The beginning is the end!

This guy has great ambitions, and... he doesn't play by common sense at all.

Before the younger brothers were fighting to death, the elder brother who took the lead drew a knife and stabbed each other. This kind of behavior that caused death at the slightest disagreement was not like the Emperor of Heaven.

It’s almost the same!

Lu Bei didn't say a word. The Heavenly Emperor's Dharma extended infinitely, and his big hand covering the sky pressed down, capturing the Human Emperor's Dharma in the Wuzhi Mountain.

Turning his hand, the five-color divine light fell from the sky, trying to suppress the human emperor's dharma under the mountain.

Butt facing out!

Lu Bei and Ji Longcheng have different ideas. He doesn't care about the dispute between humanity and immortality at all. He fights for more and bigger things. Ji Longcheng is just one of the eighty-one difficulties. If there is no force of thunder to crush it, where will it come from? A quick knife cuts through the mess and sweeps through everything.

If he takes a step slower, he will lose everything.

The void wavered and was on the verge of destruction several times.

The human emperor, Dharma Prime Minister, broke free from Wuzhishan and avoided the fate of his butt facing outward.

Ji Longcheng already wanted to retreat. He didn't want or want to fight with the reckless man to decide the outcome. There was also the Zhonggong Huangdi and the Abandonment Scripture outside. It would not be of any benefit to him to use all his cards.

At this time, Ji Longcheng was quite helpless. The Emperor of Heaven did not have the magnanimity that an Emperor of Heaven should have at all. He did not care about all the rules and regulations. It was very much like a street fight. He would not care about anything and would throw someone to death if he caught one. He was a complete fool. If he caused this bad luck today, he would be asking for it.

Ji Longcheng is about to leave, how can Lu Bei rely on him? The eyes of the Heavenly Emperor's Faxiang dropped, and the boundless void was filled with the power of yin and yang.

In the frozen void, the Human Emperor's Faxiang could not move. He could only watch helplessly as the Heavenly Emperor's Faxiang pressed down his big hand and tightly held his face.

This beast has such tyrannical power. Is it because heaven and man are one?

Damn it, is he the Dao of Heaven, or is he really the Great Heavenly Lord?

The Heavenly Emperor's Faxiang holds the Human Emperor's Faxiang with both hands, and his arms dance to move the yin and yang fishes. Heaven and man are one. It is not only his hands that are moving, but also the black and white void.


The blazing red flames came overwhelmingly, and the golden star sea broke through the boundary between yin and yang, tearing apart black and white like the light breaking through the sky, and suddenly hit the chaotic face of the Emperor of Heaven.

The innate fire essence turned into a three-legged golden crow, which grew to the same size as the Emperor of Heaven. The two giant objects collided, once again collapsing the yin and yang and making it difficult to form.

Lu Bei was under endless pressure and could hardly maintain the artistic conception of unity between man and nature. The endless mana passed through his body to the Emperor of Heaven's Dharma, and then the Dharma of the Emperor of Heaven rebuilt the void. The consumption of it had already dragged down most of his will.

The rest was also used to suppress the common people asking questions.

At this time, there is no extra energy to fight against the innate fire spirit.

He does have the Innate Gold Essence, but the leakage of the Innate Gold Essence is serious, and it has not yet replenished its vitality. The quality cannot be compared with the Innate Fire Essence. In addition, the five elements of fire overcome gold, so it is useless to use it.

Rui was very calculating and showed up at the right time, but...

Lu Bei's eyes widened, and he tried desperately to draw away the yin and yang, intending to take away Ji Longcheng with one blow and send him to the list of gods.

The boundless void suddenly shrunk, and everything was condensed into the palms of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma. The tyranny of reversing life and death, depriving and creating all things frightened Ji Longcheng.

My life is at an end!


A long roar shook the Emperor of Heaven's Dharma, causing his arms that transformed into yin and yang to stagnate slightly. Then, Kunpeng's true form with a wingspan of 80,000 feet rushed over, using absolute power to drive absolute speed, and slammed into the Emperor of Heaven. Dharma.

