This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 176: Never cripple me if I can kill you

Lu Bei took a breath and his eyes lit up. If he said this, he would no longer be sleepy.

Rubbing his hands together, he said, "Cousin, please elaborate a little. The more detailed the better."

Seeing that Lu Bei was extremely excited and not pretending to be stupid, Zhu Qilan frowned and said, "You don't know?"

"Why do I know?"

Lu Bei was surprised, but he did not delve into the reason and continued to urge: "Cousin, what do you mean by a man you don't want? She is like a treasure. Who is she?"


Zhu Qilan had no interest in answering any questions, and ignored the heat of gossip in Lu Bei's eyes. He clenched his five fingers into a fist, wrapped in frost and cold air, and blasted the magic array ten steps away.


Lu Bei raised his hand to interrupt the fist, shook his head and said: "The phantom killing formation is interlocked with each other and contains induction communication talismans. Once broken, the people who set up the formation will realize that it is not suitable for us to sneak attack from behind."

Sneak attack, who are you going to sneak attack on?

Zhu Qilan frowned slightly. Although there was internal strife in the Huangji Sect, due to the rise and expansion of imperial power in recent years, the great elders were unanimous in dealing with the outside world, and the internal situation was much more stable, far less open and secret than it was a few decades ago.

Even if they were her enemies, the two of them would only say a few harsh words to keep their mouths shut when they met. When they really started to fight, it was because of their discussion that they did not dare to blatantly go against the wishes of several great elders.

Therefore, there is no sneak attack on this trip, just a forced break-in.

"Of course it's a sneak attack on your enemy. You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. If you don't want to be attacked by others, you can only attack first." Lu Bei said matter-of-factly.

Did I just ask out loud?

"No, you just put doubts in your eyes."


The corner of Zhu Qilan's mouth twitched, she closed her eyes and gave Lu Bei a slap on the back of his head.

Doctor Lu visited the hospital several times and determined that Princess Zhu was in an advanced stage of illness, but instead of asking for trouble, he lit up his golden eyes with his "Eagle Eye" skill and paced in front of the formation.

After about ten breaths, the secondary profession of Advanced Formation Mage came into play. He waved to Zhu Qilan and led the way without revealing any movement, easily stepping out of the interlocking formations.

"Can you still break the formation?"

Zhu Qilan looked surprised. Thinking about the previous misfortune, he felt irritated and unhappy. He comforted himself. Good people are single-minded, but bad people are versatile.

"My abilities are average, and I rely entirely on the support of my peers."

Lu Bei shrugged. The secondary profession of Advanced Formation Mage was only at the mid-range level. He was able to handle it with ease only because the opponent was too weak.

Of course, it also has something to do with the opponent's restraint and not making a deadly move.

Not seeing Lu Bei's arrogant expression, Zhu Qilan walked quickly towards the depths of the underground palace.

The underground palace under the White Tiger Statue was completely different from the underground palaces Lu Bei had encountered before. It was a huge underground cave, extending in all directions, with underground rivers flowing turbulently.

The builders used magic to change the terrain, separate mountains when encountering rocks, build bridges when encountering water, and created a path for three people to walk parallel while trying their best to ensure the overall layout.

On both sides of the road, there are stalactites connecting up and down, and there are fluorescent water pools that are bottomless and lead to nowhere.

Passing by the sky moat connected by the slender arch bridge, Lu Bei looked down at the underground trench and saw several huge black shadows flashing across the deep dark water.

Due to the sufficient spiritual energy, the creatures here are very likely to open up their spiritual wisdom. I wonder if there are people who have successfully transformed into human beings. If so, whether they have formed their own lineage in this small world and developed another cultivation system.

It's not that he was just guessing, but it was true.

Before traveling back in time, I visited the official forum and found a player who got lucky by chance and found a paradise where "the most narrow-minded people can understand others". The murals in the mountains were engraved with strange spiritual practices. Because he didn’t understand the twisted and weird words, he posted the screenshots to the forum and begged the gods to take him to fly with him.

