This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 179 Almost implicated myself in it

After being reminded by Zhu Qilan, Lu Bei realized that his opponent's surname was Zhu, and he hurriedly swallowed his loyal and patriotic remarks such as 'If the whole family is executed, the nine tribes will be implicated'.

It was so dangerous, I almost got myself involved.

"If you want to copy my whole family, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Zhu Bangbai sneered three times and determined that 'Guan Yu' was Zhu Qilan in disguise, so he did not become suspicious of 'her' nonsense.

The royal family dreamed of cutting off the heads of several great elders. Rather than speaking out loud, it was better to say that they spoke from the bottom of their hearts. They spoke out in desperation.

Looking at the two masters and servants who had exchanged identities, Zhu Bangbai narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a plan in mind, he secretly sent a message to Zhu Shilin and Xiahou Changzhi, explaining the actual situation and asking them to find an opportunity to capture the maid of the princess who had grown up in disguise. .

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

Zhu Bangbo had been hostile to Zhu Qilan for decades. Not only did he know him well, but he also analyzed many of his weaknesses.

First, Zhu Qilan didn't have many friends. He regarded Butler Yu as a sister and wanted to capture her to facilitate negotiations later.

Secondly, Zhu Qilan is cold on the outside and brittle on the inside, far less tough than he looks on the outside.

For example, although she rejected the engagement readily, she still felt guilty and never let go because she ignored the interests of the royal family and fulfilled the Emperor's sect instead.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Qilan rarely participates in clan gatherings. In recent years, he has not had much contact with the capital.

In the above two analyses, it is a bit excessive to say that Zhu Bangbai has good observation skills, but they praise her as having normal eyesight and there is nothing wrong with her at all.

Zhu Qilan has been living day and night for many years. He is either practicing or killing people. He is almost a creature of the night. His social circle mainly relies on ghosts. Everyone can see this.

But the real reason why the eldest princess dislikes socializing and refuses family gatherings. Her speculation cannot be said to be irrelevant, but it is also the case that Uncle Wang singled out Mr. Yu, which is more than a little off.

Let's put it this way, Zhu Bangbai succeeded in setting the pace time and time again, causing Zhu Qilan to be besieged by seven aunts and eight aunts, which tragically sowed the seeds of inner demons. It was just a case of a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

To this day, she still doesn't know that she has accomplished great things. She thinks that she only suffered losses and never took advantage.

Let's talk about the two rookie teammates. When they heard Zhu Bangbai's voice transmission instructions, they wailed in their hearts and looked uglier than the other.

Fortunately, Zhu Shilin was related to Zhu Bangbai by blood, and the elder above Zhu Bangbai was also covering his head, so he was not afraid of offending the eldest princess of the current royal family.

But he is not afraid of returning. He is a junior, only in the Xiantian realm, and does not want to get involved in the fight between two old women in the Transformation realm.

Xiahou Changzhi was even worse. There were people above Zhu Shilin, but he didn't. If he was really beaten to death or crippled, his biological father and eldest brother would at most shout loudly to make trouble and gain some resources for the family.

Revenge is impossible, everything is for the family, he can even think of the lines between the two.

That's my biological son/brother. He has outstanding qualifications and is honest in his duties. He can't just be disabled like this. He needs to pay more!

The two of them communicated separately, expressing in a subtle and euphemistic way that they were not strong enough to bear the heavy responsibility. They were scolded by Zhu Bangbai, and the housekeeper was only innate. The two of them joined forces to fight steadily, and nothing was impossible.

When the two of them saw this, they knew that the matter could not be resolved, so they had no choice but to agree.

Zhu Bangbai then gave up and ordered the plan to be carried out. She personally dealt with Zhu Qilan who was pretending to be a maid. The two of them were clever and found the right opportunity to take down the fake princess next to them.

The charges were all figured out, Butler Yu pretended to be a member of the royal family and deceived, and was sentenced to death and cut to pieces.