Starlight bursts out, and the sea of ​​​​stars rises and falls.

I am the destiny of God.

Loud sounds, visible and invisible, are all white...

The yin and yang dispersed in the void, returning to its original appearance, and the appearance of the Emperor of Heaven disappeared without a trace.

Ji Longcheng's clothes were stained with blood, and he had one arm and one eye in a very embarrassed state. His hair was disheveled and he looked towards the end of the void, his eyes full of horror.

The pretty face of the Emperor of Heaven is too deceptive. In the crisis just now, he would rather take a heavy blow than try his best to destroy his image as the Human Emperor.

Do you really not care about your own life or death?

"Leave quickly, the human world cannot defeat the immortal world today, let's go to the underworld."

He was also frightened, seeing that Ji Longcheng's injury could not heal on his own, and a small part of his body and soul had been wiped out by the strange and powerful magical power just now, his expression was indescribably weird.

The eldest brother on the list is very righteous, risking his life to practice, and wants to support his brothers.

However, the sky is too high. Brothers are all looking up to you. How can you have fun in the future?

There are strong and weak invincibles. The strongest one is the master of all ways. The rest ignore the bug-like Abandonment Sutra. Although the others are strong and weak, but speaking of it, no one has absolute confidence in defeating the others. people.

It was different now. Lu Bei overtook the car at a curve, and with the help of many big brothers, he stepped in front of everyone step by step.

This step opened up a huge disparity.

We can no longer let it go, we must suppress the rise of the Emperor of Heaven.


Li raised his hand to press Ji Longcheng's shoulder, took one step forward, and rushed to the underworld in the air.

At this moment, a sudden change in the void struck. He felt deep into the swamp and quagmire, and the surrounding space was unspeakably oppressive. With his unrivaled and powerful magic power, he was unable to break through this boundary.


boom! Boom boom————

Giant white doors fell down one after another, blocking all directions, cutting off the heaven and earth, blocking the connection between the void and the outside world, and completely blocking the retreat of An and Ji Longcheng.

Surrounding these giant white doors, the phantom of the fairyland is projected into the void, and another spiral law of the heavenly book gathers, thrust straight down like a spear, and is nailed into the keyhole like a key.

"You've already come, why are you leaving in such a hurry? If word spreads, your reputation for being a solitary guest will be lost!"

Lu Bei stood at the thirty-sixth level of the Heavenly Gate, his clothes stained with blood and his black hair flying: "No one is allowed to leave today without the nod from this Heavenly Emperor."

The condescending look in his eyes deeply hurt the two invincibles. This person actually wanted to put them both on the list with one against two?

How unreasonable! x2

Do you think you are the master of all things? x2

Starlight danced in his eyes. Before he could speak, Ji Longcheng said: "It's good to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but if you rush to take advantage of the situation, your previous efforts will be wasted. The Emperor of Heaven must think clearly."

He advised the Emperor not to be aggressive, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

"Gu said, there is no victory or defeat today, only life and death!"

Lu Bei's expression did not change, he was still condescending. He did not see Rui and Ji Longcheng on the list. He gained nothing in this battle. If he really let them go, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

Not only will all the previous efforts be wasted, but the consequences will be endless.

There will never be such a good opportunity again!

"If you want to die, then die!"

Ji Longcheng wanted to say one more thing. He had already summoned the stars to descend. Among all the invincibles, he was definitely the type who talked little.

Born in the demon clan, he has been exposed to many demon clan habits since he was a child. After becoming invincible for a lifetime, he retained the original demonic ruthlessness and few words on the basis of repeated horizontal jumps.

Lu Bei's eyes narrowed slightly, and starlight bloomed in his eyes. He knew that the Star Master's magical power could not match that of Ai, so he turned to fight with him for the destiny of the great god.

God’s destiny is my destiny!

Your magical power is unrivaled, your royal destiny is respected by the whole world, you are always faster and stronger than your opponents, you are destiny.

