This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 1008: Three thousand missionaries, the West prospered

With an order from the Emperor of Heaven, the former Nine Provinces continent was transformed into the four great divine states. Together with the Fairyland and the Underworld, they were called the Great World of Zhongtian, which was higher than the Three Thousand Worlds.

The earth has undergone drastic changes, mountains and rivers have shifted, the universe has changed, and the spiritual veins of the three ancestral dragons of Kunlun, Buzhou, and Mangyin have all been adjusted to varying degrees.

The four major divine states, also known as the four major continents and the four heavens, are located in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and are as follows:

East, Shengshenzhou;

South, Ganbuzhou;

West, Niuhezhou;

To the north, Ju Luzhou;

The four major Chinese states are divided into the southeast and northwest. The continental shelves are still connected and have not been completely disconnected.

Among them, Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou and Nanfanbuzhou are the most closely connected. Beijuluzhou and the other three continents face each other across the sea and are almost insurmountable for mortals.

Luzhou in Beiju is the hometown of the Monster Clan. It used to be the divine realm and spiritual land, the largest among the four continents. With the permission of the Emperor of Heaven, the divine realm and spiritual land were unblocked by thousands of miles of ice.

Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xiniuhezhou were the original territory of Daxia, which also included the Far West Land, the Kingdom of Lions and Tuls, and the places where the Emperor of Heaven was worshiped.

Nanfangbu Continent is an entire country of ten thousand demons, and its area is second only to Beiju Luzhou.

The four major divine states were formed, the new four seas came into being, and the entire human world took on a completely new look.

Whether the Nine Provinces Continent has changed or not seems to be insignificant. It is purely a matter of the new official of the Emperor of Heaven taking office. While establishing his authority, he cuts the ribbon for the Three Realms Corporation to liven up the atmosphere.

In fact, this is not the case. From conferring the gods to opening the sky, Lu Bei's actions have profound meanings, and it can be said that they are extremely purposeful.

Erase the traces of the Great Heavenly Lord’s existence in the past.

Lu Bei is the Great Heavenly Emperor, and he will not follow the old path of the Great Heavenly Lord and abolish all that system.

The most intuitive example is that he abolished the five great immortals in the fairyland. In the future fairyland, there will be no such five great immortals who are "below one person and above ten thousand people". Instead, they will be replaced by the four emperors who assist the emperor in controlling the heavens.

The four imperial powers + the three realms of Zhongtian Great World + the Three Thousand Worlds, the authority of the Heavenly Emperor is unparalleled for a time, and he is enough to call himself the Heavenly Emperor.

But not enough!

There are too many traces left by the Great Heavenly Lord. Not to mention the distance, any one chosen by the Heavenly Emperor and the Four Emperors will have a causal relationship with the Great Heavenly Lord.

Even the former demon god is now the Antarctic Immortal Emperor Zhulong.

As long as they exist for one day, it means that the Great Heavenly Lord has indelible traces on this land.

Lu Bei was reluctant to commit suicide, and he couldn't bear to kill Si Yu. He could only reduce the traces of Great Heavenly Lord as much as possible, maximize his own authority, and make up for the gap between himself and Great Heavenly Lord by increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

His Great Heavenly Emperor is more domineering, more centralized, and even more insurmountable than the previous Great Heavenly Lord.

In order to survive, Lu Bei became what he hated most.

He held the Book of Heaven in his hand, and after the creation of the world, his authority was further enhanced. Under his plan, the concept of cultivating immortals was redefined.

The realm levels of mortal monks remain unchanged. From bottom to top, they are foundation building, elixir holding, innate, spiritual transformation, void refining, body integration, and tribulation transcending.

Those who successfully overcome the tribulation become human immortals, and those who fail to overcome the tribulation become earthly immortals.

The current Heavenly Tribulation is much easier to talk about than before. Because of the birth of the Three Thousand Worlds, the Emperor of Heaven needs a large number of hard-working workers to strengthen his authority, and the Heavenly Dao also needs the Three Thousand Worlds to thrive. Therefore, the current Heavenly Tribulation is basically a formality, and it will be over in a moment. .

Unless you are a demon who has committed many evil deeds and committed crimes during your practice, the rules of heaven are not merciful and you will be given as much as you come.

Not only will you be given a five-thunder blast, but your cultivation will be taken away from you and returned to heaven and earth, and your soul will be sent to the eighteenth level of hell. Fengdu's laws are the most cold-blooded and cruel in the three realms. Once you get there, the good days can be said to be like years.