Butler Yu: "..."

Just do it. Zhu Bangbai suffered a big loss before and was eager to regain his face. He held a short sword in his hand and walked slowly towards Lu Bei.

The magic power activates the secret method of the Emperor's Sect. With every step, a large amount of spiritual energy pours into his own acupoints. The magic power in his body surges rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he crosses the limit of the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation.

Awesome, as expected of someone above.

Lu Bei raised his brows, feeling that Zhu Bangbai was like a bottomless abyss, with the power of heaven and earth pouring into his body at every moment, which was exactly the same as the ability of the Void Refining Realm to mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

"Chang Ming, you have avoided seeing me all these years. There is something that my aunt has in your heart, and I have never found a chance to tell you."

Zhu Bangbai smiled slightly, wiping the black hair around his ears, and before Lu Bei could speak, he said bluntly: "Your fiancé is very good in bed, and he makes me very comfortable."


Lu Bei took a breath and his eyes shone as if he had found a treasure. He hurriedly suppressed his joy and replaced it with a look of incomprehensible sadness: "Don't even think about lying to me. It's impossible. Why did he serve you? Tell me clearly."

On the left, Zhu Shilin and Xia Hou Changzhi, who were slowly surrounding them, paused for a moment, stopped at the same time, listened carefully, and said hello in secret.

Nothing else, just out of curiosity.

On the other side, the real Princess Changming, Zhu Qilan, rolled her eyes and hoped that when the dog bites the dog, she would not be involved.

What is her fiancé and what does it have to do with her?


Not only was he not angry when he saw his mortal enemy, he was even a little excited. Zhu Bangbai fell into silence.

She never expected that Zhu Qilan was even more shameless than she was. She cursed a bitch in her mind, and her body with the sword split into thirty-six lines, surrounding each other, creating a continuous afterimage.

Qiang Qiang————

The sword moves were like a violent storm, and countless sword auras surged, like a surging ocean tide, covering Lu Bei from all directions. The next second, the waves piled up one after another, roaring and sonic booming, and the tsunami roared down.

"The light of the sword is not pure, so the sword is of some value."

The moment the roaring wave of swords rushed towards him, Lu Bei stood up with his fingers pointed, his fingertips lit up with thin strands of cold light, and he slowly pushed forward.

The sword energy touched the fingertips, and it squeaked and groaned bitterly. It was unable to damage the sword body, but instead broke itself into pieces.

Transforming his fist into a fist, Lu Bei drew back his hands and stretched out his arms. The scorching white beam of light broke through his face and bombarded the path ahead, completely wiping out his sword energy.

As the huge sound wave erupted instantly, ripples rose, and the ground shook for a moment, like an earthquake. The surrounding ground exploded and cracked, and terrifying cracks spread rapidly.

After tearing apart the sword net laid out by Zhu Bangbo, Lu Bei saw no one on either side. He closed his eyes and felt it slightly, stepped back three steps, closed his fist in his stomach, and suddenly punched forward.

boom! !

The punch pierced the air, and the tiger roared and the dragon roared with terrifying force.

At this moment, Zhu Bangbai appeared from the void, his delicate body holding the sword suddenly stagnated, and his eyes suddenly shrank to look at the growing fist in front of him, with shock written all over his pretty face.

With a loud noise, Zhu Bangbai received the punch steadily with his front armor, repeating the previous disastrous defeat. He was flown into the air like a kite. After landing, he coughed up blood and hurriedly took out a bottle of 'Bu Tian Marrow' and poured it into his mouth.

I fell lonely.

Lu Bei stepped forward, teleported to Zhu Bangbai, took away the healing medicine, and swallowed it with a gulp.

After doing all this, he returned to his original position in front of Zhu Bangbai, with a look of nothing happening, and his standing posture was exactly the same as before.