Kunpeng has the destiny of a great god and is always one step ahead of his opponents. So the question is, Lu Bei and Rui both have magical powers ordained by a great god. Who is better? ?

No need to think about it, it must be Lu Bei.

There is only one Kunpeng in Anhui, and there are three divine birds in Lubei. Any two of them combined with their magical powers will be superior to Anhui.

The momentum was soaring, and after several struggles, like the left foot stepping on the right foot, Lu Bei's expression remained unchanged, but Ai was a little shaky. The phoenix's holy luck seemed to be crucial at this moment.

"What, you can't bear it anymore?"

Lu Bei lowered his voice, squinted his eyes and sneered heartily: "Where are you now? I'll give you more strength and see who can last until the end."

The golden flames are blazing, and the overbearing true fire of the sun sweeps across the void. A shadow of the great sun hangs high above Lu Bei's head. Sparks splash in all directions, and twisted ripples wash away in all directions, like a big wave hitting the sky and rolling up a storm in the void. Thousands of weights.

God’s command!

Holy luck!

There is no day like this!

In terms of individual bloodline, Lu Bei couldn't compare to An, but in terms of the floors of the Demonic Creation Tower, how could An's bungalow be compared to his three-story mansion.


With four walls and a roof, can that thing be called a tower?

boom! ! !

Ai's physical body could not support it. Without the foundation of the Holy Luck of Creation, his physical body could not adapt to the gradually soaring power. He took the lead and struck Lu Bei hard with his unparalleled starlight.

With the innate fire essence in his hand, a fiery red long knife is like a crystal carving, flowing crystal clear and extremely blazing.

Lu Bei opened the Five Elements Sword with one hand, parried the red long sword, stepped back, resisted the terrifying force and then responded with color.

The speed and power of the two people exceeded the limit that the Golden Immortal could reach. It was comparable to the scene where the Great Heavenly Lord and the four demon gods were fighting each other. Every time they collided, surging energy would ravage the void.

Countless earth, fire, water and wind bloomed, countless cracks spread, the dark void was illuminated by starlight again and again, and the torrent of energy strangled it all.

The two figures are filled with surging aura, looking down upon the common people with their eternal scorn.

Not willing to be an audience, Ji Longcheng held a picture of the people asking questions above his head, pointing with one arm, and summoned the five laws of demons, immortals, demons, ghosts, and humans to converge into one body.

These five laws are supposed to operate according to the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, so that they can circulate endlessly and the ten thousand ways can last forever. However, the power of humanity in Jilongcheng is too strong, and the magic way is too weak. The five elements cannot become powerful, so we can only retreat and follow the four principles. The five spiritual images are in place.

Ji Longcheng has practiced a lot in his life, and his unrivaled understanding is so terrifying that ordinary people can hardly imagine it. As a genius of his era, he dared to use imperial power to suppress divine power, so he naturally has reasons to be proud.

The five laws converged, and another phantom covering the sky stood across the sky.

The human emperor's dharma was destroyed, and he had other dharma to replace him. Like this gray figure entwined with a golden dragon, it is based on the immortal way, with the human way as the representation, and the three paths of demons, demons, and ghosts may be used as swords to attack difficulties, or as The defensive shield has been perfected and has no flaws.

Clang! !

Starlight burst out, and the bright stars turned into stardust and scattered.

Ai did not have the speed and power to absolutely crush Lu Bei, so he took the initiative to give up the order of the great god, and instead used the martial arts will of absolute hegemony to compete with him.

There are too many trump cards for being invincible for a lifetime. Without the will of God like a sword, and the destiny of the great god, it is unable to continue. He still has the innate fire essence, martial arts will, and still has the great supernatural power to establish himself.

At this time, Yun Zuoyu came to take revenge. It was hard to say whether he could avenge his past humiliation. It was too difficult to defeat or kill an invincible person.

Lu Bei knew that he didn't have much time, so he attacked with all his might in every attack.