After receiving the punishment, they will start as pigs and dogs in their next life, and they can only return to life after nine lives.

It’s even better if you are a super devil.

The super devil enjoys special VIP treatment, deprives you of your cultivation, and sends you to the eighteenth level of hell. After receiving the punishment and suffering, you will be reincarnated nine times as bad as a pig or a dog, and another thunder will strike you to pieces.

As long as the rest of the monks in the Tribulation Stage don't do anything too outrageous and their moral standards are pretty good, such as sleeping with their mother-in-law or not sleeping with their sister-in-law, the laws of heaven and heaven will turn a blind eye. Just give him two thunders and the matter will be over.

Don't ask why, it's written like this in the rules of heaven. The four emperors didn't ask, but you are the only one who talks more.

I’ll ask you next time, if the Nine Heavens Ying Yuan’s thunder sound universalizes the Heavenly Lord, why don’t you try to smash you to death with thunder!

Because of the late arrival of Xiantian Qi, there are still Mahayana monks in the Three Realms. They are not immortals, but are not ordinary, which is very embarrassing.

These special cases will no longer exist in the future and will not be described separately. According to the normal realm, perfect immortals will be human immortals.

Whether you are a demon, a human, or a ghost and become an immortal, you will be called a human immortal after passing through the heavenly tribulation.

Demonic cultivators and Buddhist cultivators are both included in this category.

Above the human immortals are the heavenly immortals, and then the golden immortals.

Lu Bei did not make adjustments to the human immortals. Whether the small realm is divided separately is of little significance. The key lies in the heavenly immortals and golden immortals.

There are strong and weak immortals, and there is a great disparity in strength. The former Taoist Master of Huangquan and the ninth incarnation of Xiao Ji Xiaoying are among them, but together they are no match for Huang Xiao.

In the same row as Huang Xiao, there are also Zhulong's old tribe, more than ten demon clan great saints, all of whom are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Lu Bei introduced the concept of Taiyi. Taiyi is Taiyi. He added the realm of Taiyi Tianxian to the immortals and golden immortals to distinguish ordinary immortals.

The gap between heavenly immortals is so huge, let alone golden immortals.

Lu Bei held the Book of Heaven and the Great Seal of the Emperor of Heaven, and subdivided the first level of the Golden Immortal into Ordinary Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal, and Daluo Golden Immortal.

The world of cultivating immortals has been cut off several times. In the past, there was an era of invincible suppression. Later, Xiao Ji Xiaoying established a heavenly palace to block the space for advancement. Now there are no ordinary golden immortals in the three realms.

Oh, the little monk is a golden immortal.

Huang Xiao will become the first being to break through the Golden Immortal after the opening of the Three Thousand Worlds. As long as the Emperor of Heaven often visits her place, it will be very fast and it won't take long.

There are quite a few Taiyi Golden Immortals. Zhonggong Huangdi, Ai, Yun Zuoyu, Ji Longcheng, Lu Bei, Qi Li Jing, and several invincibles are all at this level.

Among them, Huangdi, Yi, and Ji Longcheng from the middle palace died on the list. There is no possibility of making any progress in this body. Only through the authority of the priesthood can it be possible to go further.

The word "further" here does not refer to their breakthrough in realm, but rather to the fact that after killing everyone, they rose to prominence and became nobles. Because of their powerful authority, their own cultivation and magic power also became stronger.

There are many positions in the Heavenly Palace for this type of authority.

For example, Emperor Zhenwu, Kangong Dou Sheng, Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin under Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Shenxiao Jiuchen under Emperor Changsheng of Antarctica, Emperor Donghua who is directly subordinate to Emperor Tianzun, if they get these priesthoods, they will get Taiyi Golden Immortal because of their authority. level of cultivation.

The premise is to fulfill one's obligations, to be worthy of the Emperor of Heaven, and to be worthy of all sentient beings. Otherwise, even if you gain power, your cultivation will soon fall if you cannot withstand the test of big data.

Emperor Donghua is quite special. In the Heavenly Palace in Lubei, Jiang Suxin, who holds the magic whip and is in charge of personnel transfer and big data, is almost in this position.

Yun Zuoyu, Lu Bei, and Qi Lijing are temporarily Taiyi Golden Immortals. After experiencing the opening of three thousand worlds, they have learned a lot and will all have breakthroughs in the near future.

Especially the Abandonment Sutra and Lu Bei. The former is about to break through and is just one step away. The latter is the main force in opening up the three thousand worlds. The Tai Chi diagram connects the heavens and has the greatest harvest. The accumulated foundation is deeper than the Abandonment Sutra.