The high-speed movement could not be captured by the naked eye, and the senses could not keep up. Zhu Bangbai was greatly frightened, waved his hand to summon the magic sword, and stood in the air in front of him.

A physical sword energy splits and is surrounded by hundreds or thousands. Three layers of talismans are superimposed. The defensive turtle shell cannot be splashed with water on all sides, and the earth escape technique is blocked by seals. It is said to be impregnable.

As we all know, impregnable is a derogatory term, but no defense with this name can end well.

It's not useless at all. Triggering the reverse BUFF can speed up the enemy's movement.

Lu Bei used the 'Escape' skill and jumped into the defense line with a flash. As soon as Zhu Bangbai took out the healing medicine, he reached out to catch it, nodded politely, and left, leaving the carbon dioxide as a return gift.

After missing twice in a row without being hit, Zhu Bangbai realized something at this moment even though he no longer had any fighting skills.

Her sworn enemy didn't take her seriously at all and came to buy goods from her.

"It's too much!"

Zhu Bangbai's eyes were red, his breathing was rapid, and the waves were surging. A black light shot out from the center of his eyebrows, escaped into the void and chased after Lu Bei.

boom! !

The twisted air had no rules, and Lu Bei flew out upside down, knocking down more than a dozen stalactite pillars.

Immediately afterwards, the black jade pendant came out of the void, was strong in the wind, and turned into a huge black rock the size of acres, freezing the space, blocking all escape routes, and pressed towards Lu Bei with a rumble.


The black magic weapon locked the space. Lu Bei's air escape skills failed, and he could not use the ground escape. The stalactite forest within a few dozen feet collapsed one after another and was smashed to pieces. He raised his hands, unable to lift the cauldron, and was knocked into the ground together.

Zhu Qilan frowned at this, knowing that someone was physically strong and had extremely strong vitality. It wouldn't be a big problem if he got hit twice more. He smiled secretly in his heart, as he saw a dog bite a dog.

For a moment, my hands were itchy, and I wanted to join the battle and have a discussion with Lu Bei or Zhu Bangbai.

At this time, Zhu Shilin and Xia Hou Changzhi acted according to the plan, accurately grasped the opportunity, and pounced on Zhu Qilan one from the left and one from the right.

After Zhu Bangbai's careful and reasonable analysis, both of them knew that the eldest princess in front of them was a fake, pretending to be a congenital realm maid named Yi Rong.

Two against one, stable!

Dozing off on the pillow, the two Xiantian realms were a little weak, but they could barely relieve the itching of their hands. Zhu Qilan raised the corners of his mouth, raised his fingers, and waved away the bone-chilling wind.


Without that, the battle was over before it even started.

The two of them were trembling and half-kneeling on the ground. They tried their best to run the exercises, but they couldn't get rid of the cold air in their bodies. They only felt that their flesh, flesh and veins were gradually freezing, and their bodies were indescribably hot.

After trying to keep themselves warm, Zhu Shilin and Xia Hou Changzhi snuggled together and fainted at the same time.

Because the two of them were kneeling at the speed of light, Zhu Bangbai, who had average fighting skills, didn't notice it at all. He took a bottle of healing medicine, removed the defense line that was useful but not useless at all, burned mana regardless of the consequences, and drove the magic weapon to blast at his mortal enemy. Indiscriminate bombing.

The black jade pendant is made of unknown materials and who made it. It not only blocks the space, but also has the miraculous effect of interrupting the casting of spells.

Lu Bei was hit by several bricks and had his skills interrupted several times. He could only lie down in a 'wood' shape and let the old aunt whip him.

The only advantage is that the sword body has gained experience again.

And the increase is quite impressive.

With the upper hand firmly in hand, Zhu Bangbai had a clear idea and felt that he could look forward to practicing the exercises. He covered his mouth and smiled three times: "Bitch, you haven't shown your true form yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the size of the big bricks skyrocketed, their weight soared, and they crashed down through the space with a rumble.

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