Yu Tao, who took 10 million, knew whether the 50 million in cash was real or not, and Zhu Qiyou, who took 100 million, knew even better.

It was mentioned in one sentence, and neither of them mentioned it much.

Soon, Zhu Qiyou's eyes were attracted by the secret letter. He saw the large amount of evidence of the rebellion in the Dongwang Mansion, and then looked at the jade seal and imperial robe in the package. Murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

But when a picture album passed through his hands, the murderous intention could no longer be suppressed.

"Dong Wang, very good!"

Zhu Qiyou said calmly: "Yu Aiqing, the Xuanyin Division of Ningzhou has done a good job, and my secret instructions are not in vain. You will be rewarded for your merits in dispatching."

"The guilty minister dare not take credit, but in fact, your Majesty's command is very good." Hearing the coldness in Zhu Qiyou's words, Yu Tao immediately held his breath.

"Yu Aiqing, in your opinion, the Eastern King has committed a heinous crime. How should he be killed?"

"I don't dare."

Yu Tao bowed his head and kowtowed, not daring to interrupt on this topic, let alone to point fingers.

"But it doesn't matter, Dong Wang Sin Chen, I'm just considering your understanding of Wuzhou Law."

"In this case, I forgive you for being bold. According to law, your family should be confiscated and exterminated. However, as the King of the East is the founding hero of the country, he has made great military exploits for Wu Zhou. With such great achievements, it is a bit inappropriate for future generations to have their bloodline passed down."

Yu Tao said, seeing that Zhu Qiyou was silent, knowing that the nonsense did not reach the emperor's heart, he secretly thought that it was difficult to make money, and continued: "Moreover, King Dong is famous for being a money-splitting boy. … Lots of friends.”

"That's right. If I want to kill him, others will only think that I want to cut down the vassal. A group of royal family members and nobles will be the first to stand up and disagree."

Zhu Qiyou narrowed his eyes slightly: "Yu Aiqing, is there a way to solve this situation?"

"Ah this..."

Yu Tao said, "Your Majesty, I have a humble minister, a warrior, and a rough man. He knows a little about the affairs of the court, but not too much, just a little bit."

"Oh, you are a good person, but you don't do things well even after receiving money." Zhu Qiyou glanced at Yu Tao and made the latter grab the ground with his head, crying out that he was wronged.

"Okay, don't pretend to be pretentious. I have two errands for you. Act quickly and don't delay."

Zhu Qiyou narrowed his eyes slightly: "First of all, according to my oral instructions, the Xuanyin Division thoroughly investigated the Dongwang Mansion. The people of Ningzhou were filled with resentment. The Dongwang continued to live in the fiefdom, and it was difficult to appease the people's resentment. Let his family come to the capital to stay for a while."

"As for the remaining criminals in Dongwang County... they will all be dealt with in accordance with the law. If necessary, they can be killed first and then reported."

"I accept the decree."

"Second, revise this secret letter, hand-copy it into three copies, and throw them into the homes of Wang Bai, Ren Shuli, and Han Xu respectively. Make sure that no one is aware of it," Zhu Qiyou ordered.

The three civil servants have different official positions, but they all hold an important position - to advise the officials.

The admonishment officer is the admonishment minister, specializing in discussions. There are twenty people in the court who hold this position. They do nothing every day and catch the emperor's shortcomings. They are known as "the ministers are also thinking about your majesty."

Abbreviation: troll.

Since ancient times, remonstrating ministers have not been favored by the emperor. Every time he was scolded, the emperor smiled on the outside, but in his heart, he wished that his ashes would be thrown away.

In the eyes of the emperor, the remonstrators were just a group of young men who slapped him in the face to gain a reputation of not being afraid of power.

The king is powerful and his ministers are demoted, and he is treasonous and unethical. He deserves to be killed!

But no, every remonstrator is quite famous and a model civil servant, so they cannot be killed easily.

The fundamental reason why this extremely annoying job to the emperor has survived to this day and has not been banned in every dynasty is that the admonishers not only targeted the emperor, but also criticized everyone.