Coupled with the authority each holds, a breakthrough is only possible within a short time.

The Heavenly Emperor and the Four Emperors are destined to be Da Luo Jinxian, and they must be held by powerful people at the level of Da Luo Jinxian in order to maximize the abilities bestowed by authority.

Zhulong and the Master of Ten Thousand Ways were originally Daluo Jinxian. After experiencing the opening of three thousand worlds, and with the blessing of supreme authority, their strength has reached a higher level.

Lu Bei's efforts were not in vain, and he opened up the three realms of the three thousand worlds. The combination of the Great Heavenly Lord + the Four Immortals was more powerful than the Great Heavenly Lord + the Five Great Immortals.

Spending four lotus seeds and the essence of the innate five elements in exchange for this family fortune can be said to be a worthwhile gain, and the essence of the innate five elements has not died out. After opening up three thousand worlds, the power has skyrocketed.

But the one that has benefited the most is definitely the Tai Chi Diagram. This thing is still an innate spiritual treasure, but it is far away from other similar things. If the world is created again, it may not be a bad idea to be promoted to an innate treasure.

Golden Immortal: Reverse the last and return to the first, nine and nine return to one, blend into one, reborn, and the immortal body is flawless;

Taiyi Golden Immortal: jumps out of the three realms, is not in the five elements, heaven and man are one, and can avoid the disaster of the five declines of heaven and man;

Daluo Jinxian: The only one in the long river of time, one thought becomes the world, one thought is the highest, the infiniteness of Hunyuan, the ultimate of mixing;

Above this level, there is a more mysterious level.

Lu Bei couldn't see clearly, but he only knew that it was the ultimate form of Daluo Jinxian. Once enlightened, it would be eternal in an instant, jumping out of the long river of time, without any defects or leaks, and all the ways would be unified.

Although Lu Bei couldn't see clearly, he knew that there was such a person in the world.

God's way!

The great changes in the world are still going on, and the return of the way of heaven is still going on. There are three thousand worlds as the foundation. If the emperor of heaven is strong, the way of heaven will be strong. The way of heaven that will completely return in the future will be eternal in an instant.

Bad news: The return of the Great God is the way of heaven!

Good news: The return of heaven is not instantaneous and eternal, and we can still be saved.

If the returning Great Heavenly Lord really has an eternal moment, the Great Heavenly Lord who has jumped out of the long river of time can intercept a point in time at will. There will be effects first and then causes. At that time, he will not need to tear up the heavenly book with his hands and force back the way of heaven, because he has already covered it. With the concept of the way of heaven, he can be the way of heaven at any point in time.

The current cause and effect has not changed, which is really a blessing among misfortunes.

Back to the subject, Lu Bei re-established the realm of immortals and conveniently erased a concept from the Book of Heaven.

This concept is called - Immortality!

He is the Great Heavenly Emperor of Heaven. Immortals are no longer immortal. Their years are limited, but their appearance is immortal. When their life span is about to expire, they must take flat peach and nine-turn golden elixir to prolong their life.

This is the calamity of the five declines of heaven and man!

Those who have reached the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal are not bound by longevity!

Both Pantao and the Nine-turn Golden Pill are in Lu Bei's hands. He has handed over the refining method of the Nine-turn Golden Pill to the Taifu. One thing to say is that with the name Li Taiqing, it is really aggrieved not to use a pressure cooker.

The flat peaches were sent to the flat peach orchard, a total of nine thousand peach trees, which were in charge of the Queen of Heaven who took turns.

In this way, the establishment of the Three Realms Corporation was completed, and the Emperor of Heaven unified the three thousand worlds and truly achieved supreme authority.

The position under the buttocks is considered stable!

The establishment of the Three Realms Corporation is currently only a framework. Lu Bei is still a long way from supreme authority. Not to mention that the Demon Realm will be connected to the Zhongtian World at any time, just filling the manpower of the Three Thousand Worlds is a big problem.

The Emperor of Heaven is short of people, urgently needed, waiting online.

He turned his gaze to the distant sky, looking at the Blue Star thoughtfully, and then looking at the players active in the four major divine states, he couldn't help but smile.

"We are all short of people, let alone you bunch of rat shit!"

The player's resurrection mechanism is so disgusting. The local monks can't stand three lives in seven days. The main reason why the players have no scruples is because the Emperor of Heaven's deep love for them has given them the magical power of unlimited resurrection.

"It's time to take back the benefits..."