Laughing to death, there is no great god at all.

A group of white whore monsters built buildings against the water all day long, hoping that the great god would appear. However, until Lu Bei traveled through, no one could translate that strange text.

After walking dozens of steps, the front suddenly became clear.

Smelling the smell of blood in the air, Lu Bei and Zhu Qilan lowered their steps, restrained their breath again and slowly approached.

Within sight, there were more than a dozen beasts like black panthers and black tigers. Their corpses lay all over the place. Several pools of blood were empty, and the corpses had been packed away.

Even if you come, you can’t say anything empty-handed.

Zhu Qilan waved his hand and rolled away a corpse. Lu Bei was much more enlightened than her. He clasped his hands together with a compassionate face, and said that he would follow him back to Sanqing Peak to be reincarnated, and he sucked all the remaining beast corpses into his mouth.


The soft chant of the sword floated in the cave, echoing in all directions. Zhu Qilan tapped his toes and moved his delicate body sideways towards the source of the sound. Lu Bei's eyes lit up, anticipating the scene where his enemies would meet, and he followed him in a flash.

"Huang Ji She Heart Seal!" x2

boom! !

The fist seals intertwined and exploded with a bang. The violent air flow blew away, breaking large stone pillars, rolling up wet gravel and throwing it everywhere.

The two figures retreated to both sides like electricity, their auras locked with each other, and they looked at each other from afar.

"Brother Han, I haven't seen you for three years. Your bragging skills are getting better and better. You practice diligently every day. I admire your perseverance."

"I don't dare. Brother Lin's bravery and stamina, even though he is a brute force, makes me deeply ashamed."

The two Huangji Sect disciples fired shots at each other, saying they were being humble, but in reality they were not polite at all.

Others didn't dare to make a heavy move, but they dared because both of them had the surname Zhu. The predecessors planted trees and the latter could enjoy the shade. Their surnames gave them the capital to be arrogant.

Zhu Shihan clenched his fists with both hands and stepped forward: "Brother Lin, the previous competition was too soft, and I almost fell asleep. Why don't we let it go and spar with all our strength, and the loser will leave on his own, what do you think?"

"Brother Han is willing to give up the opportunity, and I will stop being hypocritical with you."

Zhu Shilin held a sword in one hand and a fist seal in the other. Before he finished speaking, he raised his hand and punched out.

The golden fist seal spread out in the air, and the huge Buddha's palm roared to the size of ten feet, pressing across it with unparalleled power.

In an instant, the air squeezed and exploded, locking the surrounding space with no way to escape.

Realizing the astonishing power contained in the fist seal, Zhu Shihan's pupils shrank and he cursed secretly that he didn't seek to improve himself, that he didn't learn the secrets of the Emperor's Sect but insisted on studying the little Buddhist techniques. He would definitely win today's battle.

There is nowhere to hide and no need to hide.

Zhu Shihan raised his arms and shouted loudly, burning mana to drive the secret method. The roaring sound caused ripples in the golden palm, and the speed of traveling across the air slowed down instantly.

His body fell down, and his long arms reached into the sky, like a battle-hardened steel spear, blasting through the air with a terrifying roar. Amid the sound of violent airflow, it penetrated the giant golden palm with points of rupture.

The remaining power continued, and the big gun pierced down, aiming at Zhu Shilin.

"Good means."

Zhu Shilin smiled coldly, with a flash of success in his eyes. He stepped forward, and his illusory figure suddenly dispersed in all directions. While avoiding the capture of the big gun, eight figures surrounded Zhu Shihan like clones.

When my brothers compete, they will naturally kill and never maim them, and they will never maim them if they can maim them.

Eight sharp swords pierced through, hissing and stirring the wind, manifesting tens of thousands of sword energy. In an instant, a continuous stream of sword energy was woven, and rolled towards Zhu Shihan with a rumble.