After Rui was dispelled by the great god, he could not strengthen himself by stepping on his left foot and his right foot, so he ruled the roost with Tian Wuerri's absolute will and still suppressed Rui with every move. The other hand is also not idle, either to activate the five-color divine light, or to use the power of yin and yang, or to occasionally shoot out the real fire of the sun. The three divine birds can be switched at will, and various magical communications are at hand.

I have to thank Zhonggong Huang... no, I should thank the Master of Ten Thousand Daos. Without those eight years of laying the foundation, his temperament would only lead to haste rather than speed, and he would not be as calm as he is today.

The golden dragon sword energy swept across.

Lu Bei didn't even look at it. He swept his five fingers across and formed a beam of five-color divine light. The moment he blocked it, he pulled Ji Longcheng into the battle circle.

The sword of the five elements in his hand turns into a long stick. In the state of unity between heaven and man, thousands of laws gather together, breaking through all laws with one force, and every move is unstoppable.

If it were someone else, such as Huang Xiao who had forcibly entered the Golden Immortal Realm, Lu Bei would hit him with two sticks, and the mother-in-law would have a sore back and legs and no strength to resist, so she could only let him slaughter her.

But the opponent is invincible, he is perfect, and has no weaknesses to grasp.

Facing the thousands of laws gathered on the long stick, Li established his own destiny with the star formation, and Ji Longcheng established his own destiny with five paths. Even though the heavens and humans in Lubei were united and were stronger everywhere, one against two would still inevitably fall into a disadvantage.

"Emperor of Heaven, if you retreat now, you will never be alone..."

"Too much nonsense!"

Lu Bei interrupted directly and lowered his evaluation of Ji Longcheng to another level. Those who are the ones who insert bids and sell out the leader know how to calculate all day long. Unless you can calculate the Master of Ten Thousand Dao, you will be like this for the rest of your life.

On the contrary, it was An. Lu Bei thought highly of him. It was shameful to jump around repeatedly. He was invincible, so no one could say anything about him. Even if a toad doesn't grow hair, it will all follow the one of the Great Heavenly Lord.

The key is to fall into position after the jump. He dares to fight and fight hard. He knows that there is no way to reconcile and then goes to death to offend him. This awareness and will deserve Yun Zuoyu's mentality when he was beaten back then.

The divine light is like a waterfall, the place where the three people are fighting has become void and chaos, and the sea of ​​stars that is constantly overflowing turns into a winding star river flowing in all directions.

Lu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, realizing that Li was about to use his ultimate move, and blocked Ji Longcheng's sword. His body resisted the power of the innate fire essence, and he suffered a bone wound on his chest, so he used his strength to pull away.

He abandoned the long stick in his hand, shouted loudly, and replayed the yin and yang power of the void.

Almost at the same time, Zhi also roared and roared, shaking the shadows of Yin and Yang, dotting the endless starlight spots, and the 365 main stars moved according to a trajectory that Lu Bei had never seen before and could not imagine.

The absolute hegemony of martial arts will replaced God's will like a sword and perfectly integrated into the Star Lord's destiny, making the power of the Star Formation penetrate the heaven and earth, and was deduced to an extremely terrifying state.

Lu Bei's body could not move, his eyes were closed tightly, and his body and soul fell into silence.

"Kill him quickly, otherwise he will change."

He shouted lowly. He didn't care about Ji Longcheng's follow-up plans or whether he was worried about the Ghost Path oriole behind him. He only knew that the Emperor of Heaven today was very murderous. If they could not overcome this disaster, the two brothers would go to the list of gods. From now on...

There is nothing else to do in the future.

Ji Longcheng moved in front of Lu Bei, and the five swords came out at the same time and turned into a sharp blade. With the Immortal Killing Sword and the Demon Slaying Platform as the strongest edges, it cut off Lu Bei's head directly.

Time slowly slowed down at this moment. The closer the sharp blade was to Lu Bei, the longer it took to advance one inch.

The shocked expressions on Ji Longcheng and An Mian were like slow motion, changing extremely slowly.