Lu Bei murmured, and the Tai Chi Diagram connected with the will of heaven, erasing all players' personal panels in an instant.

At this time, a large number of players have touched the Void Refining Realm. After passing the integration period, they will usher in the catastrophe. One person cannot become a leader, but more and more players have passed this pit, not to mention the local monks and the Great Heavenly Lord. It’s too much to bear.

In order to prevent this group of inhumane guys from joining forces to contract the God List and maliciously suppress the local monks, Lu Bei erased the concept of personal panels and allowed players to compete fairly with local monks.

The world in their eyes is no longer like jelly. Even if they are beaten, they can feel the pain one to one. When they die, they are dead, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

In the future, players will have to rely on their understanding and qualifications to become immortals, or they will have to take advantage of others!

"Don't tell me that I won't take care of you. The promotion device is ready for use."

The promotion device is so important. In one lifetime, all that matters is that shiver. Lu Bei sighed at his kindness and invited Mo Buxiu to keep an eye on it.

In case the player is not a good person and discovers that the leather pipe is useful, he will go around doing evil. In the future, the frequency of thunder must be frequent. If any irregularity is found, he will be sent directly back to Blue Star.

Lu Bei is in favor of free love. If you can make a soft living with hard work, that's because you have the ability. God's rules and regulations can't control it. But if you want to be the king, don't blame Grandpa Lei for sneezing.

The concept that there is a god at the top of one's head and that good and evil will be rewarded must be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Lu Bei didn't do anything. He was still obsessed with the blue star, so he was lenient with his fellow villagers. Players could still log in to the game and enter the physical bodies of the four major divine states through spiritual links.

They can choose to stay in the four major Chinese states forever, or they can choose to go online and offline on time from nine to five. Lu Bei will not interfere with this.

But once they die, players must make a choice, whether to start reincarnation in the Kyushu Continent and say goodbye to Blue Star's past completely, or return to Blue Star to practice until they ascend before entering the four major divine states.

Cultivation is not easy, and every step is extremely difficult. Players have enjoyed too many benefits, and now it is time to return to fairness.

The personal panel was created by Tiandao. Lu Bei has confirmed this many times. To give the simplest example, when Tiandao captured the Demon Realm, they used the same method.

Connect the two worlds in the form of a link, and then quantity leads to a qualitative change, completely opening up the barriers between the two worlds.

Blue Star also came here like this, but according to Master of Ten Thousand Daos, Blue Star is different. Tiandao grabbed Blue Star not in the hope of getting anything from Blue Star, but in order to return in a better way.

After being invincible for a lifetime, the Master of Ten Thousand Ways pursued the disappeared Great Heavenly Lord. According to his analysis, the Great Heavenly Lord and Tiandao were entangled. One chased, the other ran, and both landed on Blue Star.

The Master of Ten Thousand Daos has never been found where exactly. If he could find him, establish his own way of heaven, and call himself the Great Heavenly Lord, nothing would happen to the Invincibles.

Lu Bei had nothing to do about this. He thought about it and transformed Blue Star into the Three Thousand Worlds, allowing it to have the concept of cultivating immortals. Players do not need to log in to the game and can ascend with their own bodies.

After the order of the Three Realms was completed, Lu Bei waved his four younger brothers to get out. When it was time to go into seclusion and when it was time to take office, they all took the time to get busy.

If you don't work hard and can't support the situation of the Heavenly Emperor, the Demon Lord will come in the future and kill you all!

Lu Bei is only one step away from the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and he is confident that he can gather four Great Luo Golden Immortals before Lu Nan arrives. However, these four Da Luo Golden Immortals joining forces are at most the level of the four demon gods. Compared with the Great Heavenly Lord... they are somewhat inferior. Got some background information.

Fortunately, the advent of the Demon Realm is not that easy. The opening of the Three Thousand Worlds has strengthened the potential of the Heavenly Dao and slowed down its return. The coordinates have been messed up. Lu Nan's desire to speed up this step is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

"No, it's easy for Lu Nan to reach the sky in one step. This metaphor is inappropriate."

Lu Bei sat cross-legged in Daluotian, combing through the sea of ​​laws, closing his eyes and falling into silence.

In addition to breaking through the realm, he also had to digest what he gained from this battle. He had to become familiar with the Tai Chi diagram and the essence of the innate five elements as soon as possible, and his Kunpeng body also had to be refined for his own use as soon as possible.

Only when you become stronger can you better exert the power of the Emperor of Heaven and advance the Dharma of the Emperor to the Dharma of the Great Heavenly Lord.

The day you leave the customs is the time to achieve great success.