It's just a little trick again, you are defeated today.

At the critical moment, Zhu Shihan was not afraid in the face of danger. He clasped his hands in front of his chest, moved his fingers, and pinched the Huangji Sect's finger skills. His body was as hard as steel for an instant, and the surrounding space was as solid as a rock.

The sword energy roared down wildly, making jingling collisions and sparks flying everywhere.

One attack and one defense, one sword and one shield, the two innate-level novices pecked each other. Lu Bei saw this and almost dozed off. He looked intently to the left and right to check on the other onlookers.

On Zhu Shihan's side, stood a man with a gray beard. His middle-aged face did not look like an old man approaching his end.

Zhu Shilin's side is more powerful, a man and a woman, both have slender figures, unique looks, and graceful looks. In terms of appearance, they are the kind that seriously raise the Wu Zhou average line.

The two of them cuddled up together, truly fulfilling the saying that a man, a talented woman, and a beautiful woman are a match made in heaven.

"What a good couple."

Lu Bei sighed in admiration, ignoring the dog man, and focused his eyes on the woman. She had soft facial features and red lips, and her charm was restrained, cold and lustful. At first glance, she was a warm-hearted and good woman who knew how to care for others.

"Dogs and men."

Zhu Qilan murmured, and the look of disdain in his eyes flashed away.


Lu Bei immediately perked up, knowing that the woman was Zhu Qilan's enemy. He pointed at the handsome young man and said, "Cousin, is that the man you don't want? You have such high standards, be careful that you won't get married in the future."

Zhu Qilan's heart trembled, and he glared at Lu Bei with wide eyes, and his chest heaved violently.

"Don't be angry, I'll give you a pat."

Lu Bei raised his hand to help her calm down. Forced by the majestic aura of the eldest princess, he made two gestures with his pure little hand in the air. He took it back and put it on his chest to rub it.

"I'm warning you one last time, don't do silly things with Bai Yu's face..."

Seeing that Qingmei Qingmei's image was humiliated, Zhu Qilan was so angry that he almost went crazy on the spot. He grabbed Lu Bei by the lapel of his clothes, pointed at the dog man and woman and said: "The woman is my enemy, and the man is not the one who has been engaged to me, so to speak. ,Do you understand it?"

Damn it, let’s just plant trees!

Lu Bei looked at the dog man and woman with bright eyes. The Emperor Ji Sect issued a secret letter, allocating opportunities to his disciples, limiting their cultivation to the God Transformation Realm, and allowing each one to bring one or two innates to the God Transformation Realm.

Another requirement is that the Soul Transformation Realm must protect the safety of the Xiantian Realm, and do not lose your life for no reason in the secret realm.

Zhu Qilan originally planned to take Butler Yu with him, but now he is replaced by him. Lu Bei knows the rules, and looking at the dog man and woman, he can't help but be curious about their relationship.

Is it a strong alliance, both of them are in the realm of god transformation, or is there only one person who can become a god, and the other is innate?

If the latter possibility is the case, who is the innate and who is the transformed spirit?

Because he had restrained his aura, Lu Bei could not sense the cultivation level of the two of them, so he couldn't help but guess.

Mingren didn't say any secrets. He hoped that the rich woman was unwilling to be lonely and supported a pretty boy outside. Of course, he didn't mind if it was a pretty boy who was a soft-boiled man.

As long as there is fun to watch, he doesn't care.

"I'm bored, I'm leaving."

Zhu Qilan snorted coldly, turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly her shoulders felt heavy. She slowly turned her head to look at Lu Bei and said coldly: "Let go, let go."

Hey, you have such a bad temper, I have such a bad temper.

What's wrong with the pat on the shoulder? I've hit your chest several times!

Lu Bei ignored it and tightened his grip on Zhu Qilan's shoulders.

"let go!!"

"Not loose!"

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