Looking from a distance, above the thirty-sixth layer of heavenly gates fixed in the fairyland shadow, the Tai Chi diagram calmed the earth, fire, water and wind, transformed the yin and yang and the five elements, and dropped a golden bridge, suppressing the entire fairyland.

Ji Longcheng and Li fell into it, and their souls were as dull as if they were in another world, outside of the same time as Lu Bei. Even if they tried their best to activate their destiny, analysis, simulation, and reversal were all unable to break out of the situation.

Lu Bei opened his eyes, his eyes were divided into yin and yang, and his breath was connected with the Tai Chi diagram.

He turned sideways, not hastily and slowly to avoid the sharp blade that was cutting straight at the neck, his five fingers joined together to form a knife, and he plunged into Ji Longcheng's body. First, capture the remnant soul of the Great Heavenly Lord, then crush his heart veins, severely injure his body, and then use the method of carrying the yin and embracing the yang to rotate in conjunction with the Tai Chi diagram.

Clearness rises and turbidity falls, life goes smoothly and death reverses!

Ji Longcheng's eyes were divided into yin and yang, and the tyrannical soul was forcibly stripped out of the body.

Suddenly, a golden light struck and landed firmly in Lu Bei's hand. He raised the whip, shattered the soul into pieces, and sent a bit of the true spirit to the list of gods.

"I forgot to mention that your retreat is dead, and the future is not yours. I thank the Emperor for his contribution to the Western religion..."

After killing Ji Longcheng, Lu Bei moved in front of him, faced the opponent's increasingly frightened eyes, repeated his old tricks, and obtained another remnant soul of the Great Heavenly Lord.


"It is unlucky to kill prisoners, and it is unlucky not to take prisoners!"


His five fingers touched his heart, and he felt cold all over his body. An unprecedented coldness engulfed his soul. He manifested his demon body to resist, but it was not just his mind that was slow, but his physical body as well.

Before Kunpeng could fully reveal himself, the divine whip hit his forehead.


Lu Bei exiled Kunpeng's physical body and suppressed it in the corner of the thirty-sixth level of the Tianmen. He put away the Tai Chi diagram and his body suddenly swayed.

The cause and effect of this object is huge. It condenses the laws of the Heavenly Book of Abandonment Sutra and has a lot of input from Lu Bei himself. The key core is the Creation Immortal Lotus Platform, which can be called the most powerful innate spiritual treasure today.

Rao is the unity of heaven and man in Lu Bei, which allows Brother Tian to share some of the pressure, but this picture still drags down a lot of mental energy.

As soon as his eyes flashed, there was warmth under his nose. He raised his hand and swept it over. When he saw Yin Hong, he snorted and waved it away.

Time waits for no one, so we should take advantage of the victory and pursue it. After fighting this battle, there will be plenty of time to rest.


The underworld.

"There is a cause and effect that created the world. They are born extraordinary and must be treated with caution."

Abandonment Jing murmured to himself, his heart bleeds every time he thought of the Tai Chi Diagram. He had been wandering around the world of gods for many years, and he was trapped in a prison just to make the Tai Chi Diagram a reality.

Good news: it’s done.

Bad news: It’s Lu Bei’s.

When had he ever suffered such a big loss in his abandonment of the classics? That is to say, Brother Bei could not afford to lose anything easily. If he had been invincible in another life, he would have chased him to the door and hacked him to death with a punch.

Just as he was talking, the picture sensed by the Abandonment Sutra suddenly became weird. A familiar law reversed time and space, and the void became chaos.

Taisu Wujitian?

No, it’s the Yellow Emperor’s method of tracing back the years!

That’s not right, there are other changes!

Qi Lijing slapped the table and stood up, his eyes bursting with white light. When he looked again, he saw Lu Bei waved his hands and snorted coldly at him.

not good!

"No, Fellow Daoist Ji and Fellow Daoist Rui are on the list of gods!"

The Yellow Emperor in the middle palace was horrified. Ji Longcheng and Rui died like this. What happened? Why could he suddenly not understand this great catastrophe?