Qi Li Jing left Daluo Tianhou and went straight to his own territory. Among the four emperors, Gouchen Shanggong Emperor was not as powerful as the Arctic Ziwei Emperor, nor was he as popular as the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor. Generally speaking, his existence was used To check and balance the North and South Poles.

Especially Arctic Ziwei, this guy is so powerful that he controls two-thirds of the immortals in the three thousand worlds. Apart from the Emperor of Heaven, he is the most awesome.

If Abandonment Sutra wants to fully control the power brought by authority, he must work hard from nine to five. How can he have such thoughts? Power is like a floating cloud to him, and he only wants fist power.

"We have to find a way to recruit some losers. They can't be too weak, and they have to be able to support their appearance, so as not to be compared with Ziwei and Changsheng." Qi Li Jing was silent for a while, and after a while he realized that there was no one around him that could be used.

To be precise, because he is ruthless and lonely, his social circle is pitifully small.

After much deliberation, only the Tianjian Sect, Lingxiao Sword Sect and other sword cultivators are worthy of use.

But these people are closer to the Emperor of Heaven. They think that the Emperor of Heaven is a loser and will most likely not accept his solicitation.

The Sutra of Abandonment is a bit clever, he even hooked up with the Emperor, but he couldn't even recruit a qualified henchman.

Yun Zuoyu also encountered the same problem. He immediately tried to recruit Taoist Master Qianyuan who had worked under him, but was rejected. His reason was very simple. His butt was stamped by the Emperor of Heaven, and he just wanted to follow the Emperor. .

The other monks from the Daughter Kingdom, such as Empress Gu Changqing, all had the same idea. The fact that the Emperor didn't look for them now didn't mean he wouldn't in the future. They decided to wait.

What if... I ban a diva directly, and I won't even have to go to class in the future, I'll just win.

Clouds and rain: (一`一)

The company has just been established, and the atmosphere has become so corrupt. Is it the distortion of human nature or the inaction of the Emperor of Heaven... Ahem, the Emperor of Heaven cannot be wrong, only the human heart is wrong.

You little girls, if you don't think about working hard and dream about hugging the long legs of the Emperor of Heaven every day, sooner or later you will be tortured to death by the jealous queens.

Yun Zuoyu didn't feel bad when he failed to recruit. He didn't abandon Li Jing. He had been working in the underworld for many years and served as the underworld ghost emperor for a period of time. It was easy to form a team.

Yun Zuoyu quickly came up with a plan. When Huangdi Zhonggong came to him, he brought a group of perfect immortals. Now Huangdi Zhonggong is on the list and has become a god of wealth who attracts treasures.

With more incense but less power, he was disrespectful to these perfect immortals!

It was just a matter of building a palace and abandoning the problems that kept scratching his head. It didn't take much time for Yun Zuoyu to form a team to rule the world.

That’s weird!

In three thousand worlds, Grandpa Land alone could make him drink a pot.

Helpless, the upper level squeezed the lower level, and the lower level could only continue to squeeze downwards. Yun Zuoyu recruited three hundred perfect immortals and distributed tasks to them to find a new home to continue to squeeze.

The Master of Ten Thousand Ways is also having a headache. Emperor Ziwei has too much power, a large stall, and the most manpower. Not to mention the Three Thousand Worlds, he cannot afford to find a younger brother within the Three Realms alone.

At this time, he was only thinking about filling up the Dou Department. The stars in the sky were the top priority and must be supported as soon as possible.

In comparison, the Great Emperor of Beiyin Fengdu, Lu Xi, who was under his jurisdiction, was too lazy to take care of him.

Lu Xi, Lu Bei...

Forget it, the Emperor of Heaven will watch and come!

The underworld.

"Quack, quack, quack——"

At this moment, just like that moment, Lucy, who was lying down, bared her teeth at the beauties, laughing so hard that she almost burst into tears.

The beauties also got wet, bah, the beauties also had fun together.

Most of these beauties come from the Biyue Hehuan Sect, practice Yin and Yang, and their relationship with Lu Xi is indescribable. The little black-faced girl used the public instrument for private use, labeling them one by one as her own, and surrendering to her crotch for her own pleasure.

The rest of the witches come from all over the Far West. Not only are they good and bad, but they are definitely a mixed bag. Apart from being good-looking, they are basically useless.

Except for a few who are very motivated and motivated, the rest are very motivated and have a progressive heart.

In their view, the world of underworld is too big. If you just get a job, you can enjoy peace and happiness for the rest of your life, and you no longer have to work hard to cultivate immortality.