I like to troll the emperor because the emperor has a lot of traffic. The effect of trolling him once is better than trolling others ten times. If he is beaten again, it can be said that there is smoke rising from the ancestral grave, and he will be promoted to an eternal celebrity on the spot. The black and white writings in history are proof, and he is really a model of a scholar with strong bones.

Remonstrating ministers are like a double-edged sword. If they are struck, the emperor will be itchy with hatred. If he cuts someone else, the emperor will say that it smells so good.

Three admonishers, Wang, Ren, and Han, took turns sitting at the top of the martial arts circle. If they didn't spray for a day, they would feel uncomfortable all over. The three of them started spraying at the same time. The scene was scary to think about.

Yu Tao broke into a cold sweat when he heard this, and hurriedly replied: "My lord, let's go and do it now. I expect that your Majesty will see the details of the three adults tomorrow."

"By the way, the rebellion is of great importance. There must be accomplices in the court. The Xuanyin Division guards escorting Dong Wang's family must be close followers among close followers. Those two purple guards in Ningzhou..."

Speaking of Ningzhou Ziwei, Zhu Qiyou's mind flashed with a pretending to be innocent smile, and his whole face sank, as if he had eaten something disgusting: "The dog is rough at work and doesn't understand any rules. My dear, you will arrange the matter yourself, so be careful. If someone succeeds in robbing a prisoner along the way, I will definitely take you for granted."


Yu Tao's throat seemed to be stuck and he couldn't utter a single word. He raised his head and saw a royal look on the back of his head, so he had to respond bitterly.

Without him, King Dong would have been dead on his way to Beijing. The emperor said that no one else could bear the blame, so he asked him to take the blame.

Regarding the death of King Dong, it is easy to say who is behind the scenes.

Tomorrow, three trolls will go to court. Emperor Long Yan is furious, saying that the rebellion will be investigated thoroughly and no one will be spared. The royal family and nobles will not comply, and the clan will step in. The two sides will fight endlessly.

Then the Xuanyin Division started working quickly, and good news came out from time to time in the execution room, and someone was confessed to be involved in rebellion.

Five days later, the former friend who had received Dong Wang's money couldn't sit still. Dong Wang was tired from traveling and traveling, and could not survive the cold weather on the way to Beijing, so he died and was covered with a white cloth.

At this point, no one knows the list of friends in Dongwangfu. Hello, me, everyone.

It can be said that the imperial power has taken a step back, or it can be said that it is a conspiracy of the imperial power. Regardless of whether it is willing or not, it has to be led by the nose.

Afterwards, Yu Tao could not guess whether Zhu Qiyou took the opportunity to cut down the feudal vassal or whether the dead man would be more important.

He only knows that starting from tomorrow, there will be a big drama in the court, with both humans and ghosts performing, for fame and fortune, and only the world where King Dong is injured is about to come true.

"Also, my dear, I urge you to go over to Ningzhou and search the house quickly, otherwise things will change if you wait too long. By the way, check it again carefully. The national treasury is a big deal. Don't make any omissions."

Yu Tao accepted the order, but before he could stand up, he heard Zhu Qiyou order again: "Forget it, you go directly and count all the people. Be sure to check carefully."

Yu Tao accepted the order gladly and immediately understood the profound meaning. His Majesty thought it was too slow to enter the account, and 100 million was too small, so he wanted to take the opportunity to make some money.

It's good. He also feels that 10 million is too little. He has to bear the main responsibility for Dong Wang's death...

Need more money!

After Yu Tao left, Zhu Qiyou's face darkened: "The King of the East deserves to die. If it weren't for the ancestor's meritorious service in Jiangshan State and the bloodline could not be cut off, I would really like to punish him for the crime of genocide. It is really cheap to die with the honor of our ancestors." Got him."

The old eunuch lowered his head and slumped his shoulders. As he got older, he began to wander around in the world again.

"Forget it, the family is sent to the capital for retirement, and the fiefdom is handed over to the imperial court for management. This can be regarded as saving some face for the ancestors."