The Yellow Emperor of the Central Palace picked up a book called "The Romance of the Gods" in the Taisu Wuji Heaven in his early years. He didn't say he read it three thousand times, but he definitely knew it by heart. He was so familiar with it that he could use the Great Five Elements Zhoutian Dust Array to evolve this world.

In his opinion, Lu Bei had held the memory of the Hunjun for eight years, and the catastrophe he set up to become a god should be exactly the same, and the result...

Why was it so sudden, Humanity was eliminated so hastily, without giving him a chance to help at all.

The Yellow Emperor in the middle palace had calculated that Ji Longcheng would definitely die. Humanity's momentary bravery was the major contributor to opening the way for ghosts. He had no intention of keeping Ji Longcheng, but he still had to save it, at least to let Ji Longcheng live for a while longer.

Two people left suddenly, which was a bit unexpected. His follow-up plan was completely disrupted. He looked at the Sutra of Abandonment. It was too difficult and he regretted it for a moment.

If he had known that the Emperor of Heaven would kill instantly at the beginning, he should have kept Ai by his side.

It's fine now. Kunpeng's demonic body has been lost. From now on, he will still be at the mercy of the Master of Ten Thousand Daos.

Otherwise, go to Zhulong and ask the demon god to use his physical body for the sake of the Great Heavenly Lord?


In the Huangquan Realm, a golden light flashed across and fell into the eyes of the Yellow Emperor in the middle palace like a teleport.

He looked at Lu Bei, whose clothes were stained with blood and full of evil spirits. His mouth went dry subconsciously, and he was annoyed that he actually felt a little afraid.

"Thanks to the old sect master for stalling for time, Lu is lucky enough to live up to his orders and kill the Human Emperor and Kunpeng with a whip."

Lu Bei held the magic whip in his hand and looked at the Yellow Emperor in the middle palace with evil eyes: "Brother Yun, there is no need to act, three against one, this old man will die today."


Yun Zuoyu was shocked. The performance was over now and he hadn't started yet?

The Yellow Emperor in the middle palace was shocked. The Great Tribulation of the Gods has just begun. The foreshadowing in the early stage and the detonation in the middle stage have not been carried out. Are you actually planning to end it?

You are the Emperor of Heaven and a person of status. Do you want to be so sloppy?

Qi Li Jing was also shocked. He knew that Lu Bei was impatient and was famous for being fast, but it was too fast. After sending Ji Longcheng and Rui to the list, he refused to stop for a moment. He went into battle with injuries and even sent Huang Di to Zhonggong. superior……

Later, Lu Bei will deal with the Yellow Emperor in the middle palace. Is he planning to abandon him and send someone to the list?

At the same time, Yun Zuoyu, who had finished his shock, also came back to his senses. The rhythm was too chaotic, and he felt like a cunning rabbit was cooked by a dead dog, and the good birds were hidden in the air.

Seeing that Yun Zuoyu did not respond, and took a step back to protect the Yellow Emperor in front of him, Lu Bei smiled playfully: "Xiaoyun, are you going to betray Gu?"

Yun Zuoyu: "..."

I can't say betrayal, I can only say that accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger. Your Majesty is too scary today, so he needs to take it easy.


You don't even want to call me Brother Yun!

Abandonment Sutra said nothing, his face was frighteningly cold. Recalling the pretty face when they first met, and the rebellious Tai Su, the two figures overlapped, making him sneer again and again.

"I dare to ask, but in front of the Great Heavenly Lord?"

"It can be!"



At this moment, the Yellow Emperor in the middle palace laughed loudly. He looked around and saw Qi Li Jing and Yun Zuo Yu protecting him in front of him at the same time, secretly saying something bad.

The Yellow Emperor in the middle palace took a step back, leveled up with the two allies, and said with a smile: "The Emperor of Heaven is one against two, and his majesty is infinite. I can't help myself. Compared with you, I am as old as a dog." "

"Stop talking nonsense, just raise your head to meet me. No need to introduce yourself."

Lu Bei snorted angrily, his eyes swept across the three invincibles opposite him, and his heart slowly relaxed.