It's too difficult to live forever, and it's not easy to reach the state of Taiyi Golden Immortal. It's just right to get a part-time official position to eat the peach.

This kind of thinking is wrong. Big data cannot lie to people. It is conceivable that if Manager Jiang cannot pass the test, the world of underworld will be lively in the future.

Unlike everyone else, when Zhulong, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, walked out of Daluotian, he took the step of not recognizing his relatives.

He has many demons under his command, and so many old brothers have endured hardships and hardships with him. Today, they finally ushered in wealth.

Zhulong looked up to the sky and laughed, smiling, feeling quite uncomfortable in his heart. If, he meant if, if Fenghuang and Kunpeng were not dead, the three brothers sat on the thrones of the four emperors together, squeezing out Yun Zuoyu and Qi Lijing, That would be great.

Suddenly, a bird's face with its nostrils turned up suddenly popped up in his mind. Zhulong secretly thought that it was bad luck, and he reluctantly accepted this face. The four demon gods were transferred to the four emperors, how happy it was!

"Wait a minute, where have I seen this picture before?"

After a while, the candle dragon spit out a fragrant fragrance. Doesn't it look familiar? It was exactly this scene back then when the Great Heavenly Lord was on top and the four demon gods were assisting him.

Zhulong shook his head and strode towards the four major divine states. He should be an official and enjoy happiness and happiness. He did not betray the trust of his brothers. He believed in the Great Heavenly Lord once and gave them a rich future.

"No wonder there were not many demon clans when the Emperor of Heaven consecrated the gods. It turned out that they were left to me as a favor. The Emperor of Heaven is interested. If you treat me sincerely, I will never let you down."

At this time, Zhulong had not realized that his move to become an official in heaven was tantamount to accepting an imperial edict. If he believed in the Great Heavenly Lord once, it would be equivalent to selling out all his brothers.

Sign a life-long contract, like 007 for the rest of your life.


one year later.

The overall framework of the Tiangong is still under construction. There are many pitfalls and few carrots, and there is a shortage of people everywhere.

Especially Emperor Ziwei, in order to gather manpower, extended his claws to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, so he had a big quarrel with Zhulong. Under the strong watch of the Emperor of Heaven, one man and one demon fought into the chaotic void, and staged the scene after opening up three thousand worlds. The strongest battle.

Because it was Arctic crape myrtle and Antarctic longevity, the Emperor of Heaven called it the battle between the north and the south.

After watching the fun, the Emperor stopped mediating between the two parties. The result of the mediation was that now that he was short of manpower, he asked his subordinates to take on multiple positions. He tore the ten taels of silver notes into twenty taels of flowers and split the souls of the people below into two. Three or four will do.

There are always more solutions than difficulties. When human resources are not so tight in the future, we can re-split the duties.

The two great emperors had this intention. The reason why they fought was because the Emperor of Heaven turned his back on the shopkeeper and did nothing.

You reason with him, he talks to you about the rule of law, you talk to him about the rule of law, he talks to you about the national conditions, you talk to him about the national conditions, he directly takes over the authority, leaving you unable to say a word.

Helplessly, the two great emperors worked together to make the Emperor of Heaven come forward to settle the matter.

Lu Bei had no choice but to do this. There were too many pitfalls, and all the masters were helpless. What could he do? He even dismissed the tombkeepers.

It can only be said that the stall is too big, and the company was overly ambitious when it was first founded. I never thought about what it would be like after it was established.

Let alone high-level officials, the number of heavenly soldiers and generals is not yet full!

There are at least one million heavenly soldiers in the three realms and four directions, three thousand worlds, even if one world has 10,000 guards, it will cost 30 million. The emperor of heaven can afford it, but the four major divine states cannot afford it.

Even if you draw a knife and bleed, you can't do it!

Because there were too many traps, Lu Bei had to pull out the little yellow croaker from the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.

I don’t want to give up the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons anymore. God will come to me and I will be a queen.

Among Lu Bei's many wings, only a few can handle government affairs. Huang Yu's ability is unparalleled, and he is the best and only choice to throw away the Emperor.

The Demon Queen went to the Immortal Palace, not to mention the bloody turmoil in the harem, what kind of situation would it be like to have so many queens gathered together.

Just saying that there is no one to govern the Ten Thousand Monsters Country has become a problem.

The seniors have all gone to heaven to serve as officials, and not many young monsters can be on the stage. If the human race didn't also lack a backbone, the country of Ten Thousand Monsters, which is weak in national power, would have collapsed.