Zhu Qiyou pondered for a moment, and soon thought of a suitable candidate for the county guard.

Zhu Shiqian.

The former county magistrate of Ningzhou, Dongyang County, and Langwu County suffered unjust injustice due to the rebellion caused by the Shelong Cult. After his reputation was cleared, he was transferred to the capital and continued to serve as a county official.

People with the surname Zhu can be seen everywhere in the ten counties of the capital. It is difficult to be a county magistrate here, and it is even more frustrating than being a grandson.

Zhu Qiyou is very optimistic about his nephew, and his transfer back to Ningzhou can be regarded as a return visit to his hometown, that is...

"Who was the Qingwei who solved the Snake Dragon Cult case?"

Zhu Qiyou frowned. After a moment, Long Yan was displeased, with disgust written on his face: "It's this bitch again, it's so annoying. Why is he everywhere?"

"Your Majesty, it's time to approve the discount."

Seeing Zhu Qiyou dilly-dallying, the old eunuch who had been silent until now spoke up.

"I am thinking about national affairs and am quite worried. I will not read these details tomorrow."

"Your Majesty, this is yesterday's secret. Today's has not been presented yet!"

The old eunuch smiled slightly. He had experience in serving the emperor. He could tell Zhu Qiyou clearly that it would be useless to wait until next year. It belongs to the emperor or the emperor, and no one else can help.



Ningzhou, Dongwang County.

The house confiscation was still going on, and the two purple guards were busy without touching the ground. One was coordinating the overall situation, and the other was constantly creating tasks, sending them to himself and then subcontracting them to players.

Holding the platform in his hand, Lu Bei said it was a pleasure. Drinking tea and stamping in the office every day, he gained millions of experiences. It was countless times more enjoyable than doing tasks and exploring secret realms on his own.

There is one bad thing, there are too many leeks who join the Xuanyin Division, and the Huangji Sect becomes a yellow-faced woman, and no one wants to join.

The Xuanyin Division inspects Dongwang County. The task orders are as endless as snowflakes and there is no end in sight. Moreover, because the locations are concentrated in one county, it is very convenient to travel. The players are very enthusiastic about the Xuanyin Division and will not even look at Huang Ji Zong.

This is not good. According to Lu Bei, the number of players joining the Xuanyin Division and the Huangji Sect should be half and half. The two sides have enough manpower. They can open up the opposing camp without having to coordinate left and right, stimulating the efficiency of the players to complete the task.

Due to the national conditions of Wuzhou, the powers of the Xuanyin Division and the Huangji Sect partially overlap. Players from both sides are very likely to receive a mission at the same time. They don't want to waste their time and be robbed of experience by the other side. There is only one word to explain it.


As time went by, the efficiency went up.

Lu's fortunes have been changing recently, with not much bad news and good news coming one after another.

After a night of house confiscation, especially the success of the show-off strategy, the name of Principal Gao from Jiuzhushan Novice Village spread like wildfire, and his dedicated post appeared on the official forum.

If you click on it, you will see a handsome pretty face. From the first floor analysis, this person is a main plot character of Wu Zhou and is suspected to be one of the children of destiny.

As time goes by, the depreciation of inflation has led to changes in the market supply relationship. The value of the reincarnated immortal has continued to decline, losing its former appeal. Players who have created new accounts cannot receive status bonuses, and have returned to the situation where they had no choice but to worship the mountain in the early days of the public beta. Dilemma.

On the one hand, one is so poor that one can eat a king's meal and stay in the hotel washing dishes, and cannot even beat a waiter; on the other hand, there is a professional college, tutored by famous teachers, and fresh graduates are assigned jobs. After leaving school, they will receive a dog skin and guard the iron from then on. Eat the royal grain for your rice bowl.

Is this still a choice?

You can also tell with your feet that the account was not established near Jiuzhushan, so there is no point in practicing the account at all. I deleted it and started again!

For a time, the era of the Great Leek Garden began to take shape.

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