It's not in vain that he tried his best to kill Rui and Ji Longcheng, which broke the deadlock of being invincible for a lifetime.

Next, it’s time to fight again!

"The Emperor of Heaven is so domineering, but you can win with one against two, how can you win with one against three?"

The Yellow Emperor in the middle palace shook his head and said with certainty of victory: "I advise the Emperor of Heaven to take care of himself. Please wait for now. You are a little too hasty. If you still win this battle, it will be one against five. How can there be such a reason?"

"Old guy, your methods are outdated. Young people should act too hastily. Otherwise, at your age, you will only see young people acting too hastily." Lu Bei still sneered.

Suddenly, his expression changed and his eyebrows knitted tightly.

"Emperor of Heaven, but you can't sense the existence of Heavenly Dao?"

The Yellow Emperor in the middle palace laughed, how could he not be prepared at all when he entered the underworld? Lu Bei threw himself into a trap today, and did not think of his own ability to challenge the three invincibles. He smiled and accepted this self-destruction.

Probably to make Lu Bei understand, or at the age when he was talking nonsense, the Yellow Emperor in Zhonggong pointed out the reason why Heavenly Dao is not in Huangquan.

But seeing the edge of the underworld, the Taisu Wuji Heaven separated the heaven and the earth. Due to a thought by the Yellow Emperor in the middle palace, he moved the entire underworld realm outside the Three Realms.

This move was exactly the same as when he was in the fairyland of self-reliance, and it was still the same strategy of making steady progress.

Yun Zuoyu opened his eyes wide. When did the Yellow Emperor of Zhonggong set up Tai Su Wuji Tian under his nose, he didn't notice it at all.

The Yellow Emperor in the middle palace smiled at Yun Zuoyu. It was a matter of life and death. From the beginning, he didn't care whether Yun Zuoyu was sincere in his alliance. Whether he was secretly communicating with the Emperor of Heaven or sharing the Great Seal of the Underworld Ghost Emperor from the bottom of his heart, he Don't care.

Because he only believes in himself, and after being fully prepared, he can adapt to any changes.

Although the Emperor of Heaven caught him off guard, there was nothing he could do. The inclusion of An and Ji Longcheng exposed the Emperor of Heaven's ambition, and also awakened Qi Lijing and Yun Zuoyu.

The advantage still lies with him!

"The Emperor of Heaven cannot die!"

Qi Lijing opened his mouth and frowned: "Brother Bei was obsessed for a moment and made a wrong move. But whoever dares to let Brother Bei be on the list will be in trouble with Qi."

These words made Huang Di and Yun Zuoyu feel helpless. The reason why Lu Bei had no scruples was that everyone had plans on him.

"In that case, seal him in the Heavenly Palace and let him live happily."

"Wait a minute, you three, don't be too happy too soon, it's very embarrassing to get slapped in the face."

Lu Bei smiled like a great god: "Where does one versus three come from? In Yi Gu's opinion, it's clearly two versus two."

Yun Zuoyu was stunned when he heard the words, and then he noticed the glares from Qi Li Jing and Zhong Gong Huang Di. His face changed drastically and he said angrily: "It's already this time, why do you still treat Yun as an outsider!"


You are the softest kid and don’t doubt who you suspect. X2

Abandonment Jing and Zhonggong Huangdi looked back and looked at Lu Bei in confusion. Where did the two-on-two come from? I'm sorry to be honest, is the Emperor of Heaven not very good at arithmetic?


Lu Bei looked up to the sky and laughed. In the background, the shadow of the Underworld Ghost Emperor suppressing the Black Spirit Mountain was knocked over, and the heavily blocked Underworld Law was broken by a golden light.

The sound of Zen is ethereal, golden lotuses surge from the ground, and Gu Zongchen with bright eyes and white teeth steps forward.

"Two minor troubles have been dealt with, and Senior Brother Jie Ying has been kept waiting for a long time." Lu Bei said.

"Junior brother sincerely invites you, I dare not not come."