For example, the Phoenix clan ascended collectively.

Hu Er and Hu San were also dragged into the Heavenly Palace by Lu Bei, where they continued to work in their old profession, one was good and the other was in charge, and they were in charge of the supervisory department.

The supervision of supervision.

The superiors monitor the merits and demerits of the gods, and the subordinates investigate the good and evil in the world. This is the Xuanyin Division in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven, commonly known as the Discipline Inspection Commission.

This is an offending job, usually done by senior immortals. Tiangong is younger than Lu Bei. Where can I find senior immortals? I can only let my second brother and godmother take the position.

Low cultivation can be compensated by divine power, but low face... They represent the face of the Emperor of Heaven, and no one dares to deny face.

Due to the severe shortage of manpower, Jiang Suxin hurriedly became a regular official. Emperor Donghua was in charge of the household registration and merit data of all the immortals. He was the busiest in the entire Immortal Palace. If it weren't for the loyal younger brothers under him, one after another, he would be able to work hard and die of exhaustion. On the desk.

The stall of Three Thousand Worlds is far bigger than Lu Bei imagined. In order to build the framework as quickly as possible, he even used his godmother and second brother. It is conceivable that the wings did not run away, and the queens personally went to the scene, taking on many roles. Busy at work and busy at work.


On Penglai Island, the Emperor of Heaven kicked open the door of the quiet room. Several little phoenixes were so frightened that they trembled and stuck their heads in the mud.

For those who didn’t know, I thought these were ostriches!

Lu Bei strode in, looking at Huang Xiao who was only focusing on cultivation, he took the lead and pointed his sword: "You are the queen of heaven, but you don't have any responsibilities as a queen of heaven. The sisters are busy with their work, but you are the only one who enjoys happiness here. You Excuse me?"

Huang Xiao turned her head, there was no Queen here, she advised His Majesty not to talk nonsense.

If you are here for dual cultivation, please do it quickly and don’t forget to close the door after you are done.

Whenever there is trouble, Huang Xiao will stand up. No matter what Lu Bei's request is, how excessive the request is, or whether it will lead to death, Huang Xiao will not refuse, and she will do whatever Lu Bei says.

But whenever the disaster was over, Huang Xiao would retreat to the back of the crowd and look at the pretty boy coldly, urging him to be more respectful.

Lu Bei was quite helpless about this. He thought that only the overlord could take advantage of his life and cook his life into a meal, but he was unwilling to do so. Brother Xianxiao gave him everything he could. , it must be allowed to retain the last bit of dignity.

Helpless, Lu Bei had to go through the process first.

The flames of the phoenix triggered the ceremony of double cultivation, and the soul kissed the neck and joined each other. Under the furnace cauldron of Daluo Jinxian level, Huang Xiao had already cultivated as a Jinxian. In addition, she was named the Queen of Heaven, so she was not limited by her lifespan, so she could enjoy peace and happiness forever.

After everything was done, Lu Bei hugged the beauty and said, "My son Feng Yi was..."

"Your Majesty, be careful what you say!"

Huang Xiao interrupted and advised the Heavenly Emperor not to talk nonsense. She, the queen, had no choice but to use her name. It was just a false name. It was okay to deceive others, but don't deceive yourself.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Lu Bei cleared his throat, wrapped his arms around Xiang's shoulders and pressed him tightly in his arms: "My brother-in-law Feng Yi was..."

"Your Majesty, please stop talking!"

Huang Xiao's chest hurt when he heard it, and he struggled to stand up. He had a cold face and was expressionless. Because he had no regard for the Emperor, he was soon cornered by the petty Emperor.

Huang Xiao did not resist, she had seen everything, everything was forced by the Emperor of Heaven, she did not dare to resist and could not resist.

"Feng Yi was recruited by Emperor Ziwei to serve as the God of Justice in the Siwei Mansion. The talents available to Gu's subordinates have been exhausted. You can no longer continue to support him in old age."

Lu Bei didn't give Huang Xiao a chance to refuse, and said bluntly: "Among the queens, you are the most advanced. You have obtained the power of a god, and your cultivation can reach Taiyi Golden Immortal. Don't take care of yourself in the future. It is a waste to waste your time."

Huang Xiao's eyes twitched, feeling that there was something in her words.

"This is a marriage book with red lines inside. From now on, you will be in charge of the gods in the Marriage Hall, and then supervise the Nine Heavens Supervisory Department. Only when you have enough manpower can you step down."