The young monk and Lu Bei were standing together. They were tall, more than one head tall. He clasped his hands together, said the Buddha's name, and saluted: "I have seen three donors."

It turned out to be him! x3

The Emperor of Heaven invites Western religious leaders to join the game...

It’s not impossible.

However, it is really strange that these two people are willing to wear a pair of pants instead of fighting among themselves between the two leaders of the Western Church.

Isn't it two versus three? Where did the two versus two come from?

Yun Zuoyu was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed the glares from Qi Li Jing and Zhong Gong Huang Di. His face changed drastically and he said angrily: "It's already this time, how can you still dare to underestimate Yun?"


You are the softest kid, no matter who you underestimate. X2

"Don't be upset, fellow Taoist Yun. I saw the Emperor of Heaven ridiculing you in every possible way. I thought you had something to say, so I just looked at you. Don't be surprised." Huang Di from the middle palace said hurriedly.

Contempt was despised, and he had to be coaxed when he should. No matter how ignored Yun Zuoyu was, he still had an invincible base of cultivation. It really pissed him off, and he suddenly jumped to the side of the Emperor of Heaven. He was also a troublesome person.

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Yun, it is clearly the Emperor of Heaven who underestimates you, not us." Abandonment Jing continued.


Yun Zuoyu was extremely speechless. The Emperor of Heaven only said two to two, but he didn't name anyone who was unworthy. It's better not to say anything about your sophistry!

"It turns out that the Emperor of Heaven has been prepared for a long time. He invited the Western leader to wait in the underworld. So, you also had a plan to kill fellow Taoist Ai and fellow Taoist Ji?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Yellow Emperor in the middle palace: "Beheading five invincibles in one day, the Emperor of Heaven has a huge appetite."

"Young people are like this. It's not like you who are old and have bad teeth. You can't even chew a small cloud for a long time."

Lu Bei was very straightforward and said cheerfully: "You who have been invincible for a lifetime are all just shy turtles. Since you are so afraid of the Great Heavenly Lord, then hand over your power and wait until the Heavenly Emperor unites all realms before you go and return. If the Great Heavenly Lord touches you, you will die or die."

You don't know what you're capable of. If you can get through it, what's the matter with you?

Qi Lijing snorted coldly: "That day in the Heavenly Palace, the young sect master was thinking of sending Qi to the list of gods?"

"No, we have to move forward."


"When the old sect master talked nonsense and framed Lu!" Lu Bei gritted his teeth. He had endured this hatred for a long time.


it is as expected!

There is no problem in abandoning the Sutra, but he has no regrets at all. If given another chance, he will still tell the truth, because he was really happy during that time.

"Of course, if the old sect leader puts down his immortal life chart, surrenders with courtesy, and claims to be a small abandonment, he still doesn't lose his position as the emperor. Wouldn't it be wonderful for you and me, brothers and sisters, to join forces to fight against the great emperor?" Lu Bei suggested. road.

Qi Li Jing nodded and said: "The Emperor of Heaven hands over the Tai Chi Diagram. Qi is willing to worship the Emperor of Heaven as his brother and let you send him as you please. How about that?"

"In that case, it's better for my subordinates to see the truth!"

Lu Bei took a deep breath, waved his hand and shot out a golden light. The light fell into the underworld sky and slowly opened a portal.

The acquired spiritual treasure, the gate of life and death in Huangquan.

This treasure does not have many functions. It can be said that it has a single purpose. It is a one-way door that can only open the passage to the outside world from within the underworld.

In the past, Lu Bei felt that this thing was too calculated, and thought it was the plan of the Yellow Emperor in the middle palace.

Now it seems that the Master of Ten Thousand Daos is really a super god!

boom! ! !

The portal opened, heaven sensed it, and Lu Bei instantly entered the realm of unity between heaven and man.

He looked at the extremely horrified Huangdi Zhonggong, grinned, and crushed the opponent's Taoist heart: "Old guy, the calculation you are so proud of is simply not worth mentioning."


Eleven thousand words, please vote for me!

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