Lu Bei's attitude was very tough. Regardless of whether Huang Xiao wanted to or not, he directly stuffed the two magic weapons into her arms.

"His Majesty……"

"The last time!"


Huang Xiao was silent. She was not rejecting him. Looking at Lu Bei's fierce face, he knew that if he didn't agree to the other party today, he would most likely suffer.

What she meant was to take the paw away as quickly as possible after saying that.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Lu Bei raised his hand, looked down, and slowly lowered his head and came closer.


Xiniu Hezhou, Western religion.

Ji Chang's second reincarnation was born in the palace of a prince in his first life. This prince was also a bloodline of the Ji family, so he could be considered a relative...

Like the Fox family, it's quite chaotic.

Gu Zongchen looked at the prince born in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool and smiled slightly. He was the first born in the ninth life and had to learn to stay away from vulgar tastes.

"It's so leisurely to pick up Senior Brother Yin. If you like children so much, you can just make one yourself."

Lu Bei walked in with his arms around him. When he saw Gu Zongchen, he patted his butt and asked Shi Qi Buddha and the two Bodhisattvas to leave.

How can the pure land of Western religion allow you to harbor filth and evil!

The second leader obviously can't do this.

Gu Zongchen clasped his hands together and saluted: "This poor monk has seen the Emperor of Heaven and has not greeted him from afar. This is a grave sin."

"Stop talking nonsense, this is the Western Sect, Pindao is a Zhunti Taoist, and the second leader of the Western Sect is not the Emperor of Heaven who is too busy to even touch the ground." Lu Bei looked resentful.

In order to ensure that the Western Sect was the first frontline against demons and had enough financial resources to engage in a war of attrition with the Heavenly Demon Palace, during this period he often used his identity as the second sect leader to beg for help.

It would be better for Heavenly Palace to tighten its belt than to starve this little bald boy from the West who is waiting for food.

Gu Zongchen apologized profusely, and after asking Lu Bei to take a seat, he offered a cup of green tea with both hands: "Junior brother Zhunti, you are fully prepared for this visit."

"Yes, it's time to preach." Lu Bei nodded.

The so-called missionary education refers to strengthening the foundation of Western religion, integrating the concept of the Ultimate Bliss into the Three Thousand Worlds, and thereby strengthening the cultivation of Buddha and Bodhisattvas.

Those who benefited the most were the two leaders, Jie Yin and Zhunti, as well as the past Buddha, Great Light Buddha.

The future Buddha is still nursing, so it has nothing to do with him for the time being.

Gu Zongchen is the reincarnation of the Demon Lord, and the Great Light Buddha is the former Great Light Tomorrow. Even though this little goblin is dead, he was the top-ranked Nirvana Heart Master in the Demon Palace back then. Their identities and their realms of cultivation are not right. wait.

Shi Qi's mind is not right and he cannot achieve perfection, so it is understandable that Buddhism is not high. The Great Light Buddha is a heavenly immortal, and Gu Zongchen is a golden immortal, which is completely inconsistent with their great backgrounds.

To put it bluntly, the concept of Buddha has not yet cut off the remaining evil, and one must have a battle with the devil before he can completely separate and become independent.

The concept of Buddha is only half, and the upper limit is the golden immortal. If you want to go further, you can only start from the three thousand worlds.

When the Three Thousand Worlds were born, the Paradise World could be integrated into the Three Thousand Worlds. However, Lu Bei's first identity was the Emperor of Heaven, and then it was the turn of the Western Sect's second leader. The same was true for dividing the cake. The order was different and the order could not be messed up.

Gu Zongchen had no objection and had been waiting for Lu Bei to come to the door. He said happily: "Emperor Ziwei did not deceive the poor monk. The Emperor of Heaven is affectionate and righteous, and the poor monk..."

"Don't talk too much!"

Lu Bei interrupted directly: "From the perspective of the Emperor of Heaven, Gu is nothing more than using you to consume the Demon Lord's energy. The Emperor of Heaven is clearly ruthless and has no sense of affection."

"The poor monk made a mistake."

Gu Zongchen smiled slightly: "It is indeed a great blessing for a poor monk in the Western Sect to have two masters. We can expect the great success of our Sect."

"Jiejie, Jiejie, that's pretty much it!"

Lu Bei laughed heartily, waved his hand towards the Paradise, and got the Seven Treasures Tree, the magical weapon that established the religion.

Gu Zongchen clasped his hands together and slowly pushed open the ninth-grade golden lotus platform.

"Senior brother please."

"Junior brother please come first."


Nine thousand words, please vote for me!

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